Author Topic: The Trader's Cluster  (Read 7958 times)


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Re: The Trader's Cluster
« Reply #30 on: 09 February 2019, 14:52:09 »
Nobody on Antallos realized that the planet was about to change forever.  Four transport jumpships had appeared in system, but they were almost a full AU beyond the jump points. Far enough that even a heavily defended system might not immediately detect them.

But Antallos had nothing like a space watch, and so nobody noticed. The jumpships were small, only having four docking collars. On two of those collars were large, 100,000 ton docking units, carrying the smaller dropships. From their bays, Mary’s Bane and several other combat ships departed.  Assault ships would do as well, but they had less in the way of endurance.

Meanwhile, two 100,000 ton support cruisers detached. Lightly armed, each ship was armored and prepared to support its attendant flotilla, while also deploying its own small craft. Two fleets would head to the jump points used by most pirates while Mary’s Bane and its attendant vessels would form the close blockade.

Far “above” the ecliptic, a cruiser waited, jump drives ready. There was little chance that the force deployed would find itself in trouble, but if necessary, the warships of the task group could be anywhere they needed to be. In addition, it supported the kilometer wide sensor arrays and command and control needs for the force, every one of which was equipped with an FTL com unit.

Riches and Plunder

Shipmaster Jacobs had once been a merchant, but well, a bad relationship, ending with a dead wife and all too obvious suspect had led him to seek his fortunes elsewhere, providing transport for pirates. He didn’t consider himself a bad man, mind you—his jumpship had never, nor would it ever transport slaves, but well, he was being paid to not ask where all their loot came from.

“Jump complete!” the navigator sang out. “Hey, you think they still got that dance routine at the—”

And then the threat board went crazy. They were being ppainted by powerful systems.  Jacobs looked down, at the board, as the source was localized, showing a deadly looking dropship, nearly as big as an Overlord was standing off, with some really big-ass looking guns on it.

“Unknown ship,” it transmitted. “Antallos is under blockade by order of the Union Cluster Fleet. Do not power your weapons or attempt to hamper the boarding party. Any—” The ship shuddered.

“What the ******?” he said.

“That ****** Leopard,” the navigator said. “Christ, they wrecked the collar!”

But the dropship was turning to make an attack run on the stranger. It had been modified into an assault ship, so Jacobs figured that they thought they could take the ship.

Probably just a bunch of pirates trying to raid us—then his thoughts slithered to a halt as the unknown started accelerating nearly as fast as a fighter, and then before its enemy even fired, opened up with cannon bigger than anything he’d seen before, shredding the “assault ship” in  a single pass.

“I repeat. Stand down and prepare to be boarded.”

“Shut everything off and lock the rest of the docking collars,” Jacobs said.

They might execute him, but he’d just seen what would happen if he tried to run.

Antallos traffic control.

“I repeat, any ship attempting to leave Antallos will be seized or destroyed if it attempts to resist.”

“Who the ****** do they think they are?”  Portmaster Wilson had come charging into the command center. “Who do we have up for air defense?”

“The Vultures, sir!” The tech was a slave, well treated, but he knew that “well treated” could change in an instant, especially if the boss was pissed.

“Get them into the air, and show those ****** who runs things around here!”

“Yes, sir!”

UCS Langley

The 100,000 ton Langley class was not intended for direct combat, but combat dropships often needed support, and the more cargo they carried, the fewer weapons, in addition to the risk of losing supplies due to damage.

Because of its importance, it was a “keeled” ship, incorporating an internal keel system to allow it to mount capital ship style armor. It also was armed with a range of missile systems, being fed from its deep ammo bays.

After all, Its second role was to provide AA fire for units under attack by fighters.

“I’m confirming 12 fighters, differing types, entering orbit,” the fire control officer’s voice was clipped.

“Tubes 1 through six loaded with daggers.”

“Commence firing, engage jamming.” the captain said. Christ. No ECM, no stealth, who the hell do they think they’re fighting?

Vulture Lead:

“Well, where the hell are they!” Cameron snarled into his coms. 

“Don’t know, they just—” the ground broadcast dissolved into electronic squeals. Moments later, his wingman exploded.

“Where the—” he looked around frantically, but now his scope as showing nothing but static. A fireball off to his right showed the death of another fighter, then another.

Capital missiles, he numbly thought. Those were the only thing that would be able to do that. But capital missiles meant…

“Dive, dive, dive! Back to the ground!” he screamed, pushing his nose down, risking a dangerous re-entry.

He survived. Eight of his squadron mates didn’t.

25KM outside of Antallos.

The little valley was long abandoned, the remains of a road attesting to better days. A few hours before, a buzzing drone had hovered over it, dropping several sensor pods.

Now, landers hovered, their dull armor belying the sophisticated stealth systems that masked them from radar. From their holds, squads of battle armored figures dropped, augmented muscles and jets  allowing them to land safely and clear the area before the first small craft landed.

“Get the camo-nets set up,” Colonel Sandra Conner said. “Don’t want some idiot in a bush plane to blow the op.” Looking around, she nodded in approval at the caves the drones had detected. Good shelter, especially once they were sealed. “Alright everyone, get comfortable, welcome to home for the next few months.”

You could see a lot from orbit. But eyes on HVTs? Finding out every place that was holding slaves? Setting up posts to mark vehicles and fortifications for pinpoint bombardment that didn’t kill the entire surrounding neighborhood?

For that, you needed Pathfinders.

“We simply don’t have the forces to invest Antallos,” Neil told Ambassador Jakes.

“No, you don’t. And our forces were oriented around protection and point strikes. Not general invasions,” Jakes smiled. “But if you would permit them to transit your territory, I know of two forces who could do that.”


“The Draconis Combine and Federated Suns.”

Neil blinked. “You want them working together?”

“We’ve got some bribes. Turns out that the current refining process for KF cores in the Inner Sphere is about 25 percent more expensive than ours, in addition to producing more faults. Scale that up by all their production sites and it’s a nice bribe.”

“I’m surprised they haven’t asked for more.” Neil said.

Jakes laughed. “Oh, they have. Every house has given us offers starting at a king’s ransom, and going up to seeing if we have any young people who would like to marry into their royal families. But for now, the rule is nothing with direct military application, which is another reason I think I can convince them. After all, what better way to see how we operate?”

“They’re going to go for it,” Neil said. And thank god, I don’t have to try and get the Assembly to agree to doing anything other than support this.

If they could get rid of Antallos, he would gladly offer the traders anything they wanted.

“The Combine is promising a regiment of Wolf’s Dragoons and one of their new units, the Ryuken. We don’t have a lot of information on it, but it looks like Takashi himself was involved in its formation,”   The MIIO analyst frowned. “And of course we expect that they’ll send a large number of observers.”

“As will we,” Hanse said. “But in this case, we would have to anyway.” The public explosion of rage brought about from the return of the school children hadn’t died down very much, especially with the information that there might be others. Letting the Draconis Combine seize the day was unthinkable.

And if they send two regiments, you can do the same without weakening your position. The Ambassador to the Outworlds Alliance had been very firm on his opinion that the Union and Traders alike had more than vacuum between their ears.

“We’ll send the Avalon Hussars, and the  71st Light Horse.”

“They’re still rebuilding.”

“But they’re almost to full strength and they also teach at NAIS.”  Hanse smiled. “I know Takashi will have military analysts; I’d like to send some engineers.”

Jaime Wolf sat in the dropship cabin. They were getting ready to move, and the rest of the command staff had been worried about him leaving so far away, even with a full regiment.

But we need to know. Battle armor, advanced mechs, warships? Were these traders who they claimed to be, or was it another clan?

And if they weren’t, what did that mean for the mission?

Note: Pathfinders are the SAS/Delta Force of the Union. All volunteer, all recruited from individuals with previous service. They tend to be the ones most likely to have cyber/bio treatments and have the best equipment, though it’s aimed more at the light end of operations—if they need heavy iron, that’s what the line units are for.

Since this is as yet a story, with no actual scenarios, the full degree of the Union’s technological superiority isn’t nailed down, but I’ll give a few examples.

1.  While their mechs tend to be light or medium at the most, advanced C3I is both more common and lighter.  Capital missiles are fusion powered, not conventional, and they do have some weapons that are currently unknown.


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Re: The Trader's Cluster
« Reply #31 on: 03 March 2019, 16:52:48 »
I figure a timeline might be of assistance here:

3025: Operation Doppelganger takes place, Third Succession War ends. The Trell I affair leads to the formation of the Gray Death Legion. Marco Polo trading fleet enters Periphery space. First contact with Outworld’s Alliance and destruction of several small pirate groups. Com Star and most IS nations become aware of their existence.

3026: Operation Galahad takes place.  Union naval and Marine forces, in cooperation with OA, DC, and FS forces invest and invade Antallos.  Operation Flypaper, using superior Union naval technology results in the destruction or capture of over 50 pirate jumpships during this period. Approximately 25 of these ships are transferred to the Outworld’s Alliance.  Intelligence reports regarding the Union Navy’s advanced technology and high level of training and skill among Marine forces cause the Federated Suns, Draconis Combine, and Lyran Commonwealth to all reduce military operation against each other, while attempting to develop strategies for possible later conflicts against more advanced forces.  While Antallos isn’t completely suppressed, the destruction of the infrastructure needed for piracy drastically reduces periphery predation.

3027: Operation Thor takes place.  Union Cluster officers, brought to Terra via command circuit, meet and have a series of high level discussions with the First Circuit. The ultimate outcome is a secret agreement that no Union warships will enter the Inner Sphere, nor lend their power to Inner Sphere forces. The status of dropships is left unclear, perhaps because Comstar was not aware of just how powerful many Union parasite warship designs were.  In addition, the Union agreed, to not attempt to break Comstar’s HPG monopoly in the Inner Sphere. Further discussions were tabled, due to massive arguments among Comstar officials.  AT this point, the Comstar Technology initiative begins, funneling extensive support into Terran R&D efforts. 

3028: Federated Commonwealth unofficially formed, Gray Death Legion discovers Helm Memory Core, Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner marry.  Thomas Marikpromotion,  During this period, there is a rise in skirmishes but curiously, no further action. Maximilian Liao  orders further investigations into the new arrivals to the inner sphere, seeking a way to use them against the Federated Suns.  Refitting of the Quatre Belle shipyards commences under a consortium of periphery businesses.   

3029: Katrina Steiner and Hanse Davion jointly renounce, for themselves and their heirs, the First Lordship of the Star League. The FWL and Draconis Combine make no response to this, although they do not follow. The Capellan Confederation declares that this is an act of secession on the part of the two states.  Wolf’s Dragoons leaves the Draconis Combine’s employment and relocates to the Outworld’s Alliance. This produces a great deal of internal conflict, with the complex “agreement” declaring the Dragoons to be part of the Union military for a limited period fooling nobody. The Dragoons split their time between working with the Alliance and Union forces as Opfor and engaging in energetic counter piracy operations. In addition, messages are sent to drop points for the Clans, Wolf hoping that the new developments would prove the Warden position correct.  First jumpship cores laid down at the Quatre Belle Shipyards. A Comstar delegation begins to journey to the Union Cluster, leaving automated HPG stations behind to permit real-time communication.  The death of the Primus of Comstar leads to a massive internal conflict, with Jacob Winters being appointed as a compromise candidate nobody likes Myndo Waterly starts covert communications with Liao, promising covert aid in dealing with the Union Forces.

3030:, Draconis Combine receives Star League BattleMechs from ComStar, The reasoning is primarily that increased industrial developments from the Helm Core and civilian tech transfer from the Macro Polo mission is benefitting the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine needs assistance in order to remain competitive—and if need be, be used against a potential invasion from the Union.  , Theodore Kurita named Gunji no Kanrei,  The Draconis Combine, like the Lyran Commonwealth and Federated Suns, start to focus on combined-arms tactics, although the traditionalists in the Combine hamper the effort.  The first prototype infantry powered armor for general use fielded by Comstar, though it is far inferior to Union Marine armors. Wolf’s Dragoons and a number of other forces engage in a six month anti-piracy campaign in the Tortuga cluster. Once again, Union space dominance allows for the capture or destruction of most pirate jump and dropships, while ground forces engage and destroy pirate forces. Most leaders, following traditional Union protocol, are executed for crimes ranging from slavery to mass murder.  Dame Murderess Extraordinaire Paula Trevaline’s hanging was broadcast far and wide, as a lesson to any other would be pirates. A combined force from the Alliance and Concordat maintain a garrison to protect the remaining citizens from any future attempt to restore pirate dominion over the area.

      During this period, the dramatic reduction of piracy leads to increased interstellar commerce between periphery states.  Although not all affiliated with the Union, the navy’s habit of engaging in aggressive antipiracy sweeps, leads to many pirates relocating.  Attempts to form coalitions of pirates to “teach them their place” simply create more targets for the Union. The attempted raid on Dante in 3031 is one such example, where 12 pirate dropships were destroyed or captured by the Union Battleship Intolerant.

3031”  Andurien succeeds from the FWL alliance and enters into an alliance with the Canopians.  However, without the damage of a major conflict, the FWL soon presses both powers unmercifully.  By the end of the year, its military savaged, Canopos is driven out of Andurien, with FWL forces advancing into Periphery space. Several terrorist attacks occur, inflaming passions, though they will later be found to be the work of Myndo Waterly’s covert agents. The Detriot Conference is convened in December to attempt to resolve the situation. Kyalla Centrella expects that the potential invasion of her realm will lead other periphery realms and the Union forces to assist her. She is disappointed, as the Union and Outworlds Alliance had a far different goal in mind. In return for not invading the Magistracy, the Union would assist the FWL in setting up a civilian jumpship yard, paid for by Canopian reparations, combined with a treaty formalizing their agreement to accept war guilt for the invasion. The subsequent political fallout leads to the rise of Emma Centralla, the young, but politically astute child of Kyalla. 

Most importantly, the Detroit Conference sees the Taurian Concordat, Outworlds Alliance, Magistracy, and a number of smaller states form the Periphery Economic Development Zone. This agreement committed to the free passage of people, reduction of punitive tariffs and the formation of a single, periphery wide, development bank. As a final measure, Wolfs Dragoons passed out of the service of the Union and entered the service of the PEDZ, working for anti-piracy and opfor training for militia units. The “Minutemen” series of fuel-cell powered combat vehicles enter production, providing an economical defense option for many small worlds. 

3034: Quatre Belle facility is fully online, now producing eight, Jumpships every 6 months, with eight more slips scheduled to be brought online by 3038.  By the terms of the agreement, these jumpships are shared between the OA, Canopus and the Concordat.  Mule II production starts on Taurus, while the production of advanced water filtration systems continues to find a market in the periphery and inner sphere alike.  Major piracy has almost been completely suppressed in the regions bordering the OA and Concordat, with many pirates seeking to escape by heading to the old RWR regions, leading ot a slight uptick of piracy. However, the reduced conflicts between the great houses, especially given the build up for the aborted 4th succession war, leave abundant units free for pirate hunting operations.  Outworlds Reorganization Act is proposed, creating a stronger executive, although still leaving member worlds with a great deal of autonomy.  This leads to massive political conflict, including demonstrations on Alpharatz, however, the undoubted economic benefits of House Aveller’s acts see the act being more popular than it would otherwise be. Wrynn’s Roost re-enters the Alliance as an observing member, although retaining full autonomy.

3035: Bomb kills Janos and Duggan Marik and wounds Thomas Marik, Duncan Marik named Captain-General, Readjustment Act of 3035 passed.  Michael Hasek Davion, Maximilian Liao, and Myndo Waterly meet secretly at the end of the year. Later transcripts make it plain that none of the participants were dealing entirely fairly with the others.  However, Waterly suggested that Michael and Maximilian could drastically increase their power, by Michael moving against the throne, either to take it or to become an independent state in the aftermath of the soon to be assassination of Hanse and Melissa Davion. The attack  (by suborned ROM and Maskirovka agents), which would be pinned on the Taurian Concordat.  The Capellan Confederation and Hasek’s new domain would split the remains of the Concordat between them,with Waterly providing intelligence indicating that the Concordat was far weaker than it was assumed to be. Those documents were in fact, falsefied. Later interrogations and evidence indicated that Waterly expected the coup to turn into a massive conflict in the Federated Suns, which would see the alliance with the Commonwealth shatter, even as the Draconis Combine and Free Worlds would take advantage of the weakened powers.  A full scale conflict would once again leave Comstar as the primary neutral body within the Inner Sphere, damage the ongoing economic revolution and secure her political position. Later events would prove the weaknesses of such an over complex plan, leading directly into the Final Succession War. HPG chain to the Union Cluster completed, giving the Inner Sphere its first “live” look at the Cluster.

Later 3035. The Federated Suns, Lyran Commonwealth, Draconis Combine and Free Worlds League hold high level talks. The Confederation isn’t invited due to their stance on the Federated Sun’s “secession from a corpse” as Hanse Davion mentions.  The meeting involves the decision to abandon the long-standing (albeit unofficial) ban on the construction of new warships, in the face of the possible threat presented by the Union. It is agreed that observers will be allowed to ensure that no surprise attacks are launched on local enemies, and that any new construction will remain at least 15 light years away from any border regions, unless previous arrangements are made. After this meeting, the Federated Suns starts design work on a corvette and a carrier based on the New Syrtis class, while the Draconis combine focuses on dismantling the single Samarkand class carrier left, and building an updated Cruiser class warship. Working independently, both nations come to the same conclusion—direct ship to ship engagements with the Union are likely to go poorly, so they focus on carriers and swarms of fighters.

3036: Trade Factor Yvonne meets with the president of Wrynn’s Roost, and a new orbital transfer port is established, as well as a recharge station.  Although lower tech than most of the Inner Sphere, the world does have a well educated population, making it ideal for further development of the former Outworlds Wastes.  A low tech (age of war), style factory for fixed fusion power plants is established, helping develop the rgion while providing the Roost with a low tech, durable, but highly demanded export item.

3037: A spate of terrorist attacks by the Taurian Reunification League occur in the bordering Federated Suns region, with Duke Hasek proclaiming that they are a sign of the weakness of the current Prince.  The skill associated with these attacks is far greater than previous attacks by radicals, leading to a MIIO investigation to determine who is supporting them.  The TDF put on high alert. As a method to reduce tensions, the Union Fleet deploys a cruiser squadron to Samantha, as a way of reassuring the Taurians that their capital world will be protected.  Suborned agents within the Federated Suns provide falsified documentation claiming that this is actually a preparation for an attack.

Late 3037— The dropship Hanse and Melissa Davion were using is sabotaged, supposedly by the TRL, critically injuring Hanse Davion, although Melissa escapes.  Based on Davion’s verbal and written orders, Melissa takes over as regent for Victor. (age 7). Aware of the suspicions of the MIIO regarding the TRL, she orders a full alert, but refrains from attacking into Taurian space.

3038—Federated Suns Civil War commences.  Michael Hasek Davion declares himself the rightful First Prince, claiming that Melissa had cooperated with the TRL in order to take over the throne for her mother, and prepares to launch his bid for the throne, while also striking against the Taurian “criminals” with the aid of suspiciously well-equipped Capellan forces. Capellan forces invest both Brisbane and New Vandenberg.  In a spectacularly dramatic example of bad PR, Maximilian Liao uses his position as “First Lord” and specifically references the Pollux Proclamation in his speeches regarding the assault on the Perfidious Taurians.  Protector Thomas Calderon requests assistance from the other members of the PEDZ, which although not bound to provide military assistance, promptly do so, including two full regiments from the Magistracy, and the First Alliance Air Regiment.  Furthermore, the suppression of piracy in the region allowed for a concentration of forces not seen in decades.  This proves problematic for Liao forces. Hasek Davion’s forces encounter resistance from militias and loyal units.  Melissa specifically refuses assistance from the Lyran Commonwealth to avoid handing her enemies a tool they can use against her.   The Union Fleet, does not directly aid, not yet, but deploys cruisers to core worlds on “Friendship visits” which free up Taurian forces to move against the invaders.

3039: Hanse Davion recovers enough to make public speeches, although he leaves the day to day management of affairs in his staff and Melissa’s hands.  His return, despite claims’ that he is a double, go far to undercut any popularity Hasek has outside of his immediate domain. In addition, the Laio offensive into the Concordat stalls with New Vandenberg and Brisbane failing to fall—later, it is learned that while the Union did not directly engage enemy forces ,most TDF and allied aerospace forces had been provided with tactical FTL com systems and Union ECM and Sensor systems, allowing them to outmaneuver the more numerous Liao aerospace forces, even though those forces included a large number of Star League era models.  By order of the Primus, ROM launches an investigation,  and starts unravelling Waterly’s plot by the end of the year. The point of failure of her plan (as opposed to her co-conspirators), was her expectation that both the Draconis Combine and Free Worlds League would take advantage of the confusion to attacked the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth. In this, she seriously underestimated the concern both powers had regarding the Union.

3040: Katrina Steiner dies. Hanse Davion recovers and takes over day to day management of the civil war.  Hasek Davion’s forces are compressed into an ever smaller area, centered on New Syrtis. The Capellan invasion, already stalled is reversed when Wolfs Dragoons, concentrated into one, single formation, deploy with the TDF and strike deep within Confederation Space.  Capellan forces on New Vandenberg are forced to surrender by July, while the Brisbane invasion force holds out until the end of the year. On November 5th, Hasek Davion is killed by an unknown party, (later, it is found to be part of the ROM operation to eliminate Waterly’s power base). By December, offers of clemency and disunion among Hasek’s subordinates, coupled with his son’s open declaration of loyalty lead to most resistance collapsing. Hanse Davion then sends an HPG message to Maximilian Liao, where he, along with the double that almost replaced him, congratulate Liao on his achievements and mention that they look forward to discussing events with him on Sian—now that the Federated Sun’s and Lyran Commonwealth are no longer distracted. Unknown to Liao, who pins his hopes on assistance from other nations, Hanse has offered the FWL a large portion of the Confederation for certain future considerations. The only other possibly Ally, the Draconis Combine, has written off the Confederation due to Takashi’s fury over Liao’s overly complex plans and subsequent failure.   

3041:  Nuclear bombing of TDF forces on Brisbane.  The source of the weapon remains unknown, with everything from a false flag by the Union to ROM agents being called out, but it had the impact of infuriating the Taurians, though fears of Taurian “nuke mania” were proven baseless, perhaps due to the fact that the tactical nuclear weapon had been targeted on a Taurian logistics base and no civilians were harmed. However, whatever the origin of the weapon, it doomed the Confederation, as the Union Cluster Navy entered the battle. Although it refrained from any orbital bombardment operations, the total space dominance it brought to the battle ensured that the CCAF was unable to regain the initiative.  A number of CCAF and affiliated mercenary units were caught in space, being forced to surrender or destroyed without their mechs ever able to fire a shot.  On November, Comstar announced the tragic death of the courageous Myndo Waterly, killed while investigating a deep conspiracy that had been providing advanced technology to Hasek and the CCAF.  Her role in preserving Comstars’ neutrality was praised and a week of mourning declared at all Comstar installations. (In truth, she and her associates had been arrested, interrogated and quietly executed). 

3043: The Combined offensive by the TDF, Federated Suns, Lyran Commonwealth and Free Worlds League effectively dismembers the Confederation, with nearly 60 percent of its worlds ending up taken. Sian falls at the end of the year, with only a broken Maximilian Liao sitting on the throne, demanding that Hanse recognize his position. He will end out his final years in an insane asylum.  Romano Liao and the rest of the household fled to their ancestral holdings, along with the tattered remains of the CCAF. Comstar, in November 3043, declares the rump Confederation under their protection, unveiling a number of Comguards units. Although still the Confederation in name, in truth the Liao’s have no power, and are subject to the decisions coming from Terra, while Comstar benefits from the larger population base. Occupied with digesting the remains of the Confederation, and in the Federated Suns and Concordat’s case, recovering from the conflict, none of the powers contest Comstar’s decision. On December 25th, during the Christmas Day celebrations, the FWL announces that it forever renounces the throne of the Star League. Takashi is heard to mention that the timing was in poor taste—he waits until January 1st of 3044 to declare that “The Dragon has no need of a corpse’s throne”.  It is with this declaration that the conflict is officially named: The Final Succession War, ending over two-hundred years of bloodshed in the name of the Star League. Comstar makes no official statement, but the renaming of Unity City to the “Unity City Historical Monument and Museum Complex” makes their stance clear enough.

In addition, the Periphery, in its analysis of the conflict, determines that more coordination would be needed in the case of future challenges. The PEDZ is joined by the Periphery Treaty Defense Force, a multi-national body designed to ensure that future conflicts will see a more coordinated result. In addition to developing a more unified training doctrine, the Union Navy provides the PTDF with a number of fast-charge jumpships, allowing it to more effectively cover the vast spaces of the Periphery.


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Re: The Trader's Cluster
« Reply #32 on: 05 March 2019, 07:48:39 »
Absolutely great update. Something tells me that if/when the Clans come a calling they are going to run into a wood chipper.  But Merchant Factor...interesting..has one of the Clans gone poking around in the outback?
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: The Trader's Cluster
« Reply #33 on: 07 March 2019, 01:29:03 »
Absolutely great update. Something tells me that if/when the Clans come a calling they are going to run into a wood chipper.  But Merchant Factor...interesting..has one of the Clans gone poking around in the outback?

Nah, that's just a Trader's Union Cluster term for a trade prince--but it's actually a fairly common term historically, so it isn't a surprise there would be duplication.

The Clans will have problems, not simply the fact that they may be facing more advanced forces, but the worry about the Union had led to everyone running lots of drills to prepare their troops for "okay, today the other side has better toys." Things like the omni's, the toads and such would still be better than your average IS unit, but they woudln't be panicked by them. IE, little "tank panic" is going to happen.
« Last Edit: 07 March 2019, 01:40:34 by Korzon77 »


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Re: The Trader's Cluster
« Reply #34 on: 08 March 2019, 00:01:24 »
First Circuit

Julian Tiepolo  wondered if there was a personal demon who ensured that those in power would never have a restful sleep.

If so, he must be enjoying his job.

“And it’s certain that this isn’t an invasion.” He asked the room. Most of the participants were here via HPG transmission, a normally ruinous cost in terms of transmission bandwidth. But today it was worth it.

“Well…”  Precentor ROM frowned.  A more measured man than previous precentors, Wilson shook his head. “The majority of them appear to be merchants. We’ve upped the budget for intelligence operations and there seems to be some annoyance at their leadership not simply letting htem charge into the Inner Sphere to offer the newest tech to the highest bidder.”

Julian winced. Compact FTL systems. Warship technology. Powered armor that looks to be as good or better as anything the SLDF had.

Actually, he shouldn’t amend it. They were fielding powered armor as regular kit for their soldiers, where the SLDF had only used it for elite covert operations. Better than anything the SLDF had.

“We only have their word for the distance of their home worlds,” Precentor Atreus said.

“It is unlikely to be closer than a thousand light years from the Periphery edge,” Wilson said. “The fact that there has been no contact before now, would seem to indicate that the Traders and the Union are far enough away that contact is difficult.”

“Which means that they haven’t been able to upgrade their KF drives.” Julian didn’t keep the sound of relief out of his voice. The ability to jump further or faster would be an unbeatable strategic advantage. “But we must accept one thing.”

“That would be?”

“Our technological position is incredible fragile. Even if they are correct about desiring to prevent the dissemination of military technology, it will happen, If for no other reason than they are people and people can be bribed.”

“Not just that—having their noses rubbed in this situation will cause the entire Inner Sphere to redouble its efforts to recover technology.”

“As must we.” Julian said. “Comstar has been the custodian of Terra, but we have grown complacent. After all, we always had access to the pinnacle of Star League technology in our warehouses, or in easy to restart factories. But now, we face a potential opponent that is, in some respects at least, more advanced than we are.”

“We do not know for—” Julian’s roar cut off Precentor Tharkad’s transmitted voice.

We cannot afford to wait!” He stared at the rest. “For nearly four hundred years they have been, if we can believe them, more or less at peace. We do not know their size, but it was large enough to send a fleet—a fleet—here on the off chance it would be successful. They are wealthy, powerful, and expected to find a mighty Star League that would laugh at them.” He took a deep breath. “And now they know that the Star League is gone, replaced by squabbling lords who no longer have the capability to build warships, who destroyed so much production across the sphere that Jumpships are off limits. These traders may be peaceful, but will the next wave be so? Or will they be conquistadors?”

“Even a fleet like the one we’ve seen could slaughter most Inner Sphere forces with ease…”  Wilson said.

“Yes. The theoretical studies that we did and then put into storage must be dusted off. The projects that were never completed by the Star League must be evaluated.  We can no longer assume technological superiority is our birthright. Secondly, our military arm must be expanded.  We will keep hidden for as long as possible, but it must be ready.” He sighed. Now came the part that might see him soon become an ex primus.  “Finally, we must work to reduce tensions between the nations of the Inner Sphere.”

That led to an explosion, being led by Precentor Luthien’s voice. “Primus, that—it has been our policy to prevent the relaxation of tensions in order to preserve the balance of power!”

“And we cannot risk, if this is only the first wave, the Inner Sphere dissolving into a new war when it must face a potential invasion!” Julian shook his head. “Don’t you understand? This changes everything. Our technological monopoly allowed us to maintain the balance—but now, we face a power, larger than Comstar, which can shatter that monopoly—we will be hard pressed to maintain our lock on interstellar communications, and consider what that might mean.”

The look of shock on several faces made Julian want to scream. Possession of the HPG by Comstar had been taken as a given, even now.

It wasn’t.

“The only way Comstar and our great mission can survive, is if we are willing to be flexible, to be brave… And to be willing to take risks. If we do not, we stand to lose all.” He shook his head. “I will be speaking to Precentor Alpheratz later today. If you have any suggestions that might be helpful, please let me know.”

And if you don’t, please keep your mouths shut. Julian’s own subconscious was doing quite enough panicking, thank you very much.


  • Major
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  • Posts: 3272
  • Veteran of Galahad 3028
Re: The Trader's Cluster
« Reply #35 on: 08 March 2019, 22:31:27 »
ComStar might want to change their robes from white to brown.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.

