Author Topic: Generic Team Orange  (Read 962 times)


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Generic Team Orange
« on: 22 February 2018, 02:30:40 »
So, continuing the generic teams and the color wheel, like Team Yellow and Team Green, Team Orange isn't really orange except for the color around the base.

This is going to be my dedicated Clan unit. And, this is one option where I'm going to go ahead and use metals where I have to, since there aren't but three Clan Plastic minis (MadCat, Thor and Loki) from recent printings. I gave my Mad Cat Away, and never purchased a set with the other two.

They haven't been printed in an Aplha Strike Star Pack, yet, either. May never.

Thankfully, some of the Clan Mechs now come with feet that aren't stuck to a base that needs sawed/filed off.

This team isn't going to get very big. I already have plans for a Vulture B Mod in a walking pose, and can probably pull of a Warhawk, and Daishi, simply because of that fact alone.

The deciding factor is my first installment for this force - Team Clan was originally going to be olive. But, once I decided on colored teams, and having already painted this mixed old and new sculpt Mad Cat, I didn't want to have to redo it in brown. So, I ordered a new MadCat, popped this off the based feet, and used the newer mini's feet to attach it to the transparent hexbase. The other Mad Cat will get painted up for Team Brown and works well with the older feet placement.

It is accompanied by one of a point of Olive Elementals I'll be finishing up soon. It will have a different colored base near completion to match the team.

It's your world. You can do anything you want in it. - Bob Ross

Every thought and device conceived by Satan and man must be explored and found wanting. - Donald Grey Barnhouse on the purpose of history and time.

I helped make a game! ^_^  - Forge Of War: Tactics