Author Topic: 2nd Armored Cavalry  (Read 20903 times)


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #120 on: 24 August 2017, 21:53:20 »
 27 February 2789 (Lexington)

 0330 Local Time

 Aboard the Always Ready, the sensor tech shook off the drowsy feeling as his long range sensors picked up a faint jump signature, it was so faint as it barely registered. "Mister Hogue, I need you over here sir."

 Mister Hogue (the watch officer) began floating to his sensor tech. "What have we got."

 "Sir, I had a momentary jump signature but I only have a vague bearing and no distance on it. Whatever it is, it is a long long way off."

 "So basically we don't know anything. Are you sure it was not just a sensor glitch?" Mister Hogue asked.

 "Sir, I ran a standard diagnosis on the sensors when I came on shift at 0200. All checked out fine. I clearly picked up that Davion Merchant that jumped in system at 0245. I was even able to get a good read on the incoming jump signature before he even arrived." The sensor tech stated. Mister Hogue was known to be very skeptical.

 "Well, I will note the log, but I don't think it is enough to sound a general alarm or wake the skipper over what could be nothing. Keep you eyes peeled and if anything else happens I will alert the skipper."

 "Sir, standing orders are to report ANYTHING out of the ordinary immediately to the skipper." The sensor tech protested.

 "I am well aware of the standing orders but I am not waking the skipper for what might be a small glitch and look like a fool. I am going to note the log and we will monitor the situation. IS THAT CLEAR?"

 "Yes sir, but I do so under protest. It was just this sort of complacency that allowed Amaris forces to take over the Hegemony. You only came in after we liberated Earth, I was in service almost the entire war. I served in the Secret Fleet making jumps into the outer fringes of systems doing recon and I am pretty sure what I just saw was what the Amaris troops saw when we jumped in." The sensor tech stood his ground.

 Mister Hogue was not swayed, if anything this last outburst steeled his resolve, "My orders stand."


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #121 on: 25 August 2017, 21:57:50 »
 27 February 2789 (Lexington)
 0630 local time aboard the Always Ready

 Capt O'Bannion entered the bridge. "Morning Mister Hogue, I take it another boring night?" As he sat down and pulled up the ships log. "What the hell is this?" He asked as his eyes found the log entry noting the extremely faint jump signature. "Mister Hogue, answers, why was I not awakened?"

 Mister Hogue could not but feel the eyes of the sensor tech on the back of his head as he slowly answered his commander "Sir the signature was so faint I figured it was just a sensor glitch and not worthy of disturbing you."

 "What part of the standing orders are not clear to you? ANYTHING out of the ordinary means just that, a faint sensor read of a jump signature qualifies as out of the ordinary."  Capt O'Bannion said as he turned to the communication tech, "Comms get me fleet command and notify Colonel Mitchell that we have possible but unconfirmed hostiles in the system and that a full report will be transmitted within the hour."

 Turning back to Mister Hogue and fixing him with an icy stare he softly spoke "Mister Hogue, you better hope and pray that this was a sensor glitch, because there will be hell to pay if this delay in reporting a possible hostile costs the Cavalry lives, I might just walk you to the nearest airlock and toss you out of it."

 Turning to the sensor tech, Capt O'Bannion said "Pull up the sensor logs, I want to see this faint signal. See if we can get a read on if it was jumping in or jumping out. If jumping in, we got some time, if jumping out, then whoever it was did what they came to do and left, and that is not good."

 "Sir, Capt Gonzalez is on the comms, they are secure using laser communication." The comm tech reported.

 "Hector, we got a possible problem. My sensors picked up a extremely faint jump signature last night. We cannot tell if it was leaving or incoming."

 "Why I am just hearing this Pete? I mean it has been quiet a long while but we are a single jump from Combine lines. We could have a damn warship inbound to our location right now!" Capt Gonzalez almost yelled, in the background, Capt O'Bannion heard his fleet commander order "Comms order all ships to immediately prep for jump to Tango 1. Contact Cavalry HQ and notify them of our actions. Suggest Colonel Mitchell sound a general alert and disperse his troops ASAP."

 "Pete, make ready for emergency jump to Tango 1. I want a full write up of what the hell happened. I hope to hell I am wrong but we are not taking any chances. That jump signature could easily be a scout ship leaving after seeing our deployments and right now a Combine warship or more could be making ready to jump right into the middle of us. It will take the fleet 15 min to make ready to jump, pray we make it."

 "You got it Hector, I will have a full write up for you asap. Making ready for Tango 1."


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #122 on: 25 August 2017, 22:16:56 »
It just takes one fool who could not be bothered to do his job properly.
That airlock looks mighty inviting for mister Hogue. >:D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #123 on: 25 August 2017, 22:23:55 »
 27 February 2789 (Lexington)
 0700 Cavalry Base

 "Major Kirby, incoming priority message from Capt Gonzalez on secure."

 "What we got Sgt?" Major Kirby asked, he had the duty today.

 "Sir, Capt Gonzalez reports possible hostiles in system and recommends a general alert and dispersal."

 "Sound the alarm Sgt, let's get everyone up and to their dispersal locations. Alert Colonel Mitchell of our actions. Tell him I am activating Plan Bravo at this time."

 As the last left his mouth, the general alarm sounded all over the base.

 Within minutes the entire Cavalry base was a swarm of activity as Mechwarriors ran to their Mechs, Aerospace pilots headed for their fighters, Techs warmed up the Mechs and vehicles running last minute checks. The Cavalry's Armor Battalon along with both Grunt Battalions were already in the field running exercises and would head straight for their dispersal sites. Colonel Mitchell and his command Lance was with them.

 Plan Bravo was designed for a imminent nuclear strike or orbital bombardment. All Dropships would launch for distant locations, every unit of the Cavalry would head for their dispersal areas the moment they were mobile. All dispersal sites were a minimum of 100km from Cavalry Base and no more than a Company of Mechs would be in any one dispersal site, but each battalion would be within a 30km area. This was to try and provide maximum force protection.


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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #124 on: 05 September 2017, 22:07:24 »
 28 February 2789 (Lexington)

 The Davion jumpship in system had sent a distress signal reporting 4 emergence signatures with one close to it's location before going silent. No communications could be re-established with the jumpship. Colonel Mitchell had sent a flight from the Cavalry's ground based Aerospace squadrons along with one of the Cavalry's Union Dropships right after the distress signal. They reported detecting inbound dropships from the Zenith jump point.

 The Cavalry was primed and ready for whatever landed.




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Re: 2nd Armored Cavalry
« Reply #125 on: 07 September 2017, 15:01:19 »
 1 March 2789 (Lexington)

 Aerospace scouting could not get close enough to get a accurate count and types of the incoming dropships, but 4 Dictator and 3 Czar Dropships had been positively ID'ed. A total of 14 Dropships had been counted. The incoming Dropships were maintaining a steady 1G burn to the planet. Taking their sweet time. Escorting the incoming Dropships were a swarm of Combine Aerospace fighters. Too many for the Cavalry's ground based Aerospace fighters to deal with. Only 12 Cavalry Aerospace fighters were available.

 No warships had been detected in system luckily.

 Colonel Mitchell ordered the Cavalry to all move to with a 1 hour march at cruise speed of his location. He had relocated his command lance and linked up with his Battalion (1/2 Mech). He just needed the Combine forces to get on the ground so he could determine the proper deployment of the Cavalry as a whole. Would they come right into Cavalry Base or would they land at the Capitol City Space Port.



