Author Topic: Watauga: A deep periphery roach motel  (Read 3152 times)


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Watauga: A deep periphery roach motel
« on: 21 May 2017, 23:34:50 »
Liam's "Denizens of the Deep Periphery" intrigued me so I'm posting some details on a little campaign world my friends call the BattleTech roach motel. We've played a number of fun scenarios on Watauga over the decades up through the various Battletech eras to 3150. This post is the 3026 write-up.   

Watauga (Creech's World) 3026

Star Type: G2V
Charging Time: 183 hours
Transit Time: 9.11 days

Position in System: 3rd (1 AU from primary)
Diameter: 6500 km
Gravity: 1
Day Length: 24 hours
Satellites: Boone

Atmospheric Pressure: Standard
Atmospheric Composition: Habitable (Breathable)
Surface Water: 65%
Equatorial Temperature: 25 C
Highest Native Life: Mammals

Population:  5,000,000,000
Government: Various
HPG Class: none
Recharge Stations: Yes

USILR Classification:
Technological Sophistication: B
Industrial Development: B
Industrial Output: B
Agricultural Dependence: B
Raw Material Dependence: B

Settled by American belters early during the first exodus, the distant and little known Watauga has flirted with becoming a major deep periphery power but never quite making it until in the early 2730's when a young, brilliant and charismatic Wataugan SLDF fleet officer, Mitchell Creech, began to rocket his way up the ranks catching the attention of the Wataugan government. More to the point, it was his connections with the Star League court they sought in their bid for a major Deep Periphery fleet depot contract won shortly thereafter. The contract proved a boon to both Watauga and Creech catapulting both to great wealth and power but as the Exodus came and went, so too did the easy money.
Mitchell Creech, now the planets Prime Minister, was a visionary genius whose skills in dealing with bureaucracy, politics and negotiation were unmatched. Playing his connections and manipulating the right players allowed him to prevent the sacking of the depot preserving much of Watauga's military and economic power. With the exodus fleets departure and the events unfolding in the Inner Sphere, Creech managed to take the Watauga Presidency, and with near dictatorial power Creech could control everything. His first action was to declare that no travel or communications would occur in or out of the small local cluster of worlds. He then began the withdrawal of all men and material back to Watauga to fuel the building of his utopia.
Surprisingly, all this power didn't go to Creech's head and he became more popular over the decades. Great arcologies were built to house the growing population, industry grew and the people flourished. Every now and again pirate incursions or tech scrounging house corporations met there end with the depot's SDS. These events only further reinforced the public's desire to stay out of Inner Sphere affairs as Watauga slowly faded from outside attention. Creech's world became a forgotten paradise of 28th century civilization as the Inner Sphere burned.
President Creech, his family and friends ruled the people from his private subcontinent where vast arrays of Nuro-dimensional virtual intelligences managed everyone's personal need from the world holonet to the distribution of vandalsynth. The output of orbital factories and the on demand services of the system wide economy were perfectly run all from his central offices. Creech had surpassed all before him truly building a peaceful utopian paradise, that is until it all abruptly ended when the long dormant super volcano on Creech's subcontinent unexpectedly erupted, exploding with such force as to obliterate Creech and his government in a matter of minutes.
Those caught in the countryside faced a merciful frozen death while billions more perished hold up in the comforts of the fusion powered arcologies victims of starvation or worse. Even these horrible fates didn't compare to those hundred million or so living off planet. It seems Watauga's much vaunted protector, the SDS, went into lockdown mode interdicting all traffic, treating every vessel as hostile. All transports found themselves unable to move less they be burned out of the sky.
Time passed and wounds healed. The cold didn't last more than a few years and the survivors recovered to rebuild a radically changed society. Roughly a billion people, once pampered, living the easy life of the creative society afforded by armies of VI run automation, now had to learn to survive a relatively harsh new world. Near two hundred years have passed since the amok time and the people of Creech have bounced back. Living in various nations or city states formed around the old arcologies and numbering a population in the billions, the people live a decent 24th century lifestyle.
Life is good but with the usual issues of working to making ends meet, paying bills and fighting the occasional war but one issue is in the backs of many minds; how do we get off this world with CASPAR looming over our heads and what happens if we can't ever defeat it? Anyone with a decent telescope can see the old habitats, the abandoned cities on the Jovian moon Olympus and the occasional drive plume of a CASPAR but just what else is out there, and how do we get to it before the planet can no longer support the population?   

GM Section (3026)

Anything short of a full on invasion by multiple warships will be destroyed by the SDS. Even though the system has been worn down somewhat leaving gaps in patrols by rare incursions of pirates, deep periphery traders or explorers, there are still plenty of drones available to deal with most forces for decades to come. The SDS, as well as the SLDF's penchant for keeping secrets has afforded Creech's world a sufficient level of anonymity leaving knowledge of its existence today barely a whisper of a rumor and even then, a place where ships never return.
Should a small force enter the Watauga system, their best chance of survival would be to submit to the SDS order to shut down, abandon their jumpships, and make a dash under fire to Creech. The locals would be more than happy to confiscate any gear and intern personnel. Should surrender prove undesirable and the locals look an easy fight, then go right ahead and give it your best shot. Depending on where you make landfall and how good a shape your force is in after running the drone gauntlet you just might be able gain a toe hold and carve a name out for yourself on this world.
Surprisingly, the locals have very little knowledge of events back past the deep winter and those few who survived to this day are unable or unwilling to talk much of it. A few scholars have collected partial details pulling from arcology data caches as Creech's central archives were vaporized but overall the local s have only scant knowledge of the Inner Sphere or anything else outside of their world.
The locals may lack battlemechs, have no aerospace to speak of, and lack of any advanced military tactics but the more powerful nations do make up for this in numbers fielding large standing armies with decent primitive equipment. Better yet, the locals adapt quickly and many countries have large, sophisticated industrial economies. Lucky for you they have yet to build nuclear weapons. That isn't because of a lack of understanding, the people of Creech simply have yet to achieve that level of total warfare and only recently begun to consider such a weapon to use against CASPAR.
Really in the overall scope of things, the people of Creech have lived relatively peaceful lives of a political age roughly equal to the great powers of Earths late 19th century imperial  expansion with war more a distant skirmish against weaker nations for resources . Only recently has a major world conflict occurred and only then did it end in a negotiated settlement. It would be a tremendous shock to these people should any Inner Sphere or Clan unit blunder into this system and make planet fall.

« Last Edit: 22 May 2017, 04:02:14 by Farnsworth »

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Watauga: A deep periphery roach motel
« Reply #1 on: 22 May 2017, 00:05:34 »
Yeah, in 3026, that's a near uncrackable nut for a House to deal with. How big is their SDS fleet, anyway?
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: Watauga: A deep periphery roach motel
« Reply #2 on: 22 May 2017, 00:18:34 »
Yeah, in 3026, that's a near uncrackable nut for a House to deal with. How big is their SDS fleet, anyway?

I actually wrote a lot about the forces for a later campaign that takes place in 3065. I'll post more after I get the information into something I can post.


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Re: Watauga: A deep periphery roach motel
« Reply #3 on: 22 May 2017, 00:23:41 »
The following is an example scenario of how we've introduced Creech's world to new players in the past.

Overview 3026

 In an effort to gain influence in the Outworlds Alliance, the Explorer Corps has provided limited but effective anti-piracy assistance about the region. COMSTAR, Lord Avellar and the Military Review Board have privately expressed interest in greater cooperation stepping up joint operations to eliminate suspected pirate bases, but political factions within the Executive Review Board and Parliament have proven resistant to increasing foreign entanglements.

COMSTAR believes it has found a way to gain ERB and Parliamentary support through Alliance Industries Diversified. AID is one of the Alliances oldest and largest corporations holding a prestigious position among the employers of the Outworlds, yet as goes the nation so too does the company. AID is a failing corporation and yearly government subsidies to keep it solvent are proving increasingly politically prohibitive for Parliament.

A plan has been worked out between Lord Avellar and allied factions to eventually allow the purchase of controlling shares of AID by COMSTAR in the hopes their deep pockets and experienced management can turn a profit, still an Executive Review Committee vote is ultimately required to allow this. To facilitate this COMSTAR hopes to win more support by demonstrating a commitment to bringing the Alliance back from the brink. One component of this plan is to assist AID in reestablishing control over lost mining assets by eliminating threatening pirate bases.

Factions within the ERB and Parliament have reluctantly approved joint anti-piracy operations on previous occasions but only under strict command guidelines and this latest push will be the largest cooperation between the AMC and COMSTAR in history. During this patrol, the usual COMSTAR mercenary “security” has been significantly beefed up as this go around it is intended joint forces make landings to neutralize pirate bases and staging areas.

Five Months In

It was obvious to the pirate commanders that they had moles within their fleet as for months their pursuers dogged them, always nipping at their heels seemingly knowing there every move. Every engagement proved a dismal failure and there most secret caches and safe havens rooted out and destroyed.
With supplies running low it was decided to make a big push through the blockading ships to Antallos but the attempt was an utter failure resulting in another ship being lost. The remaining fleet fell back to their strongest position. It was here they got their break when the mole was found.
Apparently someone had been seeding the pirate bases and waypoints with satellites that waited to relay movements and messages placed by the mole. To the pirate’s amazement, even their own private discussions and navicomp data was being relayed to their pursuers. Plans were being made on how best to use the mole when there pursuers suddenly arrived with a large force.
One of the captains suggested jumping deeper into the periphery to a system he knew about. It wasn’t on any recent chart but a risk that just may pay off. At least this time they would leave no electronic trail, or so they thought.

The overwhelming forces of the patrol had caught the pirates off guard as numerous assets were destroyed or captured. To the AMC and Mercs, the "advisors" had proven remarkably adept in predicting pirate movements, staging areas, and bases. They had no idea of the technologies COMSTAR had secretly leveraged to make this happen, dark satellites, Drum networks, HPGs and ROM all provided a network of information making these advisors appear near clairvoyant predicting pirate jump ship movements.
Within a few months the force had the pirates low on supplies and on the run splitting the majority off spinward from their escape route to Antallos. The next plan was simple, corral them into their last known holdout and commit the bulk of the forces to crush them.

A major engagement was predicted but the pirates would have none of it and fled the system within hours of the squadron’s arrival. The advisors soon provided jump coordinates to an undocumented system in the deep periphery. The squadron risked a quick jump charge and immediately pursued.

Undocumented Deep Periphery System

The system proved an amazing find. Two habitable worlds were detected and the third planet in orbit was as impressive as they get; a gorgeous blue green world emitting enough radio traffic to suggest a huge population. In system were habitats, stations, and satellites; even factories and a shipyard were detected out among the ample asteroid belts.

Still, something was not right and in a few moments everyone realized there was absolutely no ship traffic. Not a single Jump ship, dropship, small craft or fighter could be seen transiting anywhere. A few ships could be seen docked or in orbit here and there but all were powered down. Also detected was the occasional massive debris field.

The decision was made to raid for supplies. Dropships were dispatched to the third planet and the nearby stations while the Jump ships made way to an Olympus station for a quick recharge. Communications were sent out to all objectives declaring the fleet’s intent with warnings not to be molested. There were no replies, none whatsoever, only the constant din of radio chatter from the third planet without hint of any awareness to the pirates presence. This would be a cake walk, or so it seemed for the first few hours.
Alarms went off within moments of arrival as enumerable threats locked fire control systems on to the squadron. For a moment it was assumed the Pirates had rendezvoused with other forces to setup an ambush, but no pirate could have that many fighters. Astonished and terrified COMSTAR advisors quickly corrected the confused AMF and mercenary troops. This wasn’t any pirate force, what was left of them was a fast scattering debris field not far away. This opponent was an active Reagan defense system!

The swarm of drones burned inbound at high Gee from the remains of there earlier quarry issuing constant IFF challenges and orders to shut down and await boarding by SLDF forces. The COMSTAR advisors frantically tried what they could but to no avail, and it quickly became apparent to all that total destruction was imminent.

Alliance aerospace provided cover delaying the swarm as the remainder of the squadron took to the dropships and small craft to flee to the third planet. Leaving the now abandoned jumpships to their fate.

Local Forces
Hardly anyone noticed the SDS monitor that early morning, what with the layer of dust and heaped maintenance books atop the console, but it’s muffled buzzing wasn’t the usual sound one hears at the old System Defense Command HQ. Eventually the sound got the attention of one of the scientists, now more caretaker, occasionally still working the fool’s errand of hacking the drones.
It took a number of calls to eventually find someone in the war department to understand the ramifications of the events unfolding billions of kilometers away. Higher up, command was skeptical but by the next day enough evidence had poured in to convince people that the civilians were not crazy, that alien vessels had indeed appeared in system and were engaged fighting CASPAR, in fact, several smaller vessels were now accelerating at high speed towards their planet with the drones in hot pursuit. Political leaders debated another day and eventually ordered messages radioed to the alien ships but SDS jamming was simply too much. Meanwhile, news spread around the world to every country about the events unfolding.

The first group of visitors made landfall in Jarun, a vassal state to the Southern Alliance just as another, even larger fleet arrived in system. Major Powers around the world again issued warnings of the amok SDS but to no avail as the drones repeated the carnage of the earlier engagement. These newcomers put up a better fight but the survivors were scattered while running the gauntlet to sanctuary on Creech.
As this new group of visitors closed in on the planet, word began to spread over diplomatic channels of this being a possible invasion and that the second group was a threat to the planet. Media reports from Jarun of the newcomer commander’s support of local rebel forces, and dire warnings of the invading forces spread panic around the globe.
Welcome to Creech’s World

You’ve landed approximately one mixed regiment somewhat intact and damaged at a remote location. The locals are quite friendly rendering much appreciated aid and support. You are soon contacted by locals representing a guerrilla force fighting an oppressive dictatorship. Representatives of the Jarun government eventually meet with you and negotiations turn ugly when they find out you’ve spoken with the rebels.
After a day your scouts begin to report of large Jarun military contingents moving into the area while you’re Intel people deliver radio intercepts implying a Jarun double cross is in the making.
The CO decides the best option is to take down the Jarun government and replace it with one  a bit more friendly. The rebels are consulted and a plan is worked out to take down the military and to depose the dictatorship installing a new government more popular with the locals and supportive to your needs.

What remains of your squadron makes landfall roughly a regiment in size. You’re landing ends up heavily contested by local military forces thinking your force intends to invade what with recent news out of Jarun. The local’s technology is primitive, fielding no battlemechs, aerospace or advanced weaponry but they do have significant numbers and demonstrate a willingness to take any losses to stop you. The first wave is repulsed but an even larger assault is detected amassing nearby.
« Last Edit: 22 May 2017, 04:07:51 by Farnsworth »


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Re: Watauga: A deep periphery roach motel
« Reply #4 on: 28 May 2017, 17:51:32 »
Question here... Is Watauga a planet in the BattleTech universe or one you created? I am interested in this name...


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Re: Watauga: A deep periphery roach motel
« Reply #5 on: 20 February 2018, 21:25:34 »
Question here... Is Watauga a planet in the BattleTech universe or one you created? I am interested in this name...

My friends and I created Watagua. I don't know if there is already one listed in Battletech.

We came up with the name for a series of failed or absorbed interstellar nations we called "Near Do Wells and Has-been States" In this case I used the old American "Over the Mountain Men" of the Watagua Association as the model. They were written up as American Belters fleeing the Terran Alliances CPR order to found a distant mini trade empire, that is, until its demise with the Star Leagues Directive 21, civil war, and later take over by the Outworlds Alliance.


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Re: Watauga: A deep periphery roach motel
« Reply #6 on: 20 February 2018, 21:38:09 »
Here's some more fluff I found on Watagua

Today, as you are well aware of, CASPAR still protects this system. Time and armed intruders have taken their toll on the drones dwindling their numbers and capability.  Your forces are the first to survive making it to the planet in any semblance of order.

Not only has CASPAR kept the system clear of intruders, it has interdicted all high altitude flights. The locals have learned that it is generally safe to fly but only so high and so fast. The rule of thumb is that the larger the thermal signature, the faster you go and the higher you fly play a part in triggering a CASPAR attack.

Because of CASPAR, war has developed into pretty much a ground game. There are plenty of aircraft but mostly of the conventional ground attack, mud fighter variety or VTOL’s. Fusion driven craft of this sort are a rarity due to their large heat signatures. Higher altitudes are generally the domain of those few stealthy, slow moving, fuel cell driven prop jobs or airships. 

Dirtside, the Ragnarok proof technologies of the 28th century served the people well allowing the population to bounce back rapidly from the global disaster 180 years past. One can still find very advanced goods and services within the archologies where medical facilities, robotics and light industries are still operating at peak SLDF levels.

Heavy industries have lagged far behind as CASPAR severed all access to the belt and orbital factories where the bulk of the large production facilities existed. Since CASPAR, the locals have recovered somewhat providing for increasing industrial demands by building new industries of substantially less sophistication; roughly early 25th century equivalent.

The Archology populations have recently entered an explosive growth phase increasing demands for goods which have, in turn, created a dash for control of planetary resources.  As a result, national boundaries have been rapidly expanding and conflicts between various powers have been on the rise. There are still largely unexplored regions of the planet were independent Archologies exist and other, more primitive people, live in isolation similar to the frontier towns of Western America or Australia. The backlands are quickly being absorbed into the various nation states in a way reminiscent of early 20th century imperialism. 

Militarily, the more powerful nations of Creech are well equipped with a mix of technologies fielding small yet experienced standing armies. There are a few lighter, smaller, elite units with very advanced, limited production 28th century gear yet the bulk of military forces get by with inferior equipment. It is not uncommon for the wealthier Archologies to have special units of cyber and or genetic enhanced personnel equipped with power armor and unique experimental weaponry.   
CASPAR has forced air power into a limited, yet advanced, vertical and Tac Air support roles with the occasional fuel cell powered heavy bomber wing or airship available as well. There have been a few forays into Aerotech, strategic missiles and capital level energy weapons, but these have mostly been focused on attempts to lift the drone interdict.

The most powerful states have substantial naval forces the size and scope roughly equal to average pre WWII Terran fleets featuring a variety of warships, submarines and the occasional carrier. Cruise missiles, heavy artillery and energy point defense predominate while naval aviation plays a support role. Attack and cruise missile submarines are a major force multiplier yet few in number being a rather new and expensive technology.   

The areas Creech military scientists excel also concerns defeating CASPAR. Thanks to data archives and the surviving Archology NDVI’s, their level of computer and cybernetics understanding has few rivals. To this date there has been no significant penetration of the drone systems cyber defenses but incremental gains show that beating CASPAR is only a matter of a decade or two. So far none of the various nations have shared much research into these countermeasures but informal international civilian cooperation has been growing as population growth figures project serious trouble ahead in the coming decades.

Battlemechs have yet to be built, there simply hasn’t been a demand for such an item as more economically practical means to warfare are readily available. This is not to say the technology doesn’t exist as battle armor and industrial mechs exist, but these items are either low rate production armor manufactured by the small, high tech Archology shops, or built cheap in the lower tech, mass production industrial sectors. The people of Creech have yet to enter into a war in which the intensity or desperation has warranted Mech production. The catalyst event to take that next step simply hasn’t occurred yet. 
Recently governments have reached the level of desire and capability to begin nuclear weapon studies. Many international agreements already cover restrictions on such weapons having been made in an attempt to head off their development. Extreme ideology, hyper nationalism and total war are very new ideas having yet to enter into the larger cultural mindset and the people are generally loathed to destruction on such a scale. This isn’t to say such ideas won’t change in the near future what with explosive population growth and increasing resource competition.   

The people of Creech are a long lived, very homogeneous culture where everyone speaks some form of English, shares much the same culture and history having easy access to abundant, unclaimed planetary resources. Life here is actually quite good with plenty of opportunities and a burgeoning, worldwide consumer economy. Small conflicts; although, common, tend to be brief, intense and somewhere remote, away from the core nations only involving minor nations or powerful individuals.

Total warfare and strategic warfare are very new concepts with one almost world war having occurred recently in 3012. Even then it was fought in the field far from urban centers with mostly inconsequential results. Since that war, new frightening concepts have arisen and much discussion and development into total war has been made. The next world war may likely prove a devastating change of mindset for the people of Creech.   

Creech is a world with a late 19th, early 20th century mindset in transition to the soon to come total war carnage especially with the coming of alien invaders. 
« Last Edit: 20 February 2018, 23:14:52 by Farnsworth »


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Re: Watauga: A deep periphery roach motel
« Reply #7 on: 20 February 2018, 21:44:12 »
3027 Unification Wars

The visitor’s introduction of new technologies and tactics radically altered warfare on Creech. Within a few months, the pirates demonstrated firepower and maneuverability such that no major power could alone withstand and in one quick campaign they steamrolled the nations of the Southern Continent into one unified state. They stopped at this point to consolidate their gains taking advantage of the continents remoteness and to rebuild strength taking in local troops. 
Most of the remaining Creech nations made agreements not to attack each other while they secured their own pet remnants of the scattered COMSTAR forces. Those nations without the newcomers soon begrudgingly sought alliances with others to united against the perceived growing threat in the South. Meanwhile the ROM precentor did his best to broker a peace, to prevent a world war, and to ensure his peoples safety and security.

The first localized conflicts began within a year, but overall an uneasy peace survived for another half decade as the major Creech powers frantically worked to understand and replicate the technologies brought by the newcomers. Primitive prototypes and cobbled together salvaged Mechs and vehicles were still in the making while local equipment was rethought and modified to fit the new tactics and strategies introduced. 

The pirates turned out to be amazingly astute in nation building stitching together a remarkably democratic republic with a robust free market economy. The industry and technology of the South were lacking behind the other powers, but there was a sort of nationalistic enthusiasm not seen in the more advanced and autocratic monarchies. Advances came quickly and the South grew more belligerent in its economic expansion into the untapped regions of Creech.

The Monarchies found themselves forced to not only to spend vast sums to keep up militarily, they were also forced to make significant social changes as local populations grew disruptive seeing the propaganda feeds of the South. The concept of republic spread like wild fire and many nations were forced adjust. It was this great social upheaval that provoked the unification war.

Adjacent to the great southern continent was the sub continental Monarchy of Avon which was suffering difficult economic hardship due to a peasant revolt. Avon was a major oil exporter to the West but somewhat remote. Until recently Avon’s tankers were protected by Western fleets but the warships were now spread thin having dwindled in number and readiness. It was thought local forces could deal with the rabble but soon the South declared support and began providing arms and training to the rebels. The situation escalated and quickly led to world war finally ending when the first nuclear weapons were introduced eight years later. This was the beginning of the North South cold war.

« Last Edit: 20 February 2018, 21:47:48 by Farnsworth »


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Re: Watauga: A deep periphery roach motel
« Reply #8 on: 20 February 2018, 22:00:17 »
A loose Confederation of Nations had finally been created, its foundations laid by the secret COMSTAR shadow power within most countries. They had hoped to eventually forge a world government and lead from the Global Economic Commission where Precentor Ross, his agents and allies hidden hands would manage world commerce, finance and information. 

3055 Escape
The IFF “safe transit” hack is perfected by the COMSTAR remnant which quietly occupies the Olympus station and begins repairs on its jump ship the “Quarter Wave”.

The Creech COMSTAR survivors arrive in Baliggora meeting an old comrade and now WOB follower. They are stunned by news of Inner Sphere events since there disappearance and decide to secretly meet with precentor Blane on Gibson. There they inform Blane of the advanced industrial world Creech. He sees it as a gift of immeasurable proportion to his “True Believers” who have recently been running afoul of Toyama intrigues. To have such a world, so developed and advanced under their control would be the answer to all their prayers and safe haven for his people should the Toyama situation turn ugly. A plan is immediately put in motion to secure the resource, tie up loose ends and otherwise ensure the True Believers survival.
Two years later the first of the WOB colonists arrive on Olympus to occupy the long abandoned cities. Meanwhile Creech's population is totally unaware. 

A small fleet of jumpships arrive with news of Blane's disappearance and the start of the Jihad. They are ordered to marshal forces to assist but this proves unpopular and many refuse. Harsh reprisals occur but a young hero of Tukayyid organizes a coup backed by Expats. After several days of battle, they gain control of Olympus ordering the isolation of the Watagua system. No one will participate in the Jihad and we will continue with the rehabilitation of Creech.

« Last Edit: 20 February 2018, 22:21:42 by Farnsworth »

