
who wins the all stakes Poker Game?

Hanse Davion
Takashi Kurita
Jonas Marik
Katrina Steiner
Max Liao

Author Topic: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War  (Read 15228 times)


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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #30 on: 02 February 2011, 22:57:07 »
chances are that Hanse is betting with Chips representing Capellean Worlds  ;)
The problem with this scenario is that if Hanse and Katrina cash their chips out at the start, they gain 40% of the Confederation. Also what gains do powers like the Confederation make if they win, do they get the Capellan March, or all of House Davion? Hanse can live on Tharkad as far as the Capellans are concerned. If Janos wins can he get the Lyran Commonwealth?


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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #31 on: 02 February 2011, 23:18:28 »
who said it starts on the wedding day itself?
reread the opening post again

Yeah, well I retconning it to Melissa being 18 and thus a fine piece of legal tail, who is good at poker
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #32 on: 03 February 2011, 00:14:44 »
Grim how about this game:

 All 5 Lords play poker with no one else present save the First Circuit. Each Lord's chips are given special colors with purple representing the League(With an Eagle on it), Red representing the Draconis Combine with a Dragon, Green with targets representing the Capellan Confederation, an incontrovertible blue representing the Lyran Commonwealth(With steiner fists on it) and an incontrovertible yellow with sword representing the Federated Suns.

Each chip represents a world controlled by that state and states start out with a number of chips equal to the number of worlds they already control. Contested worlds will be sorted out by the First Circuit so as to prevent bias...

Spoils(Worlds gained from other powers during gameplay) may be bet in the ante and throughout the game so as to prevent losing a world you already possess

 The Ante is 1 world

Powers may also trade colored chips so as to prevent awkward things such as the Combine chewing off the Confederation when it does not want to and the Confederation can hand off some blue in exchange.

 For a ten world penalty powers may leave the challenge, and powers that quit lose all of their spoils, but retain all of their losses; players cannot quit until at least 5 rounds have passed. The game lasts x hours to be decided by OP, or when their is no longer any opposition and is the style of the OPs choice. They rotate on dealer(Who of course shuffles) clockwise each time using a new deck, and the same with the cutting.

 In the end during the partition process the states will deduct their relative gains from losses to that specific power and the power with the net positive will gain that many worlds from the other (IE the Suns have 23 Capellan green chips, and the Confederation has 17 Sun chips so they do the simple math 23-17=6 Capellan worlds added to their portfolio).

Who do you think will make out best(Not by percentage, but actual gains)?

 is this better?
« Last Edit: 03 February 2011, 00:17:22 by Minemech »


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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #33 on: 03 February 2011, 06:00:48 »
up to the part of being able to trade colored chips is pretty much what i had in mind.


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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #34 on: 03 February 2011, 13:09:35 »
You know, this is harder than it sounds.  Hanse, I think, is the man to beat.  But, Janos... in the 2980s, he was at the top of his game.  20 years later, he was a broken man after Anton's rebellion.  but, still to remain on top in league politics...?  I think he'd be a surprisingly hard competitor.

takashi is out- I can't see him doing well in Poker, and Katrina, well, I think she'd suffer from thee problems a lot of players have when they have big bankrolls: they lose sight of the individual losses, which quickly mount up.  before she realized, katrina would have bet too much on too many losing hands, and even playing conservatively, she'd eventually get bumped out.  Which leaves ole mad max.  now, agreed, he's too crazy to WIN... but many professionaly players are having a tough time dealing with a new crop of younger players, guys who bid like mad in the beginning and play like money is worthless.  I see max playing like that, which would throw off the delicate games of bluffing and deception of the prime two.  And with Lioa truly LOATHING Davion, I see him taking shots at Hanse more often than Marik, causing him to have to ante higher in pots he wouldn't want too...  Lioa would be put out of the game, but I see Hanse being in a slightly weaker position.  The cards falling fairly equally after that and barring no major mistakes...

I'd have to give it to Janos afterr a long, grueling game.  huh.


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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #35 on: 12 February 2011, 07:33:21 »
Hanse hands down of course... I'm neither a specialist, or even interested in poker, but in my eyes, the 4th SW looks like a galaxy wide poker game as it's been told.
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #36 on: 12 February 2011, 17:50:04 »
I think the consesus tends to be that Takashi is too direct and too stubborn to really be great here, which I agree with.  He's very sharp, and would hardly be a walk over, but in a game of guile, rather than force, I don't think he can take the top.  Kat, similarly, has a strength that is not applicable directly to poker, as a peace maker and a coalition builder.  Yes, she's also a strong woman and not to be under estimated, but it hardly seem to be her style to play that sort of a game, at least for thouse stakes.  She is a woman who retired, claiming she would never fight another war.

Of course, if the other three under estimated either Kat or Takashi, and they made a bold move, they could be in it.  Neither of them are idiots.

Hanse, Janos and Max are all more protrayed as master manipulators and experts at subterfuge, so seemingly they'd be the three to beat.  Personaly, I'd over Max and Janos the edge on their poker faces, since they live in such fear in their daily lives of betrayal by their own families and advisors that they need to learn to keep their feelings to them selves.  Max is slipping here, but with out the shock and stress of the war, he might be able to hold on to his sanity long enough for one night of poker.  Hanse did show him self a good actor, at Justen's trial and in that affair, but day to day he is with people he trusts and loves like Adrian Sortek and Quintus Allard, so he's got less need to practice that very personal sort of miss direction that Max would tend to thrive on. 

I don't think its a slam dunk for anyone.  When you look at the House Books, in 3025 every house had a pretty sharp figure at its helm, and I don't think you can count anyone out.
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #37 on: 12 February 2011, 22:54:33 »
I voted for Hanse, but I think Katrina has the best shot of an upset.  After all, isn't she the woman who served in every branch of the military to better understand the troops?  Who, in addition to military commander and statesman, spent time as a pirate?  Seem like she'd have an edge on getting in the other players heads and adapting her game as necessary.  But then, Hanse had a pretty unique upbringing.  Just ask his Auntie Viv.  Might give him a lot of those same advantages, and/or the ability to counter Kat.
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All Hail First Prince Melissa Davion, the Patron Saint of the Regimental Combat Team, who cowed Dainmar Liao, created the Model Army, and rescued Robinson!  May her light ever guide the sons of the Suns, May our daughters ever endeavour to emulate her!

Drop Bear

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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #38 on: 13 February 2011, 02:04:22 »
Marik is good at local league games down the Pub, but has bean playing the locals too long, he'll expect the others to play like the gang down the pub he'll take a loss but has enough sense to walk away before it gets too big. Kurita good technical player with a solid stake but bad at reading the nuances of the other players, expect him to brake even. Laio will cheat but with a Sealed pack he'll have to mark cards during play and palm chips, but he'll be using a system devised for him by Davions Man who'll have fed him a bunch of wrong tells. Steiner good technical player with a good reading ability and a huge stake, but she's playing just to keep her hand in so her plan is to brake even or pull out a small win before handing things off to her girl who despite being Jail Bait is mature so she gets extra head games angles.

Davion FTW he gets lots of practice in the Suns local pub league and has seen the Tapes of the FWL Pub Leagues, he's primed Laio for the Fail and knows Kurita from their old friendly and not so friendly games, as to Steiner well each is treating the other as someone who's just their to make up numbers so their not playing each other but the rest of the table, his problems are some one has tampered with his stake, but he was expecting it so as pointed out by an other he's arranged for a lone from the Steiner Girls in return for a cut of the Pot.

at the end of the night Davion will walk away with a nice stack of L-Bills, a good fist full of M-Bills and a few K-Bills, he may be short a few D-Bills but will have made a good profit that he'll split with Steiner as agreed and when Laio gets home he'll find the eldest daughter has put a stop on his highest interest baring accounts cards and run off with her boyfriend and the dead to summer house.


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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #39 on: 14 February 2011, 18:38:07 »
Don't overlook Takashi's experience at manipulating his warlords; he was known as a shrewd politician. Due to Kurita culture, he probably has the best poker face of anybody at the table. Even so, everybody could probably predict his objectives two hands in advance.

I'm going with Janos Marik. While Hanse Davion is no slouch at subterfuge, Janos Marik is far more subtle, and a survivor to boot. He was the one that got the legislation passed giving all the power to son Thomas (who nobody even knew had been the heir for over a decade). Janos Marik was so subtle that he doesn't even get credit in the sourcebooks. Hanse was good, but very much an 'in your face' operator.
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #40 on: 14 February 2011, 18:42:18 »
I think in the end it would come down to two remaining lords with all their chips in the middle.

One would have a possible flush-straight, the other a possible full house. The final card would be flipped over, giving the jubilant ruler a full house and victory. There would be cheering and swearing and gnashing of teeth. Finally everyone would calm down and look at the table to find it devoid of both chips and the dealer.

The only thing left would be the cards and, sitting in the dealer's chair, a toaster.
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #41 on: 14 February 2011, 23:35:30 »
I think in the end it would come down to two remaining lords with all their chips in the middle.

One would have a possible flush-straight, the other a possible full house. The final card would be flipped over, giving the jubilant ruler a full house and victory. There would be cheering and swearing and gnashing of teeth. Finally everyone would calm down and look at the table to find it devoid of both chips and the dealer.

The only thing left would be the cards and, sitting in the dealer's chair, a toaster.

Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Arkansas Warrior

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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #42 on: 14 February 2011, 23:42:14 »
I'm going with Janos Marik. While Hanse Davion is no slouch at subterfuge, Janos Marik is far more subtle, and a survivor to boot. He was the one that got the legislation passed giving all the power to son Thomas (who nobody even knew had been the heir for over a decade). Janos Marik was so subtle that he doesn't even get credit in the sourcebooks. Hanse was good, but very much an 'in your face' operator.
I see Janos as the guy with the short stack that just won't go away.  Max gets out first, obviously.  Then there's a long dry spell where Janos gets put all in, wins, then fritters his chips away over the next few hands, wash, rinse, repeat.  Eventually Takashi goes one on one with Hanse and gets put out.  Janos falls soon after, and Hanse agrees to let Katrina win if he can marry her daughter.
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All Hail First Prince Melissa Davion, the Patron Saint of the Regimental Combat Team, who cowed Dainmar Liao, created the Model Army, and rescued Robinson!  May her light ever guide the sons of the Suns, May our daughters ever endeavour to emulate her!


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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #43 on: 15 February 2011, 00:04:45 »
I see Janos as the guy with the short stack that just won't go away.  Max gets out first, obviously.  Then there's a long dry spell where Janos gets put all in, wins, then fritters his chips away over the next few hands, wash, rinse, repeat.  Eventually Takashi goes one on one with Hanse and gets put out.  Janos falls soon after, and Hanse agrees to let Katrina win if he can marry her daughter.

Max not only goes out first, but he buys back in and goes out a second time, before anyone else has gone out once.
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #44 on: 15 February 2011, 03:13:48 »
It'll just be a repeat of the movie Maverick. That seems likely to me.


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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #45 on: 15 February 2011, 03:24:46 »
It'll just be a repeat of the movie Maverick. That seems likely to me.

Please can we make it Tombstone. I'd hate to have to watch a Mel Gibson film.
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #46 on: 15 February 2011, 03:29:44 »
Only Mel!  >:(

His movies made so much sense and entertain me greatly! (except for all of them)


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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #47 on: 15 February 2011, 03:31:02 »
Only Mel!  >:(

His movies made so much sense and entertain me greatly! (except for all of them)

I liked Gallipoli.
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #48 on: 15 February 2011, 10:16:35 »
I liked Gallipoli.

The English didn't.
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #49 on: 15 February 2011, 11:03:22 »
That's because we called them on their BS Official version of events with that one.


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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #50 on: 15 February 2011, 14:30:19 »
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #51 on: 15 February 2011, 14:31:06 »
That's because we called them on their BS Official version of events with that one.

I also liked the Patriot. Historical fiction amuses me. Part of the reason I love BattleTech so much.
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #52 on: 15 February 2011, 14:34:30 »
I'm English.

I was implying that your countrymen who visited there in 1915 had a different opinion.  ;)
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #53 on: 15 February 2011, 14:56:44 »
I was implying that your countrymen who visited there in 1915 had a different opinion.  ;)

Well, of course, they were only Aussies. ;)
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #54 on: 16 February 2011, 06:27:17 »
i see a lot of responses that think that Janos would win but personally i disagree, i think he would just outlast all others only to loose in the final round

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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #55 on: 16 February 2011, 10:58:34 »
Well, of course, they were only Aussies. ;)

their was a number of times when British High Command sent out Memos to the following effect and at least one with these exact words "If an assignment too Dirty, Difficult or Dangerous do not trust it to or risk English Troops, Instead send ANZAC units if available"


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Re: An Alternative to the 4th Sucession War
« Reply #56 on: 16 February 2011, 14:04:53 »
their was a number of times when British High Command sent out Memos to the following effect and at least one with these exact words "If an assignment too Dirty, Difficult or Dangerous do not trust it to or risk English Troops, Instead send ANZAC units if available"

Guardsman deftly uses a magic marker to black out where it says “disposable” next to the ANZAC troops.
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
1979 - 8 November 2009)
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We shall remember you, Albatross.
1st Chesterton Guards
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