Author Topic: Hell's Horses taking Crusader Wolves Omega Galaxy  (Read 2708 times)

Colt Ward

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Hell's Horses taking Crusader Wolves Omega Galaxy
« on: 15 July 2020, 12:46:06 »
When Khan Cobb led the Horses against the Crusader Wolves, they first struck Omega Galaxy's Wardens and took IIRC several of those Clusters into their touman . . .

Two thoughts occurred out of this- they could be part of the source of the Horses/Warden Wolf material alliance.

And more interestingly, the Horses captured one of the original Tomahawk prototype . . . which means if it could have survived for them to reverse engineer.  Or could have been traded back to the Warden Wolves . . .

Would you like to see the original Tomahawk be produced by the Horses?  Or is it irrelevant with them building the cooperative Cygnus & Hellstar in that period?

the Tomahawk A resembles the Cygnus, though the Cygnus downsizes the cannons to go faster & TC
Colt Ward
Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104

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Re: Hell's Horses taking Crusader Wolves Omega Galaxy
« Reply #1 on: 15 July 2020, 13:41:19 »
And more interestingly, the Horses captured one of the original Tomahawk prototype . .

Are we sure about that?  Omega tested the Tomahawk but do we have confirmation that a prototype fell into Horse hands?

The Horses have the Tomahawk II but not the Tomahawk in the MUL, which may indicate they never got hold of a Tomahawk.

Would you like to see the original Tomahawk be produced by the Horses?

I’m ambivalent.

On the one hand, the Tomahawk B (the original Tomhawk) is the best of the bunch and could use more rotation. 

On the other, the Tomahawk and Tomahawk II are fairly redundant with the Dire Wolf (Just minor tweaks on fixed heat sinks or endo-composite.)  The limited TRO and RS space expended on them could have been better used on more different designs.  (An omni-Hellstar would have been truly different at 4/6 MPs, for example.)
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Colt Ward

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Re: Hell's Horses taking Crusader Wolves Omega Galaxy
« Reply #2 on: 15 July 2020, 14:34:23 »
Its in the story where the Warden cluster of the Crusaders gets reassigned- Vlad does not manage to kill them all, too elite for that- and they form Omega . . . and are left to rot on the periphery edge.  They face the Horses when they come calling and the POV character is the Star Colonel who had one of the Tomahawks in service.  The cluster loses and is taken by the Horses so . . .
Colt Ward
Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104

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Re: Hell's Horses taking Crusader Wolves Omega Galaxy
« Reply #3 on: 15 July 2020, 17:55:39 »
Yes, I remember that from TWoR.  It further said Vlad Ward was rather flummoxed and believed the Wardens could have put up a better fight than they did. 

It can't be helped that the Horses put them to better use than Vlad. 

It would be interesting to see the Tomahawk appear in the Horses' Touman.
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Colt Ward

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Re: Hell's Horses taking Crusader Wolves Omega Galaxy
« Reply #4 on: 15 July 2020, 18:05:05 »
Omega bid very carefully against the Warden Horses . . . and had been neglected as intended by Vlad and the rest of the Crusaders.
Colt Ward
Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104

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Re: Hell's Horses taking Crusader Wolves Omega Galaxy
« Reply #5 on: 16 July 2020, 20:40:34 »
I think while the Horses would have been interested in the Tomahawk as an example of what they could be facing in the future, and the state of Wolf/IS Clan tech and production. I don't think they had the infrastructure or inclination to devote the resources necessary to build their own Tomahawks. The Horses didn't exactly take a bunch of well populated, industrially developed worlds from the Wolves.
Also, while the Tomahawk was in advanced testing stages there were still kinks that needed ironed out before it could enter mass production, and the Horses may have felt they had bigger priorities than work out any remaining bugs and reverse engineer the Tomahawk in addition to building the Assault Omnimech factory necessary to start producing Tomahawks. Especially when Hellstars and Cygnuses were nearly just as effective, as well as cheaper and easier to produce.
By the time the Wolves move to the FWL and the Horses take most of the Wolf OZ, Weingarten has already been producing Tomahawk IIs for 50 years. So it makes more sense for them to just replace whatever the Wolves managed to take with them from their Weingarten factories and produce Tomahawk IIs.