Author Topic: Warship Fluff contest!  (Read 1264 times)


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Warship Fluff contest!
« on: 04 March 2018, 01:17:21 »
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Watchman
Tech: Clan
Ship Cost: $21,431,089,600.00
Magazine Cost: $106,205,000.00
BV2: 235,735

Mass: 1,250,000
K-F Drive System: Compact with L-F Battery
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Lamellor Ferro-Carbide
60 Capital Launcher AR-10
16 Naval PPC Heavy
12 Naval AC 20
4 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy
4 Naval AC 10
4 Naval Laser 55
400 AC 10 LB-X (C)
400 AC 2 Ultra (C)
344 LRM 20+Art4 (C)
24 AMS (C)


Class/Model/Name: Watchman
Mass: 1,250,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 225,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 3,125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact with L-F Battery (26 Integrity) 578,125.00
Jump Sail: (6 Integrity) 93.00
Structural Integrity: 50 62,500.00
Total Heat Sinks: 4270(8540) Double 3,555.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 12500 points 5,100.00
Fire Control Computers: 1,378.15
Armor: 1375 pts Lamellor Ferro-Carbide 1,250.00
Fore: 215
Fore-Left/Right: 215/215
Aft-Left/Right: 215/215
Aft: 205

Bay 1: Doors (15)
Fighter Bays (50) 7,500.00
Mech Bays (100) 15,000.00
Bay 2: Doors (5)
Small Craft Bays (50) 10,000.00
Battle Armor Bays (100 5-man Squads) 1,000.00
Bay 3 Doors (1)
Cargo (161,854.848 tons) 161,854.848

Dropship Capacity: 3 3,000.00
Grav Decks:
2 250-meter 200.00

Escape Pods: 100 700.00
Life Boats: 100 700.00

Crew And Passengers:
101 Officers in Steerage Quarters 505.00
194 Crew in Steerage Quarters 970.00
303 Gunners and Others in Steerage Quarters 1,515.00
1150 Bay Personnel 0.00


# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Nose 36 600 (60-C) Extreme-C 14,000.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Nose 36 600 (60-C) Extreme-C 14,000.00
3 NAC 20, 1 NAC 10 Nose 210 700 (70-C) Long-C 9,500.00
3 NAC 20, 1 NAC 10 Nose 210 700 (70-C) Long-C 9,500.00
3 NAC 20, 1 NAC 10 Nose 210 700 (70-C) Long-C 9,500.00
3 NAC 20, 1 NAC 10 Nose 210 700 (70-C) Long-C 9,500.00
4 AMS (C) Nose 4 12 (1.2-C) PDS 2.00
100 AC 10 LB-X (C) FR/L 200 600 (60-C) Medium 2,000.00
43 LRM 20+Art4 (C) FR/L 258 688 (68.8-C) Long 516.00
43 LRM 20+Art4 (C) FR/L 258 688 (68.8-C) Long 516.00
100 AC 2 Ultra (C) FR/L 200 300 (30-C) Extreme 1,000.00
4 AMS (C) FR/L 4 12 (1.2-C) PDS 4.00
30 Capital Launcher AR-10 R/LBS Extreme-C 15,000.00
100 AC 10 LB-X (C) AR/L 200 600 (60-C) Medium 2,000.00
43 LRM 20+Art4 (C) AR/L 258 688 (68.8-C) Long 516.00
43 LRM 20+Art4 (C) AR/L 258 688 (68.8-C) Long 516.00
100 AC 2 Ultra (C) AR/L 200 300 (30-C) Extreme 1,000.00
4 AMS (C) AR/L 4 12 (1.2-C) PDS 4.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy Aft 900 600 (60-C) Extreme-C 12,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy Aft 900 600 (60-C) Extreme-C 12,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy Aft 900 600 (60-C) Extreme-C 12,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy Aft 900 600 (60-C) Extreme-C 12,000.00
4 Naval Laser 55 Aft 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
4 AMS (C) Aft 4 12 (1.2-C) PDS 2.00


Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Ammo 400 200.00
Naval AC 20 Ammo 1200 480.00
Naval AC 10 Ammo 400 80.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 300 9,000.00
Capital Launcher White Shark Ammo 150 6,000.00
Capital Launcher Killer Whale Ammo 150 7,500.00
AC 10 LB-X (C) Ammo 4000 400.00
LRM 20+Art4 (C) Ammo 4128 688.00
AC 2 Ultra (C) Ammo 9000 200.00
AMS (C) Ammo 7680 320.00


Equipment Mass
NCSS Large 500.00
Communication Equipment (15 tons) 10.00

The nose is all solid projectile weapon for closing high speed engagements, and intimidation, while the aft is all energy weapons, mostly heavy naval ppc batteries, with a single heavy naval laser battery for some heavy AA. The broadsides are a massive array of AR-10 launchers that can devastate just about anything, work as additional AA options, and using waypoint launches and bearings only launches, can even add their fire to the fore and aft batteries. The for and aft quadrants are filled with a staggering number of anti fighter weaponry, so much in fact, that were it to close with another warship close enough, those AA batteries would be a significant threat to the enemies by themselves.

The 'Mechs and fighters share their section of the ship launching from the same doors, this allows them to maximize the ship's space by not needing to allocate separate doors for each, while allowing maximum deployment rate. The Battle Armored Marines similarly share a section with the ship's small craft, since those small craft are often some form of battle taxi for the marines. The massive cargo bay of the ship connects directly with the docking hard-points, able to easily load into DropShips, and also contains an extra point for transferring material to another warship or JumpShip.

It has a premium sensor and communications package that allows it to coordinate forces in space and on the ground with ease. This C&C capability is protected by massively thick armor plating and an array of antimissile systems that provide spherical coverage against hostile missile attacks.

This was originally designed with one of Marauder's design contests in mind, but it wasn't quite right for it. Still, as unconventional as it is, I kind of like it myself, so Idecided to give it it's own thread.

It needs fluff! Something to explain why it is the way it is.

So here are the requirements for fluff:
  • Must relate to the Nightlord or Soyal
  • Must be set in pre-revival era

That's it. Let's see what you got!


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Re: Warship Fluff contest!
« Reply #1 on: 04 March 2018, 05:38:20 »
My offering for the CCS Faith, Power and Glory and I may (was) have been listening to this whilst writing it which gave me her name -

Would love to know any feedback :)


Construction on the CCS Faith, Power and Glory was halted when the Nightlord class vessel was only 5% complete when Chief Scientists Gambor (Einstein) convinced Khan Terrel N’Buta that the WarShip could be altered to radically improve its performance and strengthen the Tourman of Clan Cloud Cobra far more than a ‘standard’ Nightlord class would. 

With his Clan’s naval strength needing to be increased in the face of an increased tempo of WarShip construction across the Homeworlds Khan N’Buta agreed upon seeing the proposed design and authorized construction to be resumed to the new design.

Chief Scientist Gambor and his team had drawn influences from the history of the SLDF and Star League, central to these was the ‘Mass Driver Mania’ of the 2730s to 2750s.  Although Mass Drivers were a grossly inefficient and inelegant weapon and the design of one was not to be pursued, the preference for a ship able to bring shattering firepower in a head on engagement was heavily inspired by the failed Mass driver weapon systems.


The base capabilities of the Nightlord, to be able to carry and deploy a full Galaxy of Mech’s or Elementals was not removed, as this helped make the huge WarShip highly flexible, and should any return to the Inner Sphere take place, the Cobra’s planned to be part of it, one way or another and the ability to rapidly deploy ground forces was too potent a force multiplier to give up.
The aerospace compliment was also greatly increased, with hangars for 50 fighters as well as another 50 Small craft which could deploy Elementals to seize orbital facilities as well as deploy and recover the Mech’s if needed.  The number of DropShip collars was reduced to three but these would normally be Assault DropShips to act as heavy escorts or provide firepower for assaulting forces.

All of these forces could be coordinated from the WarShip thanks to her powerful and heavily augmented communications and scanning equipment that could accept and display feeds from thousands of sources from Mech’s on the ground to satellite feeds and friendly WarShips and DropShips sensor scans and if necessary the ship would be able to control an entire campaign for a world or system.

But despite these formidable capabilities, the biggest change to the Nightlord hull, save the addition of another 50,000 tons of mass was the complete revamping of the weapons systems to make a vessel quite unlike any other ever constructed or conceived.

Like the Soyal that served as the ships inspiration the Faith, Power and Glory is built for a frontal attack profile.  With massed banks of heavy calibre autocannons, supported by a quartet of heavy naval gauss rifles the battleship can obliterate an opponent and shatter any WarShip or station known to exist with heavy gunfire.  This formidable firepower is then hugely augmented by the huge number of AR-10 missile launch systems that cover the ships broadsides, a total of 60 launchers can launch enough missiles to obliterate a fighter or DropShip attack at huge range whilst using the ships advanced electronics these launchers can even fire ahead and astern with little difficulty. 

Unlike the SLDF era vessels in Clan service that lack almost any form of anti-fighter weaponry, the Faith, Power and Glory made up for this with a staggering number of autocannons and LRM launchers situated in the fore and aft quarters.  Each section boasts 100 Ultra-2 pattern autocannons, 100 LB-10 pattern autocannons and over 80 LRM-20 missile launchers.  This blistering array of weapons can smash any aerospace fighter strike or Assault DropShip that got within range and at close range the massed guns and missiles can batter through WarShip armour though sheer volume of fire.  Installing this number of weapons did cause problems with supplies and this forced the Cobra’s to turn to Clan Diamond Shark who offered to pick up the shortfall of weapons in return for production rights for several OmniMech’s the Shark’s lacked. 
Finally, a heavy layer of anti-missile guns with deep ammunition lockers allow the ship to defend itself against hostile weapons.

Service record

The Cobra’s were able to keep the details of the Faith, Power and Glory secret and most Clans simply assumed that she was a slightly modified Nightlord. What emerged over Homer was a completely new vessel that was both Nightlord but also something very new.  Her firepower was not tested until the attack on the Babylon Diet by a joint multi-Clan Taskforce.  During the orbital battle over Babylon the CCS Faith Power and Glory was challenged by the CSV Zalman’s Endeavor as the Battleship moved to support forces involved in the battles on the world below. 

Accelerating to full speed the Faith, Power and Glory’s Commander, Star Admiral Sven Grey declared that he would not use his ships forwards battery against the ‘Inferior’ vessel he faced to make it a fair fight.  The Captain of the Endeavor accepted this as his ship was heavily out massed and outgunned.  Star Admiral Grey did not say that he would not use his ships missile batteries though and a single barrage of Killer Whale missiles from all 60 launchers was all that was needed to cripple the Zalman’s Endeavor with multiple hits that caused significant damage along her bow and forward quarters forcing the ship to request Hegira to combat fires in her hangar bay and with all forwards firing weaponry disabled she was unable to reply to the huge barrage of missiles that would follow.

During the Wars of Reaving the Faith, Power and Glory was a primary combatant in the wars that boiled through Clan space.  Her massed anti-fighter weapons protecting her and friendly vessels against assaults from hostile Clan and Society forces.  She met the Zalman's Endeavor once again and this time crushed her in a frontal assault that obliterated the older vessel in a single salvo.  The Faith, Power and Glory though was crippled during a raid over Babylon by a computer virus introduced by a Society agent onboard.  The virus wiped the ships computer core and damaged the electronics of the ship as it did. It was only due to the diligence of the Engineering crew that the reactor was quickly shut down before it overloaded.  Adrift and with only battery power to provide life support the Faith, Power and Glory was recovered and put into dock to be repaired, but the loss of many Scientists greatly delayed the work needed and the ship missed the Viper Annihilation that signalled the end of the Wars of Reaving.

« Last Edit: 04 March 2018, 07:30:09 by marauder648 »
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Warship Fluff contest!
« Reply #3 on: 04 March 2018, 09:29:59 »
I like it. What made you pick the Cloud Cobras?

Intersting bunch with their Religious bent in a society that's technically atheistic/agnostic, that they tend to get ignored as a Clan in general, and the album I was listening to sounded good as a name for a ship in a Clan with a religious twist to it :)  I'm glad ye like :) Any comments or criticism?  Don't be shy!
« Last Edit: 04 March 2018, 09:37:48 by marauder648 »
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Warship Fluff contest!
« Reply #4 on: 04 March 2018, 09:53:19 »
Any comments or criticism?  Don't be shy!

Not at the moment, it all looks good to me. Even down to mentioning the consideration of putting a mass driver on it (which I almost did lol).