Author Topic: (Answered) Quirks for Conventional Fighters  (Read 1562 times)


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(Answered) Quirks for Conventional Fighters
« on: 23 June 2013, 18:26:27 »
Quirk Tables: Positive page 194/Negative page 197


"‡Includes Fixed-Wing Support Vehicle"

I noticed that there's no mention of conventional here. I think they go under fighters, and it would make sense for them to have bomb bays, but not being able to fly in atmosphere wouldn't work very well for them, don't you think?
« Last Edit: 04 July 2015, 23:04:27 by Xotl »


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Re: (Research) Can conventional fighters have quirks?
« Reply #1 on: 08 July 2013, 17:39:08 »
The rules term "fighter" includes both aerospace and conventional fighters per page 20 of Total Warfare.

As an advanced, optional rule, players are expected to use a certain amount of discretion and common sense in its application.  Obviously, the Unstreamlined quirk is unsuitable for use on conventional fighters or fixed-wing support vehicles, but it is not technically impossible to design an aircraft with such poor streamlining it's unable to take off.  Considering the near complete lack of any utility whatsoever, it is advised that players attempting to design something like that be referred to the Combat Vehicle design rules or the pages of XTRO: Boondoggles.
The solution is just ignore Paul.