Author Topic: Ship naming conventions In Universe  (Read 1129 times)


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Ship naming conventions In Universe
« on: 29 August 2015, 01:05:27 »
Simple question:
Most navies have a 2 to 4 letter designator before their ship names. e.g. USS/HMS/IJN...    What would the conventions be for identifying ships of the various navies of the known universe?   I would be especially curious about independant/mercenary ships and Clans.

Here's how this question came to mind: 
I am playing MekHQ and plan to eventually run an AToW campaign for some friends here locally.  I want as much suspension of belief as is possible for my players.  I usually play mercenaries and had one run up a large treasury so I started purchasing dropships and eventually jumpships too.  Then I decided all the large vessels should have a name like all the "wet navy" ships of earth even the independant freighters and such.  My search fu is very weak.  OK, it's non-existant.  So I started out with something akin to mercenary name space ship (e.g. 7th Caveliers would be CSS, or Walkers Rangers would be RSS or WSS or WRSS).  Then decided that would be too many to keep track of and started calling them by Mercenary Space Ship (MSS).   Then I decided that there needs to be a differentiation between dropships and jumpships (MDS and MJS)   Further thought then lead me to the conclusion that jumpships and many dropships would not be mercenary but rather independant (IDS and IJS)    I guess by now you can see the confusion. 

So what would you all think would be used not only for the independant and mercenary ships, but for each faction as well? 
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Re: Ship naming conventions In Universe
« Reply #1 on: 29 August 2015, 01:39:09 »
Well these are the ones that I can recall

DCS - Draconis Combine Ship
LAS - Lyran Alliance Ship
FSS - Federated Suns Ship
FWLS - Free Worlds League Ship

I'm not sure what the Clans use I think its like

CGBS - Clan Ghost Bear Ship
CWS - Clan Wolf Ship

and the like

I don't think that Jumpships have a designation like that they just have a name, same with dropships.
« Last Edit: 29 August 2015, 01:44:30 by marauder648 »
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Re: Ship naming conventions In Universe
« Reply #2 on: 29 August 2015, 02:22:25 »
marauder648 right with what he's got, I think that CC is CCS, for the Clans the general rule is C followed by the initials /shorthand form of the Clans name. Wolf's Dragoons ships a MWD, the easy way to find out is to hit Sarna, Touman articles for Clans and class articles for the others


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Re: Ship naming conventions In Universe
« Reply #4 on: 29 August 2015, 02:42:01 »
Thanks guys.
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Set him on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life!

The secret to winning the land/air battle is that you must always remain rigidly flexible.

I like tabletop more anyway, computer games are for nerds!  -  Knallogfall

