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Other BattleTech Games => MechWarrior: Age of Destruction => Topic started by: Colt Ward on 21 September 2021, 12:25:06

Title: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: Colt Ward on 21 September 2021, 12:25:06
One of the MWDA mechs that sits on my desk as a show figure is the MWDA's Stormhammer Rifleman 8D . . . one of first mechs I really liked that I pulled, the color scheme just looks great.  I have a few BT minis that I am going to try to paint up as specific people- Trenton Marik w/ a new KS Rifleman, a Hellbringer M as saKhan Marco Hall, already have a Natasha Kerensky in her Widowmaker, and I figured I would try my hand at doing the Stormhammer scheme, even if the logo does not appeal as much, b/c I just like the colors.

But it will not be Jasek in his Templar III (though I just saw AoD gives him a med mech?  we never saw him in that?), and AoD has a Stormhammers assault mechwarrior with a Hauptman and Hellstar, though it also has the Ursa, Thunderfox, and Blade.  The one Clan warrior- a 'Wolf'- pilots a Clan Omni, a Kit Fox . . .

AFAIK, Alexia Wolf's mech never gets spelled out.  Alexia Wolf was charismatic enough that when the freeborn left Arc Royal she brought another Wolf freeborn (and his mech?) and a disabled Kell Hound mechwarrior who turned tanker if no one else in the fiction.  But with what was available to the Republic in that Prefecture, from Hastati/Principes/Triarii/Standing Guard, what would the Tharkan Striker's CO & Jasek's SO run?
Title: Re: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: five_corparty on 21 September 2021, 20:44:48
man, I don't even REMEMBER her- did she die?

-smh- I have no idea on her ride, tho, but it'd be a fun easter egg to discover down the road!
Title: Re: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: Colt Ward on 21 September 2021, 21:28:55
Not that we know- Tamara Duke who piloted a Wolfhound and thought she was special did die on Skye I think.  But Alexia was there with him till the end of the MWDA boosk he appeared in.  No mention of her in Bonfire- but to be fair nothing beyond the unit name was mentioned- or in the novella of his death.

She was a freebirth, so the whole thing would not have repulsed her . . . I figure if there is a future Kelswa-Steiner, she is the source.

As a regimental commander, she can have her pick of rides- and there are some fun ones in MWDA, but the question is what?  Warhammer IIC 4, one of the flagship mechs of the game?  A Mad Cat MK II E, something appropriate for a commander?  Go to the Stormhammers (supposed) Republic roots and give her a Lament- it would look awesome in that blue & gray scheme.  Or old school Wolf- a Gargoyle to keep her in a Omni like the other Warden Wolf she brought over.
Title: Re: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: IAMCLANWOLF on 04 October 2021, 18:04:01
Funny, I was just researching this earlier today and noticed your post. I would love to know the answer as well. Seems like Blood of the Isle might have the answer? 
Title: Re: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: Colt Ward on 29 January 2022, 11:26:23
WELL . . . latest epub release answered my own questions.  Alexia Wolf pilots a apparently customized Uziel 2S, has the PPCs but from a talk with a tech it seems it might have some other work.  The tech talked about a targeting computer interface taking a few seconds longer to lock than it should, though no indication if that was a actual TC or the normal T&T system.

She apparently joined the Steel Wolves after Skye, though I have not finished re-reading the book yet so we will see if she heads back.
Title: Re: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: mikecj on 29 January 2022, 11:34:59
I can't wait to see how the 'Mech turns out!
Title: Re: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: JadeHellbringer on 12 February 2022, 12:30:18
Memory keeps screaming at me that she drove a Jupiter, but it's entirely possible that 1) I'm thinking of a different Wolf warrior, and 2) I have a history of head trauma that causes me to think stupid things on a regular basis.
Title: Re: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: Colt Ward on 12 February 2022, 12:55:58
Nah, listed as the Uziel 2S . . . which is just so strange considering what folks who followed her from the Warden Wolves used.  She went toe to toe with Thad Marik in his Warhammer IIC 4, so I want to say she does not have a stock Uziel.

The only female I know of that drove a Jupiter was the pixie from Oriente, and appeared for a few chapters in Surrender Your Dreams.  Only other Jupiter as a ride I recall was One-Eyed.
Title: Re: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: Fat Guy on 21 February 2022, 10:24:34
Verena piloted (and died in) a Jupiter.
Title: Re: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: Colt Ward on 21 February 2022, 10:27:11
Was it?  I keep thinking of her in Alaric's old Timber Wolf- which is what he captured her in as he retook his place in the Crusader Wolf touman.  Trying to remember what she was running before that as a merc company commander . . . Centurion?  Pretty sure she did not leave the Steel Wolves with a mech either.
Title: Re: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: Savage Coyote on 19 April 2022, 10:36:28
I'm reading Blood of the Isle right now and so far she piloted an Uziel with PPC's while she went to Glengarry with McKinnon (K3 Atlas) and then is using a Catapult during Skye, Round II.  We'll see if she's in anything else before the book ends...
Title: Re: Alexia Wolf- what ride?
Post by: Colt Ward on 19 April 2022, 10:58:21
When she went on to the Wolf Hunters she was back in the Uziel- squared off with Thad Marik in his Warhammer IIC 4, giving about as good as she got considering the disparity.

Reminds me I do not have Blood of the Isle, have to snag that as ebook.