I was reading Field Report: AFFS today and it struck me that they don't really have a cheap, simple, domestically-built platform like the Maxim to move BA around. So I made one, trying to maximize the use of proven parts.
BattleTech Vehicle Technical Readout
Type/Model: JES III Tactical Battle Armor Transport
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3132
Config: Hovercraft
Rules: Level 2, Custom design
Mass: 50 tons
Power Plant: 165 JES Fusion
Cruise Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Armor Type: Lexington Ltd. High Grade Standard
1 Johnston Parti-Cannon PPC
4 20mm Gatling Gun Machine Guns
Manufacturer: Joint Equipment Systems
Location: Panpour
Communications System: Communicator
Targeting & Tracking System: FireScan with IndirecTrack
Mainly by virtue of being intact, the Federated Suns' battle armor production
is picking up a lot of the slack in rebuilding the AFFS. But battle armor
does not exist in a vacuum and producing supporting assets is an important
part in integrating them into the force structure. Sensing profit, Joint
Equipment Systems took the initiative in designing a new transport to exploit
the situation.
The heart of the JES III is the power plant and most prospective customers
tend to recoil in horror when they hear that the engine is the same as that
used on the JES I until it penetrates that the sales representative is
referring to the updated, swifter model. Much of the rest of the design is
different and most of it uses time-tested, proven technologies. The main
armament is a Johnston Parti-Cannon, giving the JES III moderate concentrated
punch, and an assembly of 20mm Gatling guns adds anti-infantry power, two in
the turret, one forward, and one mounted aft over the bay door. Able to move
eight Cavalier or Infiltrator II suits under the protection of 8.5 tons of
Lexington Ltd. armor, the JES III is intended as a cheap, effective solution
to the problem of moving battle armor.
Type/Model: JES III Tactical Battle Armor Transport
Mass: 50 tons
Equipment: Items Mass
Int. Struct.: 25 pts Standard 0 5.00
Engine: 165 Fusion 0 6.67
Shielding & Transmission Equipment: 0 3.33
Cruise MP: 8
Flank MP: 12
Heat Sinks: 10 Single 0 .00
Cockpit & Controls: 0 2.50
Crew: 4 Members 0 .00
Lift Equipment: 0 5.00
Turret Equipment: 0 1.00
Armor Factor: 136 pts Standard 0 8.50
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Front: 5 32
Left / Right Sides: 5 24/24
Rear: 5 24
Turret: 5 32
Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Items Mass
1 PPC Turret 10 1 7.00
2 Machine Guns Turret 0 100 3 1.50
1 Machine Gun Front 0 1 .50
1 Machine Gun Rear 0 1 .50
1 C.A.S.E. Equipment Body 1 .50
Infantry Bay Body 1 8.00
TOTALS: 10 8 50.00
Items & Tons Left: 7 .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 2,171,000 C-Bills
Battle Value 2: 784 (old BV = 491)
Cost per BV: 2,769.13
Weapon Value: 411 / 411 (Ratio = .52 / .52)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 10; MRDmg = 6; LRDmg = 2
BattleForce2: MP: 8H, Armor/Structure: 0 / 5
Damage PB/M/L: 2/1/1, Overheat: 0
Class: GM; Point Value: 8
Specials: tran8