Author Topic: Relationship between armor and firepower on some ships  (Read 1750 times)


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Relationship between armor and firepower on some ships
« on: 04 October 2018, 19:39:16 »
I'm looking at TR3057, and a few ships strike me as odd as far as their stats are concerned.

For instance, take the Aegis heavy cruiser. On its strongest sides it has 101 points of armor, but its strongest weapon arcs (LBS/RBS) each have the potential to cause over 360 points worth of damage. Now let's say that a pair of Aegis were dueling at medium range, and assuming that only half of the weapons within the LBS or RBS arc hit, a single salvo is more than enough to utterly destroy the opposing ship.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, you have ships like the Texas Battleship with tons of armor, but barely able to cause a maximum of 100 points of damage in its strongest arc. 

Would this be an accurate depiction or am I missing something?


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Re: Relationship between armor and firepower on some ships
« Reply #1 on: 05 October 2018, 09:33:24 »
Don't really do much aero play, but just poking around Sarna and MML, here's my take. The Aegis exists as three different designs: original, Star League refit, and Clan refit. The original base design is from 2372, and was far more balanced. The 2582 refit - which the Clan version is also built on - cut the cargo capacity to overgun the ship. The Aegis's 26th century contemporaries like the Riga and Congress have even less broadside protection (65 and 72 points, respectively) and have less powerful broadsides. So for the threat environment of the time, the Aegis is actually a pretty tough customer. The 2582 Aegis's real weakness is its pitiful thrust, and if you're modeling strategic play, smaller cargo holds and minuscule fuel tank.

EDIT: a word
« Last Edit: 05 October 2018, 09:49:38 by Brakiel »


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Re: Relationship between armor and firepower on some ships
« Reply #2 on: 05 October 2018, 09:40:04 »
Perhaps the newer refits should be called Aegis Battlecruisers.... seems appropriate for massively up-gunned ship.

