Author Topic: Trailers and Clan Doctrine  (Read 1818 times)


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Trailers and Clan Doctrine
« on: 26 May 2020, 22:08:19 »
Fellow clan players, how do you see Gun Trailers fitting into Clan Doctrine?

With Tanks generally already falling outside of Zellbrigen's purview, do you see them just as an extension of that point's tanks? or do you see them as discreet targets, seperate from the tank that towed them?

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Re: Trailers and Clan Doctrine
« Reply #1 on: 26 May 2020, 22:39:51 »
Like you said vehicles for the most part are outside of Zell, so it doesn’t really matter.

Organizationally I would think they would have their own tractors, no point in “wasting” a combat vehicle in moving it around when it could be used on the front lines, especially in a post-jihad setting, where we see more and more clan vehicles. I would say two tractors and their trailers constitutes a point and the tractors stay somewhat near-by for easy repositioning.

I don’t see many, if any, clans giving a line tank like the Enyo or Axel IIC a trailer to pull behind them. Pulling them behind hovers or even wheeled chassis doesn’t make sense due to the many terrain restrictions and the cutdown in speed on them will effect them more than it might a tracked chassis; taking more motive hits now even more often.

 I’d wager they are reduced to the support trailers along the lines of artillery. You don’t want that in the front lines, and rather than using a combat vehicle for defense and repositioning, which have increasingly seen front line duty or at least combat for the clans, you can use a tractor and some solahma to defend it.

If for whatever reason they did put a trailer on a line unit I’d imagine they’d call it as a part of the vehicle, making the points 2x2 but only acting separately when they are dropped off.

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Re: Trailers and Clan Doctrine
« Reply #2 on: 26 May 2020, 23:19:45 »

As long as the trailer doesn't have an engine of source of power, you might be able to argue it is the Warriors in the tank fighting it as it it were part of their vehicle, making it 2 vehicles, not 2 vehicles and 2 trailers.

Bad juju, trailers can be ridiculously overpowered and Clantech would only make it worse.
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