Author Topic: Conclave, Limerick, Ireland - 30/06/12  (Read 1069 times)


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Conclave, Limerick, Ireland - 30/06/12
« on: 25 June 2012, 10:26:13 »

Short notice as I meant to post this last week but all are welcome. Conclave will be held at Thomond Park Rugby Stadium

Details are available at


BATTLETECH: John Somers/Dave Le Gear,
Saturday 30th, Cost 10e
A long established favourite at Conclave Battle tech is an easy to learn hard to master game of skill, and usually with the aid of a heavy gauss a little luck. This years event promises to be as exciting as all the others with a focus on scenario based events, round the time of the Jihad/Wars of Reaving. With an emphasis on the unit organisation as much as the B.V of a force.
Reg: 9.30-11.30

ROUND 1, “For Whome the bell tolls”
 CLAN TRIAL this is a standard trial representing one of the many thousands that took place in clan space during the wars of Reaving.
1 MAP Board with a river and a single bridge is placed, the game lasts 12 turns, and the player with a mover on the bridge on turn 12 wins.
FORCES: 14000BV, Each player Must have 5 movers, either mechs, Battle Armour, or proto mechs, with no repeats of the same mover, These represent a  clan star, and follows the points system,  As for Clan Honour that’s Entirely up to the players.
TECH LEVEL: Up to 3085

ROUND 2, “It’ll be over by Christmass”

JIHAD HEADHUNT: This represents the massive turmoil and disparity of forces during the Jihad in both inner sphere and clan space, and also the perchance to head hunt enemy leaders as a way of breaking resistance, or toppling a tyrant in the hope the next one mightn’t be as bad.

OBJECTIVE: Each player chooses one map, and secretly designates his commander, the game lasts  2 hours, when one player destroyes an enemy commander he or she automatically wins.
FORCES: 10,000 BV, Each Player may use any tech, However their forces must be in units of 4, 5, or 6, to represent the organisations of the various different factions, with a maximum of six movers in the game, players may use, mechs, battle armour, tanks, infantry, but not proto mechs, vtols, or artillary. The mixed tech is to represent the collage of forces that were often found  fighting during jihad.
TECH LEVEL: Up to 3085

Periphery dust up. While things began to fall apart in both the Inner Sphere and Clan space, Things Got very interesting in the Periphery, as resources became paramount on some worlds as trade dried up and piracy began to take its toll, this represents two low tech forces in the periphery fighting for a valuable resource, wether it be water, a HPG Generator, or some pleasant company.
OBJECTIVE: Each player chooses a map and places an objective within 3 hexes of his table edge, the loser of the first initiative roll, before mechs  are moved onto the map places a third objective within 3 hexes of the map centre hex, the game lasts 2 hours the player that controls the most objectives at the end of the turn wins, to control an objective the player must have a mover on the objective, which does not restrict movement, line of sight etc.
FORCES:6500BV, LEVEL 1 TECH ONLY, infantry, tanks, Mechs, Each Player must have 4 movers,
No battle armour, vtols, artillary etc

The title says it all quite simply, you have 2500bv to either pick a mech or design your own, if you design your own you must have it sanctioned as legal at least one hour before the tournaments…..then its rock and roll…….all on 2 Solaris seven maps, Which arena will it be.. Find out on the day.
Prizes for most kills, and best mech conversion/paint job
« Last Edit: 25 June 2012, 10:32:14 by monty »

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.
Let him who desires peace prepare for war. (Vegetius)

