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BattleTech Game Universe => The Inner Sphere => Topic started by: Dreadnought on 13 January 2024, 18:53:19

Title: Republic of the Sphere/Civil War novels to read?
Post by: Dreadnought on 13 January 2024, 18:53:19
I've read a lot of succession war/clan invasion books.  I've also read some of the iilClan stuff.  Don't really know much about what happens in between.

I'd like to learn more about the Civil War and the Republic of the Sphere.  Don't really know much about either.  Are there a series of novels dedicated to each?  What are they?
Title: Re: Republic of the Sphere/Civil War novels to read?
Post by: Church14 on 13 January 2024, 19:28:35
For RotS, it’s a mess. There’s individual novels. The closest to a “series” I can think of would be The Proving Grounds trilogy involved the Northwind Highlanders (now a Republic unit). Fair warning, these were early DA books, so the numbers of mechs are bizarrely low as the setting has sort of backed off the scale of disarmament over time.

A Silence in the Heavens
Truth and Shadows
Service for the Dead

Then the Highlander Covenant duology
Grey Watch Protocol
Paid in Blood

Otherwise, it’s individual novels. But there’s no novels covering the formation or really anything until just before the blackout.

For FCCW, maybe go Archer Chritifori novels. Measure of a Hero, Call of Duty, Operation Audacity.

While not a series, Illusions of Victory is good and seems to take the piss out of Solaris while writing a love letter to Solaris.
Title: Re: Republic of the Sphere/Civil War novels to read?
Post by: Caesar Steiner for Archon on 14 January 2024, 14:11:39
The FCCW has a one-stop shop, the FedCom Civil War sourcebook. The novels really don't do a good job of encapsulating the scale of the conflict, you would think there's only like two people who did anything.
Title: Re: Republic of the Sphere/Civil War novels to read?
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 14 January 2024, 18:16:24
The FCCW has a one-stop shop, the FedCom Civil War sourcebook. The novels really don't do a good job of encapsulating the scale of the conflict, you would think there's only like two people who did anything.

There's almost more novels about the outbreak of the FedCom Civil War than about the war itself.
Title: Re: Republic of the Sphere/Civil War novels to read?
Post by: Minemech on 14 January 2024, 19:07:27
 For the Republic, always start with Ghost War and A Call to Arms. In Dark Age, you can skip The Proving Grounds Trilogy to mixed loss, but the first two novels really give you the Dark Age feel.

 If you are going FCCW, it is better to read the greater line sequence than to simply jump into it.
Title: Re: Republic of the Sphere/Civil War novels to read?
Post by: Spirit Cat Refugee on 14 January 2024, 20:20:44
Must read Republic Novels

Ghost War (Basic intro to the Republic and Blackout)
A Call to Arms (Basic intro into Republic and some splinter factions)
The Scorpion Jar (Republic politics)
Sword of Sedition (Republic politics + all other major factions are brought in)
Fortress Republic (republic politics + Fortress wall raised)
Surrender Your Dreams (republic black ops stuff)

Optional novels (read between 2 and 3rd above)
Proving Ground Trilogy (Highlanders try to protect Republic from Steel Wolves)
Flight of the Falcon (Falcons invade Republic space)
Blood of the Isle (Continuation of above)

Almost all Dark Age novels featured the Republic in big and small ways though.
Title: Re: Republic of the Sphere/Civil War novels to read?
Post by: Dreadnought on 23 January 2024, 23:20:04
Thanks guys!
Title: Re: Republic of the Sphere/Civil War novels to read?
Post by: Lance Leader on 25 January 2024, 05:48:46
  As mentioned the FCCW sourcebook outlines the whole conflict, but if you want novels there are 10 that directly cover the Fedcom Civil War:

The A Plot trilogy by Loren Coleman that follows the big players:

Patriots and Tyrants
Storms of Fate

The B Plot trilogy by Blaine Pardoe that follows the pro-Victor Lyran rebel Archer Christofri:

Measure of a Hero
Call of Duty
Operation Audacity

and the rest

Illusions of Victory (Coleman) - Pre-Civil war Davion/Steiner tensions come to head on Solaris.

Flashpoint (Coleman) - The Civil War on Kathil.

The Dying Time (Grossman)- The Gray Death Legion fights Skye Rebels on Hesperus. 

Imminent Crisis (Bills) - The Civil War on New Syrtis.