Author Topic: Save Rank System?  (Read 1018 times)


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 113
Save Rank System?
« on: 26 September 2017, 17:56:27 »
I am currently using 0.42.2 Stable release. I was wondering if there is a way to save a custom rank system in campaign options? I can save campaign options as a whole, but it dose not save my custom rank system (just everything else.) I use a pretty in-depth system based on skill, service time, and 'job' with their pay determined by rank alone, with somewhere around 30 ranks with pay modifications, it takes quite a long time to set up.

Also, is it possible to set it up to recruit people to a certain default rank based on their job?


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Save Rank System?
« Reply #1 on: 27 September 2017, 08:43:10 »
If i remember correctly editing your ranks inside HQ only writes them to your campaign save file.  If your fed up with doing that all the time (like i was).  Open up the Custom.xml ranks file in data/universe I think it is with a text editor and fill it out by hand.  Save that xml file somewhere else preferably in a folder with all your custom stuff for HQ and just paste those into each new version of HQ every time and wont have to do that again.


  • Major
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Re: Save Rank System?
« Reply #2 on: 27 September 2017, 19:40:20 »
The ranks file is pretty stable for not adding changes, so if nothing else you can always edit it directly. Just don't forget to copy it over along with you campaigns, portraits (if any), and other custom files (if any).