Author Topic: [RS] TOW - LAAF CIO  (Read 3420 times)


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 415
  • prepare for the worst - surprises will be pleasant
« on: 12 July 2014, 16:50:58 »
This thread is for record sheets related to the PBP game played in the sibling [IC] thread.
The players are sentinemodo (GM) and sichr, netzgeist, dread pirate, hive and minerva.

Please refrain from posting in this thread unless you are one of the players. All kind of feedback, comment, tactical advise, rules discussion is welcome in the sibling OOC thread.

One post per player please. Keep them clean, edit changes as they come.


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 212
« Reply #1 on: 14 July 2014, 07:18:19 »

- negative: compulsion/loyalty (Lyran) -1, compulsion/greedy -1, enemy (university competitor) -2, glass jaw -3
- positive: attractive 2, connections 5,  equipped (E/C/D) 3, extra income (250/mnth) 1, fit 2, gregarius 1, reputation 2 (well known, recognized within Lyran Alliance), title (baronetess - addressed by Dame) 3, wealth (25 000) 4
Acting               4(3+1)   8
Administration            4(4+0)   8
Appraisal            0(0+0)   8
Archery               0(0+0)   7
Art/Ballet             3(3+0)   8
Art/Writing            0(0+0)   8
Career/Lawyer            3(3+0)   7
Computers            5(5+0)   9
Driving/Ground            0(0+0)   8
Interest/Law            4(4+0)   9
Interest/Lyran History         2(2+0)   8
Interest/Lyran politics and nobility    2(2+0)   8
Interrogation            2(1+1)   9
Investigation            1(1+0)   9
Language/English         2(1+1)   8
Language/German            2(1+1)   8
Leadership            2(1+1)   8
Negotiation            6(5+1)   8
Perception            3(3+0)   7
Protocol/Lyran Alliance         6(5+1)   9
Running               0(0+0)   7
Small Arms            0(0+0)   7
« Last Edit: 05 August 2014, 16:01:57 by Minerva »


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 93
« Reply #2 on: 20 July 2014, 16:56:38 »
<< Authorized Access Only! Minimum Clearance Level: 3A >>
<< Authorized Access Only! Minimum Redacted Clearance Level: 7C >>

Lyran Alliance Armed Forces
Military Record. Officer Personnel File.

Rank & Name: Kommandant Albert Hunkemöller
Birth Date & Planet: 6 August 3035, Vantaa (Then Lyran-side of Federated Commonwealth. Current Status: Occupied by Clan Jade Falcon)
Family: Father: Gustav Hunkemöller († 3050); Mother: Hildebrand Simonsen († 3050); Brothers Johann and Sebastian Hunkemöller († 3050); Sister Linde Hunkemöller († 3050)

LAAF Enlisted Since: 3051
Military Record:
3051 - 3057 Pherkad Military Science Academy, Medical Doctorate
Redacted: 3057 - 3069 Westerstede LIC Facility, Counter-Espionage Div. 3057-3059 Forkas Military Hospital, Medical Officer's Assistant
3059 - 3060 Skye Military Science Academy, Junior Medical Officer Training
3060 - 3063 11th Lyran Guards, Operation Serpent, Combat Medical Coordination Assistant
3063-Present Carsphairn Military Hospital, Medical Officer

History & Background:

Albert Hunkemöller was born second son to Gustav and Hildebrand Hunkemöller-Simonsen, founders and majority stock-holders of HuMeda, at the time an increasingly successful company specializing in prescription-free pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and life support modules. The business was well established, highly profitable and had started expanding almost exponentially thanks to new markets created by the merger of the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns into the Federated Commonwealth.

Albert and his siblings grew up in luxury and were prepared from the moment of their births to follow in their parents' tracks, being offered the best upbringing and schooling money can provide (to anyone without the right titles to access the top-level of noble society).

But Albert's probable future at the head of a multi-billion cooperation was brutally abrupted at the start of the Clan Invasion. The majority of HuMeda properties, as well as the Hunkemöller family home, were situated on the planets that first fell to Clan Wolf when the Clans invaded in 3050. In an effort to block the FedCom army's access to medical support, HuMeda's medical facilities and factories were some of the Clan's first targets and in a matter of weeks the company lost over ninety-three percent of its physical assets and Albert lost both his parents and all his siblings to the Clan's initial attacks.

His grief and anger drove Albert towards the military, seeking revenge against the Clans. Albert's history and eagerness coupled with his already impressive knowledge of medicine got him accepted into the military academy on the planet he was evacuated to (Pherkad) despite missing the last few months and an official degree from preparatory schooling. Despite his emotional turmoil, Albert graduated as a military doctor among the best of school's alumni.

Redacted: Albert's grief and anger at the loss of his family made him very vulnerable and as is often the case for teenagers traumatized by war, the Army quickly became his family. His newfound devotion to the army, his understanding of protocol and administration and his sharp mind made him the ideal candidate the Intelligence Services. After graduation, Albert was drafted to the Lyran Intelligence Service training facility on Westerstede as an Internal Affairs and Counter-Espionage operative. He was trained to keep an eye out for things not becoming of a Lyran military personnel, a job he could perform well as soldiers and officers alike easily confide in the ones looking over their health. As cover, Albert was given a medical function as assistant to the chief medical officer in one of Forkas' military hospitals, whose comments and recommendations served to get Albert promoted and sent to Military Officer training.

After graduation, Albert was sent to a Forkas military hospital to function as the Chief Medical Officer's Aid, a job he did well enough that after only two years the chief medical officer recommended Albert be sent to military academy for further training as officer.

Displeased that he hadn't been sent to the frontlines yet to fight his enemies, Albert saw his officer training as a way to take matters into his own hands. With excellent scores and forming the right connections, he made sure that when finished with officer training he'd be sent to fight instead of tending to the wounded that came back from war.

His first experience on the frontlines, however, was much more than Albert had bargained for.
The young officer was assigned to Operation Serpent, a multi-national task force tasked with executing a secret military operation deep inside Clan territory  to reach the Clan Smoke Jaguar homeworld of Huntress and capture it, with the goal of destroying the Smoke Jaguars as an entity.
Most details of this operation are now forever part of military history (and the few which aren't are too classified to list in this personnel file).

Most important for Albert, the mission was ultimately successful but costly. Many of the troops, Albert included, were left stranded on Huntress and spent weeks avoiding annihilation fighting a losing and retreating battle on unfamiliar terrain, demoralized and despaired until at the last minute Task Force Bulldog arrived to save the day.

Less than a third of Operation Serpent's personnel had survived and many of them were heavily wounded.
In one tour of duty, Albert had seen more blood, misery and death than many soldiers do their entire careers and wanted nothing more than to get away from the front lines.

Albert was promoted for the work he'd done on Huntress and as all soldiers who fought in that battle gained a good reputation for it, but on his way back to Lyran territory, he's been heard swearing he'd die happy if he'd never see a 'Mech again.

The past several years, Kommandant Albert Hunkemöller has been stationed as a Medical Officer on Carsphairn and is doing an outstanding job managing the department he's in charge of.

Medical & Psychological Evaluation
Kommandant Albert Hunkemöller is considered fit for duty.
- No noteworthy medical comments can be made in regard to Albert's physical condition. His current relatively quiet station does put him at risk of gaining some weight or becoming slower, but the kommandant maintains a strict exercise schedule which keeps him physically fit. All injuries suffered during combat have healed without permanent negative effects on his physical health.

- After recovering from wounds sustained during his Tour of Duty, Albert was diagnosed as suffering from Combat Stress Reaction, as is more often the case for soldier returning from campaigns with higher-than-average casualty rates. Psychological therapy, medication and re-entry into a familiar function as doctor and surgeon proved effective in alleviating many of the symptoms. His depression, tremors, hypervigilance and general over-anxiety have improved dramatically to the point of non-existence and his insomnia has dropped to a degree where it can be safely managed with drugs without risk of unexpected side-effects.
Long-term effects, however, are hard to predict and some of the symptoms that could indicate a degree of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder have returned after stopping treatment with SSRI's and beta-blockers. Long term periodic psychological evaluation is recommended.
Remark: On the plus-side, Albert's personal experiences and difficulties appear to have rekindled his interests in psychology and he has taken to advancing in this field, building on the basic levels of psychology taught during medical training.

- Latest psychological update:
Kommandant Albert Hunkemöller is convinced that his current station is only a temporary one, granted to him only by merit of the rank and reputation earned, not to mention countless of lives saved, on the surface of Huntress. He believes he's been assigned away from combat for a while, in the hopes of decreasing the levels of PTSD following the events of Operation Serpent and has resigned himself to the fact that, after the time and resources the military spent on him, an officer his age and physical condition can not expect to retire to a cushion job such as the one in Carsphairn Military Hospital.

Stress and anxiety levels have dropped to acceptable levels. However, despite having cleared the past three Psych-evaluations, it is always possible that more severe symptoms of PTSD can be 'triggered' through external events. Albert has displayed a strong will in fighting the ghosts of his past, but high levels of stress -especially combat situations with similarities to prior traumatizing events- should be avoided. It is impossible to predict the effects of re-experience.
It is recommended that officer Hunkemöller is soon returned to more active duty, before he's grown too adjusted to the relative quiet and luxury of his current position. Being sent to the front lines of combat might be ill-advised, strongly suggest finding other ways for a man of his particular expertise.

Hypothetical Numerical Summary
Were Albert a fictional character in a science-fiction game, sprung forth from the brilliant mind of one of the great early-21st-century sales clerks, his numbers would be as following:

Rank & Name: Kommandant Albert Hunkemöller
Alias/Callsign: /
Nationality/Alliance: Lyran Alliance
Title: /
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian


4 (0)4 (0)5 (0)4 (0)
8 (+1)7 (+1)3 (0)3 (0)

Positive Traits
Connections 3, Equipped (E/D/D) 4, Extra Income 1, Patient 1, Rank 7, Reputation 1, Wealth 4

Negative Traits
Combat Paralysis -4, Compulsion (Hatred, Clans) -1, Compulsion (Loyalty, Lyran Alliance) -1, Enemy (??) -1, In for Life -3

Professional & Intelligence Skills: <Modifier> (Rank + Ability)
Acting-1 (0 -1)       TN 8, CB
Administration7 (5 + 2)       TN 8, SA
Appraisal2 (1 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Carreer/Doctor5 (4 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Carreer/Scientist2 (1 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Carreer/Ship's Crew2 (1 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Carreer/Soldier4 (3 + 1)       TN 7,SB
Communications/Conventional4 (3 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Computers5 (4 + 1)       TN 9, CA
Cryptography4 (2 + 2)       TN 9, CA
Driving/Ground1 (1 + 0)       TN 8, SA
Driving/Sea1 (1 + 0)       TN 8, SA
Investigation4 (2 + 2)       TN 9, CA
Language/English2 (2 + 0)       TN 8, SA
Language/German1 (1 + 0)       TN 8, SA
Language/Swedish1 (1 + 0)       TN 8, SA
Leadership3 (3 + 0)       TN 8, SA
Navigation/Ground3 (2 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Navigation/Space2 (1 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Negotiation0 (1 - 1)       TN 8, CB
Perception3 (2 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Protocol/Federated Suns1 (1 + 0)       TN 9, CA
Protocol/Lyran Alliance5 (5 + 0)       TN 9, CA
Sensor Operations3 (1 + 2)       TN 7, SB
Swimming0 (0 + 0)       TN 7, SB
Training2 (2 + 0)       TN 9, CA
Zero G Operations1 (1 + 0)       TN 7, SB

Interests & Language Skills: <Modifier> (Rank + Ability)
Art/Writing0 (0 + 0)       TN 8, CB
Interest/Arts1 (0 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Interest/Clan Genetics1 (0 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Interest/Clan History1 (0 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Interest/Law1 (0 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Interest/Lyran History1 (0 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Interest/Military History2 (1 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Interest/Poison&Toxins3 (2 + 1)       TN 8, CB

Medical & Scientific Skills: <Modifier> (Rank + Ability)
Carreer/Doctor5 (4 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Medtech/General6 (5 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Science/Chemistry3 (1 + 2)       TN 9, CA
Science/Psychology6 (4 + 2)       TN 9, CA
Surgery/General6 (5 + 1)       TN 9, CA
Technician/Cybernetics2 (1 + 1)       TN 9, CA

Combat Skills: <Modifier> (Rank + Ability)
Archery0 (0 + 0)       TN 7, SB
Martial Arts3 (3 + 0)       TN 7, SB
Melee1 (1 + 0)       TN 7, SB
Small Arms5 (5 + 0)       TN 7, SB

Knife (1M/1)0,258      
Stunstick (0E/4D)   0,2200   1PPS
Vibrosword (6M/3)   2,5300   1PPS
Sonic Stunner (0S/4D)      0,6100   1PPS
Pulse Laser Pistol      10   2PPS
+ Laser Sight      0,10   0,1PPH, +1 Attack
+ Barrel-mounted Flashlight   0,2500,1PPH, Negate Darkness up to 15M
Pulse Laser Rifle (3E/3B)5   2000   4PPS, Burst 10, Recoil 0
+ Laser Sight   0,1   25      0,1PPH, +1 Attack
+ Night Vision Scope      0,45   125      0,1PPH, +2 Attack at M/L/E Range, ignore darkness
Helmet (4/6/6/4)1,2   0   Micro Powerpack, 1PPH, -1 Perception, AV7 vs Flash
+ Military Comm   1PPH
+ IR Scanner   Detect Heat signatures at 300x magnification, +3 perception at M/L/E, ignore darkness)
+ Night Vision      Negate Darkness, -1 to spot surface details (insignias, etc.)
Jacket (3/5/4/3)3,5   0   
+ Jacket Sleeves (2/4/3/2)0   0   
Boots (2/3/3/1)   2   0   
Gloves (1/1/1/1)0,50   
Dress Boots + Formal Suit   3400Fancy clothes, but not above rank & status
Regular Clothing (bunch)   10100Random assortment of clothes
Military Fatigues + Jumpsuits10200Military non-combat wear
Apron   1,225   
LBE Packframe   1   45   
LBE Vest   0,420   
Respirator + 3 Tanks   2,5564 hours of air per tank, BAR 10 vs. Inhaled
Polarized Visor0,110BAR 5 vs Flash
Rangefinder Binoculars0,52000,1PPH, 400x magnification, +4 Perception at M/L/E + night vision
Comm & Tech Gear         
Headset   0,01501PPW
Civ. Micro-Communicator   0,005175   0,2PPH
SatNav Receiver0,575   1PPH, +2 Navigation with satnav network
+ Holomap   2250   1PPH, Projects Holographic maps
Military Communicator   1   200   1PPH, 25km range
Subvocal Comm. x23,512001PPH, 100m range, need 2 ranks Communication to use
Micro-recorder   0,151000,5PPH, 1 hour HQ or 10h LQ audio, tiny
Micro-camcorder   0,410001PPH, 1 hour video or 5000 pics, tiny
Tri-Vid camera   43751PPH, 2 hour video
Holoprojector, Portable   44002PPH
Personal Music Set   2201PPH
AV-Chips x 50   0,2550Stores audio & video
Holochip x 50   0,5100Stores holovid
Holomap chip x 5   0,05100Stores Holomaps
Noteputer   0,25000,1PPH, Tablet PC
Personal Computer3250   1PPH, Desktop
Pocket Transcriber   0,5200Speech-to-text Transcription & playback
Verigraph Scanner/Reader1   360   "Encrypt/Read genetic coding for secure message transfer; -4 Forgery"
Laser Microphone   1,5   500   Hear sound based on wall/window vibration. 1000m (100m in fog, smoke,etc.)
White Noise Generator   2400   Thwart audio recordings within 5m
Bug Scanner1   800   Detect Bugs in 15m range, Sensor Operations check
5 x Heat Sensor2,5   1000   0,1PPH, Range 1km
5 x Motion Sensor   1,255000,1PPH, Range 10km
5 x Trip-Line Sensor (IR)2,55000,1PPH, Range 10m, -6 Perception to spot
Heat Monitor   1510000,5PPH, Range 15km
Motion Monitor   105000,5PPH, Range 10km
Trip-Line Monitor   105000,1PPH, Range 1km
Counter Forgery Basic   4   700   +2 Appraisal
Counter Forgery Electronic4900+2 Appraisal
18 x HC Micro Power Pack0,36   9020 PP per pack
HC Military Power Pack   6   120   300PP
Satchel Battery, Quickcharge340   50PP
7 x HC Powerpack   2,110530PP per pack
2 x Solar Recharger3   400   Recharge 45PPH
Heavy Duty Recharger   0,450Recharge 200PPH, up to 5 packs at a time
Advanced Field Kit   15100+2 Survival
Compasses (Normal & Elec.)0,240+1/+2 Navigation/Ground
Emergency Rations x 3   3   6
Bubble tent (3 person)   31201PPH, +2PPH for positive pressure. AP8 or AP10 (pressure) vs inhaled toxins
2 x Advanced Medical Kit45004 uses each, +2 Medtech
2 x Field Surgical Kit   2316002 uses, +1 Surgery, +2 Medtech
50 x medical kit   12,55001 use per kit, +1 Medtech
20 x medipatch   0,2200+1 Medtech
20 x Plastiflesh bandage0,1100Stops bleeding, halve healing time if applied with successful medtech roll
4 x Preserving Sleeve2100+1 Medtech or Surgery on limb, halts continuos damage for 36 hours
5 x Sedative Patch0,061500S/4D, must be placed on skin
10 x Stimpatch   0,0920Remove 2 fatigue, +1 knockout rolls, addictive (drug str 3)
2 x Medipack   0,8   80012 doses each, remove 2 fatigue, negate stun, injury mod +1 for 15 mins) reload 75, addictive (drug str 2)
Laser Scalpel x 20,2   100
Life Support Unit   22,50   Stops all continuous damage, allows safe transport of critical patients, reduce healing time by 20%, +2 Medtech with portable medical monitor
Portable Medical Monitor13,32200+1 Medtech (+2 with Life Support Unit)
Money:    1540 C-Bills left   

Encumbrance (Base): Light 20 / Heavy 40 / Overload 75
Encumbrance (With LBE Equipment): Light 55 / Heavy 110 / Overload 150

<<Data segments missing..>>
<<Please contact Communications Officer or reload file at a later time..>>
« Last Edit: 13 August 2014, 12:58:12 by Xzylvador »


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 415
  • prepare for the worst - surprises will be pleasant
« Reply #3 on: 29 July 2014, 05:27:06 »
Vehicle: Mantis Light Military Medic VTOL

Mass15 tons
Cruising MP11 (119 km/h)10 (108 km/h)
Flank MP17 (184 km/h)15 (164 km/h)

Pilot: Private First Class Ono Sendai
Piloting (Total Warfare)4
Gunnery (Total Warfare)5

Internal structure and armor
Internal StructuredestroyedArmor Valuedestroyed
Right side28
Left side28

Internal equipmentLoc (crits)
Beagle active probeBody
Cargo spaceBody

Weapons and EquipmentLoc (crits)
5 ER Small lasersFront

Ammunitionshots left

Internal hits
weapon jam00000may not fire that weapon until repair
weapon destroyed00000may not fire weapon until replacement
sensor hit000-1 gunnery each hit
stabilizer hit0-3 piloting, -1 gunnery
rotor damageX0-1 MP per hit
cargo hit0team dead
engine hit0may not move, crash if in flight, team most probably dead
pilot hits0pilot dead

Beagle Active probe
An active probe can detect any hidden ’Mech, battle armor or vehicle (but not conventional infantry), if at the end of a Ground Movement Phase the
concealed unit lies inside the probe’s range (3 hexes, 90 meters) and line of sight would exist between the unit carrying the probe and the hidden unit (if
that unit were not concealed).
Water: An active probe cannot detect units hidden underwater.
« Last Edit: 23 October 2014, 09:58:34 by sentinemodo »


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 61
« Reply #4 on: 30 July 2014, 10:58:00 »
Ono Sendai
some cleaning would be nice, but mostly you can just copy paste and fill the backstory

Rank & Name: Private First Class Ono Sendai
Birth Date & Planet: XX XXX 3044, XXX (Then Draconis Combine. Current Status: Draconis Combine)

LAAF Enlisted Since: 3060
Military Record:
add section or remove it
Put your image here

History & Background:

I like the idea about being implanted from Kurita.
IDN how slavery works but...being abducted by slavers, taken from the streets, placed in the concentration camp on some lost world, waiting for being sold, Uprising while  the mothership was away, active participation in the resistance/guerilla, when we were able to send distress signal that had been received by Lyran military ship patroling in the sector, during the rescue operation mothership returns and Ive been thrown into the full scale battle, being part of the team deployed to steal one of camp transport choppers, after pilot had been killed I found myself in the cockpit trying to get the load of prisonners to safety...managed to land safely and in days following this I became transporter/Medevac for rebels, and after joining forces with Lyrans and the great victory that set us all free, I was the first one to enlist into Lyran military, as I have no other way to repay the debt of honour but my courage, skill and my blood.


Rank & Name: Private First Class Ono Sendai
Alias/Callsign: /
Affiliation: Lyran Alliance
Title: /
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Asian


3 (-1)3 (-1)5 (0)7 (+1)
3 (-1)4 (0)2 (-1)2 (-1)

Positive Traits
Connections 1, Equipped (D/C/C) 2, Natural Aptitude: Piloting/Aircrafts 5, Rank (Private First Class) 2, Toughness 3, Vehicle (Light Vehicle) 1

Negative Traits
Compulsion (Addiction: Smoking) -1, Compulsion (Paranoia) -1, Compulsion (Loyalty, Lyran Alliance) -2, Enemy (??) -1, Reputation (-2), In for Life -3

Vehicle Skills: <Modifier> (Rank + Ability)
Artillery-1 (0 -1)       TN 8, CB
Navigation/Ground 12 (1 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Driving/Ground 2 7 (2 + 2)       TN 8, SA
Gunnery/Ground 3 2 (1 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Piloting/Aircraft 4 5 (4 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Gunnery/Aircraft 3 2 (1 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Navigation/Air 22 (1 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Tactics/Air 22 (1 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Technician/Mechanics 22 (1 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Sensor Operations 32 (1 + 1)       TN 7, SB

Physical Skills: <Modifier> (Rank + Ability)
Perception 3 3 (2 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Climbing 3 (2 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Stealth 2 3 (2 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Running 2 3 (2 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Swimming 1 3 (2 + 1)       TN 7, SB

General Skills: <Modifier> (Rank + Ability)
Appraisal 2 3 (3 + 0)       TN 8, SA
Medtech 3 3 (2 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Survival/Forest 1 3 (2 + 1)       TN 7, SB

Interests & Protocol & Language Skills: <Modifier> (Rank + Ability)
Art/Oral tradition0 (0 + 0)       TN 8, CB
Interest/Military History2 (1 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Language/English2 (1 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Language/German2 (1 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Language/Japanese2 (1 + 1)       TN 8, CB
Carreer/Soldier 3 4 (3 + 1)       TN 7,SB
Leadership 2 3 (3 + 0)       TN 8, SA
Negotiation 1 3 (2 + 1)       TN 7, SB
Streetwise/Draconis Combine 11 (1 + 0)       TN 9, CA
Protocol/Draconis Combine1 (1 + 0)       TN 9, CA
Streetwise/Lyran Alliance 11 (1 + 0)       TN 9, CA
Protocol/Lyran Alliance 15 (5 + 0)       TN 9, CA

Combat Skills: <Modifier> (Rank + Ability)
Martial Arts 33 (3 + 0)       TN 7, SB
Melee 11 (1 + 0)       TN 7, SB
Small Arms 35 (5 + 0)       TN 7, SB

Lyran vehicle armor kit - not-bearing Lyran insignias (Overall: C/B/D, BAR Melee 2/ Ballistic 3/ Energy 3/ Explosive 2)
Helmet BAR 4/6/6/4 1.2 kg Head 1 PPH integrated: Military Comm.; IR Scanner; Night Vision; -1 standard perception, +2 night perception, BAR 7 as flash
Smock BAR 3/5/5/3  7.5 kg Torso, Arms — 2/4/4/2 for arms; integrated: cooling vest
Boots BAR 2/3/3/1 2 kg Feet — —
Gloves BAR 1/1/1/1 500 g Hands — —
total cost 780 11.2

Lyran infantry weapons kit
Laser pistol (AP 4E, BD 3, range 15/35/80/225, 2 PPS)
Combat knife (AP 1M, BD 1, range 1)

Lyran infantry equipment kit
Filter mask BAR 5 vs toxins
1x High Capacity Power pack (30 PP) for the pistol
1x micro Power pack (15 PP) for the helmet
Kinetic recharger (5 PPH)

Load Bearing Vest   20  0.4
- Grenade, HE x 2   40  1.2
- Grenade, AP x 2   32  1.2
- Grenade, Smoke x 2  8   1.2
- Medipatch x 2   20  -
- Stimpatch x 8   16  0.1
- Qwikstim x2 16 - (combat drug, injected, ignore fatigue for up to 72 hours, dex -1)

Basic Field Kit   10  5.0
Medical Kit   10  0.3
Automatic Rifle   80  2.0 (AP 4B, BD 4B, range: 30/75/170/415, shots: 30 per clip, burst 15, recoil -1)
- laser sight 25 (+1 to attack roll)
- Ammo Clip x5   10  -

Rangefinder Binoculars  200  0.5
Electronic Compass  30  0.1

total   517 12 kg
483 c-bill in cash
« Last Edit: 05 August 2014, 11:37:13 by Sichr »
Don`t cry because it`s over. Smile because it happened!


  • Recruit
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  • Posts: 22
  • Serpens, nisi serpentem comederit, non fit draco
« Reply #5 on: 08 September 2014, 04:51:59 »
Rebecca "Red" NiRoy


Eqquiped (3) (E/C/D), Wealth (1) (2500 C-bills), Glass Jaw (-3), Connections (3), Reputation (-2), Fast Learner (3), Rank (2), Compulsion/Loyal to Lyran(-1)
Animal Antipathy (-1)

Language: Scots Gaelic (3)
Language: German (3)
Language: English (2)
Perception (2)
Negotiation (1)
Appraisal (2)
Protocol: Lyran (0)
Streetwise: Lyran (2)
Career: Technician (2)
Career: Engineer (1)
Career: Soldier (1)
Career: Military Scientist (1)
Interest: K-F Drive (1)
Interest: Music (1)
Computers (3)
Swimming (1)
Interest: Skye Province Culture (1)
Technician: Electronic (4)
Technician: Mechanic (4)
Technician: Nuclear (4)
Technician: Myomer (3)
Technician: Weapons (3)
Interest: Military Story (2)
Leadership: (0)
Martial Arts: (1)
MedTech (1)
Navigation/Ground (1)
Small Arms (1)
Investigation (2)
Sensor Operations (1)
Strategy (3)
Tactics (infantry) (2)
Cryptography (2)
Piloting/Battlesuit (2)
Gunnery/Battlesuit (2)

Issued Equipment:
Descartes Mk. XXI   7kg
Vehicle Repair Kit   225kg
Military Jacket       3,5kg
Overall      0,5kg
Helmet      1,2kg
Boots      2kg
Gloves      0,5kg
Filter Mask BAR 5
1 High Capacity Power Pack (30PP) – pistol
1 Micro Power Pack (15PP) – helmet
Kinectic Recharger (5PPH)
Laser Pistol 4E/3
Combat Knife 1M/1

Personal Equipment
Revolver   40Cb   0,5Kg
2 Revolver Reloads   2Cb   -
Flak Jacket   75Cb   3,2Kg
Fatigues   30Cb   0,5Kg
Jumpsuit   24Cb   0,5Kg
Jumpsuit   24Cb   0,5Kg
Work Boots   36Cb   1,7Kg
Leather Gloves     20Cb   0,4Kg
Deluxe Tool Kit    750Cb   50Kg
Handheld Laser Torch   40Cb   1Kg
Basic Field Kit   10Cb   5Kg
Military Communicator   50Cb   0,1Kg
Satchel Battery   20Cb   2Kg
Noteputer   500Cb   0,5Kg
HC Micro Power Pack 15PP – noteputer   30Cb   0,02Kg
Slug-thrower Kit   100Cb   3Kg
Packframe   45Cb   1Kg
Load Bearing Vest   20Cb   0,4Kg

684 Spare C-Bill