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BattleTech Player Boards => Non-Canon Units => Topic started by: Gorgon on 17 November 2023, 08:59:10

Title: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: Gorgon on 17 November 2023, 08:59:10
This is a small attempt by me to draw up a support infantry force of roughly battalion size for a DCMS 'Mech force. Basically, what you could shove into a Nagumo DropShip to support a battalion+ size main force in a military, that is notoriously short on conventional support forces attached to their 'Mech units.
There will be a few slightly modified vehicles in this line up, marked by an * and explained in the notes further down.

Comments and critics are welcome, as always.


31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary) - Qemali's Poachers
Rifle CompanyBattlearmor CompanyArtillery CompanyCombat Engineer PlatoonScout TeamsHQ StaffMedical Support StaffKitchen Staff
Nagumo-class DropShip Albiero SunriseCargo:Notes:
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: Natasha Kerensky on 17 November 2023, 12:47:29

Random thought...

If the foot infantry and battle armor are intended to work together, I’d be tempted to choose a longer-ranged weapon for the foot infantry so they can provide supporting fire to the battle armor and stay out of the worst of the firefight while the battle armor do the close-range fighting.  Depending on timeframe, I might also replace the Raiden suits with Kage or Kishi suits.

Thoughtful use of a Nagumo and nicely detailed infantry TO&E.  Good stuff.
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: Gorgon on 17 November 2023, 17:39:25
Yeah, the rifle platoons and BA I'm not 100% set on. I feel like basic rifle platoons work well to represent the DCMS' general disregard for conventional forces. That may just be considered good enough for units intended for base security, keeping civilians in check and engage in urban combat, if necessary.

Overall, I hadn't picked a concrete point in time this unit represents, but was going for a general post-Bulldog / Jihad vibe. The reason I picked the Raiden over other suits: to me, it seems like the most common suit the DCMS is fielding. And as they will likely do most of the front line fighting, I felt that light suits could be too fragile. I'm curious, though, why would you prefer the Kage or Kishi?

(I was for a time considering mixed companies of AC/5 field guns and BA, maybe even Kanazuchi, but decided against it in the end)

A general problem of this TO&E is the lack of organic APCs. But there's only so much that can be done. Loading 4 heavy APCs would be possible, of course, there's spare tonnage enough. But they would require another squad's worth of troop accommodations for the drivers. Which would necessitate cutting the ambulance, scout, field kitchen or HQ personnel. In the end, the rifle platoons and BA would have to rely on friendly tank units for offensive operations or have to be deployed defensively.
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: Daryk on 17 November 2023, 17:48:43
Even with near total disregard, increasing the range of a Foot Rifle Platoon only requires two Sniper Rifles per squad.  The Kurita one from Shrapnel #1 (the Sairentosutomu) isn't great, but it seems to have ammo commonality with Auto Rifles and would extend their range out to 5/10/15 (at the cost of a point of damage per squad, but only two points per platoon due to rounding).
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: Gorgon on 17 November 2023, 18:02:50
The more you talk about the Shrapnel infantry weapons the more I get the feeling I should buy those back issues  :laugh:

That does indeed sound like a very attractive way to add some range.
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: Daryk on 17 November 2023, 18:32:45
I've converted all the Shrapnel weapons so far to TW stats.  Links are in my sig block (and even work again!)
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: Natasha Kerensky on 17 November 2023, 21:25:41
I'm curious, though, why would you prefer the Kage or Kishi?

For their armor types, stealth and reflective, respectively, and their additional mobility.  They do carry less armor than the Raiden, but they’ll take fewer hits or less damage per hit.  And they have an extra MP of jump or ground mobility, respectively.  The Kage is also has a TAG option and the Kishi’s HMG and Vibroblade are a bit better for anti-mech attacks and massacring unarmored infantry.  The Kishi is probably best for what I had in mind.

In my mind, the rifle platoons have their range upgraded with snipers (per Daryk) or some laser or missile weapon so they can stand off at safer distances while still providing fire support to the BA.  And the BA squads forward deploy Kishi to slice leg actuators and dice enemy infantry, keeping enemy units away from the conventional infantry while benefitting from their fire support.

I might also switch from Thumpers to Arrow IV infantry (see Missile Artillery Infantry on Sarna), throw in a Kage (TAG) squad or two, and deploy them singly.  But that’s getting pretty high-tech.

I was thinking in terms of an integrated infantry battalion that can kill lots of mechs.  But if the unarmored infantry platoons are mainly just to provide base security for the mech dropships and the artillery and BA are meant to support the mechs as needed, not work as a unit with the unarmored infantry, then there’s nothing wrong with bog-standard rifles, generic BA, and Thumpers.  It makes sense as an menu of infantry support for the mech units.
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: DOC_Agren on 18 November 2023, 03:31:17
??  what is the Freedom 900 Hoverjeep?
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: Daryk on 18 November 2023, 06:26:20
I think Copperheads are lower tech than Arrow IVs, so you could keep the Thumpers with TAG.
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: Gorgon on 18 November 2023, 09:28:18
Natasha, those are some good points about the lighter BA. Especially the TAG is tempting. Although it might be a neat idea to build the scouts as 4-person squads with an infantry TAG as support weapon. Gives them something to do on an actually battlefield.

As for different artillery systems: Arrow is neat, but personally I prefer it on something a bit more mobile, due to its relatively short range. Makes it easier to get into range or withdraw before enemy breakthroughs. As Daryk said, copperhead ammo really makes tube artillery a valid alternative. I was thinking about maybe using a Sniper instead of the Thumper for the greater range and damage. But of course, as it needs 20 crew, it's a bit a less resilient to personnel losses than the Thumper...

@DOC: the Freedom 900 ( is a neat little 3 ton hover support vehicle. 300kg of cargo should be good for keeping for scouts supplied in the field for a couple days.

A cool thing about toying around with 12 infantry platoons like this: you can transfer the organisation to a Condor or Excalibur (although here you'd be quite short on cargo). The only drawback is now you have all those vehicle bays drawing away attention from the PBI  :laugh:
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: Daryk on 18 November 2023, 09:39:11
Thumpers actually outrange Snipers by three map boards, and have twice as many shots per ton... ;)
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: DOC_Agren on 19 November 2023, 21:01:29
Keep the Thumpers.  :cool:

I like the Freedom 900 idea.. 

also maybe trade a hover ambulance for a Soar ( VTOL
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: Gorgon on 20 November 2023, 05:20:51
Thanks guys, I always get the ranges of the Thumper and Sniper mixed up - it's odd that the middle weight gun has the shortest range and the heaviest (Long Tom) the longest. Runs counter to how things are usually done in BT. Anyway, I'm convinced, the Thumper stays.

Also good idea about the SOAR, DOC, it'll round out the force nicely.
Title: Re: 31st Pesht Guards, 1st Battalion (Expeditionary)
Post by: DOC_Agren on 20 November 2023, 18:19:15
Also good idea about the SOAR, DOC, it'll round out the force nicely.

I discovered the SOAR while working on another non-canon unit Takiro's The Sohei (,56029.0.html)

I've been using Ferrets in that same role of Search and Rescue Birds