Author Topic: (Answered) Infantry Weapons Vs Tactical Armor  (Read 1944 times)

L. Y. Deschain

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(Answered) Infantry Weapons Vs Tactical Armor
« on: 25 January 2014, 14:41:17 »
"Tactical Armor value by an amount equal to the number of Standard damage points the weapon inflicts, divided by the armor’s BAR (rounding normally)."

What does Rounding Normally mean exactly, my friend said Rounding Normally would be anything .5 and up would round up. I see in the examples the 1.25 and 2.333* were rounded down which fits under what I know as normal rolling.

What I really want to figure out is if I do say if after diving .7 Damage, does it round to 1 damage tactical damage or would the attack do 0.

While I am still curious about the above rules, I found the rules in the ATOW companion. Mostly what the definition of Rounding Normally means in ATOW, I see some things say round up, others round down and then others round "normally" My guess is the standard .5 and up rounds up and everything below .5 rounds down.
« Last Edit: 25 January 2014, 22:44:33 by Xotl »


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Re: Infantry Weapons Vs Tactical Armor
« Reply #1 on: 25 January 2014, 17:15:53 »

Yes, as you noticed, the terms are thus:

Round Up = No matter what the fraction, you go up to the nearest indicated increment (usually an integer "round up to the nearest whole number").
    Example: 8.1 rounds up to 9; 8.9 rounds up to 9; 8.5 rounds up to 9.

Round Down = No matter what the fraction, you go down to the nearest indicated increment (usually an integer "round down to the nearest whole number").
    Example: 8.1 rounds down to 8; 8.9 rounds down to 8; 8.5 rounds down to 8.

Round Normally = As long as the fraction portion is less than half-way, you round down to the nearest indicated increment (usually an integer "round normally to the nearest whole number"); if the fraction is halfway or closer to the next increment, you round up to it.
    Example: 8.1 rounds down to 8; 8.9 rounds up to 9; 8.5 rounds normally (up) to 9.

Hope that helps.


- Herb

P.S.: I mention increments because sometimes--though not generally in the RPG--we have used "round normally to the nearest half", which makes the cut-off for rounding UP happen at .25, rather than .5.

L. Y. Deschain

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Re: Infantry Weapons Vs Tactical Armor
« Reply #2 on: 25 January 2014, 18:21:59 »
Thank you very much Herb, that clears up that bit of confusion.