Author Topic: "Like" one thing about each Clan  (Read 5679 times)

Alan Grant

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"Like" one thing about each Clan
« on: 09 March 2014, 14:15:06 »
Ok for fun....take each Clan (for convenience I provided a list in no particular order below). Share one thing you like about each Clan. Try to be specific about what it is and briefly explain why you chose it. It could be a cultural trait, a tactical preference, a personality, a Bloodname, a Clan Founder, a machine they build (or built), a battle they fought, a chapter of their history, an accomplishment or achievement, anything at all. But just one thing.

Clan Blood Spirit
Clan Hell’s Horses
Clan Coyote
Clan Steel Viper
Clan Ghost Bear
Clan Cloud Cobra
Clan Wolf
Clan Wolf-in-Exile
Clan Nova Cat
Clan Stone Lion
Clan Fire Mandrill
Clan Mongoose
Clan Goliath Scorpion
Clan Widowmaker
Clan Ice Hellion
Clan Jade Falcon
Clan Smoke Jaguar
Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox
Clan Snow Raven
Clan Star Adder
Clan Burrock
Clan Wolverine

Tai Dai Cultist

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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #1 on: 09 March 2014, 16:34:13 »
Let's see if a Sphereophile can find something to like in each Clan:

Clan Blood Spirit: They were the only Clan that was actually true to being what it was to being "Clan".
Clan Hell's Horses: I have an affinity for anything cavalry related.  The actual horse mounted kind.  So I guess I like the shared idolization of horse-cavalry.
Clan Coyote: I like that they stayed the hell out of the Inner Sphere.  Hard to pick something concrete, since there's so little to know about them beyond 'hey, we invented the OmniMech!"
Clan Steel Viper: I like their logo.  Kinda close to COBRA!!!!
Clan Ghost Bear: I suppose I have to admit I like that one time in a MechWarrior PC game where the guy is screaming a warning over the radio: "Kodiak, base!  KODIAK!!!"  I still use that line.
Clan Cloud Cobra: It's a shame that the Cobras carry the burden of Clan spirituality virtually alone.. but I like that they're there to provide that vehicle in at least some small way.
Clan Wolf: I actually can think of something I like about the Wolves.  Now that they're the Wolf Empire, they're finally giving in and becoming a 'proper' Inner Sphere faction.
Clan WiE:  Now that they're a Lyran Sub-faction, I can root for them.
Clan Nova Cat: I did begin to like them once they became a Kuritan sub-faction.
Clan Stone Lion: At least they've got the class to stay out of the Inner Sphere.  Even if it wasn't by choice.
Clan Fire Mandrill: They were (somewhat) allies with the only true Clan, Blood Spirit.
Clan Mongoose: Even Hipsters deserve a pet Clan.
Clan Goliath Scorpion: They're a bunch of Johnny-come-lately's to Clan Snord, but the relic-hunting gig is fun enough to have room for the Scorpions, too.
Clan Widowmaker: Natasha Kerensky had a little extra bit of "ok, I guess that's kinda cool" in the revelation of the link of Clan Widowmaker to her long-established fluff about being the First Lady of Death.
Clan Ice Hellion: Their tantrums were pretty amusing.
Clan Jade Falcon: Malvina.  She's thrown hypocrisy to the dumpster and under her leadership the Clan has embraced its true self.  I love rooting for Heels, and now the Falcons are great Heels.
Clan Smoke Jaguar:  I do like House Matsu and the Kzin, so I suppose I have to at least somewhat like the BTU's incarnation as well.
Clan Sea Fox: They're Comstar v2.0.
Clan Snow Raven: I also like the Scorpion Clan a good bit, so I suppose I should also like the BTU incarnation. (even if I don't.. I can on some level admit I SHOULD)
Clan Star Adder:  I don't care enough about the Adders to even hate them/love their Heel-ness.  But I suppose for someone who isn't apathetic about the Clans, they'd be a great Heel to root for or against.
Clan Burrock:  This was the hardest one to penetrate Clan apathy to find something I like.  But, in that apathy I found something!  I can choose to believe that their extremely uninteresting lore is evidence even the writers themselves got sick and tired of trying to keep Clans on the same pedestal as the Inner Sphere and finally admitted they need to reset priorities.
Clan Wolverine: They sure had STYLE.  Anyone who give a big F-U to Little Nicky deserves admiration.

« Last Edit: 09 March 2014, 16:44:11 by Tai Dai Cultist »


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #2 on: 09 March 2014, 16:43:46 »
Clan Blood Spirit: I like their jaded, disillusioned, isolationist view; it reminds me of myself.
Clan Hell’s Horses: I like their combined-arms tactics, the Hellstar and Buraq, their iconic color schemes, and emphasis on the man over the machine.
Clan Coyote: I like the fact that they created the Omnimech, along with their close connections with the Society.
Clan Steel Viper: I like the Vapor Eagle and the Black Python.
Clan Ghost Bear: I like their emphasis on a family mentality, their founders, their color schemes, their integration with Rasalhague, the Kodiak, the Karhu, the Clawing, their Great Works, the fact that warriors who fail their Trial of Position can re-try in another branch of service... Yeah, despite my name, they're my favorite clan.
Clan Cloud Cobra: I like their cloisters, especially the Jovians.
Clan Wolf: I like their combination of Clan traditions and pragmatism, and so many of their battlemechs: the entire Mad Cat family, the Linebacker, Dire Wolf, Warwolf, and Wulfen, and I like Natasha Kerensky.
Clan Wolf-in-Exile: I like their connections with the Lyrans, the Hellstar, and their roots as the "original" Clan Wolf.
Clan Nova Cat: I like the Nova Cat mech itself.
Clan Stone Lion: I like their connections with the Hell's Horses, their emblem and color schemes, their newness, and the fact that they use the Septicemia frequently.
Clan Fire Mandrill: I like their connections with the Crimson Langur.
Clan Mongoose: I like their conniving nature, especially when contrasted with the apparent naivety of the Smoke Jaguars which "absorbed" them. 
Clan Goliath Scorpion: I like that they had the guts to go and conquer two neighboring periphery powers when they fled the Homeworlds.
Clan Widowmaker: I like their rumored connection to Natasha Kerensky.
Clan Ice Hellion: I like their preference for light, fast mechs.
Clan Jade Falcon: I love their Dark Age mechs, particularly the Gyrfalcon and the Shrike.
Clan Smoke Jaguar: I like their status as the "bad boys" of the Clan Invasion, I like their uniforms, and the Cauldron-Born.
Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox: I like their pragmatism, the fact that the warriors can retire without significant loss of honor to the merchant caste, and re-test back in, the Fowler bloodname (that's my girlfriend's last name), and so many of their mechs.
Clan Snow Raven: I like their general aesthetic, and the fact that they make such heavy use of Aerospace and capitol ships.
Clan Star Adder: I like their aesthetics as well, along with their pragmatism and the fact that they managed to more or less trap the rest of the homeworld Clans under their thumb.
Clan Burrock: I like the Burrock mech.
Clan Wolverine: I like the three mechs we know about from them, and the fact that they said "no" to Kerensky's madness later in his life.
"We are the Clans, the Star League incarnate.
None can stand against us and survive."

-- The Remembrance, Passage 272, Verse 8, Lines 18-19


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #3 on: 09 March 2014, 16:51:51 »

Clan Blood Spirit:  The tiny, hates everyone Clan that refused to give up until everyone left piled upon them.  Also, Blood Kites.

Clan Hell’s Horses:  Battle Armor, Hellbies, the Nova, Tanks, and James Cobb.

Clan Coyote:  The fact that a good portion of WoR is their fault and they came out ALIVE speaks volumes.  Also, I like the Savage Coyote well enough.

Clan Steel Viper:  An AWESOME series of Second Line Mechs.  Also, I like the Battle Cobra, and think the Crossbow looks neat.


Clan Cloud Cobra:  Ummm...they invented the Fire Moth, right?  They've got that going for them, which is nice.

Clan Wolf:  The Clan that got me into the game.

Clan Wolf-in-Exile:  See above.  Also, Ulric Kerensky.

Clan Nova Cat:  Flashbulbs and mysticism.

Clan Stone Lion:  They exist because they're too ballsy not to.

Clan Fire Mandrill:  A microcosm of pretty much everything that could go wrong with Clan Society, an entertaining trainwreck to watch.

Clan Mongoose:  Um.  Uh.  Hipsters need Clans?

Clan Goliath Scorpion:  They are currently my favorite Periphery Faction.

Clan Widowmaker:  Natasha Kerensky, I guess.  Also, being the ones to kill the first ilKhan is kind of a mark for them.  I'd like to think that when that happened, EVERYONE in the Clan suddenly went, "Oh.  Crap."

Clan Ice Hellion:  Fast and crazy!  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Clan Jade Falcon:  Summoners

Clan Smoke Jaguar:  Warhawks, Ebon Jaguars and bonecrushing stupidity.

Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox:  Sneaky, up to something, everywhere, and also, the Grendel and Piranha.

Clan Snow Raven:  Clan YOINK!

Clan Star Adder:  Played EVERYONE in WoR.


Clan Wolverine:  They are possibly the Minnesota Tribe, one of my favorite plot hooks.
I'm not sure how long you've been around on the forums, though you have a thousand posts. Never take anything JKlantern says seriously unless it's about food.


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #4 on: 09 March 2014, 16:53:23 »
Clan Blood Spirit: They kept to their ideals to the very end.
Clan Hell’s Horses: They're the best at backstabbing.
Clan Coyote: I like the redemption quest they've been put on after the Reavings
Clan Steel Viper: Brett Andrews was the greatest ilKhan ever.
Clan Ghost Bear: I've never liked the Bears, so I like very much that they've been effectively conquered by Rasalhague.
Clan Cloud Cobra: They have some of the coolest paint schemes and interesting internal politics.
Clan Wolf: My 2nd favorite Clan, I like their tactics, their attitude and the fact that they're pointing a gun directly at Stone's head.
Clan Wolf-in-Exile: They make really sweet mechs in 3145.
Clan Nova Cat: Once the bulk of them defect to the Republic, I really like what's left of the Nova Cats. Especially the ones who fight against visions.
Clan Stone Lion: Uhhhh..... it's cool that they have their own rituals?
Clan Fire Mandrill: Kindraa Mattila-Carrol. Their paint schemes are really cool, and they made the Crimson Langur.
Clan Mongoose: My last name is one of their bloodnames.
Clan Goliath Scorpion: Necrosia is cool. The Imperio is cool. They also have Warhawks.
Clan Widowmaker: Their best bloodnames became Wolf bloodnames.
Clan Ice Hellion: My favorite Clan. I love their mechs, their tactics, and their attitude.
Clan Jade Falcon: I'm a big fan of Invasion and Refusal War-era Jade Falcon. They have the best arrogance.
Clan Smoke Jaguar: Ebon Jaguars, Warhawks, and endless hatred. All good things.
Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox: They made the Solitaire and Grendel.
Clan Snow Raven: They talk a good fight.
Clan Star Adder: Coronas and Absalom Truscott.
Clan Burrock: Joined with the Society to try and resurrect themselves.
Clan Wolverine: They died.

“These will be dark days, when Wolves prowl across Terra.” - Jonathon Cameron

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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #5 on: 09 March 2014, 17:00:22 »

Clan Steel Viper: Brett Andrews was the greatest ilKhan ever.

Life was certainly not dull with him around!
I'm not sure how long you've been around on the forums, though you have a thousand posts. Never take anything JKlantern says seriously unless it's about food.


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #6 on: 09 March 2014, 17:15:51 »
Clan Blood Spirit - I liked their willingness to arm their lower castes when their backs were against the wall.

Clan Hell’s Horses - Epona

Clan Coyote - Wolfbros, Invented Omnimechs

Clan Steel Viper - They kill Jade Falcons

Clan Ghost Bear - Kodiak. Arcas. Karhu. Family. Integration with the FRR.

Clan Cloud Cobra - uh.... I enjoy alliteration? CCC abbreviates nicely...

Clan Wolf - The Entire Woodsman Family Tree. Empire. Flexibility while retaining honor.

Clan Wolf-in-Exile - Hellstar.

Clan Nova Cat - the sphinx makes nice salvage, you can strip the 375XL out to build a better mech and the rest can be rebuilt around a common 300 SFE, gives you two mechs. (the same works for the Jade Hawk and Ryoken II as well)

Clan Stone Lion - Its nice to see a new clan come into existence.

Clan Fire Mandrill - I admire their commitment to totem mechs like the mandrill and howler.

Clan Mongoose - If they'd stayed around, they would have made a good counter to the superfluity of snake-based clans.

Clan Goliath Scorpion - Wolfbros, the seeker concept was neat.

Clan Widowmaker - a rich source of bloodnames for clan wolf.

Clan Ice Hellion - I had fun being their Khan for a little while in an old FGC game.

Clan Jade Falcon - Fighting them is fun.

Clan Smoke Jaguar - Their fondness for brutal assault mechs, even if they did go and steal the dire wolf from the wolves.

Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox - Helping to spread clantech all over, even if they keep milking the timber wolf's image for marketing's sake.

Clan Snow Raven - FerroLamellor Armor.

Clan Star Adder - Cold1's avatar looks nice, a gargoyle in adder colors.

Clan Burrock - I did not expect them to reappear in the Wars of Reaving, that was interesting.

Clan Wolverine - I liked their rebellious spirit, and wish we had concrete statements about their survival
Шонхорын хурдаар хурцлан давшъя, Чонын зоригоор асан дүрэлзэье, Тэнхээт морьдын туурайгаар нүргэе, Тамгат Чингисийн ухаанаар даръя | Let’s go faster than a falcon, Let’s burn with the wolf’s courage, Let’s roar with the hooves of strong horses, Let’s go with the wisdom of Tamgat Genghis - The Hu, Wolf Totem


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #7 on: 09 March 2014, 20:39:36 »
Clan Blood Spirit: the coolest old school clan; total disregard for what anyone else thought about them, right to the grave.  Building Stooping Hawks and Blood Kites is a huge plus, and having an affinity for the Kingfisher helps as well.  Not that their warriors care what they build, they will whoop your tail in a cobbled together Star League machine.

Clan Hell's Horses: the tank clan has created some cool machines.  They constantly do things that make sense, rare for a clan.

Clan Coyote: they invented the omnimech, they likely invented the next leap in mech technology through the Society

Clan Steel Viper: oh what a beautiful sound that old fiddle made

Clan Ghost Bear: the hey we love everybody as long as you don't mess with us and then we rip you to shreds clan.  Yeah they're cool.  Merged with the FRR for ultimate Norse faction goodness.  They build and love some sweet mechs: Executioner, Kingfisher, Karhu

Clan Cobra: every Batman needs a Robin, now send another warship to back us up.  And I love the Stalking Spider

Clan Wolf:  ever since Vlad took over they have been ok by me.  And my son shares his name with their Dark Age leader, Alaric.

Clan WiE: I'm sorry but they're not clan to me, so I like that they are the faction I get to call not clan

Clan Nova Cat: lovable hippies in a society based in war, YES

Clan Stone Lion: the coolest current living clan.  Flat out would not give up, kicked tail against overwhelming odds.  Logo and colors are awesome.  They love the mechs I love to use!  Delvillar is a freaking beast!

Clan Fire Mandrill: every body loves a comedian... what do you mean this wasn't an in-joke???

Clan Mongoose: the perfect opponent for the Adders to learn how to Fight both with weapons and words

Clan Goliath Scorpion: seekers are cool

Clan Widowmaker: Natasha... nuf said

Clan Ice Hellion: if every Hellion was Conor Rood they would be Ilclan already.  And I like swatting 2 lights at the same time with an assault

Clan Jade Falcon: Aiden and Martha were awesome, Kael Pershaw (sp) was awesome, they're cocky and obnoxious but back it up.  They made my absolute favorite mech, the Night Gyr.

Clan Smoke Jaguar: oh the mustache twirling evilness!  I came into this game with the clan invasion and being the punk kid with grey clan mechs made the older players cringe.  My first BT faction.  Fierce warriors, proto's, Warhawk, loving big mobile mechs with lots of guns, and common sense not required.

Clan Sea Fox: because after 3145 I think they become the biggest power in BT

Clan Snow Raven: Machiavelli... IN SPPPAAACCCEEE

Clan Star Adder: everything I love about the clans.  Warriors who want mobile mechs with lots of guns, leaders who want to be generals not gladiators, making practical decisions.  Unity of castss and all clansmen working for a common goal. Seems like we're becoming the bad guy, I love it.  Its the Jaguars with a boat load more common sense and strategy. @Steverestless every mech looks good in black, blue, and gold!  They make the Blood Asp and covet Night Gyrs.

Clan Burrock: thanks for all the stuff
<hand reaches out of grave>
Orbital bombardment rains down

Clan Wolverine: the suspense is killing me

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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #8 on: 10 March 2014, 02:56:14 »
Here I go!

Clan Blood Spirit - They're the plucky underdogs who almost managed to hang on when everyone wrote them off. Almost. That and they have some great 'Mechs.

Clan Hell’s Horses - Death Metal, Brofists and inventing the HAG. The like combined arms, battle armour and being awesome to each other. My second fave clan, not gonna hide it

Clan Coyote - Desperation makes people do crazy things and think it's a good idea. The Coyotes are living proof of this.

Clan Steel Viper - Brett Andrews is the greatest ilKhan ever and took "crazy with power" to a new level. I always imagine him to be voiced by the late Chris Latta. Also, Goshawk.

Clan Ghost Bear - Time to be nice until it's time not to be nice

Clan Cloud Cobra - They're conniving, political and manipulative, but oh so very nice about it too.

Clan Wolf - Invented the Tundra Wolf. Yep, that's awesome.

Clan Wolf-in-Exile - It's their job to make every other Clan seem more interesting. It's not an easy job, but they do it.

Clan Nova Cat - You can justify all sorts of strange behavior by simply saying "Nova Cats" and leave it at that. Also, the Wendigo has personality.

Clan Stone Lion - Like the Hells Horses, but with more post-apoclyapticness. They're survivors through and through. Also, they're keeping some of those great Blood Spirit 'Mechs alive, which is also cool. My third favourite clan, and yes, that is cheating.

Clan Fire Mandrill - MUNKY MUNKY MUNKY. They're crazy and they made it work up until the point that it didn't. Leave a Mandril alone for too long and he'll probably think of an excuse to fight himself.

Clan Mongoose - they invented the Targeting Computer and got eaten by the Smoke Jaguars. There is nothing else interesting about them.

Clan Goliath Scorpion - Drug-addled, two-fisted adventurer archaeologists IN SPACE. What's there not to like?

Clan Widowmaker - Are dead.

Clan Ice Hellion - Clan Leeroy Jenkins.

Clan Jade Falcon - Crazyawesome the Clan. Traditionalist but only when it suits them. You can do something and they'll think its great if you can make it work. Also, Malvina has managed to make the Clans scary again.

Clan Smoke Jaguar - Will kill your family, your neighbors, your neighbors family and your dog if you think about doing something wrong. That's their idea of community relations

Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox - Bitches love Clantech. That's their policy, and it works

Clan Snow Raven - Think "family" in a purely "elderly Italian men in high-backed chairs" kind of a way. Every Raven is plotting the downfall of every other Raven, and they make a functional society out of it.

Clan Star Adder - Everything that happens is a part of the Star Adders' plan. Everything.

Clan Burrock - That's a nice Galaxy you got there. Be a shame if someone were to set fire to it, know what I mean?

Clan Wolverine - Are the Word of Blake. This makes them awesome.
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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #9 on: 10 March 2014, 06:03:56 »
Clan Blood Spirit: Spirited survivors till the very end, also treated their civilian castes and freeborns with respect.

Clan Burrock: Their brief resurrection - "What is dead may never die! Yarrggh-!<thunk! #P>"

Clan Cloud Cobra: Their blend of faith and scheming makes them one of the more interesting Clans.

Clan Coyote : Tried to shake up the status quo; even if they failed, interesting effort.

Clan Diamond Shark: Followed a different path from their brethren, yet remained true to Clan ways.

Clan Fire Mandrill: Factionalised idiocy provided amusing reading, especially in WoR.

Clan Ghost Bear: Strong family dynamic, intelligent policy towards their OZ led to one of the Sphere's more successful states.

Clan Goliath Scorpion: Love their historical bent; they also treat trueborns and the Kerenskys with the respect they actually deserve (i.e. not mindless hero-worship)

Clan Hell's Horses: I like their combined-arms bent and transformation from mindless Crusader idiots to successful Spheroid Clan.

Clan Ice Hellion: Gave more interesting Clans someone to beat on when it was all quiet on the Spheroid front.

Clan Jade Falcon: One of the most interesting Clans to follow, from being highly successful arch-conservatives to the Antichrist of the BT setting.

Clan Mongoose: Their fate may have prevented other scheming Clans from getting too overtly political, keeping them to the straight and narrow of Kerensky's warrior ways.

Clan Nova Cat: Their mystic bent and liberal ways made them interesting until they stupidly became the Combine's pet housecats.

Clan Smoke Jaguar : My intro to Battletech was through Exodus Road and Invading Clans, so I'll always have a soft spot for this most macho of Clans.

Clan Snow Raven: Cunning survivors who make the best of bad circumstances.

Clan Star Adder: So prescient a pack of honourable schemers. Are they secretly run by the hooded Blakist Master? "Everything that has transpired has done so, according to my design"  >:D "The Blood Spirits paid the price for their lack of vision"

Clan Steel Viper : Had a novel idea for rebuilding the Star League and later took "might makes right" a little too literally.

Clan Stone Lion: A Clan of survivors and a fresh face among the children of Kerensky.

Clan Widowmaker: Martyred the Founder, guaranteed the Clans' survival as a civilisation.

Clan Wolf: An ideal mix of cunning and courage, the true heirs of Kerensky. May their glorious reign of victory continue into the 3150s!

Clan Wolf-in-Exile: These lapdogs make the true Clan Wolf shine all the more.

Clan Wolverine: Provided a rich source of mystery and conspiracy theories - albeit that trope is getting rather tiresome.
All Clan totems are equal but some are more equal than others.

"The Succession Wars solved no problem. Their effects, both immediate and indirect, were either negative or disastrous. Morally subversive, economically destructive, socially degrading, confused in their causes, devious in their course, futile in their results, they are the outstanding example in Spheroid history of meaningless conflict."
The Third Star League's view of the Succession Wars, plagiarised from an ancient Terran historian's judgement of the Thirty Years War.

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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #10 on: 10 March 2014, 09:54:48 »
Clan Blood Spirit- Isolationist, going down fighting type.  Should have been the group cheerleader.  So bitter.

Clan Hell’s Horses- Combined arms clan.  Originators of the Elemental infantryman.

Clan Coyote- Clan Wolf lite?  I dunno, a good hook for the Society to have grown fat off of them.

Clan Steel Viper- Carrying their grudge against the Falcons back to the Homeworlds to start the Reavings.  Also, Brett Andrews going crazy.

Clan Ghost Bear- "Genocide is cool when we do it".

Clan Cloud Cobra- Survives the Wars of Reaving?

Clan Wolf- Fun bad guy in the Dark Ages.  A very humbled version of pre-schism Wolf.

Clan Wolf-in-Exile- A Lyran pet clan, beaten to a pulp by 3145.

Clan Nova Cat- Survivors.  I appreciate their resiliance and ability to rebuild. 

Clan Stone Lion- Sticking it to the Adders.

Clan Fire Mandrill- Helped the Blood Spirits, invented some fun tech.  Primates.

Clan Mongoose- Helped to demonize politics in the clans, which prevented them from ever growing up.

Clan Goliath Scorpion- Imperio, senior!

Clan Widowmaker- Killed Kerensky.

Clan Ice Hellion- Killed themselves.

Clan Jade Falcon- Where to begin?  Coolest of clans.

Clan Smoke Jaguar- Surprisingly complex for a clan once portrayed as dim.  Increasingly complex as time goes on.  And of course, the Fidelis.

Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox- Proliferation of clantech.  The "Neutral" clan.

Clan Snow Raven- Working with the Outworlds Alliance is a funny partnership.

Clan Star Adder- Likely leading the effort to re-invade.

Clan Burrock- Part II: The Revenge!

Clan Wolverine- The eternal boogieman.
IN MOViE `2001

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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #11 on: 10 March 2014, 11:42:04 »
Clan Blood Spirit- They have THEE most hard core sibko training, awesome logo..could go on

Clan Hell’s Horses- Jake Kabrinski became Khan and the only warrior to survive both the clawing and the branding rituals.

Clan Coyote- lupis! which helped spawn the mad dog...did i mention they're awesome scientists?

Clan Steel Viper- they use the word "taint" with a straight face,also liked their camos and some notable warriors.

Clan Ghost Bear- Let me count the ways!! Love us,hate us,you won't do it to our face  :)

Clan Cloud Cobra- Cloisters are awesome cool, plus ASF centric which i like

Clan Wolf- Dragoon compromise,they have a bloodname thats my last name.

Clan Wolf-in-Exile - I actually liked Phelan,deal with it.

Clan Nova Cat - One of my favorite side charactors in a novel is a former novacat mechwarrior in the ghostbears,they also had a khan who was a elemental!

Clan Stone Lion- Supposedly these guys are lushs,yay!

Clan Fire Mandrill- *giggles* they make me laugh, salamanders are fun too!

Clan Mongoose- they pissed everybody off and smiled while doing it

Clan Goliath Scorpion- One of their founding warriors shares my last name

Clan Widowmaker- Hans Jorgennsons brother was khan!

Clan Ice Hellion- Their warships only know one speed,FLANK!

Clan Jade Falcon- First clan i liked when i was a kid,awesome logo

Clan Smoke Jaguar- I think of having fun with Rage and Smoke Jaguar Warrior when i think of this clan,good times.

Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox- The name Fox...thats enough for me

Clan Snow Raven- I love warships i love politics meow mix meow mix please deliver.

Clan Star Adder- I think id make a good star adder, they have patience.

Clan Burrock- They have THE most interesting founders i think, former terrorists who decided to leave with kerensky despite having fought against him.

Clan Wolverine- say it with me now.....WWWOOOOOLLVVEEERRIIIINE!! who needs an excuse other than that?
Clan Ghost Bear:  We may not like you, but you're not bothering us, so you may exist.
 If your BA tactics can't be described as shenanigans, you're probably doing it wrong. ^-^ -Weirdo
 <Kojak> Yeah, there's definitely a learning curve with BA, But once you learn how to use 'em well they're addictive,heck, just look at what happened to Foxx ;-)
<Steve_Restless> its YOU who I shouldn't underestimate. I could give you a broom handle and I'd find you sitting on top of the enemy stormcrow, smug surat grin on your face

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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #12 on: 10 March 2014, 15:09:04 »
Let´s try. This isn´t as easy as you might think, so bear with me.

Clan Blood Spirit - About the only guys taking the Clan Way seriously. Gotta respect scrupulousness.

Clan Hell’s Horses - Less elitism than others. They know almost everyone can contribute something.

Clan Ghost Bear - They are jerks. Clever jerks playing the long game. I like that.

Clan Wolf - I like that they are most likely not going to stay where they currently are. (Squarely on our factories.)

Clan Wolf-in-Exile - They have become so redundant that one doesn´t have to bother about them anymore. Which is a plus.

Clan Nova Cat - Their storyline played out in a consistent way.

Clan Fire Mandrill - I always asumed they were put in universe so the Clan would have a class clown. Clowns are fun.

Clan Widowmaker - They are gone so long so noone has to bother about them. Which is good.

Clan Ice Hellion - Random maliciousness. No sense of self-preservation. Always did what they felt like to. Which is kind of commendable. Just not wise.

Clan Jade Falcon - They finally step out of the shadow of the Wolves. Foil no longer, now it is protagonist time! And the plot vehicle that will bring us into the next era. (Which might destroy them, but guarentees the destruction of many others. Win-win.)

Clan Smoke Jaguar - Mucho cojones! I also liked the fact that their intolerance and disregard for the well being of -anyone- so well mirrored the attitudes of their combine enemies. Aesthetically the best clan. Stylish symbol, stylish camos.

Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox - They got ComStar´s job now. Pan-sphere manipulators. Which I always appreciated as a plot hook. I like that they are probably going to screw everyone, not just the FWL. Hopefully.

Clan Snow Raven - Fringe power that throws wrenches in other people´s ... face. They are my new Oberon Confederation. I liked Hendrik Grimm.

Clan Wolverine - Blakists detected. Launch imminent! What is a nuke worth without a target?

Clan Goliath Scorpion - I like that they might make the transition from a Clan to a Periphery Power.

Clan Burrock
Clan Coyote
Clan Steel Viper
Clan Star Adder
Clan Stone Lion
Clan Cloud Cobra
Clan Mongoose

- Homies come. Homies go. Natural cycle. I like ... um that I do not really have to bother about them because they are far away?

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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #13 on: 10 March 2014, 17:41:01 »
Clan Blood Spirit - Protomechs galore!
Clan Hell’s Horses - Focus on combined arms
Clan Coyote - Their first OmniMech
Clan Steel Viper - Battle Cobra and Crossbow
Clan Ghost Bear - Focus on 'family'
Clan Cloud Cobra - Cloisters
Clan Wolf - Linebacker
Clan Wolf-in-Exile - Just can't like them.
Clan Nova Cat - Visions
Clan Stone Lion - Don't care to learn much about them, really.
Clan Fire Mandrill - Factionalism
Clan Mongoose - Once allies of Clan Burrock
Clan Goliath Scorpion - Seekers
Clan Widowmaker - Black Widow
Clan Ice Hellion - Their prevalent use of fast 'Mechs
Clan Jade Falcon - IMO, what I have always thought Clan should be
Clan Smoke Jaguar - Inventing ProtoMechs
Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox - Merchants
Clan Snow Raven - Their focus on Aerotech is kind of neat
Clan Star Adder - Absorption
Clan Burrock - I wonder...
Clan Wolverine - Rebellion
The conflict is pure - The truth devised - The future secured - The enemy designed
Maj. Isaac "Litany" Van Houten, Lone Wolves, The Former 66th "Litany Against Fear" Company

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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #14 on: 10 March 2014, 18:42:27 »
Clan Blood Spirit: Their tenacity at ensuring their own survival.

Clan Burrock: Their change of tactics/focus after Klondike.

Clan Cloud Cobra: The aerospace focus initially, but the Cloisters and interpretation of the Way are what kept my interest.

Clan Coyote: This is tough, because I see them as Clan Wolf Light.  I guess that it was this 'side' Clan that came up with OmniMechs.

Clan Fire Mandrill: That they actually managed to get an ilKhan elected from their ranks?

Clan Ghost Bear: Hmm... being allies with the Ravens?

Clan Goliath Scorpion:  Seekers, seekers are cool, especially in a society that actively sought to erase the past.  The Imperio is pretty awesome too.

Clan Hell’s Horses:  It may sound a little lame, but I really admire the teamwork amongst the Horses.  You don't see that often amongst the Clans.

Clan Ice Hellion: Flurry units and the guts to try an invasion on their own, even if that didn't work out for them.

Clan Jade Falcon:  Their absolute, hidebound stubbornness and traditionalism (except when it didn't benefit them).

Clan Mongoose: Not much to say, except they served as a warning to other Clans about being too political.

Clan Nova Cat: Their belief in their visions and mysticism... it really helped them stand out from the others.

Clan Sea Fox (aka Diamond Sharks): Adaptability.  No other Clan has changed itself so much over time.  They'll survive the long haul because of this.

Clan Smoke Jaguar: Their ferocity and trying to maintain the Clan ideal (might makes right).

Clan Snow Raven:  I like so many things about the Ravens that choosing one is hard.  I think that their pragmatism is what really made me like the Ravens (that and their political bent and warships).

Clan Star Adder: Uhhh... keeping the surviving home Clans focused on the goal.

Clan Steel Viper: For being excellent targets and one of the few things that Ravens and Falcons can agree to hate ;)

Clan Stone Lion: Being the new kid on the block, and showing that it IS possible for new Clans to emerge and possibly thrive.

Clan Widowmaker:  Accidentally or not, they put their mark on the Clans by being to ones to off Nicky K.

Clan Wolf: Difficult to say.  Very much a favoured Clan.  I guess I liked the 'classic' pre-Refusal War Wolves... they were nasty fighters, but smart too.  The post-Refusal War Wolves are harder to like... but I'd say for leaving the Homeworlds in style.

Clan Wolf-in-Exile:  Giving us some interesting Mechs and decanting Anastasia Kerensky.

Clan Wolverine:  Having the courage to stand by their ideals, even if it led to their destruction.
BattleCorps - Righteous Fury, Sorrow of Eden, Lady of Steel, I Was Lost, Forsaken : Legacy - The Forgotten Places : Shrapnel - Scavenger's Blood : ELH Chronicles - View from the Ground : Shrapnel - It Ends in Fire, Picking the Bones


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #15 on: 10 March 2014, 19:15:47 »
Clan Blood Spirit - Of all the Clans they remained true to Kerensky's original vision.
Clan Hell’s Horses- Clan tanks are awesome.
Clan Coyote -They gave us the omni-mech
Clan Steel Viper- They take everything about the clans and turn it up to 11
Clan Ghost Bear- They look after their own.
Clan Cloud Cobra- It takes guts sticking to religion when everyone else deifies Kerensky
Clan Wolf- Vlad deserves a round of applause for the whole Kerensky blood chapel thing
Clan Wolf-in-Exile- err... Phelan was the least annoying of the Superfriends?
Clan Nova Cat- Poster boys for why huffing paint fumes and following the visions you get are bad. The Nova Cat is pretty sweet though.
Clan Stone Lion- Never gave up even when the odds were at their worst.
Clan Fire Mandrill- Served as warning of what can happen if you push the clan cult of the individual warrior to the extreme.
Clan Mongoose- Served as an object lesson as to what happens when you try to rules lawyer your way out of trouble.
Clan Goliath Scorpion- Gotta admire their reverence for the Star League. Also the Imperium is probably the single most interesting clan-is hybrid nation.
Clan Widowmaker- Fought well in Klondike?
Clan Ice Hellion- Connor Rood, Also gotta admire their never give  up never think things through  attitude.
Clan Jade Falcon- Marthe Pryde, Also gotta admire how they bend rather than break in the face of change.
Clan Smoke Jaguar- The clan you love to hate. Some of the best villains in the setting.
Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox- Possibly the most interesting of the Clans. Knows that battles can be won or lost because of trade and seek to master that arena.
Clan Snow Raven- Politics is a battlefield and the Snow Ravens fight it better than any other clan. Also Warships!
Clan Star Adder-The most sensible and realistic of the clans. (Not that that's a high bar to clear but still...)
Clan Burrock- their founders were awesome.
Clan Wolverine- It took guts to stand up to Nicky K the way they did.


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #16 on: 10 March 2014, 21:50:31 »
Clan Blood Spirit: Clan Crazy is the best Crazy
Clan Hell’s Horses: Best meat in a Clan Occupation Zone Sandwich
Clan Coyote: The Society
Clan Steel Viper: Everybody is getting Abjured/Reaved/etc
Clan Ghost Bear: Their plot armors ability to deflect warcrimes, takes their skull motiff to a whole new level
Clan Cloud Cobra: The little sensible snakes
Clan Wolf: Clan Wolf
Clan Wolf-in-Exile: Clan Wolf
Clan Nova Cat: Their ability to take all the author punches to the groin and take years to die from the abuse
Clan Stone Lion: Uh, they have Lion in their name?
Clan Fire Mandrill: For being the monkey of the Clans
Clan Mongoose: Helping Clan Smoke Jaguar
Clan Goliath Scorpion:  Getting out of the Homeworlds
Clan Widowmaker: Killing Nicky and providing the Wolves with some respectable resources
Clan Ice Hellion: The Hellion Omnimech
Clan Jade Falcon: Someone has to drink the stupid punch, better them than anyone else
Clan Smoke Jaguar: Fidelis
Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox: Merchants of Death
Clan Snow Raven: Kicking the Davions in the nuts
Clan Star Adder: The big sensible snakes
Clan Burrock: For their mention in WoR
Clan Wolverine: Served as a nice training session for the Wolves


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #17 on: 13 March 2014, 08:44:26 »
Ok for fun....take each Clan (for convenience I provided a list in no particular order below). Share one thing you like about each Clan. Try to be specific about what it is and briefly explain why you chose it. It could be a cultural trait, a tactical preference, a personality, a Bloodname, a Clan Founder, a machine they build (or built), a battle they fought, a chapter of their history, an accomplishment or achievement, anything at all. But just one thing.

Clan Blood : star captain mara? No matter what you think of this clan its players are cool.

Clan Hell’s Horses: Romantic horse culture. Mongols, huns, native americans. Anyone with horse archers may apply.

Clan Coyote: mixing native american trappings with tech worship is a recipe for success. I love this clan.

Clan Steel Viper: you want crazy ive got your crazy. I love that the trueborns have to kill a sibmate to get in. They were the hunger games of battletech.

Clan Ghost Bear: I like their viking undertones. They are not as cool as jarnfolk. But the more rasalhague they become the more I like them.

Clan Cloud Cobra: their cloisters add to the battletech culture. But at least for me is not a powerful addition.

Clan Wolf: I love clan wolf, hate vlads wolves, love the empire. I like their tactical brilliance. First getting into battletech they offered me a battlemech driving warrior tribe trying to do the right thing. Ive found better options now but they will always be my first. My first game of battletech was a citytech match as a clan wolf direwolf. I read alot about it before I ever played.

Clan Wolf-in-Exile: I want to hope that these are Ulrics descendants and that they can do great things. We will see.

Clan Nova Cat: I love the nova cats. Greek/native american mysticism and trying to do the right thing. They are a fantastic warrior tribe.

Clan Stone Lion: cute emblem. I like the hells horses. We will see if these cats impress.

Clan Fire Mandrill: they... made the reavings interesting. Kind of.

Clan Mongoose: Clan Sea Fox had an opportunity to absorb this clan and decided not to benefit from another clans destruction. They gave my clan more honor.

Clan Goliath Scorpion: romantic seekers of lost artifacts and stylish dressing knife fighters. They do the battletech culture much justice.

Clan Widowmaker: if they did not kill the founder these tribes would not be so misguided. Chaos is necessary for battletech so good job.

Clan Ice Hellion: they joined the goliath scorpions.

Clan Jade Falcon: some of the best fiction and most revealing about clan culture is written about these guys.

Clan Smoke Jaguar: The Fidelis. Choosing the dc invasion corridor. Bad guys I can root for. Kind of.

Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox: like one thing abut this tribe of romantic liberal warrior gypsy traders? They gave me a home. I have loved battletech for a little over two decades and love just about every faction. I could play a lyran social general, a free worlds league tech roma, a clan wolf warrior strategist or just play one sea fox and be all of those things.

Clan Snow Raven: when you play a game of thrones you win or you die.

Clan Star Adder: something? I am glad that it gives some fans a clan to root for.

Clan Burrock: I like... that they were reaved? That was exciting!

Clan Wolverine: the minnesota tribe/guys that made the clans cohesive/possible shadow divisions are cool
« Last Edit: 13 March 2014, 08:47:01 by Kitsune413 »
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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #18 on: 13 March 2014, 20:57:05 »
First thing.  Limiting to one thing...  is difficult.  Slippage has been detected.  ::in ignignokt voice::   
edit: Some of these things I like, others are just what hits me about any given Clan in question.  Just to be different, because my answers would be too similar to those already mentioned in a lot of cases. 

Clan Blood Spirit:  Go.  Away.  Now. 

Clan Hell's Horses:  Our name alone has been yoinking attention since 1991.

Clan Stone Lion: We were told "Mind the fort, don't worry, the wagons will be back for you."  pffffffft.  We like pain now, we're kind of in to it, that's how things have been going for us since then.  Yeah, thanks for asking. 

Clan Coyote:  OmniMechs

Clan Steel Viper:  Perigard Zalman Perigard Zalman

Clan Ghost Bear:  I got an idea, listen: Let's settle down and become Space Vikings just like our founding father's folk here in Rasalhague...

Clan Wolf:  The will of Kerensky.

Clan Wolf-in-Exile:  The will of a more recent Kerensky.

Clan Cloud Cobra:  You gonna use those genetic heritages or what, dude, quineg? 

Clan Nova Cat:  We're good cats, honest.   O:-)  We like Dragons.

Clan Smoke Jaguar:  You gonna eat that? ::POW:: TOO SLOW SURAT @%#$!  ::Flexing and stupid faces made with mouth full of plundered gruel dripping::

Clan Star Adder:  We're somehow on top of this mess in the Homeworlds, and we're boring?  Boring?  BORING?

Clan Sea Fox: We come in peace.  And we bring you deadly merchandise.

Clan Wolverine:  We're not dead yet.

Clan Burrock:  We're not dead yet, either.  And maybe we cannot die, did you think about that?

Clan Mongoose:  We died.  But it wasn't our fault, Kerensky said fighting is a waste... Sometimes!

Clan Widowmaker:  Karrige, Jorgensson and Vordermark all say Burrocks and Mongeese can die, too.  They're pretty sure about it.

Clan Fire Mandrill :  We died?  How did that happen?

Clan Jade Falcon:  If Aidan Pryde were Khan, what then?  Phelan?  Kai?  Srsly.  Start stepping any time.

Clan Goliath Scorpion:  Screw you guys, we're going [to find a new] home.

Clan Ice Hellion:  Freaky fast ice lizards with razor sharp claws and antifreeze in their veins.  That's what we will be like.

Clan Snow Raven: Warships.  That is all. (But not really "all", we could tell you sooooo much more if you would just sit down and listen.  Because we're in charge here now, so we insist.  Listen.  That's better.)

« Last Edit: 13 March 2014, 22:59:46 by rebs »
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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #19 on: 13 March 2014, 22:05:51 »
Clan Blood Spirit : Traditional cluster composition, hard linner
Clan Hell’s Horses : Combined arms !! Well balanced forces.
Clan Coyote : Like Kitsune the mix of native american culture and high tech, they are stutborn trying, trying and trying again. Under exploited into the fluf :(
Clan Ghost Bear : Familly business, cool until you bother them.
Clan Wolf : The Original one was cool with a well balanced behavior, not the crazy moron post Vlad.
Clan Wolf-in-Exile : They make a choice maybe not the best but they keep there word.
Clan Goliath Scorpion : Star League cult :D
Clan Jade Falcon : I am the best !!! BOOOOOMMMMM ootch that is hurting (no contraction :p) but i am still the best !!
Clan Smoke Jaguar : All what we do not like into the Clans
Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox : They managed to sell Terra to ComStar :o
Clan Snow Raven : Warships !!

The "Snake" Clans : Burn them all and trow the ash to the wind !!  >:D
The others : i do not care they are extinct or not really appealling to me.


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #20 on: 13 March 2014, 22:47:36 »
Ok. I'll give it a go! ;)

Blood Spirit: Held to their traditions, and were simply bad ass warriors.

Cloud Cobra: A more interesting mix of mechs and aerospace than the Snow Ravens.

Burrock: The ability to regenerate! ;D

Coyote: Omnimech creators and they like heavy, smash 'em mechs primarily.

Ghost Bear: Have a bear insignia and they really like elementals.

Hell's Horses: Have a flaming horse insignia and they really, really like elementals! :))

Ice Hellion: Masters at using light mechs and winning. ( except when they finally lost )

Jade Falcon: Favorite. Clan. Bar. None. Accept no substitutes. They are my alter ego in many ways.

Fire Mandrill: They should have been Reaved much sooner.

Goliath Scorpion: Love their fascination with the Star League.

Diamond Sharks: Good warriors even though the merchants get all of the attention.

Snow Raven: Cool Warship fleet and they are aerospace masters.

Smoke Jaguar: They were skilled and not-so-dumb bad asses. Dangerous. Brutal. Entertaining.

Nova Cat: They did their own thing. ( Didn't work out well in the long run, but...)

Mongoose: Mostly unknown, but I like their lightning warfare approach that the fluff describes.

Star Adder: Soldier Clanners. Not just warriors. All-arounders.

Stone Lion: Former Hell's Horses. That's about it.

Steel Viper: Skilled opponents for my Falcons. They deserved respect for that.

Widowmaker: Cool insignia and their first Khan and I share the same first name!

Wolverine: Everybody needs to have a boogeyman.

Wolf: Can't really like them. Good warriors. Disliked all of the fan boys/girls back in the day. :P

Wolf-in-Exile: Really can't like them. Same as above. beats losing!

Aidan Pryde is my hero!

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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #21 on: 14 March 2014, 08:55:54 »

Clan Blood Spirit - The Ilchi concept. One of the only cases of stratified diplomacy-at-work that we've seen outside of the Clan Grand Council.
Clan Hell’s Horses- Their active use of conventional infantry, even in frontline units. I love infantry more than I do tanks.
Clan Coyote- The communion with nature angle. Sometimes when I listen to the Avatar movie soundtrack I think of this Clan.
Clan Steel Viper- My two favorite military "branches" are fleet (warships) and infantry and this Clan put a good level of emphasis on both.
Clan Ghost Bear- Their non-use of the aero phenotype. Never liked it much. When I play an aero pilot I tend to do it in this Clan.
Clan Cloud Cobra- The Cloister concept. I love the extra level of social fabric that it provides and the leeway that exists to create a non-canon Cloister.
Clan Wolf- This Clan was my introduction to the Clans, and a great "starter" Clan it was. Plus their capacity to keep reinventing themselves.
Clan Wolf-in-Exile- Read my Clan Wolf entry.
Clan Nova Cat- I really like their warship fleet and their totem. I feel like I would have loved this Clan a lot more if they had stayed with the rest of the Clans
Clan Stone Lion- Their totem primarily, loved seeing a new "feline" Clan. But I also like their preference for standard engines over XL engines. To me that's very smart.
Clan Fire Mandrill- The write-up on this Clan explored the traits associated with their Bloodnames a lot more than most Clans. That made it fun to play Clan geneticist and work some genetic story angles. Or to develop a character's bio and chosen bloodname with a view toward certain traits.
Clan Mongoose- Really I just like their totem. I'm weird, I like Mongooses and Meerkats and animals of that nature. But I also like warships and they managed to kick butt there too. So a double win.
Clan Goliath Scorpion- I loved reading about Naomi Djerassi in Klondike and the Djerassi Bloodname remains one of my favorites.
Clan Widowmaker- This Clan's death and Nicholas Kerensky's death marks a turning point in Clan history. I feel like that's their biggest contribution honestly.
Clan Ice Hellion- I love that they developed a variation of Zell that allowed a Star of lighter mechs to "pack attack" a larger machine. I wish it had become a mainstream Zell concept.
Clan Jade Falcon- Honestly I love this Clan's uniforms. A very cosmetic detail, but among all the Clans I like the Falcons' uniforms best.
Clan Smoke Jaguar- One of my favorite totem animals, kinda wish it had been associated with a Clan I actually liked more (and lived longer)
Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox- I liked that this Clan actually worked out an economy that was more than month-to-month production. When we learned about this in the WoR book my respect for the Diamond Sharks increased considerably.
Clan Snow Raven- I'm a warship fan, and this Clan actually contributed a lot to our understanding of how warships work within the Clan system. Concepts like Trials fought between warships, and how naval training is done. This Clan's write-up answered a lot of basic questions on that front.
Clan Star Adder- Their pragmatism toward the Founders. Not worshiping them like demi-gods.
Clan Burrock- Their interactions with the Dark Caste created some shades of gray with this Clan that I wish we knew more about.
Clan Wolverine- Hard to beat the old Minnesota Tribe legend even before we met the Clans.


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #22 on: 14 March 2014, 12:47:08 »
Clan Blood Spirit: I liked the IllChi concept and was sad to see it go after reading about it.
Plus their training is intense. The esprit-de-corps would have been a welcome sight to my favorite Clan's sense of family.
Sadly it seems that Kerensky's dream destroyed itself, leaving the Spirits without much...spirit in their trothkin for a time.

Clan Hell’s Horses: I can thank them for the Elemental. Plus this is the type of Clan that would encourage me to climb in a tank, blare out some speed metal, and command my forces with one phrase "We ride."

Clan Coyote: I didn't pay much attention to them until after reading Founding of the Clans: Fall from Glory. After that I can honestly say I like Dana Kufahl best.
It is a shame Andery and her never married.

Clan Steel Viper: Wardens yet Crusaders, I love that little mix. Plus they hate the Falcons which is okay in my books. :)

Clan Ghost Bear: My favorite Clan's focus on family is why I love them. Though we do act like the crazy neighbor who burns your car down as retaliation for stealing his morning paper.

Clan Cloud Cobra: Warrior Church Clanners, it almost makes me want to roll up a character for them in the template of Rev Bem from Andromeda.
Plus I can yell "COOOBRRAAAA!" in my best Cobra Commander voice at a table with context!

Clan Wolf-in-Exile: Though not really a Clan proper to me, they were the first "new" Clan which I did like.

Clan Nova Cat: Thank you for the ER Large Laser and the Nova Cat Mech.

Clan Stone Lion: Though I don't have much on them now, I'm glad something new grew from the ashes of the Reavings.

Clan Fire Mandrill: I love their Kindraas even though it is crippling the potential of the Clan. I guess I *do* like some soap opera dramas after all.

Clan Mongoose: Upon reading about them, they seem to be the "political" Clan. I liked that notion, but sadly they are absorbed.

Clan Goliath Scorpion: Nathan Drake/Indy Jones/Lara Croft takes "party favors" from Woodstock and climbs into Megas XLR. That alone is why I love this Clan.

Clan Widowmaker: In a way they sort of rebeled against the system while the Wolverines were being taken down. That much I like based on what I know of them.

Clan Ice Hellion: Fastfastfastfast gotta go fast! Get the Flag---er sorry they bring up Capture the Flag moments whenever I think of them. :)

Clan Smoke Jaguar: Fierce and aggressive totem animal, the people weren't afraid to be the "Bad Guys" and I loved to hate them.

Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox: I've always wanted to see the Ferengi with weapons, now I'm given such a visual and they do scare me. They could cut me, drain the blood, and sell the medicine at a marked up price.

Clan Snow Raven: My Clan's ally and lover of warships. I do like space battles at times.

Clan Star Adder:  Hannibal Banacek and the Wars of Reaving, such a good read.

Clan Burrock: Clan Pirates! Yes I'm oversimplifying a bit, but that's what I love about them. Bandits who basically have a Clan.

Clan Wolverine: Even though they should be shot on sight, I do love the BSG feel towards them.
I almost wish they were the first show of the Clans. Ragtag ships pouring into Inner Sphere space like Matt Decker losing it to the Doomstay Machine.
Still they are a fun "what if" hook.

Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Wolf: I grouped these together because what I love most is their rivalry. I played MW2, I played both factions, and I love the hate/hate/really hate relationship with these Clans. It is like watching two children vying for their parent's attention.
« Last Edit: 14 March 2014, 12:49:57 by Atlas3060 »
It's not about winning or losing, no it's all about how many chapters have you added to the rule books after your crazy antics.


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #23 on: 18 March 2014, 23:26:00 »
Interesting exercise in positivity. I'll partake, though I might accidentally give more than one example.

Clan Blood Spirit - They're the underdog's underdog, as well as some of the hardest fighting s.o.b.'s in the universe.
Clan Hell’s Horses - They respect the individual, plus they built the Nova.
Clan Coyote - The ATM is a damn fine piece of equipment.
Clan Steel Viper - Vicious and flavorful.
Clan Ghost Bear - They have had some interesting cases of forward thinking.
Clan Cloud Cobra - I love the Sylph.
Clan Wolf - Who doesn't enjoy Vlad?
Clan Wolf-in-Exile - Phelan was a fun intro to the Clan lifestyle, and still has a fond place in me.
Clan Nova Cat - They remind me of certain aspects of myself.
Clan Stone Lion - They're the potential wild card in the HW.
Clan Fire Mandrill - Kindraas Kline and Faraday-Tanaga are all sorts of tasty.
Clan Mongoose - The first true Clan superpower, if only for a moment.
Clan Goliath Scorpion - Dueling with knives? Yes, please.
Clan Widowmaker - I enjoy the fact that their bloodlines helped give us Nasty K.
Clan Ice Hellion - The Hellion is an amazing machine, plus you have to admire their spunk.
Clan Jade Falcon - The Summoner is an old favorite of mine.
Clan Smoke Jaguar - My oldest and favorite opponent.
Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox - HarJel is handy stuff.
Clan Snow Raven - Warships? Warships.
Clan Star Adder - They will be the fire that burns the Inner Sphere to oblivion.
Clan Burrock - Survivors and insurgents, plus their namesake 'Mech (thanks, Adders) is so very sweet.
Clan Wolverine - Nightmare fuel.
Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

"Being tactful in audacity is knowing how far one can go too far."
Jean Cocteau

The Once & Future WiseOldNovaCat


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Re: "Like" one thing about each Clan
« Reply #24 on: 19 March 2014, 00:20:25 »
I'm going to try to answer this from a gameplay point of view.

Clan Blood Spirit: I love playing with ProtoMechs, and they've got the best selection of them.

Clan Burrock: Way too fun to play as during the Wars of Reaving, nobody knows what to expect.

Clan Coyote: I enjoy their new RATs in WoR:Supplemental, and how they have the most omnis and Star League/early clan stuff at the same time.

Clan Cloud Cobra: Their new combined-armed doctrine on a larger scale looks like a lot of fun to play with.

Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox: The Clan I play as the most, and one that allows for a lot of tactical flexibility and a wide variety of designs.

Clan Fire Mandrill: I'm not sure..never looked into their tactics or anything. They have a lot of Ebon Jaguars, that's cool. And Salamanders!!!

Clan Ghost Bear: Being able to combine Spheroid tactics with Clan technology is always a dangerous thing.

Clan Goliath Scorpion: I love 'em, making Seeker Clusters is tons of fun and their newer Clantech-but-PaF stuff they've got going on is awesome.

Clan Hell’s Horses: I can justify fielding nearly any combination of BattleMechs/Vehicles/ProtoMechs/BA/Infantry/Aero when playing them.

Clan Jade Falcon: Very solid touman, with tons of designs that can allow for nearly any playstyle.

Clan Ice Hellion: Their Pack Zel is refreshingly fun to play with, as long as your opponent doesn't try to rip your head off the first time you do it.

Clan Nova Cat: All of their newer 'tech is a blast, from the Thunderbird to the Avalanche/Wendigo/Sekhmet.

Clan Mongoose: Big question mark, sorry.

Clan Smoke Jaguar: For when I want to turn my Clanner notch up to 11.

Clan Snow Raven: Playing using the RATs is a learning experience in itself, I always have to look up half of the designs I get.

Clan Star Adder: Very solid selection of machines at every level.

Clan Steel Viper: An excuse to coordinate powerful clan infantry with second-line 'Mechs? OK by me!  O0

Clan Stone Lion: NOVA CEWS on vehicles and second-line 'Mechs?!  :D :D That'll end well...

Clan Widowmaker: Another big question mark.

Clan Wolf: Their new tech is all a ton of fun to play with.

Clan Wolf-in-Exile: "Traditional" Wolf tactics are fun.

Clan Wolverine: [REDACTED]
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