BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

BattleTech Game Systems => General BattleTech Discussion => Topic started by: MechWarriorRedd on 29 April 2024, 22:25:08

Title: New to Alpha Strike.
Post by: MechWarriorRedd on 29 April 2024, 22:25:08
Well, kinda new to BattleTech in general. But Alpha Strike is really cool. Was just wondering if there was a list or article somewhere showing what some of the best mechs to use are.
Title: Re: New to Alpha Strike.
Post by: Atlas3060 on 29 April 2024, 23:37:28
Well that's an interesting question because what would constitute the best?

Armor? Firepower? speed? I wouldn't take too many slow Assaults on a mission requiring lightning fast units.
Plus there's the whole Inner Sphere versus Clan tech to consider. Clan tech costs more but has more oomph to it, but are you willing to risk that much PV into one Mech?

Another thing to consider is Eras, there's so many units that got better or worse as time went on, mostly for the better though but there's always a few stragglers.
Title: Re: New to Alpha Strike.
Post by: Gray_Noton_4lfe on 30 April 2024, 00:17:16
Well, kinda new to BattleTech in general. But Alpha Strike is really cool. Was just wondering if there was a list or article somewhere showing what some of the best mechs to use are.

There are many different 'Mechs some people consider great and terrible, but its mostly judged in oppion, fact, and the style of playing.

The best list on 'Mechs (and other units) in general is going to be The Master Unit List ( it has pretty much all the info you need. Another helpful tool in the Master Unit List, especially if you're playing Alpha Strike, is the ability to edit and download the AS cards for free.

These links I found to be pretty helpful when starting out

for about what 'Mechs are for what

for about rulebooks

and about the Battletech boxes

or if you want to see the full thing just click on this one
Title: Re: New to Alpha Strike.
Post by: Nerroth on 03 May 2024, 18:30:22
Of the various boxes referred to in the links above, I would say that the Alpha Strike Boxed Set makes a solid case for being a good first jump-on point - both in terms of how many 'Mech minis you get for the price, but in how it supports both Alpha Strike play (using the rules and Unit Cards in the box) and the opportunity to later branch over to Total Warfare scale play (not least since CGL have conveniently compiled a PDF with Record Sheets ( to match the aforementioned Unit Cards).


Actually, there are a few differences between TW and AS which might make some 'Mechs more, or less, useful in certain roles than others, depending on which game system is being used.

For example: both games have the concept of a to-hit modifier based on the movement of the target unit. However, in TW, this Target Movement Modifier depends on how fast the unit actually moves, increasing at certain move brackets; in AS, there is but a single TMM modifier per unit, which is the same even if the unit moves the bare minimum amount needed to trigger it.

How big a deal is this? I defer to the experts, in terms of actually playing both games on the tabletop. But, again, the variety of units in the AS Boxed Set might help you gauge what a helpful variety of different Inner Sphere and Clan designs each have to offer in this regard.
Title: Re: New to Alpha Strike.
Post by: Normie on 04 May 2024, 15:00:05
I would really recommend the alpha strike box set if you're just starting out. The tokens and the cardstock terrain are great. It has a good selection of mechs at lower price point than buying 2 lances and star. It also has rules for missions and previews some of the special rules in the alpha strike commander's edition book.

As far as good mechs, that's a hard question to answer. The size of the game, missions, and the optional rules that are available can all change what's good. I would worry more about rule of cool first, because the number of variations that most mech's have makes it harder to choose a stinker. The master unit list is a great resource.