If critseeking is your argument, it looses badly to the 10-X and 20-X. The range is not all that different, and the 10-X is roughly the same size (1 more ton of gun, but more ammo efficient and less DHS needed). They also have the option to help punch holes with slugs, and the power of a 20-point brick is very much worth the extra bit of mass to get a 20-X.
This is a huge misrepresentation of the game. While I am not as familiar with IS tech as I am with Clan tech, most weapons have some situation in which they are the best choice. Within the context of the Clan arsenal (at least up to the Jihad), the one and only worthless weapon is the 10-X because literally everything else has cases where it is the best choice for the job (the 10-X fails because the way Clan weapon ranges line means either the 5-X or 20-X is always a better choice). I know the IS arsenal is not quite as well put together because the huge mess of weapons available tends to result in more things getting overshadowed, but even with only ultra-optimized customs there will be a huge range of designs and strategies to take advantage of the terrain and opposition in that particular game.
If you want a really easy example of why no one design is the perfect choice, take that Hellstar you mentioned against 1000 BV worth of conventional infantry on a single heavily forested mapsheet. It will get completely crushed despite costing three times the BV of the infantry and being a highly optimized design for the simple reason that it is optimized to deal with certain types of opponents which leaves it extremely vulnerable to others.
Actually, I was trying to say the same thing --- and I love LBX AC's too -- but if you have 3 points of armor left on a location, I need 4 hits to that same spot with the LBX to get one chance at a crit --- with a rotary, I need one hit there, and I get that chance..... and if I am at range 13, my ER medium cannot help me. Now, a light PPC would be great, but if I don't have one...... and sometimes, especially with my Capellan loving buddy on the field, I am rather loathe to utilize beam weapons, because I KNOW the plasma is making an appearance. He uses it like Frank's Redhot Hot Sauce.....He puts that stuff on everything.
And as I also mentioned, I recently got into a battle, where my opponent used some of those nifty new Kurita Battle Armor... the ones with reflective armor..... which rendered my Lament into the support category, while my Blade was sent to hunt Battle Armor.
At the same time, I am not saying that the RAC is a super weapon..... What I said, is that it is useful in some situations, just as that infantry you mentioned are useful in the forest, against that Hellstar, but would probably not do half as well on a salt flat...... if the Hellstar even decided to bother engaging (I'd just walk away, and wait for the infantry to get way out in the open, and call for Arrow IV inferno, but that's me) --- for that matter, the Hellstar probably wouldn't engage them in the forest.... I'd go looking for a clearing with good fire lanes, and make my opponent come to me.
As for a Blade, I wouldn't use it in heavy forest, because you need to combine mobility with that RAC to make it work, and restrictive terrain keeps you from doing that..... on the other hand, with the Blue Shield tech being published in a printed scenario (Wolf & Blake, on Stacy Church's Zeus), and the number of new designs using Reflective Armor.... my old standby of ERPPC and TC on a 6/9 or better sniper is not as effective, anymore, as it used to be, either.
I do agree that we need better ballistic weapons in the game, but for now, if you are going to use an AC.... it's an acceptable choice for hopefully getting decent damage, and being able to sand armor.
And again, the topic was what is the role for it --- responding to that question with "other weapons are better" doesn't actually add to the discussion.
At the same time, I probably shouldn't try and discuss things while at work, as I get interrupted every other sentence, and things do not come out the way I hope. I do not disagree that there are better weapon combos, but, as the question is about the role for a specific weapon, I am trying to keep it with that weapon. And also, since I prefer to use Canon designs, that are faction specific, for what faction I am running..... I sometimes get combos that are not my first choice.
Honestly, I would love to see a Blade variant with a Heavy PPC.... given a choice.