BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

Catalyst Game Labs => BattleTech Game Rules Questions => Total Warfare => Topic started by: ArcFurnace on 15 February 2024, 18:41:03

Title: Do airborne units reveal hidden units?
Post by: ArcFurnace on 15 February 2024, 18:41:03
Reference: Total Warfare (9th printing) PDF.

TW pages 259-260 cover the rules for hidden units. However, I noticed an inconsistency: a jumping unit explicitly only reveals hidden units in or adjacent to its landing hex, implying that a unit must be on the ground to reveal hidden units (and therefore receive point-blank shots). However, it is not actually specified that airborne units do not reveal hidden units through movement - there is even an "Airborne Units" heading, but it only specifies that airborne units cannot be hidden.

This can reasonably be split into two sub-questions:

1. Do airborne ground units (VTOL, WiGE, etc) entering a hex containing a hidden unit or ending their movement adjacent to a hex containing a hidden unit reveal those hidden unit(s)? Even if no, they should presumably do so if they land (similarly to jumping units), and I believe an Active Probe still functions as normal on an airborne ground unit.

2. Do airborne aerospace units reveal hidden units through movement at all? I believe it was previously ruled that they cannot reveal hidden units using an Active Probe while airborne, so it seems like simple movement would not do so either.