Author Topic: Character Reincarnation (of the natural variety)  (Read 3290 times)

Drop Bear

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Character Reincarnation (of the natural variety)
« on: 12 July 2013, 00:24:23 »
Ok mid week for a change of pace one of my gaming groups couldn't get together a full roaster for either of out Trav games or our pick-up so we dug out Paranoia.

anyway the Dice for the random component of character generation recreated one of my classic characters from the late 80's and reflexively the same placement of the elective components,  that I've kept alive (big ask with Paranoia, took a lot of smarts, cowardliness and social engineering on my part and at times just not playing him) but haven't played since around '03. I got to the end when I got to naming him I said "Now this looks familiar", I then realized I'd just seen the reincarnation of Compute-R-NRD one of my all time favorite Paranoia characters.

Physical stats where a touch better than the originals starting stats, but Moxie, Mech Apt and Power where all the same killer power level as was my high range Chutzpah, same CPU service group, same Computer Phreaks Secret Security and same Machine Empathy Mutant Power.

Drop Bear

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Re: Character Reincarnation (of the natural variety)
« Reply #1 on: 13 July 2013, 19:12:08 »
I'm having much fun with him, the group this time although playing in the "Classic" era the team dynamic has a post re-boot feel to it. our Happiness officer is firmly a Non-Threat so no one Lazes her, the C&R officer is playing combo Reporter & Vid Hero leaving the camera work to her Bot sidkick, we have pined a few things on her but nothing major. the Loyalty officer is a happy anarchist who backs the parties story unless we try to drop him in it I'd say hes a DL but his fun isn't so destructive I'm thinking a Romantic with a Rock thing. we leav the Equipment Guy  to play with his Bots and R&D toys bacause we've bean issued enough busted tech to know he's more valuble as a Fix-it than a scapegoat, our Cleanliness officer is a better Medic than the Docbot. I got stuck with Team Leader, my Bureaucratic wrangling and Machine Empathy help deflect all the Blame that has nowhere else to go. also there is Fighe-R-GRL who's our Security & Tactical Officer, she's just strait out scarey (when not playing the Vamp), a dead shot with a Laz, Kick-ass with a Sword and we've seen her eat a Cone Rifle shell and just get mad'er.

Drop Bear

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Re: Character Reincarnation (of the natural variety)
« Reply #2 on: 14 July 2013, 06:40:58 »
doesn't matter the system has anyone else had a character reincarnate?

Drop Bear

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Re: Character Reincarnation (of the natural variety)
« Reply #3 on: 19 July 2013, 09:30:09 »
Compute-R-NRD came out again last night, on all three missions he got stuck with Team Leader dispite trying to through the MBD test, I was trying for Equipment Guy this time, but I missed out, half way between PLC and the place where the first mission objective is we accidentally ran in to some CMT's and got in to a big gunfight (that we haven't finished), three players down, the Doc-Bot and the Cleanliness/Medical Officer are juggling their time between the three of them, My PC and the C&R Officer are providing cover fire wile out Tactical/Security Officer charges the CMT's with her Sword (everyone who's upright and not playing Medic has gone through their on hand ammo, and for most of us that's their total ammo allotment) and we can hear the INEPT MEAT wagon in the distance (we hope it's for us because every one has at least one wound and we need to get HURT).


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Re: Character Reincarnation (of the natural variety)
« Reply #4 on: 17 September 2013, 17:12:49 »
I've re-used a couple.

Mechwarrior Why Yeh of the Goliath Scorpions first came about in the days of MW3ed/CBT:RPG.  He wound up a bit unbalanced because we didn't understand the character creation rules very well and didn't always enforce the maximum negative trait limit.  He wound up a Star Commander with a bunch of enemies, an addiction to necrosia, and was just general fun to play.

He next came back out for Fan Councils, I can't remember which incarnation it was.  I decided to keep the necrosia addiction but play him as a bit more of an elder statesman who understood the need for the Clans to adapt to reality or perish.  Have to say this stuck with me for his next incarnation.

Third time was an AToW campaign run by Liam's Ghost where he basically became the mesiah of the Clans by essentially becoming their version of Devlin Stone driving on Terra to deal with the Word of Blake.

Another character I've used a couple times was in various World of Darkness campaigns.  Minari Ryoko(arranged in traditional style putting family name first given name second), an awakened Mage.  To give her the right feel I did actually read up on various Shinto and Buddhist philosophies.

The first campaign was run by someone no longer in our gaming group.  He had an unhealthy infatuation with Vampires to the point he was having them pull shit that would have had any other Camerilla ashing members for pulling and doing it in such a way it was obvious and not fun.  Still gave rise to the Warehouse.  The group was laying low in a warehouse after some stupid Vampire shit so Ryoko used her Spirit magic to awaken an entire warehouse.  Fortunately the campaign came to an end before we could make the pill boxes with daisies manning machine guns and make Satan Flies*.

Second was an attempt to run a more "young mage" campaign.  It really didn't get far at all.

I've used her as an NPC in campaign here or there but not much since then.

*By that point Ryoko was a master of Life Magic as well and pissed off enough at the Vampires that she was going to engineer some biting flies with a taste for Vampire blood that would swarm around and make it impossible for Vampires to go outside.  There was even talk of figuring out how to make them explode.


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Re: Character Reincarnation (of the natural variety)
« Reply #5 on: 08 March 2014, 17:02:34 »
In a 3025 with Natasha Keransky, and over several games, her mech kept talking two PPCs to the head, head criticial etc.  Since she was known to be alive in 3050, we kept resurrecting her!


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Re: Character Reincarnation (of the natural variety)
« Reply #6 on: 09 March 2014, 11:57:57 »
"insert first name" Boolangero is a name and character I recycle constantly. Based on Jesse "the Body" Ventura's wrestling/announcer persona and (poor) movie roles, Boolangero shows up often in the capacity of a retired soldier and/or media shill in my games and story posts. I have him say crazy stuff, that sometimes is true mostly not and sometimes he gets killed with a single shot through the body out of the blue. What can I say? Every time I hear him speak, I remember my childhood when he was announcing with Vince McMahon on WWF tv or Gorilla Monsoon and crack up.

