Author Topic: Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade  (Read 6495 times)


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Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade
« on: 07 August 2020, 13:16:42 »
This thread is for all issues and problems with Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade.

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Re: Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade
« Reply #1 on: 07 August 2020, 13:29:46 »
original release PDF pg 38

problem: the cazador has a listed running speed of 7.5
solution: round up to 8.

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Re: Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade
« Reply #2 on: 07 August 2020, 14:29:52 »
Page 40, Rhino record sheet, and page 30, Ram Plate rules

ERROR: Internal structure diagram on record sheet does not show that it is reinforced. Per the rules on page 30, this is necessary for the ram plate to be mounted.
FIX: Add "reinforced" next to internal structure on record sheet.

Also, possible errata but unsure: the rules on page 30 state "Ranged weapons may be mounted in torso locations."
This seems like an odd thing to specify; since the Rhino does not mount any ranged weapons in its torsos, is it possible that the word "not" is missing from the passage above?

- - -

Page 9, Hanseatic League

ERROR: As per the Wars of Reaving Supplemental page 14 and the Wars of Reaving page 168, the Clan scouting expedition and Pegasus WarShip were from Clan Star Adder, not Clan Cloud Cobra
FIX: Replace "Cloud Cobra" with "Star Adder"
« Last Edit: 08 August 2020, 09:24:13 by GreekFire »
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Re: Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade
« Reply #3 on: 08 September 2020, 14:21:12 »
The reference to torso weapons was made specifically so anyone familiar with the old Ram Plate from Battletechnology (which forbade torso weapons) would be aware that the restriction does not exist for this new, canon Ram Plate. Since the Rhino does not have torso weapons, I thought players might believe that restriction still existed. Now both old and new players can know that there is no such restriction.

Apologies for the other errors that have been identified. I'll do better next time.


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Re: Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade
« Reply #4 on: 26 October 2020, 16:49:20 »
« Last Edit: 09 September 2022, 14:14:32 by Lastjedi »
To all citizens of the Inner Sphere do I send greetings.
Know that I have taken the remnant of the Star League Defense Force which has remained true to its purpose beyond the boundaries of the Inner Sphere, beyond the Periphery. I have done this, not out of spite or disdain, as some will say. No, we have left the Inner Sphere because we love it too much to see it destroyed. In the wake of the Usurper's coup and the bitter fighting, I fear the incalculable, possibly irreparable, harm to our society. We are sworn to ward the Star League.
Thus, we have left beyond the reach of those who would use it, not for defense, but for conquest. Perhaps, the leaders who now grapple with one another will relinquish their dreams of subjugating their neighbors and learn to live in peace with them.
Perhaps, one day, should mankind step back from the brink of the abyss, we, our children, or our children's children will return, to once more serve and protect and guide the Star League in mankind's quest for the stars.


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Re: Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade
« Reply #5 on: 24 December 2020, 16:07:21 »
Original PDF, Page 40, Rhino record sheet

ERROR: Per discussions with DarkISI, it was determined the BV for the Ram Plate was calculated incorrectly (using 12 hexes for determining charge damage as opposed to 11), as such the BV for the entire unit is off slightly.
FIX: Change the BV to 2,113 (BV breakdown is also attached for reference)

Code: [Select]
Defensive Battle Rating
  Armor (Ferro-Fibrous):                        172 x 2.5 x 1               430.000             
  Internal Structure (Reinforced w/ XL Engine): 91 x 1.5 x 2 x 0.75  (+)    204.750  =   634.750
  Gyro (Standard):                              50 x 0.5             (+)     25.000  =   659.750
  Defensive Equipment:                                                                         
       Spikes (IS)                                                   (+)      4.000  =   663.750
       Spikes (IS)                                                   (+)      4.000  =   667.750
       Spikes (IS)                                                   (+)      4.000  =   671.750
  Defensive Movement Factor:                    +4                   (*)       1.40  =   940.450
Final Defensive Battle Rating:                                                           940.450

Offensive Battle Rating
  Heat Efficiency: Unit is efficient                                                           
        6 (Base) + 24 (Heat Sinks) - 2 (Movement) - 25 (Weapons) = 3                           
  Offensive Equipment:                                                                         
       ER Medium Laser                                                      108.000             
       ER Medium Laser                                               (+)    108.000  =   216.000
       ER Medium Laser                                               (+)    108.000  =   324.000
       ER Medium Laser                                               (+)    108.000  =   432.000
       ER Medium Laser                                               (+)    108.000  =   540.000
       Ram Plate                                                     (+)     30.250  =   570.250
  Total 'Mech Tonnage:                                               (+)     50.000  =   620.250
  Speed Factor:                                 12 (Run) + 0 (Jump)  (*)      1.890  = 1,172.273
Final Offensive Battle Rating:                                                         1,172.273

BattleMech Battle Value
  Defensive Battle Rating:                                                  940.450             
  Offensive Battle Rating:                                           (+)  1,172.273  = 2,112.723
Final BattleMech Battle Value:                                                             2,113


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Re: Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade
« Reply #6 on: 18 November 2022, 10:24:58 »

Issue: General timeline for Königsberg, various places.
28 Jan, initial attack (p. 11)
2 Feb, Hansa mercs destroyed, attacking RDF2 in Brussels (p. 29)
Undated, RDF5 arrives and "occupied Alpha Galaxy for a month" (p. 12)
9 Mar, RDF5 counterattacks Brussels (p. 29)
13 Mar, RDF2 Commander surrenders world (p. 11)
Correction:  Move 13 March surrender date prior to 9 March, 13 February would likely work leaving 11 days for brutal city fighting while also allowing RDF5 to occupy Alpha for a month.  Next time hack is no earlier than May 9 with Alpha's Wave 4 conquest of Riga (p. 12)

Page 25: Deployment Table
Issue: RDF5 counterattacked Königsberg in Wave 3 and was destroyed by Wave 4. Alpha did not remain on Königsberg in Wave 4 but attacked Riga (p. 12 & 17).
Correction: Appropriate changes

Page 17: Wave 4 Map
Issue: RDF5 was technically on Königsberg during Wave 4, but only corpses (p. 12)
Correction: Remove RDF5 icon from Königsberg
"Assassinating" the Clan commander's goldfish is hardly the stuff of legend.


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Re: Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade
« Reply #7 on: 29 November 2023, 15:02:51 »
Issue, Page 9: “A scouting expedition led by Clan Cloud Cobra in 3088…”

Correction: Change this to Clan Star Adder, per page 11 of the Wars of Reaving Supplemental.
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Re: Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade
« Reply #8 on: 11 December 2023, 12:09:27 »
Original release PDF, Page 14 - Wave 1 Map

An "extra" planet - with no name listed - is shown between Castile, Aragon, and León. This planet is not shown on the Waves 2 through 5 maps on pages 15-18.

Interesting as it might be for this to mark the presence of a "hidden" world (or perhaps a failed colony planet?) inside Imperio space, I'm guessing that perhaps this wayward world should be deleted from a would-be future revision to the Wave 1 map.


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Re: Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade
« Reply #9 on: 14 January 2024, 11:30:02 »
Original release PDF, Page 21 - Seeker Galaxy

In the background write-up for Seeker Galaxy, it's noted that the Clusters of this Galaxy use standard Clan Stars, as opposed to the bespoke Cluster formations provided for the rest of the Clan Goliath Scorpion touman on Page 20.

However, in the Special Rules portion of the Seeker Galaxy writeup, it's suggested to refer to page 20 in order to see which ones apply - though that page only refers to the bespoke cluster types used by other Goliath Scorpion Galaxies, as noted above.

So, which - if any - SCAs would apply to the Clusters of Seeker Galaxy instead?


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Re: Operational Turning Points: Hanseatic Crusade
« Reply #10 on: 05 February 2024, 09:27:19 »
* VERSION: PDF edition
* LOCATION: Page 25, "Deployment Table, Hanseatic League"

"‡ RDF 3 arrived at Dortmund too late to engage Mu Galaxy." (footnote at very bottom)

On page 12 "Wave 4", it says that RDF 3 had already dug into Dortmund and was eager for a fight when Mu Galaxy arrived, and they fought to a standstill. Then, Mu Galaxy let RDF 3 withdraw back to Bremen when recalled.

* THE CORRECTION: Remove this footnote or change the wording to reflect page 12