BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

BattleTech Miniatures and Terrain => Gaming Terrain => Topic started by: Kibutsu on 26 October 2022, 17:51:20

Title: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: Kibutsu on 26 October 2022, 17:51:20
I printed off a bunch of buildings and then, looking around, realized I had way too much stuff to paint! I still have more but this is a start.

These along with the tea shop were free from Thingiverse.

Hazen Gas was from Hardware Studios in the same set as the Burger 1st Lord. I had some mold separation on this one because I didn't add enough supports, but it was all under the canopy so it's still perfectly usable.

The rest are from the "Asian City" sets by Lazy Forger on These have so many tiny details I felt it would be criminal not to paint it all. The more I looked the more detail I found. They looked so good I had to dress them up with signage and graffiti. The graffiti comes from a set of decals I found for Z scale model railroads. The signs come from the internet. I have no idea what most of them say, but they look cool.

This big apartment building didn't print correctly on the back, so I painted a mural on it rather than waste such a big casting. The rest of the building came out perfectly.

Some rooftop details. Amazing stuff on these. The stairs go all the way down to ground level, and each floor has a hallway off the stairs with a door at the end.

I wanted these to look pretty grubby and run down. I washed them with "Starship Filth" oilbrusher and left it grimy and streaky. I plan to do some little street templates for them once I get the rest painted.
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: Daryk on 26 October 2022, 18:51:47
That is GORGEOUS work!  Just WOW!  :o
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: Known Glitch on 26 October 2022, 18:56:22
Great job and thanks for the inspiration.  I have some Outland Models terrain I bought a few years ago that I'd like to paint in a similar manner.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: IAMCLANWOLF on 04 November 2022, 10:02:24
These are phenomenal! Great job. Great share.

Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: SeeM on 05 November 2022, 10:51:24
They look fantastic. May be printed, but I really like scratch building parts from various electronics.
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: worktroll on 05 November 2022, 14:44:10
Again, magnificent work! Look forward to seeing them on the table. Really great stuff, and your attention to detail is  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: boilerman on 06 November 2022, 17:21:41
Excellent work!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: I am Belch II on 13 November 2022, 14:03:29
Very nice job.
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: Wrangler on 14 November 2022, 07:22:13
I love the details.  It's just amazing, really. 
I take smaller details are labels or stickers some kind, like Homer Simpson Japanese soup advertising sign.
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: DOC_Agren on 06 December 2022, 23:32:41
some people get to play on great tables
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: IAMCLANWOLF on 25 January 2023, 15:54:35
These have so much character that I could no longer resist. Now I want more! Everyone at my last game was asking about them. Thank you again for the share!!
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: Daryk on 25 January 2023, 19:27:49
Character is an understatement... these buildings are a reminder that 3D printing is ALSO an art!  8)
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: House Davie Merc on 26 January 2023, 17:47:34
Awesome buildings !

I've REALLY been thinking about getting the asian city sets ,but I don't want those
little shacks .
My cities are go big or go home in the middle with a small amount of
lesser buildings at the edges . I just want the BIG asian buildings to make
a China town in the big part of town . You know-so I
can have things hanging and signs everywhere on taller buildings .
I'm still considering it though .

I have some new buildings and a surprise find that I'm working on .
When I get them done I need to find a new site to host my pics and make
a few terrain threads .
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: Daemion on 14 March 2023, 22:42:17
Really well done.  Like I said in your other thread, these are almost miniatures in their own right.  It'd be something I'd set up for display more than play. 

And, the way you show them together is a reminder of how crowded some cities can get with buildings.
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: Dtkong on 24 May 2023, 10:48:03
I am planning to paint those Asian City Set soon, wondering how you did the Japanese signage. Are those decals or just paper?  Thanks.

I am doing a large City senario, many buildings and units to paint still.

Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: Daryk on 24 May 2023, 18:10:16
Welcome to the forum!  And good on you for tackling such an ambitious project!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: Dtkong on 24 May 2023, 19:30:06
Thanks for the welcome!  Here are some images of my a Battletech city scenario. Still got a lot of stuff to paint though.
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: Daryk on 24 May 2023, 19:43:57
Paint or no paint, that's AMAZING work so far!  :o

I look forward to more!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: RazorclawXLS on 25 May 2023, 13:03:15
That last picture is "chef's kiss".  :clap:
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: House Davie Merc on 26 May 2023, 12:15:43
Those are some awesome pics Dtkong!

I have a number of the Hardware Studios buildings and I'm planning to buy some
more in the future.
I love the way you can put plexiglass in the windows and put LEDs inside to light up
the buildings however you want. I bought a bunch of LEDs in mine
and with the remotes you can change the brightness and color of each building
separately if you keep the remote close enough to the building yo want changed.
Now that I can see the smaller apartment buildings better from your pics I'll get
some of those as well.
FYI-I like to leave the original white coating on my plexiglass (side without words) so that
the LEDs light appears spread out more evenly in the windows instead of concentrated
at the LED itself. If you can't get plexiglass with the white you can use parchment paper
for the same effect.
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: Wrangler on 30 May 2023, 19:35:27
Those are among most amazing 3D maps scapes I've ever seen.

How do you move minis around without having worry of tipping building down?  Seems so big!
Title: Re: 3D Printed Buildings
Post by: SANSd20 on 31 May 2023, 12:07:46
Where did you get the files? The yellow building look familiar.