Author Topic: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant  (Read 5548 times)


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(Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« on: 07 October 2017, 04:15:20 »
The Gallant

In truth the Gallant was a product of panic and a fortress mentality that was taking hold of the Word of Blake as the Coalition forces closed the noose round Terra.  The rush and desperation to make any Mech or vehicle that could be thrown at the Allies shares remarkable parallels with Nazi Germany.  The Germans designed such aircraft as the HE-162 ‘Volksjager’ a wooden, jet powered aircraft that was to be built in huge numbers and flown by young pilots with minimal training.  That the HE-162 was a brutally uncompromising aircraft to fly, and one would have to be an expert to fly it, not a barely trained youth, as well as in some cases being structurally unsound wasn’t seen as a factor.  This parallel can also be seen with grandiose projects like the Omega which mirrors the Nazi's 'Maus' super-heavy tank in terms of size for the time.

In turn the Word produced a spate of Mech’s that were built to be controlled by MechWarrior’s who had little in the way of training, and for many, their first battle would probably be their last.  To this end ‘wasteful’ or 'unnecessary' things like ejection systems or anything resembling adequate reactor shielding were simply not included in the designs.

Almost all of these panic designs never saw the light of day, but one did, being encountered in the Sol system and counted amongst the Word’s forces on Terra.  Here it had enough success and caused enough trouble to Coalition forces that when the factory was seized, the design was looked at.

Whereas designs like the Toyama, Initiate or any of the Celestial series carried with them the taint of the Word of Blake and the horrors inflicted by its forces, the Gallant did not, and, with their Mech forces in tattered after the bloody campaign to destroy the Word, the newly formed Republic of the Sphere opted to put the Gallant into production.  With a decent amount of reactor shielding and an ejection system fitted of course.  The Mech's design was also shared with the Lyrans and Davion's as a thank you for the help they had given and pain they had suffered during the Jihad.  Most people would send flowers or chocolate, but hey, the Republic was a bit weird.


At a solid 70 tons the Gallant is very firmly set in the heavy Mech category, fitted with a 210 XL engine (now, fortunately with the proper amount of shielding) the Gallant is a rather slow machine for its weight category, only capable of hitting 56kph at full speed.  But five of the somewhat poorly named ‘Waterly’ Improved Jump Jets allow the Mech to leap up to 150 meters, making it quite agile despite its lumbering speed.

The standard compounds skeleton holds a beefy 13 tons of armour, giving the Gallant near full protection and allowing it to take a pounding whilst engaging targets.


And this thick layer of protection is needed as the Gallant’s speed means it can’t withdraw from a fight save breaking the line of sight or leaping into heavily wooded terrain.  An extra four double heatsinks are fitted allowing the Mech to keep cool whilst engaging as well.


Gallant GLT-7-0 – The standard Gallant’s armament was re-worked by the Word at the last moment, instead of being built purely to engage Mechs, it was re-armed to allow it to engage the combined-arms units that the Coalition was often fielding (mostly due to the destruction or crippling of so many Mech manufacturing facilities).  A pair of Large pulse lasers provide accurate firepower at mid to short range whilst allowing for even the most novice pilot to score hits with a torrent of laser pulses.

A MRM-20 can cause significant damage and is cheap to produce and easy to train pilots to use, and the MRM can easily disable tanks with hits to their motive systems.  A Streak SRM-2 was also fitted and again this speaks of a design that was meant to be used by novices. As the Streak won’t fire without a lock it conserves ammo.  Finally, a flamer can be used against Infantry and vehicles alike. 
The tactics used by Word pilots was to jump from behind cover and get at short range where their weapons would be at their most accurate and this is needed as the Gallant 7-0 lacks any form of long range firepower and is achingly vulnerable on an open battlefield due to its plodding speed.

Still in tight terrain or heavily built up areas it can be potent and has been issued to units defending urban or built up areas acting like a larger Wyvern.

Gallant GLT-8-0 – Coming out several years later the 8-0 is a significant re-working of the armament of the standard 7-0 as well as being a testbed for more advanced technology to see if the Chassis could be adapted to fit new weapons that would overcome its short-range limitations.  On the whole, the Federated Suns designers were successful and the 8-0 entered limited production. 
Still limited by its plodding 56kph speed but having a 150 meter leap the only changes are to the armament.  Here the Davion designers removed everything and worked in new weapons from the ground up. 
A quartet of Medium-X pulse lasers provide heavy fire at medium range and nearly have the range of the original dual large pulse lasers.  Longer ranged firepower comes from a pair of Thunderbolt-10 missile launchers. 

The large missiles fired by the Thunderbolt system have a good range on them and can be fired indirectly, allowing the 8-0 to engage a target at ranges that a 7-0 pilot can only dream of. 

A significant upgrade of the 7-0 the 8-0s longer ranged firepower make it a far more potent threat although with 18 shots shared between the two launchers, battlefield endurance is somewhat limited. Also, the hot running X-pulse lasers will push the 14 double heatsinks to their limit
Gallant GLT-10-0 – Going full circle again the 10-0 is once again, a product of desperation.  With the Federated Suns facing threats on all sides and with Combine and Capellan forces pushing ever deeper into Suns space the Gallant was altered to produce a cheap but potent combat unit.  A cheaper and less resource intensive Light engine replaces the older 210 XL, keeping the Mech’s speed the same, whilst the jump jets also remain untouched.

Once again House Davion changed the weapons, stripping out the maintenance heavy X-pulse lasers and ammunition hungry Thunderbolt launchers.  In their place is a more limited but still useful weapons package that is cooled by 11 double heatsinks. 
Two of the newly developed large re-engineered lasers form the 10-0’s main punch, the blisteringly fast micro-pulses of the lasers allowing them to combat the special armours faced on the Kuritan and Capellan fronts.  They also have a considerably greater range than the 7-0’s large pulse lasers.  An MML-7 fitted with Artemis IV takes advantage of the huge stocks of LRM and SRM missiles available whilst a flamer can do horrid things to infantry, or set buildings on fire.  Losing out on firepower to the 8-0 the 10-0’s re-engineered lasers work well to counter the now worryingly common hardened armour of the Kuritan military whilst also being quite accurate and hard hitting. 
Cheaper to produce the 10-0 is not overly impressive but makes a good support unit and to assist in this the 10-0 also carries a remote sensor dispenser on its back, allowing it to lay ‘trip wires’ that can detect hostile Mechs trying to sneak through allied line (Capellan stealth units say hello).


The Gallant is a bit of an odd duck.  Its achingly slow and even with the variants its long-range firepower isn’t amazing, meaning it’s not really a front-line combatant, UNLESS you’re in a city or very built up terrain, at which point your weapons range won’t be too much of an issue.  The 7-0 is a bit uninspiring, its mismatched weapons ranges don’t lend itself to much although its jumping mobility is nice.  The 8-0 is a straight upgrade, plus indirect fire AC-10 hits are always nice and the X-pulsers allow it to fight at beyond knife fighting ranges which again, is a nice upgrade.  The 10-0’s ability to ignore special armour types with the RE-Lasers is again good, but it lacks the firepower to take full advantage of it, perhaps replacing the MML with some medium RE’s would have been a wiser choice, keeping it closer to a weapons swap of the 8-0 built during more frugal times.

At best I’d say the Gallant is adequate, the 8-0 is the best of the pick, and the 7-0’s near useless on terrain where there’s little cover. The whole family is hobbled by its low speed and faster Clan units will be able to gobble up a Gallant in no time thanks to their general range advantages. 

Fighting one, well it’s a slow moving heavy with good armour. Apply heavy firepower until it goes away.  If you have the range advantage, exploit it without mercy and the Gallant won’t be able to effectively reply unless it happens to be an 8-0 and even then, it will start running out of ammo.  The Gallant will require careful use if you want to get the most out of it, outside its natural environment its lack of speed make it vulnerable, but in tight terrain, its jump jets give it the mobility to out manouver a target and get the drop on them, hopefully from behind and at short range.

As always, thoughts and comments are most welcome!
« Last Edit: 07 October 2017, 12:07:10 by marauder648 »
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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #1 on: 07 October 2017, 11:37:32 »
I have not yet been able to field this mech, but it has a well defined role and within that role it is fairly capable.  If you are going to be in an area that has broken terrain it is going to be at or above average over everything else out there.  If not, things get a lot more dicey fast.  Ignoring the cost and KISS principal of the 7-O's design, I dislike MRMs and Streak-2s.  If you are going to go with Streaks go with the bigger launcher and don't mix it with another missile system.

The 8-O seems pretty reasonable although I'd have been just as happy to take ER Mediums tied into a TC over teh X Pulse Lasers.  It isn't a large stretch to have switched the engine over to a standard engine for lower cost and survival.  The 10-O is completely niche, but if you know you are going to be fighting someone with the special armor it cracks then it will be respectable.  Notably absent from any variant is VSPs.  This thing should have some of them, yet no variant does.


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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #2 on: 07 October 2017, 12:17:18 »
I had trouble getting myself use the mech. It's interesting to me, i always thought it was the spirtual successor to the Guillotine.
Twin big lasers, the jumping, slowish, tonnage similar.  Stuff like that.

I've grown get used to the MRMs, but short ranger of the pulses of the 7-0 only great in a urban combat environment.

The 8-0 seems to be interesting, missile thrower that hurts bad when it does hit.  I'm not big on those shorter range X-Mediums.

Though their not really in big use, the 10-0 has potential.  Even though the reLasers are nich weapons, i think works when you got annoying Narukami closing in and cheesing your units it's firepower.
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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #3 on: 08 October 2017, 02:01:13 »
The Gallant (7-0) is sort of a strange design for last minute defenses or new/untested pilots. Jumping is probably one of the harder things to do, and yet this relies on that. Also MRMs are horrible for new pilots considering their inaccuracies. Jumping penalties and the MRM penalty...sure, you're firing off alot of missiles. Not really hitting much.

Give it a decent pilot and maybe it can manage in built up areas.

The Quirks for the design are sort of amusing. They give the RA LPLs the "Stabilized Weapon" quirk, which is nice, but the quirk only offsets the penalties for firing the weapons when the Mech runs. So if you're willing to lose out on the jump jets and run at your limited speed for the weight, you can get a -1 to hit with the LPLs.


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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #4 on: 08 October 2017, 03:14:25 »
I think you're being unkind to the Gallant comparing it to the HE-162. While many 'Mechs reason for existence seems to be summed up with the words "We wanted to put more into the TRO" and least it's normal mode of operation didn't involve it bursting into flames.


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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #5 on: 08 October 2017, 03:56:38 »
Reminds me of the M3 grease gun rather... cheap (probably had a few spare XLFE 210s lying around) and nasty and desperate.

The 8-0's MRM's +1 is offset somewhat by its range; its a variation on the classic lasers+SRMs and at least you have a (slim) chance of landing hits further away... how much MRM ammo does it carry BTW?

The 10-0 keeps the theme of desperation and the MML is at least multi-purpose... the 9-0 I can't really get behind, but fire support is 1 way to use a slow Mech.

Good article covering a not-very-liked Mech O0


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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #6 on: 10 October 2017, 03:01:23 »
If the mech was intended for inexperienced and poorly trained pilots, MRMs with their wonky range and penalty to hit make no sense.  To me, MRMs are really only worth it if you've got C3.
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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #7 on: 10 October 2017, 05:19:46 »
If the mech was intended for inexperienced and poorly trained pilots, MRMs with their wonky range and penalty to hit make no sense.  To me, MRMs are really only worth it if you've got C3.
It maybe for the word "inexpensive" being the reason.  Unlike LRMS these things don't have minimum ranges, sure u will miss a lot.  However, the way this Mech's base mode weapons are geared, it's urban fighter.  Large Pulses, Streak SRM, Flamer.  That screams this thing is intended get up close to make sure you hit. Open field this thing need keep moving to reach a target before it has can get it's weapons in optimum range where a 4/5 pilot on average has chance to hit.  Also this mech was intended for the last stand and they were kicking anything out of a factory door to stop Coalition forces from taking away Terra.

MRMs are unruly beasts but, they can lay some serious damage if get them in right range.  Especially short, where your average close up weapon is a SRM6 on average, verses a 20-tubed missile launcher which ISN'T a Rocket Launcher and it can reload. On average your hitting more than 6 missiles into your target. So if you hit, your going leave impression.  I know ranges are different, but in end I think it works out. Adds variety to the game.
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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #8 on: 10 October 2017, 07:06:22 »
It maybe for the word "inexpensive" being the reason.  Unlike LRMS these things don't have minimum ranges, sure u will miss a lot.  However, the way this Mech's base mode weapons are geared, it's urban fighter.  Large Pulses, Streak SRM, Flamer.  That screams this thing is intended get up close to make sure you hit. Open field this thing need keep moving to reach a target before it has can get it's weapons in optimum range where a 4/5 pilot on average has chance to hit.  Also this mech was intended for the last stand and they were kicking anything out of a factory door to stop Coalition forces from taking away Terra.

MRMs are unruly beasts but, they can lay some serious damage if get them in right range.  Especially short, where your average close up weapon is a SRM6 on average, verses a 20-tubed missile launcher which ISN'T a Rocket Launcher and it can reload. On average your hitting more than 6 missiles into your target. So if you hit, your going leave impression.  I know ranges are different, but in end I think it works out. Adds variety to the game.
I think this is the general idea (at least on this 'Mech) for the MRMs, reloadable RL20. The MRM is 1 more heat than a RL20 and it has 1 hex more range at medium and 3 hexes more at long. Both are 3 crits, the only difference is the tonnage. Both have a +1 to-hit. Also, by going with a single MRM rack instead of multiple RL racks, the new guy piloting it can't fire off all the RLs at once and badly spike his heat.


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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #9 on: 10 October 2017, 09:42:50 »
MRMs still suck. But in this case there is one very WoB reason to mount it. Think about it, which targets is cities are almost impossible to miss? That you also don't have to make a cluster roll against?


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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #10 on: 10 October 2017, 17:13:17 »
MRMs are SRMs with 5pt clusters and the option to land em beyond 9 hexes if so desired. They're not exactly that bad a choice.


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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #11 on: 10 October 2017, 18:31:48 »
I think you're being unkind to the Gallant comparing it to the HE-162. While many 'Mechs reason for existence seems to be summed up with the words "We wanted to put more into the TRO" and least it's normal mode of operation didn't involve it bursting into flames.

In actuality, the He-162 didn't burst into flames either. It did have issues due to poor glue performance - which affected several other aviation projects from '44 onwards - but

The difficulties with the type seem to have been due to the fact that it was rushed into production, not that it was an inherently bad design. One experienced Luftwaffe pilot who flew it called it a "first-class combat aircraft".

You may be thinking of the He-177 Greif, which despite the word meaning 'Griffin' in German, was indeed prone to spontaneous engine combustion.
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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #12 on: 10 October 2017, 22:12:48 »
Nope, a quick Google search reveals that I was likely thinking of the Me 163 Komet which was rocket propelled and had wooden wings, likely to on whose wing burst into flames.


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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #13 on: 11 October 2017, 00:16:58 »
the Komets also used hypergolic fuels for the rocket, which ignoted on contact. and one of them became highly corrosive when exposed to moisture. so yeah, flying bombs.

the Gallant isn't much like a Komet though.. unless there is a HVAC variant around some where i'm unaware of..


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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #14 on: 11 October 2017, 02:54:31 »
MRM are like a ultra cheap LB-X or a Rocket Launcher that can reload so it makes more sense having it on a ad-hock mech.

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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #15 on: 11 October 2017, 08:05:23 »
I was going to talk about how much I think this design sucks, but then I realized it's the WoB's big UrbanMech. And sort of like the RetroTech Rook, the design is all about putting as many guns in the field as they could. Viewed in that light, it makes more sense.
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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #16 on: 11 October 2017, 11:53:13 »
And all this time I thought I was the only one who saw it and thought overgrown Urbie-ish design.

I guess you could do worse than 2xISLPLs jumping 5 with 13 tons of armor in a city fight.

The -8 made me think about the sometimes-mentioned benefit of LRM IDF in urban combat, although with more concentrated boom and less ammo flexibility.
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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #17 on: 11 October 2017, 21:33:41 »
Uh . . . not sure why folks are mentioning the range and the MRMs sucking on the 7-0 because the whole point of the design is to fight at 10 or less hexes, likely from ambush and THEN move off breaking contact.  Being able to jump 5 hexes over buildings and set up in their next fighting position works pretty well.

I do wish we had gotten the 'original BP' version with VSPL, but this works pretty well as is . . . for what it is designed for IMO.

For the Davion version . . . like it was mentioned, with all the Hardened armor coming out of the Dracs it can make sense as a defensive unit.
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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #18 on: 12 October 2017, 03:39:58 »
Uh . . . not sure why folks are mentioning the range and the MRMs sucking on the 7-0 because the whole point of the design is to fight at 10 or less hexes, likely from ambush and THEN move off breaking contact.  Being able to jump 5 hexes over buildings and set up in their next fighting position works pretty well.
Yes. The question is why not SRMs then, and my proposed answer is that it gives one an option of hitting out to 15 hexes if so desired.


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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #19 on: 12 October 2017, 04:45:59 »
The MRM 20 can clear mines too right? Something an SRM rack cannot do. That would be a suitable job for new pilots. It's pretty hard to miss the ground after all.


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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #20 on: 12 October 2017, 05:34:20 »
Oh, they'll be up for the challenge.
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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #21 on: 12 October 2017, 07:42:22 »
Yes. The question is why not SRMs then, and my proposed answer is that it gives one an option of hitting out to 15 hexes if so desired.

I would say it's that, plus salvo size. It's probably pretty reassuring to see 20 missiles going at someone instead of 6.

Or maybe it's even simpler than that and the WoB had a bunch of MRM-20s in the warehouse. ;)
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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #22 on: 12 October 2017, 12:55:54 »
I would say it's that, plus salvo size. It's probably pretty reassuring to see 20 missiles going at someone instead of 6.

Or maybe it's even simpler than that and the WoB had a bunch of MRM-20s in the warehouse. ;)

It does appear to be made out of spare parts.
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Re: (Slightly late) Mech of the week - GLT-XX Gallant
« Reply #23 on: 13 October 2017, 14:11:51 »
I always felt this to be a heavily customized Thunderbolt.  I even built a custom phoenix mini with a very similar look before this was released.