BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

Other BattleTech Games => MechWarrior and BattleTech Computer | Console Games => MegaMek Games => Topic started by: Simon Landmine on 08 June 2020, 07:21:39

Title: "Canal City" #2 (It's a completely different city)
Post by: Simon Landmine on 08 June 2020, 07:21:39
After I put up Canal City #1 ( in response to the requests poll (, there were understandable comments that it wasn't really big enough to be a city. And Marshall City ( was fun, but only had the one river.

So, in light of that feedback, I present ... [fanfare] ... Canal City #2. A 64x68 map depicting a fair-sized city, divided by a large river running down the middle, and featuring a large number of canals dividing up the urban landscape. Most of the bridges are CF120, to enable easy traffic movement over the canals - but be warned that there are some that are weaker. I know that I'm never going to win any awards for urban planning. The river is large enough for wet navy vessels of up to 6,000 tons, but is too narrow for larger vessels to maneuver safely. Extremely careful helmsmen may be able to get those same naval vessels down the canals, but that is certainly not recommended for vessels of over 500 tons, and even those are not permitted by city ordinances except in very special circumstances. The canals are mostly around six metres deep, while river is around twelve meters at its deepest.

Notable features for the heavily-armoured tourist include:

64x68 CanalCity2.board
Click to enlarge

Building sizes should comply with the construction limits in TacOps.

As usual, let me know if you spot any glitches - and, if you fight in it, please let me know how it goes - I'd like to know whether anyone actually uses my maps for scenarios or pick-up battles.
Title: Re: "Canal City" #2
Post by: servo01 on 08 June 2020, 10:00:48
Oooh... the military/warehouse/commercial/residential and industrial zones open up a lot of different scenario options. Most impressive - you may have outdone yourself with this one!

Looks great as s but I think I'll go shell it for a bit using a pair of artillery batteries, you know, just for flavor. (Depending on the campaign world and location, having a roughed-up version with a few fires, some craters and a dash of rubble might better fit the mood.)
Title: Re: "Canal City" #2
Post by: Sharpnel on 08 June 2020, 10:03:24
This is a very seet looking map. Color me impressed.
Title: Re: "Canal City" #2
Post by: Wrangler on 08 June 2020, 11:37:44
Incredibly nice. Looks like it would be a challenge if someone had to march on Army through it. >:D
Title: Re: "Canal City" #2
Post by: Simon Landmine on 08 June 2020, 11:39:13
Oooh... the military/warehouse/commercial/residential and industrial zones open up a lot of different scenario options. Most impressive - you may have outdone yourself with this one!

Cheers! And yes, I thought it might as well offer some variety in the one map - I don't plan to do another 64x68 city in the immediate future, after how long it took to put this one together.

Looks great as is but I think I'll go shell it for a bit using a pair of artillery batteries, you know, just for flavor. (Depending on the campaign world and location, having a roughed-up version with a few fires, some craters and a dash of rubble might better fit the mood.)

Feel free to add the 'roughed-up' version to the thread - you're probably not the only person to want a dented version!
Title: Re: "Canal City" #2
Post by: Simon Landmine on 08 June 2020, 11:43:22
This is a very seet looking map. Color me impressed.


Incredibly nice. Looks like it would be a challenge if someone had to march on Army through it. >:D

Well, I know that people like the occasional challenge. :-)
Title: Re: "Canal City" #2 (It's a completely different city)
Post by: Daryk on 08 June 2020, 17:14:07
A true work of art!  :'(

I'm not crying... YOU'RE crying!  8)

Seriously, that's BEAUTIFUL!  :smitten:
Title: Re: "Canal City" #2 (It's a completely different city)
Post by: Simon Landmine on 08 June 2020, 17:32:15

"Now, get out there, and enjoy blowing it up!"