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BattleTech Game Systems => General BattleTech Discussion => Topic started by: thedancingjoker on 17 March 2024, 21:27:01

Title: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: thedancingjoker on 17 March 2024, 21:27:01
I have no actual information about the authenticitiy of these but here are the rumored lists:
   Templar TLR1-0
   Falconer FLC-8R
   Thanatos 4S
   Thunderbolt 9NAIS
Davion II   
   Hellspawn 7D
   Gunsmith CH11-NG
   Legionnaire 2D
   Enforcer 5R
Kurita I:   
   Vemon 9K
   Avatar AV1-O
   Chimera 1S
   Panther 10K
Kurita II:   
   Akuma 2XC
   Shiro 1V
   Rokurokubi 4T
   Grand Dragon 10K
BS: Grenadier & Kanazuchi   
   Grenadier x4
   Kanazuchi x4
Wars of Reaving: (Q1)   
   Cephalus Prime
   Septicema E
   Satyr Protomech
   Basikisk Protomech
   Roc Protomech
   Boggart Protomech
   Sprite Protomech
   Hobgoblin (Painted)
Clan Wolf I: (Q1)   
   Orion IIC
   Glas Spider / Galahad
   Phantom Prime
   Ice Ferret D
Clan Wolf II: (Q1)   
   Wulfen prime
   Night Wolf
   Nova J
Celestials (Q2)   
BS: Black Wolf & Raiden   
   5x Black Wolf
   4x Fa Shih???
Clan Jade Falcon (Q2)   
21st centauri Lancers (Q2 B&N)   
   Shadow Cat ?
   Shockwave 2F
   Stalker 8S
   Jade Hawk
BS: Fortifications (Q3)   
   MG Nest x4
   Light Emplacement I x4
   Light Emplacement II x4
   Heavy Emplacement x4
House Steiner I (Q3)   
   Berserker A3
   Hollander F3
   Uziel 3S
   Axman 2N
House Steiner II (Q3)   
   Fafnir 5
   Thunder Fox L8
   Blitzkrieg (Premium)
Ares (Q4)   
   1x Ares tripod & Alternate parts.
Hell's Horses (Q4)   
   Adder A
   Doom Courser
   Hellbringer E
   Epona x2
BS: Clan Vehicles (Q4)   
   Donnar x2
   Joust medium tank x2
   Athena Combat Vehicle x2
   Mars Assault Vehicle x2
Wolf Empire (Q1)   
   Alpha Wolf
   Blood Reaper
   Stormwolf Prime
Alyina Mercantile League (Q1)   
   Ion Sparrow
   Jade Phoenix
   Summoner ?
BS: Gnome & Fenrir: (Q1)   
   4x Fenrir
   6x Gnome
Clan Sea Fox (Q2)   
   Mad Cat Mk II
   Regent A
   Hammerhead 2
Clan Ghost Bear (Q2)   
   Guillotine IIC
   Kodiak S
Raslhauge Dominion (Q2)   
   Karhu Prime
   Mastodon Prime
   Bear Cub
   Mongoose 86
BS Rogue Bear & Golem (Q2)   
   Rogue Bear x5
   Kage x5 ???
Bug Company Box:   
   4x Stingers
   4x Wasps
   4x Locusts
Fox Patrol:   
   Kit Fox
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: thedancingjoker on 17 March 2024, 21:33:09
There are a couple of obvious errors in the Battlefeild support packs, but given that I don't know if the contents are correct or the name is I decided to leave them as-is from the photos.  Overall I'd be quite happy if this list were accurate, almost all the mechs I wanted in plastic that didn't have models are here (just missing theDragon II & Rime Otter from my personal list).  As much as I personally am not a fan of Protomechs it does kinda make sense to just do one pack of them and get it out of the way for folks that want them and not put them in general packs for those who dodn't.  Same story for the Celestials expect those i actually want.  Davion & kurita lists look ok.  I'd kind of perfer a Dragon II in the Ilclan era lance, but oh well.  The bug Company was listed as a "Company box idea" so not set in stone (If any of this is legit).
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 17 March 2024, 22:11:05
i saw screenshots being shared on FB.. one sec
these were posted by Dan Copeland on the Battletech International FB group:


the BA packs becoming battlefield support packs with two units worth was interesting, especially as they seem to be split between factions. not a bad approach to be honest, though not expected.
the fortifications pack will be interesting.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: CoffeeDave on 17 March 2024, 22:37:41
2 Davion boxes, 2 Kurita boxes, 2 Stiener boxes, 3 Wolf boxes, a Fox Patrol box, 0 FWL nor CC combined.
Feels rough as a FWL player.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Tyler Jorgensson on 17 March 2024, 22:46:50
2 Davion boxes, 2 Kurita boxes, 2 Stiener boxes, 3 Wolf boxes, a Fox Patrol box, 0 FWL nor CC combined.
Feels rough as a FWL player.

Agreed: one could argue the Periphery nations as well. Obviously this is a draft but missing two of the five Great Houses seems like just not a complete picture.

On the subject itself: I see some EXCELLENT packs there and if they’re true I’m going to be broke for the next three years. This is MAJOR news and AWESOME news…. Even if my Bears are Q2 2026 for an army of Plastic Karhu’s, Mastodon’s, Kontio’s, Bear Cub’s, and Mongoose (??? No Rime Otter?) I am ECSTATIC!

ProtoMechs, Celestials, Soceity, Clan Vehicles, more Battle Armor, newer IlClan era designs, older IS OmniMechs, faction specific flagship mechs…. IN PLASTIC!

Again I’m skeptical (and ignoring dates) but if accurate… like Christmas morning as a kid again.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 17 March 2024, 23:11:59
I honestly don't see there being enough demand for a premium Blitz.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Aresneo on 17 March 2024, 23:13:11
2 Davion boxes, 2 Kurita boxes, 2 Stiener boxes, 3 Wolf boxes, a Fox Patrol box, 0 FWL nor CC combined.
Feels rough as a FWL player.
Previously the faction packs were talked about as being loosely tied to the release of the Force Manuals for that faction, this likely means that the current order for the unannounced Force Manuals is House Steiner, Clans (Could be one book to cover the IS clans or could be 2), then Marik and Liao (Possibly followed by Comstar or Periphery if there is only 1 Clan Force Manual since we have been told that the current plan is 8 in total).

I honestly don't see there being enough demand for a premium Blitz.
The premium mini line is likely an ideal place to put low demand mechs, it gets them out in plastic while costing less to produce then in force packs while also giving Catalyst better control of the frequency of production.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 17 March 2024, 23:15:32
As a Steiner fan, the idea of not being dead last among the Houses for once pleases me.  You know, since the books are typically released alphabetically.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Formerly Wu on 17 March 2024, 23:25:11
If accurate, it looks like TPTB don't have much interest in completing the remaining holes in the TRO 2750/3050 lineups in the medium term. That would irritate me as a completionist and grognard, but isn't terribly surprising. The newer eras deserve their time in the sun.

I do like the fortifications pack, however.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: thedancingjoker on 17 March 2024, 23:47:51
By my tracking The only designs in 3050 we don't have are the Falcon, Wolf Trap and Imp.  I could see wanting a Falcon, but I won't lose any sleep over the other two.  And given that there is a Current timeline I'm very glad we are going to be seeing mechs from then.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Cyc on 17 March 2024, 23:50:52
If accurate, it looks like TPTB don't have much interest in completing the remaining holes in the TRO 2750/3050 lineups in the medium term.

Annoying part is now the Kintaro has been spun off, we have six remaining TRO2750 'Mechs which would be perfect for another ComStar Level II. But alas maybe in 2028...
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 17 March 2024, 23:57:24
What name/role would a Level II made from a Thorn, Hermes, Hussar, Wyvern, Champion, and Bombardier have?
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: shivanwurm on 18 March 2024, 00:12:08
Fodder level II
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Aresneo on 18 March 2024, 00:16:26
What name/role would a Level II made from a Thorn, Hermes, Hussar, Wyvern, Champion, and Bombardier have?
Assuming the TRO entry variants it can qualify as a Security, Heavy Recon, Ranger, or Support Level II.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Formerly Wu on 18 March 2024, 00:19:35
By my tracking The only designs in 3050 we don't have are the Falcon, Wolf Trap and Imp.  I could see wanting a Falcon, but I won't lose any sleep over the other two.  And given that there is a Current timeline I'm very glad we are going to be seeing mechs from then.
There's also the Hornet. Another 'Mech that doesn't exactly light the world on fire, but it's more the principle.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: YingJanshi on 18 March 2024, 00:21:34
What name/role would a Level II made from a Thorn, Hermes, Hussar, Wyvern, Champion, and Bombardier have?

I don't have my copy of CO handy, but the roles for the 'Mechs are (assuming either the Star League or Clan Invasion era units): Thorn THE-N (Striker)/THE-N1 (Sniper); Hermes HER-1S (Scout)/HER-4S (Striker); Hussar HSR-200-D (Scout)/HSR-400-D (Scout); Wyvern WVE-5N/WVE-9N (Brawler); Champion CHP-1N/CHP-1N2/CHP-3N/CHP-3P (Skimisher); & Bombardier BMB-12D (Missile Boat).
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 18 March 2024, 00:21:50
I've decided that this list can't be real.

There's no Archers or Timber Wolfs, and only one Marauder.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Luciora on 18 March 2024, 00:32:43
My poor Arano Forcepack!  😭

Annoying part is now the Kintaro has been spun off, we have six remaining TRO2750 'Mechs which would be perfect for another ComStar Level II. But alas maybe in 2028...
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Death_from_above on 18 March 2024, 00:41:38
Cautiously optimistic..

That's quite a pipeline.

I do wonder however why the Dark Age poster child Tundra Wolf is not included.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: StCptMara on 18 March 2024, 00:48:44
 What makes me a little nervous is that the Wars of Reaving one...I will need to buy 5 of those to have a point of each Protomech...and I don't think I will need that many Septicemia and Osteons..
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Caesar Steiner for Archon on 18 March 2024, 01:22:40
I sure hope that's wrong. The Thunder Fox instead of a Barghest? What is this nonsense?
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Maingunnery on 18 March 2024, 02:23:16
What makes me a little nervous is that the Wars of Reaving one...I will need to buy 5 of those to have a point of each Protomech...and I don't think I will need that many Septicemia and Osteons..
I need Uns of those ProtoMechs, so I need to buy 3 of those packs.  :wink:

And I am also interested in:
Word of Blake Celestials Level II

And some individuals ones I would likely need to trade for.

Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Greatclub on 18 March 2024, 02:32:09
One that gets me is no generic merc listings - My combat manual mercs is missing, I want a replacement.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Ruger on 18 March 2024, 04:49:27
What name/role would a Level II made from a Thorn, Hermes, Hussar, Wyvern, Champion, and Bombardier have?

You have some fast/mobile LRM platforms in there, with some fast/very fast direct fire and light support units.

It’s actually not a bad little Level II.

Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ActionButler on 18 March 2024, 05:59:04
Really happy to see the Field Manual mechs in plastic. Happier to see the Hollander. Happiest to see all that battle armor.

The protomechs intrigue me. Given better aesthetics, I could see myself fielding a few stars, but I would want them to be uniform.

Surprised to see the Clan vehicles, but I’d likely scoop those up.

The fortifications pack would be an instant buy.

Happy for the folks who want plastic Celestials, as I know there are more than a few of you here.

Even accepting that we are solidly in the ilClan era, I’m surprised to see the Horses, RasDom, and Wolf/Falcon remnants getting packs before the League and the Capellans, but I have to assume that most of this is not set in stone.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: I am Belch II on 18 March 2024, 06:10:35
Lets hope its true, some good stuff in the list.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: klarg1 on 18 March 2024, 08:06:52
I have to assume that anything 2+ years out is notional and very much subject to change.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 18 March 2024, 08:17:42
Lets hope its true, some good stuff in the list.

My earlier joke aside, this passes my sniff test. I'd say it's a genuine but tentative plan. The further out, the more tentative.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Lorcan Nagle on 18 March 2024, 09:00:52
Well I'm pretty hyped for this because i wrote the pilot cards for that second Davion lance...
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: AnejoDave on 18 March 2024, 09:03:58
Ray Arrastia “Adrian Gideon”: Always. As an aside, anyone that thinks that list is written in stone, I’m very sorry. Things change as often as weekly.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Istal_Devalis on 18 March 2024, 09:12:14
...No Nova Cat force, and no Clan protectorate (yet?). Booo
At least we get Jousts, but I was expecting SM1s in here somewhere.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Lorcan Nagle on 18 March 2024, 09:13:13
There's an SM1 coming in Legendary MechWarriors II, at least.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Fat Guy on 18 March 2024, 09:25:49
Damn that's a lot of stuff. Not sure how much longer I'll be able to play "gotta catch 'em all".

Two Kurita packs and still no Wolftrap? Or OMNI Firestarter?

That being said I may wind up buying as many as four Kurita IIs.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: MarauderCH IIC on 18 March 2024, 10:00:50
...No Nova Cat force, and no Clan protectorate (yet?). Booo
At least we get Jousts, but I was expecting SM1s in here somewhere.

Not yet at least. Some factions have to be last unfortunately.  This list isn't final yet anyways.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 18 March 2024, 10:14:08
There's always at least a chance that we'll get "army builder" packs with multiples of specific sculpts, like the UrbanMech company.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: I am Belch II on 18 March 2024, 10:21:55
All the way until 2027. Im sure things will change.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 18 March 2024, 10:30:41
All the way until 2027. Im sure things will change.

Until we see pictures and hear "it's on the boat," I won't be surprised by any changes.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Scotty on 18 March 2024, 11:12:16
Not yet at least. Some factions have to be last unfortunately.  This list isn't final yet anyways.

It's less being last and more the frequency with which some factions end up being last that stings.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: GRUD on 18 March 2024, 11:29:17
They passed up the chance to have the Ostscout with the other 3 OSTs?  :huh:

We HAD the Doom Courser at GC '22.  At least 2 of them, maybe 3.  Shame we have to wait even longer to get them in Metal now.   :cry:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 18 March 2024, 11:33:22
Will we?

IWM doesn't have to wait to produce metal minis just because Catalyst is producing a plastic one- they made a metal Regent well before we got the plastic one in the GDL lance pack.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Gorgon on 18 March 2024, 11:34:47
It's less being last and more the frequency with which some factions end up being last that stings.

True. But on the upside, it still allows me to hope for a plastic Albatross in any hypothetical Marik pack...
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: GRUD on 18 March 2024, 11:57:31
Will we?

IWM doesn't have to wait to produce metal minis just because Catalyst is producing a plastic one- they made a metal Regent well before we got the plastic one in the GDL lance pack.
But that was ONE mini, out of how many new designs?  Or new redesigns?   :undecided:

No, they don't "Have" to wait, but they DO seem to be waiting for 99% of them.   :cry:  I'm LOVING the new redesigns, but I'd Prefer to have them in Metal over plastic.   :sad:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Scotty on 18 March 2024, 11:58:22
That seems like something to do with IWM and not something to do with Catalyst, so bringing it up as a complaint here will do even less than usual.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Maingunnery on 18 March 2024, 12:12:22
Until we see pictures and hear "it's on the boat," I won't be surprised by any changes.
That is the best approach. Personally I would not be surprised by 6 month delay on the early stuff and 2 year delay on the last stuff.

And that is assuming of course that a pack clears the financial checks of the development/production stages.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Empyrus on 18 March 2024, 12:21:16
Regardless of exact details, i wonder, what'll happen to existing packs as new ones come out?
Because it seems there'd be limit to how many SKUs stores will offer, and there must be limit to what can be manufactured at once (and shipped and warehoused).
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Sartris on 18 March 2024, 12:27:11

Ray Arrastia “Adrian Gideon”: Always. As an aside, anyone that thinks that list is written in stone, I’m very sorry. Things change as often as weekly.

Pin this everywhere BattleTech is discussed. Including people’s homes. Even the creepy basements.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: wolfspider on 18 March 2024, 13:02:22
I would love to see a Wolf's Dragoon Support Star with the following mechs:
Hornet, Falcon, Gallowglas, Zeus X, and the IMP.
Or at the least have these mechs get a redesign and IWM puts them out.
But I want my IMP!  :wink:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Mendrugo on 18 March 2024, 13:05:05
Pin this everywhere BattleTech is discussed. Including people’s homes. Even the creepy basements.

It rolls to start the MASC system, or else it gets the hose again!
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Kit deSummersville on 18 March 2024, 13:14:37
It rolls to start the MASC system, or else it gets the hose again!

Oh no, it's a Targe!
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Ghaz on 18 March 2024, 13:19:16
I would love to see a Wolf's Dragoon Support Star with the following mechs:
Hornet, Falcon, Gallowglas, Zeus X, and the IMP.

The Zeus X is already in the Steiner ForcePack.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 18 March 2024, 13:25:47
The Zeus X is already in the Steiner ForcePack.

'Mechs can be repeated.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Ghaz on 18 March 2024, 13:36:52
'Mechs can be repeated.

I was assuming he missed it on the list.  Anyway, I wouldn't expect a 'Mech such as the Zeus X that's not coming out until Q3 of 2025 to be repeated for some time afterwards, if at all.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Tallgiraffe on 18 March 2024, 13:39:22
Man I just wanted a new Comstar box (Celestials aren't quite the same) since we are missing a couple 2750 mechs like the Wyvern. Also the complete lack of Marik/Capellan boxes is concerning.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Gladius-XC on 18 March 2024, 13:41:19

True. But on the upside, it still allows me to hope for a plastic Albatross in any hypothetical Marik pack...

I’m waiting for the Albatross, Optimus Titan, and Tempest.  I’m a little surprised as well by the lack of CC and FWL packs, since they’re primed to be major contenders to the new Ilclan. I guess they’re trying to balance IS and Clan forces.   :smilie_confused_dontknow:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Mendrugo on 18 March 2024, 13:46:29
I’m a little surprised as well by the lack of CC

I'd certainly be down for some CC 3060 aesthetic action in plastic:

Duan Gung, Sha Yu, Men Shen, Lao Hu, Jinggau, Ti'tsang, Yu Huang, Tian Zong

Few of which are anywhere close to the actual Chinese concepts/words they're trying to evoke, but still...
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Ghaz on 18 March 2024, 13:56:15
I'd certainly be down for some CC 3060 aesthetic action in plastic:

Duan Gung, Sha Yu, Men Shen, Lao Hu, Jinggau, Ti'tsang, Yu Huang, Tian Zong

Few of which are anywhere close to the actual Chinese concepts/words they're trying to evoke, but still...

The Tian-Zong is coming in the McCarron’s Armored Cavalry Assault Lance later this year.  We'll also be seeing the Helios and the Emperor in the Second Star League Assault Lance.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Tyler Jorgensson on 18 March 2024, 14:04:03
Man I just wanted a new Comstar box (Celestials aren't quite the same) since we are missing a couple 2750 mechs like the Wyvern. Also the complete lack of Marik/Capellan boxes is concerning.

Obvious answer to this is: this list is just a draft and stuff is still in the works. Another is that there are more pages not shown/released.

And again obviously things are likely to change so they’re not ALL locked in. As an example: I’d bet that one of the Davion packs is accurate and to be released this year. I’d also bet that the Ghost Bear packs are still undergoing work and subject to change.

To exclude two of the five Great Houses on purpose…. Seems odd and unlikely. Especially with them being on top in the BT universe. I’d also state they’re missing a couple other powers on this list like the Snow Ravens for one.

Again we get to wait and see.

The Tian-Zong is coming in the McCarron’s Armored Cavalry Assault Lance later this year.  We'll also be seeing the Helios and the Emperor in the Second Star League Assault Lance.

I TOTALLY forgot about this pack coming out. Need to add it to my list of ‘reasons I’m broke 2024’
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: wolfspider on 18 March 2024, 14:14:26
The Zeus X is already in the Steiner ForcePack.
I just saw the Zeus-X ZEU-X4, but I am looking for the Zeus-X ZEU-9WD.  :wink:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Shin_Fenris on 18 March 2024, 14:15:58
I'd certainly be down for some CC 3060 aesthetic action in plastic:

Duan Gung, Sha Yu, Men Shen, Lao Hu, Jinggau, Ti'tsang, Yu Huang, Tian Zong

Few of which are anywhere close to the actual Chinese concepts/words they're trying to evoke, but still...

All of these, yes. But especially that new art Jinggau. I'd buy enough of these two packs (plus the B&N Big Ma) to field a solid Cappie battalion.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: SteelRaven on 18 March 2024, 14:26:09
Keeping in mind this is all still very much in flux: as someone who loves the Berserker, I rather see a Thunderbolt 5SS or 9S in the Steiner pack as we almost never see the Steiner Thuds outside of fan bashes.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Sartris on 18 March 2024, 15:09:22
I’m waiting for the Albatross, Optimus Titan, and Tempest.  I’m a little surprised as well by the lack of CC and FWL packs, since they’re primed to be major contenders to the new Ilclan. I guess they’re trying to balance IS and Clan forces.   :smilie_confused_dontknow:

their force manuals haven't been announced yet.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Wolf72 on 18 March 2024, 15:16:59
Annoying part is now the Kintaro has been spun off, we have six remaining TRO2750 'Mechs which would be perfect for another ComStar Level II. But alas maybe in 2028...

Wait, didn't the Kintaro make it into a SL pack?  Am I thinking of a different mech?

also, Wow.  I'd really like to see a gen 1 IS Omni pack, though.  Wars of Reaving? Yes, please! ... Cephalus and Osteon!

also, like Wow Scoob, maybe there is more here than we can eat!
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Empyrus on 18 March 2024, 15:32:47
For TRO2750, we're missing Thorn, Hermes, Hussar, Wyvern, Champion and Bombardier. This noting the Kintaro is in a SL pack and the Thug in another force pack.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Jellico on 18 March 2024, 15:35:23
And the Mongoose down with the Bears.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Lorcan Nagle on 18 March 2024, 15:36:22
There was a Mongoose in one of the ComStar forcepacks too, so it's already out there.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: MarauderD on 18 March 2024, 16:15:52
I know we all have our favorites, so as a Davion fan, the Grenadier BA and Gunsmith giveth, and the Thanatos and Hellspawn taketh away!

Also curious, will the Thud 9NAIS be a PP version or redone as a NuSeen?
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Gorgon on 18 March 2024, 16:21:07
Of all the things on the list, I really hope they deliver on the BugBox. It is a bit out there, as they sure a plentiful in-universe but I'm not so certain they'll be bought in similar quantities as the UrbanMeme. But who knows, maybe there are enough Ravannion fans out there...
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Cyc on 18 March 2024, 16:29:34
Wait, didn't the Kintaro make it into a SL pack?  Am I thinking of a different mech?

That's what I meant, its already covered.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Wolf72 on 18 March 2024, 16:30:06
Of all the things on the list, I really hope they deliver on the BugBox. It is a bit out there, as they sure a plentiful in-universe but I'm not so certain they'll be bought in similar quantities as the UrbanMeme. But who knows, maybe there are enough Ravannion fans out there...

I want more variety in my bug box ... still 12 total, but perhaps get 2 hornets tossed in ... any other's that would qualify? oooh what about fleas, we need more fleas -- said no dog ever.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Wolf72 on 18 March 2024, 16:30:27
That's what I meant, its already covered.

I knew that! ... I didn't, thanks!
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Maingunnery on 18 March 2024, 16:32:38
I want more variety in my bug box ... still 12 total, but perhaps get 2 hornets tossed in ... any other's that would qualify? oooh what about fleas, we need more fleas -- said no dog ever.
Maybe there will be different variants of each of the noted bugs?
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: bobthecoward on 18 March 2024, 17:21:59
Get ready for plastic hellstars!
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Pat Payne on 18 March 2024, 17:34:48
Of all the things on the list, I really hope they deliver on the BugBox. It is a bit out there, as they sure a plentiful in-universe but I'm not so certain they'll be bought in similar quantities as the UrbanMeme. But who knows, maybe there are enough Ravannion fans out there...

OTOH, everyone needs bug 'mechs to build older formations, as there were tons of Locusts, Stingers and Wasps in the Inner Sphere during the Succession Wars (and IIRC, CM:Kurita had a bit in there saying that Wasps were so common that a long-in-the-tooth joke said that convenience stores stocked beer, bait, chips and replacement parts for Wasps)
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 18 March 2024, 18:03:59
Maybe there will be different variants of each of the noted bugs?
previous company box was all standard urbanmechs. so maybe not. i could see the company boxes being designed around repackaging existing sculpts, to make production easier.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Aresneo on 18 March 2024, 18:24:24
previous company box was all standard urbanmechs. so maybe not. i could see the company boxes being designed around repackaging existing sculpts, to make production easier.
The Bug Company is going to need new molds as the mechs included each share their mold with something that won't be in the box (unless the Alpha Strike box versions of the Locust and Wasp are paired on the mold but that seems unlikely, and would still need a new mold for the Stinger).
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: BrianDavion on 18 March 2024, 18:56:21
So first of all, regarding the lack of FWL and CC stuff, I SUSPECT that this relates to Kickstarter SWAG, given their reaction to the SLDF stuff, we know that with the first kickstarter the top 4 factions where ghost bears and Davion in neck and neck, followed by Wolf, with Kurita in a distant 4th. I'd be willing to bet that this release schedule is based around a combination of popularity and release schedule, as well as, what mechs the artists and dev team just like/want to done.

As for the bug box, yeah I hope it happens too. it's been an idea discussed MANY times in discord so I imagine this is very much CGL responding to fan commentary, which is AWESOME to see. CGL listens to us!
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Minemech on 18 March 2024, 19:35:11
I want more variety in my bug box ... still 12 total, but perhaps get 2 hornets tossed in ... any other's that would qualify? oooh what about fleas, we need more fleas -- said no dog ever.
Wasps (Possibly + LAMs), Stingers (Possibly + LAMs), Locusts, the Firefly, Fleas, Hornets, Spiders, Firebees, Assassins, Cicada, Scorpion, Grasshoppers, Goliaths (Might be pushing that one), Bug-Eye, etc...
 You could also throw in later additions like the Fire Moth, Dragonfly, Tarantula and so forth.
 The classical ones are the Wasps, Stingers and the Locusts.
 There are a lot of good ways to mix them. 

 EDIT: The Strider may technically be considered a bug, not because of its connection with the Cicada, but because of the Water Strider, also known as the Gerridae.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: SteelRaven on 18 March 2024, 19:42:02
Regardless what actually ends up in the boxes, 100% amazing to see this amount of product being planned for the future. It doesn't feel too long ago that this type of listing would only be a fever dream, happy to see the game reaching new heights. 
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Ghaz on 18 March 2024, 20:03:42
Wasps (Possibly + LAMs), Stingers (Possibly + LAMs), Locusts, the Firefly, Fleas, Hornets, Spiders, Firebees, Assassins, Cicada, Scorpion, Grasshoppers, Goliaths (Might be pushing that one), Bug-Eye, etc...
 You could also throw in later additions like the Fire Moth, Dragonfly, Tarantula and so forth.
 The classical ones are the Wasps, Stingers and the Locusts.
 There are a lot of good ways to mix them.

Looking at the UrbanMech LAM taking up four spaces in a ForcePack it would seriously limit their inclusion in a bug box.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: I am Belch II on 18 March 2024, 20:17:41

Looking at the UrbanMech LAM taking up four spaces in a ForcePack I would seriously limit their inclusion in a bug box.

I think your paying for the smoke cloud in the Urbie LAM box.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Dapper Apples on 18 March 2024, 20:59:04
If it were up to me to make a bug force pack, it'd probably be like a comstar style six pack.  Locust, Stinger, Wasp, either Spider or Flea

If they need more tonnage to add value, throw in a Grasshopper and Cicada.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Ghaz on 18 March 2024, 21:05:02

I think your paying for the smoke cloud in the Urbie LAM box.

Yes?  You would have minis for the BattleMech mode, the Aerospace fighter mode, the AirMech mode and the jump plume. Without a bigger box a single LAM would take up a third of a Company sized box.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: BrianDavion on 18 March 2024, 21:12:00
I know we all have our favorites, so as a Davion fan, the Grenadier BA and Gunsmith giveth, and the Thanatos and Hellspawn taketh away!

Also curious, will the Thud 9NAIS be a PP version or redone as a NuSeen?

I mean chances are we'll get WYSIWYG ilclan era versions of these mechs, Maybe we'll get a Thanatos with a LRM 20 and clan ER LL?
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Sartris on 18 March 2024, 21:16:30
modern configs of celestials would be built on... terra. that's so ****** funny.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Lance Leader on 18 March 2024, 22:47:08
  I sure hope this is real.  The Rawhide getting a miniature is pretty cool and the Wars of Reaving Society pack looks pretty nifty.  Well, something to hope for in 2025.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 18 March 2024, 23:19:15
  I sure hope this is real.  The Rawhide getting a miniature is pretty cool and the Wars of Reaving Society pack looks pretty nifty.  Well, something to hope for in 2025.

It's real, just subject to change.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: AnejoDave on 18 March 2024, 23:47:34

Pin this everywhere BattleTech is discussed. Including people’s homes. Even the creepy basements.
I posted and pinned it in both reddit threads on the topic....:D
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: AnejoDave on 18 March 2024, 23:48:46
What makes me a little nervous is that the Wars of Reaving one...I will need to buy 5 of those to have a point of each Protomech...and I don't think I will need that many Septicemia and Osteons..
Hard Disagree.  That many HPG specials going off on an AS game sounds like /great/ comedy to me.  Especially if the WoB is prepared for it. 

I'm excited by all this.  But I too lament the inclusion of Marik forcepack.  i'd say liao, too, but it would end up being all the designs I dont want. 
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: BrianDavion on 19 March 2024, 01:57:28
modern configs of celestials would be built on... terra. that's so ****** funny.

I mean I don't think we're going to get modern configs of the society and blakist stuff (on the other hand, I could see the goliath scorpions not giving a damn eneugh to actually build those things) as they're clearly intended for certain eras. but the pack with the hellspawn is specificly an ilclan era pack, so a modern varient would make sense. I imagine it'll be a "endo composite with XL gyro" type deal that the fedsuns seems to be fond of. the big question to my mind is, are those lasers going to be replaced with clantech lasers or RE lasers
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 19 March 2024, 02:03:23
I mean I don't think we're going to get modern configs of the society and blakist stuff (on the other hand, I could see the goliath scorpions not giving a damn eneugh to actually build those things) as they're clearly intended for certain eras. but the pack with the hellspawn is specificly an ilclan era pack, so a modern varient would make sense. I imagine it'll be a "endo composite with XL gyro" type deal that the fedsuns seems to be fond of. the big question to my mind is, are those lasers going to be replaced with clantech lasers or RE lasers
maybe we'll get a "G" config for the Celestials, representing configs seen in use by one of the groups labelled "the Green Ghosts"
the society stuff could easily get such configs as well.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 19 March 2024, 02:09:59
They didn't do modern upgrades for all the units in the Proliferation pack, so why would they do them for the Celestials, Society, and so on? Nah, these seem to be focused on "historical" eras.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: I am Belch II on 19 March 2024, 06:49:36
Very much looking forward to the Celestials, BA and the Protomechs!
The one that has me very interested in is the Bunkers and Weapon emplacements.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: RogueK on 19 March 2024, 09:55:19
So first of all, regarding the lack of FWL and CC stuff, I SUSPECT that this relates to Kickstarter SWAG, given their reaction to the SLDF stuff, we know that with the first kickstarter the top 4 factions where ghost bears and Davion in neck and neck, followed by Wolf, with Kurita in a distant 4th. I'd be willing to bet that this release schedule is based around a combination of popularity and release schedule, as well as, what mechs the artists and dev team just like/want to done.

As for the bug box, yeah I hope it happens too. it's been an idea discussed MANY times in discord so I imagine this is very much CGL responding to fan commentary, which is AWESOME to see. CGL listens to us!

Bit different from what I've seen them claim in the wake of the CI kickstarter. Albeit that is several years out of date by now, so could have changed in merch sales since.

Starting all the way back with decal sales years ago, all the way to the recent Kickstarter. Not much has changed. Davion and Ghost Bear sell the most. The Lyrans and the Kuritans an order of magnitude next, the Wolves next, and then everyone else far below. The uptick we saw in merch sales recently were the Wolves rising up to the Steiner and Kurita tier, and I suspect some of that was part of the "writing on the wall" nature of the last few years of publications.

from here (

Still there does seem to be a correlation between popularity (As of a few years back as I don't know more up to date) and which factions get forcepacks. Clans are heavily over-represented (Except Ghost Bear really), but at a guess that's a mix of these clans being very important to current storyline so they want to push them a bit as well as clan minis in general selling well (As far as I can tell). That or numbers have in fact changed in the last 3 years.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Death_from_above on 19 March 2024, 11:04:36
Going over the list (subject to change) again, there's three insta-buys for me : Davion II, the Celestials and the Jade Falcon ForcePack.

With all of these Dark Age designs popping up, CGL ought to a) not glue the models to their bases (as is done with the jumping Mechs) and b) sell some MWDA-style clickytech bases as an alternative option  :grin:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 19 March 2024, 11:12:42
Still there does seem to be a correlation between popularity (As of a few years back as I don't know more up to date) and which factions get forcepacks. Clans are heavily over-represented (Except Ghost Bear really), but at a guess that's a mix of these clans being very important to current storyline so they want to push them a bit as well as clan minis in general selling well (As far as I can tell). That or numbers have in fact changed in the last 3 years.

There's always going to be a balancing act between producing items for popular factions and making targets for them.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: bobthecoward on 19 March 2024, 11:16:10
No jackal, garm, or yeoman...sigh
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 19 March 2024, 11:19:13
No jackal, garm, or yeoman...sigh

Good God, I wouldn't want to be the person to have to redesign those. I'd agitate for them being extinct and forgotten.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Kit deSummersville on 19 March 2024, 11:30:44
The Yeoman is there to fire missiles. It does that well.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Fat Guy on 19 March 2024, 11:32:18
Good God, I wouldn't want to be the person to have to redesign those.

Actually, I would like to be the artist with that assignment. Because no matter how bad I botched it up, they still would all be greatly improved.     :wink:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Minemech on 19 March 2024, 11:35:05
 The Yeoman is a magnificent part of the Free Worlds mech fleet.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Mendrugo on 19 March 2024, 11:35:45
Good God, I wouldn't want to be the person to have to redesign those. I'd agitate for them being extinct and forgotten.

Careful now - the last time someone talked smack about the Yeoman, an UrbanMech stepped on his hover limousine.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: General308 on 19 March 2024, 11:41:27
Will we?

IWM doesn't have to wait to produce metal minis just because Catalyst is producing a plastic one- they made a metal Regent well before we got the plastic one in the GDL lance pack.

That depends on if CGL sends IWM the STL they need to make the mini.  IF CGL doesn't send them said art it would be hard for them to do something.  Not saying what is or isn't happening just that IWM is dependent on art they don't produce
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Maingunnery on 19 March 2024, 11:43:12
Actually, I would like to be the artist with that assignment. Because no matter how bad I botched it up, they still would all be greatly improved.     :wink:
Simply retcon them all as being extreme UrbanMech refits.  :wink:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Weirdo on 19 March 2024, 12:43:42
I want more variety in my bug box ... still 12 total, but perhaps get 2 hornets tossed in ... any other's that would qualify? oooh what about fleas, we need more fleas -- said no dog ever.

I would be all over a company box with one or more Fleas in it - but only if they're proper Fleas, not the scrawny just-call-it-a-Locust disappointment that's coming in the Merc Box.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Moragion on 19 March 2024, 15:01:05
That is a lot of new models! Really hope that the plastic Jade Phoenix becomes a reality. I have wanted that mech since I saw it in the RecGuides. I prefer the plastic minis to the metal ones, but even then I was seriously considering buying it. If the plastic one is confirmed, I have no problem waiting a couple of years  :grin:

But to be fair I think that I will try to get at least one box of each of those pack, except the ones with protomechs, cause I don't like them at all. But for the people who like them, I'm happy to see them done anyway.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Wolf72 on 19 March 2024, 16:33:52
If it were up to me to make a bug force pack, it'd probably be like a comstar style six pack.  Locust, Stinger, Wasp, either Spider or Flea

If they need more tonnage to add value, throw in a Grasshopper and Cicada.

How'd I forget the Spider! ... I'd like a modern/MWDA version please.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Hellraiser on 19 March 2024, 19:22:46
Davion:  Hmm, Likely Yes.
Davion I:  No
Kurita I:   Yes, but really......  Like I need another Panther????  Grr
Kurita II:    No
BS: No
Wars of Reaving: No
Clan Wolf I: No
Clan Wolf II: No
Celestials:  No
BS: No
Clan Jade Falcon:  No
21st Centauri Lancers:  No
BS: Fortifications  No
House Steiner I:  2/4, hmm, Maybe
House Steiner II:  No
Ares:  No
Hell's Horses:  3/6... Maybe   
BS: Clan Vehicles ... Maybe
Wolf Empire:  No
Alyina Mercantile League:  No
BS:  No
Clan Sea Fox:  No
Clan Ghost Bear:  No
Raslhauge Dominion:  No
BS :  No
Bug Company Box:    No
Fox Patrol:     No

Not bad at all, lots of new stuff in there, sadly only 5 of them really jump out at me as purchases.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Gladius-XC on 19 March 2024, 19:26:09
Careful now - the last time someone talked smack about the Yeoman, an UrbanMech stepped on his hover limousine.

If you can't get out from underneath an Urbanmech's foot, you deserve to be stepped on!
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ShroudedSciuridae on 19 March 2024, 19:31:27
Clearly they're saving the CCAF ForcePacks for the last because they're the best.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Hellraiser on 19 March 2024, 19:38:08
I'm thinking a Bug Box could be half as many of the "20-ton Trio", in order to add in some other "Small Bugs".

2 Each -  Wasp, Stinger, Locust.
1 Each - Hornet, Flea, Firefly, Spider, Cicada, Tarantula.

Cicada, Tarantula, Locust*2
Spider, Flea, Stinger*2
Firefly, Hornet, Wasp*2
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 19 March 2024, 20:12:42
See, I think the "bug box" should be kept to LCTs, STGs, and WSPs and be branded "Ravannion's Horde." If possible, throw in a one-page scenario sheet.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: StCptMara on 19 March 2024, 23:12:09
Good God, I wouldn't want to be the person to have to redesign those. I'd agitate for them being extinct and forgotten.

Bosch, I respect you greatly, but i must disagree about you with regards to the Yeoman. It is perfect just the way it is! Ugly, yes, but it does not need to be pretty to hurl missiles at people.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 19 March 2024, 23:34:03
Bosch, I respect you greatly, but i must disagree about you with regards to the Yeoman. It is perfect just the way it is! Ugly, yes, but it does not need to be pretty to hurl missiles at people.

I appreciate the kind words, but I'd rather pilot a Quasit instead of the Ye-old-brick.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 19 March 2024, 23:37:06
The Yeoman doesn't look ugly so much as it looks like the artist got bored halfway through and quit.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: shivanwurm on 20 March 2024, 00:01:02
I like the missile brick. Of the designs that make my eye twitch a bit in Battletech the walking square does not top them.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 20 March 2024, 00:12:39
honestly, i think it needs a redesign more than many others. give it a better visual balance and make it look less like a waddling boombox.
especially since the revised version would gain a waist. which might well end up making it look a little more Catapultish in layout.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: GRUD on 20 March 2024, 01:58:50
Scorpions, Grasshoppers, Goliaths (Might be pushing that one), Bug-Eye, etc...
 You could also throw in later additions like the Fire Moth, Dragonfly, Tarantula and so forth.

I'd be down for some Quad Boxes!   :smilie_happy_thumbup: :drinking01:

Either Lance Boxes, with 3-4 variants, or Company Boxes, also with Variants.  Still a shame we have to wait so long for the Doom Courser.   :cry:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: GRUD on 20 March 2024, 02:15:14
Also curious, will the Thud 9NAIS be a PP version or redone as a NuSeen?
Post #353 in the "Re: Upcoming Releases XXIX: First Annual 29th Birthday" Thread has a pic of the -9NAIS, and it IS the new Classic style!   :smilie_happy_thumbup:  I'd been wondering the same thing!

The 4th post on this Link shows the T-Bolt.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: GRUD on 20 March 2024, 02:20:53
If you can't get out from underneath an Urbanmech's foot, you deserve to be stepped on!
Unable to post the Meme I want!   :cry:

"He's Out of Line, But He's Right."   :grin:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: RazorclawXLS on 20 March 2024, 04:08:00
Post #353 in the "Re: Upcoming Releases XXIX: First Annual 29th Birthday" Thread has a pic of the -9NAIS, and it IS the new Classic style!   :smilie_happy_thumbup:  I'd been wondering the same thing!

The 4th post on this Link shows the T-Bolt.

Yes, the Thunderbolt in the photos from Kerensky Con is the 9NAIS variant.

Looks great, apart from the square missile launcher. It looks out of place on Thunderbolt, at least that's my impression.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: worktroll on 20 March 2024, 04:39:47
I tend to use 'conventional' 3x2 SRM packs when converting to 5SS and 9SS models, so not so strange to me.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Known Glitch on 20 March 2024, 06:12:06
Unless an otherwise unavailable (including from IWM) system from this list shows up in the fiction for my factions, I think my wallet is safe.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Minemech on 20 March 2024, 07:04:42
Unless an otherwise unavailable (including from IWM) system from this list shows up in the fiction for my factions, I think my wallet is safe.
Now that is how one lobbies for a Stinger IIC.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Minemech on 20 March 2024, 07:48:38
 I just realized that the Locust IIC may now be on the Free Worlds League roster.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Ghaz on 20 March 2024, 08:25:24
Post #353 in the "Re: Upcoming Releases XXIX: First Annual 29th Birthday" Thread has a pic of the -9NAIS, and it IS the new Classic style!   :smilie_happy_thumbup:  I'd been wondering the same thing!

The 4th post on this Link shows the T-Bolt.

Direct link to the post
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: MarauderD on 20 March 2024, 09:18:35
Very exciting about the Thud-9NAIS.  I use it liberally in my 4th Guards Cavalry lances in both AS and Classic!  Huzzah!
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: GRUD on 20 March 2024, 09:54:50
Direct link to the post
Cool!  :smilie_happy_thumbup:

I don't know how to do that.  :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Rebel Yell on 20 March 2024, 09:56:30
...sadly only 5 of them really jump out at me as purchases.

The more packs they put out the more frustrated I am that I can't buy individual mechs.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: shop1ift on 20 March 2024, 10:00:29
Very excited for the Celestial box, but the vast majority of them are sounding great. Can't wait.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Lorcan Nagle on 20 March 2024, 10:05:43
Cool!  :smilie_happy_thumbup:

I don't know how to do that.  :embarrassed:

At the top of each individual post there's a title, which will usually be RE:[thread title].  Right-click on that, pick Copy link Address, and then paste into the text field.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Ghaz on 20 March 2024, 10:07:07
Cool!  :smilie_happy_thumbup:

I don't know how to do that.  :embarrassed:

Click on the title above the post you want to link (in this case Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.) and the copy it from the address bar EDIT: Or do it the way noted above...  :wink:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: SteelRaven on 20 March 2024, 10:08:31
I tend to use 'conventional' 3x2 SRM packs when converting to 5SS and 9SS models, so not so strange to me.
Same, it's harder to mistake a SRM from a Warhammer or Wolverine as a LRM.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: GRUD on 20 March 2024, 10:12:54
At the top of each individual post there's a title, which will usually be RE:[thread title].  Right-click on that, pick Copy link Address, and then paste into the text field.
Click on the title above the post you want to link (in this case Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.) and the copy it from the address bar EDIT: Or do it the way noted above...  :wink:

Thanks guys!   :smilie_happy_thumbup: 

Next time I want to do it, I'll have forgotten how though!   :rolleyes:   :headbang:   :laugh:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: bobthecoward on 20 March 2024, 14:33:54
I really do want to see a project Phoenix marauder inspired by the nuseen marauder, even if just art.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Ghaz on 20 March 2024, 14:40:56
I really do want to see a project Phoenix marauder inspired by the nuseen marauder, even if just art.

Add in the Marauder II and I'll agree with you 100%.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 20 March 2024, 15:10:02
Add in the Marauder II and I'll agree with you 100%.

I'd like to see all the Phoenix models given the updated looks treatment. Some won't need much work from Plog's 3085 art, but others could really use a tightening-up.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: General308 on 20 March 2024, 18:26:09
I'd like to see all the Phoenix models given the updated looks treatment. Some won't need much work from Plog's 3085 art, but others could really use a tightening-up.

I would be happy so many of the Phoenix models were just not in 19 peices to put together.    I wonder with those was IWM challenged to see how many peices they could make them?
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ActionButler on 20 March 2024, 18:55:07
I would also like to see the Phoenix models revised. Some of them had some very cool design elements that would look great on better foundations.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: TheOldDragoon on 20 March 2024, 19:39:57
Maybe there will be different variants of each of the noted bugs?

Stinger-3G baby!
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Maingunnery on 20 March 2024, 19:48:44
Stinger-3G baby!
I was actually hoping for at least one Stinger-3P.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: TheOldDragoon on 20 March 2024, 22:40:10
I tend to play late Succession Wars (3rd, 4th) through the Clan Invasion and into the FedCom Civil War. So a lot of these boxes didn't catch my attention... until the Bug Company. BRING IT ON.

I'd love to see more 12-'Mech companies and maybe some Binaries for the Clanners with the "core" mechs of a given era per faction. Kind of like those boxed sets for 40K or Bolt Action that contain a ready-to-rock army in a points-for-play sense. Assembly and paint notwithstanding.

In fact, a generic "Company" and "Binary" that is mostly commonly seen designs not immediately proprietary to any faction, so new players could use them to create a new Merc command or Clan unit from any not-quite-second-line-but-not-ristars-either keshik. The Bug Mechs are a good example, as everyone has them. Crusaders were, according to one TRO, the most commonly produced Heavy in the Star League. Stuff like that.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Charistoph on 21 March 2024, 00:08:44
One thing I would like to address is that I hope that the Protomechs aren't on 30mm bases like the Battle Armor are.  I hope they are on 19-20mm bases like their metal versions are.  It's nice to be able to put them base by base in a hex without overlapping too much.

Of course, I would say the same thing about Vehicles (at least the small ones) and the Battle Armor, too.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: thedancingjoker on 21 March 2024, 00:43:55
We don't even know how many Protomechs are on each base, let alone the base size.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: BrianDavion on 21 March 2024, 01:22:01
Post #353 in the "Re: Upcoming Releases XXIX: First Annual 29th Birthday" Thread has a pic of the -9NAIS, and it IS the new Classic style!   :smilie_happy_thumbup:  I'd been wondering the same thing!

The 4th post on this Link shows the T-Bolt.

I'm guessing the PP mechs will SLOOOOWLY be phased out. and that post Jihad new production shifted to the "classical apperance" due to the pheonix apperances being so tightly associated with blakist trickery
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: GRUD on 21 March 2024, 02:40:35
I'm guessing the PP mechs will SLOOOOWLY be phased out. and that post Jihad new production shifted to the "classical apperance" due to the pheonix apperances being so tightly associated with blakist trickery
Maybe, but IWM keeps older sculpts around still.  No, not the Unseen of course, but some like the Atlas that's had 4+ sculpts, you can get the older sculpts still.  And after checking, I DON'T see the original, one-piece Atlas on their site.   :sad:  Eh, I've got several already at least.   :grin:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: BrianDavion on 21 March 2024, 03:01:44
sure and they'll never entirely get ridda the PP stuff but expect to not see any project pheonix designs appering in offical CGL art from here on out.

Although it'd be fun to see a "reseen" marauder crushing a phoenix marauder underfoot or somethng :)
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: GRUD on 21 March 2024, 04:37:44
Although it'd be fun to see a "reseen" marauder crushing a phoenix marauder underfoot or somethng :)
Pretty sure I'd buy a print of that.   :smilie_happy_thumbup:

Originally, I didn't mind the PP MAD.  The last few years though, it's bothered me more and more each time I see one.   :undecided:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 21 March 2024, 05:09:29
I'm guessing the PP mechs will SLOOOOWLY be phased out. and that post Jihad new production shifted to the "classical apperance" due to the pheonix apperances being so tightly associated with blakist trickery

This is my guess as well. I'd like to see the Phoenix 'Mechs get redrawn to current standards, but I don't think CGL wants the market confusion.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ActionButler on 21 March 2024, 06:43:23
We don't even know how many Protomechs are on each base, let alone the base size.

Why would there be more than one to a base? It’s been a while since I used Protos, but aren’t they still fielded as individuals?
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: RogueK on 21 March 2024, 08:05:18
Lots of stuff I want in the next couple of years. While not everything in the pipeline are items on my wishlist (And as per usual mechs I really want are often bundled with mechs I don't care for), there are enough to keep me happy.

Though I'm a bit disappointed that none of the vehicles that got improved art in Ilclan Recognition Guide vol. 33 seem slated to get plastic minis for the foreseeable future.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 21 March 2024, 08:26:28
Lots of stuff I want in the next couple of years. While not everything in the pipeline are items on my wishlist (And as per usual mechs I really want are often bundled with mechs I don't care for), there are enough to keep me happy.

Though I'm a bit disappointed that none of the vehicles that got improved art in Ilclan Recognition Guide vol. 33 seem slated to get plastic minis for the foreseeable future.

Well, not according to this list. Always a chance that things will change or that we'll see additional releases.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Charistoph on 21 March 2024, 09:52:37
We don't even know how many Protomechs are on each base, let alone the base size.

Since Protomechs operate independently on the table, much like Vehicles in a Point, there is only going to be one per base.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: RogueK on 21 March 2024, 10:27:41
Well, not according to this list. Always a chance that things will change or that we'll see additional releases.

It is entirely possible this is just specifically "Faction pack" BT minis and not everything, but there's so many force-packs that it doesn't feel safe betting on that.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 21 March 2024, 10:40:34
Since Protomechs operate independently on the table, much like Vehicles in a Point, there is only going to be one per base.

hopefully they'll design the production sprues such that the less society specific Proto designs (like the Roc and Satyr) are made separately, for inclusion into a future battlefield support pack.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Charistoph on 21 March 2024, 11:20:06
hopefully they'll design the production sprues such that the less society specific Proto designs (like the Roc and Satyr) are made separately, for inclusion into a future battlefield support pack.

If they are, they'd probably be repositioned anyway.  (I do like the Roc and Satyr, good pair that.)

As it is, I'm rather surprised they're doing Wars of Reaving first, as Task Force Serpent was more recent to the Clan Invasion, and it wouldn't be hard to make 2 ForcePacks with 5 ProtoMechs each based on the original set.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 21 March 2024, 11:44:37
The society pack is part of their special/deluxe set line up (thus the pre painted figure) and those seem to not have any specific connection to the main game era. Notice the other one is an Star league era set.

Also, the main line of sets seem to vaccilate between succession wars/clan invasion era for the 'generic lance type' boxes, and current ilclan era when it comes to the named unit boxes.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Sartris on 21 March 2024, 11:49:46
Based on the number of Phoenix designs still in production as of 3151, you’re going to be waiting a long time for them to completely disappear. They have not been ignored in the force manual lists
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Empyrus on 21 March 2024, 12:38:20
Gotta say i'd love the Phoenix Marauder to get model in plastic. While i've never thought of the PP Marauder as a Marauder (it looks too different), it looks cool, just needs a new name (Corsair would fit marauding theme).

Also, i do have some concerns about some reported variants. I am keeping in mind these things may not be final or correct but as it is...

First, the Grand Dragon DRG-10K (Kurita Command Lance). The problem with this variant is that it utilizes the dubious Anti-Penetrative Ablation Armor (ABA), and specifically that the armor does not appear in BattleMech Manual. That is not to say there shouldn't be equipment that requires additional rulebooks but since this particular item isn't good in anyway, it feels really weird pick. That said, the variant is otherwise OK, and side-torso mounted MRM-20 does make it look distinct from normal Dragons. Also gotta acknowledge ABA is found in ASCE so utilizing it in Alpha Strike is easy.

Second, the Akuma AKU-2XC (Kurita Command Lance). This variant utilizes Boosted C3 Slave. Which is really annoying as Boosted C3 systems are rare and rest of the force pack does not feature C3 systems. AKU-2X or -2XK would be better fit.

(Speaking of C3 systems, i do wish we'd get a "C3 Force Pack", that features a C3 Master computer equipped mech/variant and 3 C3 Slave equipped mechs/variants.)
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Mendrugo on 21 March 2024, 12:46:07
The main benefit of a plastic Phoenix Marauder is that it wouldn't fall apart into a pile of pewter limbs at the slightest touch.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 21 March 2024, 12:57:39
The main benefit of a plastic Phoenix Marauder is that it wouldn't fall apart into a pile of pewter limbs at the slightest tough.

"Just pin it." LOL. LMAO.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: spotH3D on 21 March 2024, 13:24:35
Respectfully, I think you guys are crazy if you think CGL wants to spent resources on PP plastic.  I'm sure they intend you to use the Nuseen in place of it.

If you doubt me look with your own eyes at the Thunderbolt 9NAIS, which is a PP unit.  It is Nuseen now.  And that's settled.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: SteelRaven on 21 March 2024, 13:39:48
One part is the desire to see new plastics of everything which isn't realistic.

IWM having easy to convert minis as with the Battle master and Wolverine is the best option to cover multiple bases (If only they gave me an easier option for the Thud 5SS/9S... Yes, that's a sticking point with me)

That said, the Mad 4X is a great design that bridges the Classic and PP in the fluff and in rl. Getting a 4X/9M in plastic would be interesting. Not holding my breath, IWM has minis of both and somewhat easy to create one with the newer Marauder but I think it's one of those designs that stands out enough to consider.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: General308 on 21 March 2024, 13:58:54
"Just pin it." LOL. LMAO.

I don't know that is a lot of pins.  I have mine in a plastic bag.  I opened it and just said nope.  Maybe if I was doing the 6 million dollar man theme song when I put it together. lol

Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ColBosch on 21 March 2024, 14:16:42
I don't know that is a lot of pins.  I have mine in a plastic bag.  I opened it and just said nope.  Maybe if I was doing the 6 million dollar man theme song when I put it together. lol

The attachment points are also tiny and very hard to align even if you get a pin in.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: General308 on 21 March 2024, 14:26:51
The attachment points are also tiny and very hard to align even if you get a pin in.

Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 21 March 2024, 16:11:05
The 9S wasn't terrible to put together.  Wasn't great, but wasn't terrible.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: BrianDavion on 21 March 2024, 16:48:45
Gotta say i'd love the Phoenix Marauder to get model in plastic. While i've never thought of the PP Marauder as a Marauder (it looks too different), it looks cool, just needs a new name (Corsair would fit marauding theme).

Also, i do have some concerns about some reported variants. I am keeping in mind these things may not be final or correct but as it is...

First, the Grand Dragon DRG-10K (Kurita Command Lance). The problem with this variant is that it utilizes the dubious Anti-Penetrative Ablation Armor (ABA), and specifically that the armor does not appear in BattleMech Manual. That is not to say there shouldn't be equipment that requires additional rulebooks but since this particular item isn't good in anyway, it feels really weird pick. That said, the variant is otherwise OK, and side-torso mounted MRM-20 does make it look distinct from normal Dragons. Also gotta acknowledge ABA is found in ASCE so utilizing it in Alpha Strike is easy.

Second, the Akuma AKU-2XC (Kurita Command Lance). This variant utilizes Boosted C3 Slave. Which is really annoying as Boosted C3 systems are rare and rest of the force pack does not feature C3 systems. AKU-2X or -2XK would be better fit.

(Speaking of C3 systems, i do wish we'd get a "C3 Force Pack", that features a C3 Master computer equipped mech/variant and 3 C3 Slave equipped mechs/variants.)

it is odd they didn't give us an akuma modeled after the "core" varient.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: General308 on 21 March 2024, 16:58:10
it is odd they didn't give us an akuma modeled after the "core" varient.

Just a sign they are focusing on 3152.  Just like they did with the Wolf Dragoons Anhillator
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Empyrus on 22 March 2024, 02:22:09
AKU-2XC is still a bad pick, even if focusing current era. Either 2X or 2XK would be similarly advanced models without boosted C3 eating weight.
The WD Annihilator isn't comparable for it is actually the base model and got upgraded WYSIWYG record sheet.

Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: GRUD on 22 March 2024, 09:25:13
Gotta say i'd love the Phoenix Marauder to get model in plastic. While i've never thought of the PP Marauder as a Marauder (it looks too different), it looks cool, just needs a new name (Corsair would fit marauding theme).
"Skinny Jeans Marauder"?  :huh:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Fat Guy on 22 March 2024, 12:42:56
"Skinny Jeans Marauder"?  :huh:

Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Maingunnery on 22 March 2024, 12:46:47
"Mad Crane"?
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: 00Dawg on 22 March 2024, 14:04:39
"Mad Crane"?
I'll admit there are similarities...
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Jellico on 22 March 2024, 16:54:39
Okay. Now I need a Mech called an Ibis so I can call it a Bin Chicken.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: worktroll on 22 March 2024, 17:08:48
The 9S wasn't terrible to put together.  Wasn't great, but wasn't terrible.

The 9S/5R was indeed massively improved over the bag of bits the 5L was. Definitely easier to assemble.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 22 March 2024, 18:39:02
Okay. Now I need a Mech called an Ibis so I can call it a Bin Chicken.

I second this.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: tassa_kay on 22 March 2024, 21:17:11
Why would there be more than one to a base? It’s been a while since I used Protos, but aren’t they still fielded as individuals?

Oh yes, they definitely are, and have never been clumped together on a single base.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Fire Scorpion IIC on 23 March 2024, 22:56:57

It's so cool that Night Wolf is getting a mini, that mech looks absolutely perfect

Quick question: since a lot of the stuff here will be getting fresh art does that mean that we might get a fresh TRO or RecGuide for all those designs?

Some of them last got a lore update decades ago

And would more Clan vehicles get new art at least if not minis? I wouldn't mind updated look for Mithras or Shamash

Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Tyler Jorgensson on 23 March 2024, 23:15:53
It's so cool that Night Wolf is getting a mini, that mech looks absolutely perfect

Quick question: since a lot of the stuff here will be getting fresh art does that mean that we might get a fresh TRO or RecGuide for all those designs?

Some of them last got a lore update decades ago

And would more Clan vehicles get new art at least if not minis? I wouldn't mind updated look for Mithras or Shamash

One could make that assumption: maybe a new line of RecGuides? I don’t remember if the line Devs said anything on the subject… but since Adepticon is still going on tomorrow I’ll ask one of them and see if I can get an answer. Or you know a wait and see.

But to be fair the Davion Packs are like ‘close’ so who knows?

(I also haven’t watched the livestreams … well because I’ve been at the convention lol)
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Aresneo on 23 March 2024, 23:24:42
Quick question: since a lot of the stuff here will be getting fresh art does that mean that we might get a fresh TRO or RecGuide for all those designs?
It has been mentioned multiple times, most recently today during the Adepticon livestream, that there will be no more RecGuides for the foreseeable future. However each of the Force Manuals is supposed to have a mini TRO section so I would expect to see the units from those faction's packs get additional configurations in there.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Greatclub on 24 March 2024, 01:03:01
3050 for the core book, ilclan for the update section? it'd fit

Where would the record sheets be? I can't see them putting them in the back like the old starterbooks
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Lorcan Nagle on 24 March 2024, 01:37:10
They said the new variants in the combat manuals would have record sheets in the combat manual
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Spirit Cat Refugee on 24 March 2024, 09:44:20
So I heard the Jupiter mech in the Falcon pack has already been ixnayed by Randall Bills? Is this confirmable?
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Ghaz on 24 March 2024, 10:15:55
So I heard the Jupiter mech in the Falcon pack has already been ixnayed by Randall Bills? Is this confirmable?

The Jupiter is mentioned in the transcript ( from Friday.

-Plastic Jupiter?  Ray says he doesn't think so, but I'm sure it's in one of the planned sets
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: nckestrel on 24 March 2024, 10:37:31
Extremely likely they just can't recall every single 'mech in the three year plan when asked off the top of their heads. 
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: nckestrel on 24 March 2024, 10:41:44
They said the new variants in the combat Force Manuals would have record sheets in the combat Force Manual

Correct.  There are ~10 record sheets in each Force Manual for the new units that some unique pilots have.
Most unique pilots use standard variants, and those won't have record sheets in the back.  And the mini TROs have standard units and the book doesn't have record sheets for those. For those unique pilots that do have a new, custom 'mech, that record sheet is included.  (Also, for Kurita, some new Panthers that were mentioned but never had a record sheet before).
IE. If it's new to BattleTech from this Force Manual, it's record sheet will be in the back.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: General308 on 24 March 2024, 10:57:06
Extremely likely they just can't recall every single 'mech in the three year plan when asked off the top of their heads.

Facts.  Yesterday Randall was asked if the Maxium Hover was going to get made.  He said it is Iconic and just hasn't made the cut yet but he is sure it will.  The Maxium is in the Merc box set.....I laughed so hard......In fairness to them.  They have so much coming out and are busy being asked off the cuff questions it isn't really fair to expect them to remember everything of the top of their heads
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Teejay75 on 24 March 2024, 13:16:15
I wonder if this is CGL deciding to move away from Kickstarter campaigns. I counted 27 packs. I wouldn't mind having more plastic spread out over a few years rather than a big dump of plastic every two or three. I wouldn't have to hide the bank statements from the wife as often.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 24 March 2024, 13:25:20
I don't think it's moving away from Kickstarter so much as it's not needed.  The Kickstarter was to produce the Clan Invasion and Mercenaries box sets but we didn't see one for the Alpha Strike box set.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: shivanwurm on 24 March 2024, 13:49:49
The force packs were already designed and I think early ones were starting to head off to get cast when the Merc KS happened.

With the planned forecast of packs, manuals, and statements, main line will not need a KS anytime soon.

At this point Kickstarters are for the swag. Universe book(especially the collectors edition) pins, dice, patches, Art of War, the cookbook and side games like Encounters or any card game the may try to get off the ground.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Charistoph on 24 March 2024, 15:03:11
Facts.  Yesterday Randall was asked if the Maxium Hover was going to get made.  He said it is Iconic and just hasn't made the cut yet but he is sure it will.  The Maxium is in the Merc box set.....I laughed so hard......In fairness to them.  They have so much coming out and are busy being asked off the cuff questions it isn't really fair to expect them to remember everything of the top of their heads

You mean the Maxim?  I hadn't heard of the Maxium myself before now.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: CitizenErased on 24 March 2024, 15:53:18
(Also, for Kurita, some new Panthers that were mentioned but never had a record sheet before)

Any chance you mean the PNT-10ALAG???  :cheesy:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Fat Guy on 24 March 2024, 15:56:56
Any chance you mean the PNT-10ALAG???  :cheesy:

It has a sheet in Turning Points War of 3039: Vega.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Teejay75 on 24 March 2024, 16:12:17
What was the board game that was shown on CGL's live stream? It was on a small board and had smaller scale models sitting on top of cardboard cubes. Looked like a cross between BT and chess. I only caught a few seconds of the stream since I was at work.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: CitizenErased on 24 March 2024, 16:12:41
It has a sheet in Turning Points War of 3039: Vega.

Nope, that's the 9ALAG - the 10 is still listed on the MUL as having no sheet, just a note describing it as a "faster ALAG Panther" but with no listed BV or AS stats.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ActionButler on 24 March 2024, 16:21:32
What was the board game that was shown on CGL's live stream? It was on a small board and had smaller scale models sitting on top of cardboard cubes. Looked like a cross between BT and chess. I only caught a few seconds of the stream since I was at work.

Battletech COMMAND
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: nckestrel on 24 March 2024, 16:26:36
Any chance you mean the PNT-10ALAG???  :cheesy:

Plural Panthers.  Panthers for everyone.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Lorcan Nagle on 24 March 2024, 16:26:43
What was the board game that was shown on CGL's live stream? It was on a small board and had smaller scale models sitting on top of cardboard cubes. Looked like a cross between BT and chess. I only caught a few seconds of the stream since I was at work.

here's a timestamped link to the playthrough:

As ActionButler says, it's called BattleTech: COMMAND.  It's similar in play style and scope to games like Battle for Westeros and Memoir '44
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: General308 on 24 March 2024, 16:34:19
You mean the Maxim?  I hadn't heard of the Maxium myself before now.
Yes my spelling mistake
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Fat Guy on 24 March 2024, 16:49:45
Plural Panthers.  Panthers for everyone.

Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: ActionButler on 24 March 2024, 16:49:50
here's a timestamped link to the playthrough:

As ActionButler says, it's called BattleTech: COMMAND.  It's similar in play style and scope to games like Battle for Westeros and Memoir '44

I’ve been pretty psyched about seeing more related to COMMAND since it was first teased and I’m really happy to hear that it’s moving forward again. A Battletech Memoir 44/Command and Colors has been at the top of my wishlist for such a long time that I started to draft my own rules and inflicted them on ActionYoungestKid. The fact that it runs on a dice-free system is great for someone like me who has comically awful luck.
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: GRUD on 26 March 2024, 09:53:27
You mean the Maxim?  I hadn't heard of the Maxium myself before now.
Isn't that the Plural of Maxim?   :huh: 

"I'd like a dozen Maxium, Please. With cheese."   :grin:

It's a given that they come with bacon, of course.   :smilie_happy_thumbup:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Fat Guy on 26 March 2024, 10:13:31
Dammit GRUD, you're making me hungry!   :ready5:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Weirdo on 26 March 2024, 10:14:37
It's a given that they come with bacon, of course.   :smilie_happy_thumbup:

That seems like a very rude way to refer to allied infantry, and being rude to infantry seems...dangerous. :cheesy:
Title: Re: Kerensky Con Rumors.
Post by: Charistoph on 26 March 2024, 10:37:44
Isn't that the Plural of Maxim?   :huh: 

I thought that was what a Maximum was?

That seems like a very rude way to refer to allied infantry, and being rude to infantry seems...dangerous. :cheesy:

And that's why Liao puts Flamers on everything and developed the Plasma Rifle to have a better ranged Flamer.  Bacon is best fried, after all.