BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

Catalyst Game Labs => BattleTech Game Rules Questions => Supplementary Rules => Topic started by: NeonKnight on 10 January 2024, 10:48:43

Title: (Answered) CO - Employer Factor
Post by: NeonKnight on 10 January 2024, 10:48:43
So, trying to understand what exactly "EMPLOYER FACTOR" is in the formulas detailed on pages 40 and 45 of Campaign Operations.
Final Payment = (Base Payment x Length of Mission x Operations
Tempo x Employer Factor x Reputation Factor) + (Base Payment x
Transport Period x Employer Factor x Reputation Factor) + Support
Payment + Transport Payment

I did a PDF search (corrected 3rd printing) for Employer Factor and other than the two formulas (pages 40 & 45), and the sentence immediately preceding the formula on page 40, this term is never used anywhere in the book.

The closest I can find is on page 43 under EMPLOYER MODIFIER:

Employer Multiplier
Certain employers pay more than others, and some pay
less. This generally depends on how wealthy and powerful the
nation is, but that varies. Examples of “super power,” “major
power,” “minor power,” and “independent world” are found in
the Faction Budget Modification Table (see p. 12).

The Employment Factor is also found on the Master Contract
Terms Table. At the discretion of the GM or all the players involved,
the employer may be considered stingy or generous with the
type of Force (mercenary, government, or pirate). For well-known
factions, this is usually determined from descriptions of how a
faction treats mercenaries or its own troops as detailed in the
Handbook or Field Manual series of sourcebooks. (The Lyrans, for
example, are often considered generous employers.) More obscure
factions (for example, the Chesterton Trade League) should leave
this value as 1.

But this is called an Employment Factor, not Employer Factor. Further this term does not appear on the MASTER CONTRACT TERMS TABLE. The closest on that table is the EMPLOYMENT MULTIPLIER.

I am assuming these (Employer Factor, Employment Factor, Employment Multiplier) are all the same thing, and if indeed they are, may I suggest putting errata to refer to this as simply EMPLOYER MODIFIER in all parts (use the same term as on the table)
Post by: cray on 14 January 2024, 09:12:36
The correct term is employer modifier and, yep, it needs an errata. If you've got all the page numbers handy, please submit it.
Post by: NeonKnight on 14 January 2024, 10:29:09
The correct term is employer modifier and, yep, it needs an errata. If you've got all the page numbers handy, please submit it.

I'll go through and grab them - Thanx