Mechanical jump boosters only add 1MP to ground movement, and jump boosters add nothing, so the maximum ground movement available to a medium bipedal suit when using mechanical jump boosters is 4MP, not 5MP.
To achieve the 3MP of jump movement, then given the presence of the jump boosters this would require 2 jump jets. Medium jump jets only mass 50kg each, while a jump booster masses 125kg, so they're not efficient on a medium or lighter unless you're aiming for 4MP.
While legal, a medium suit with twin armored gloves cannot conduct anti-mech attacks or mechanized battle armor operations. Twin basic manipulators add both abilities and also cost zero mass. Basic manipulators can still have a very glove-like appearance - see the Achileus or Infiltratror Mk II from TRO3058 for examples.
Demol charges aren't a canon item - they're probably a holdover from very old rules. They used to be 'ammo' for leg attacks, but for many rules iterations any medium or lighter bipedal suit with the appropriate manipulators can perform leg attacks.
Assuming all the currently fitted equipment, there's 35kg and 1 slot remaining. With the jump booster replaced by a 3rd jump jet, there'd be 110kg and 3 slots remaining.
To keep to the speed theme you desire, I'd drop the armor to 6pts and add a 3rd jump jet while still retaining the jump booster. That would give 4MP for both ground and jump movement. There'd be 25kg and 1 slot remaining, so you'd be looking at relatively fluffy options if you're wanting to retain the symmetrical manipulators, so that'd mean something like extra ammo for the MG, heat sensors, extended life support, power pack, mission equipment, etc.