Author Topic: St. Ives and FedCom units (WIP)  (Read 2097 times)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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St. Ives and FedCom units (WIP)
« on: 31 July 2019, 09:17:26 »
I'm building (and eventually painting) a St. Ives unit and a FedCom unit for the Capellan Confederation - St. Ives War, maybe play a campaign someday.
Undecided yet which units specifically, gotta find something appropriate and something that looks good.

Sizes will be 5 lances and a platoon of battle armor. 5 lances is an awkward size but i don't have more 'Mechs so gotta make do. A platoon of BA is enough because i tend to play smallish games, organizationally i'd imagine there's maybe more. 4 squads also works well because both units will be fielding a lance of OmniMechs.

To do:
-obtain battle armor
-assemble the minis
-paint the minis
-designate lances (WIP)
-name pilots
-assign skills
-short bios for pilots and 'Mechs
-calculate total tonnage
-calculate BV per lance and total, including skills

Variants are not necessarily final, and i'm undecided about some at the moment. I'm generally following MUL availability but i don't follow it rigidly, there are some units that either aren't available to this faction, or their availability dates are too late.

St. Ives unit:

Note that this unit is trending toward heavier designs, possessing only two light 'Mechs, one of them FedCom surplus...

The Recon Lance follows the grand Capellan tradition of using Vindicators where you have to. It is not ideal due to its limited mobility but St. Ives Compact gotta make do with what its got.

One Victor in the Assault Lance probably should be different model.

The Zeus found itself in a Fire Lance because it feels like the most natural place for it. MUL has 6S in IS General list, but i'm inclined to think the St. Ives Compact might've gotten some extra Zeus with better tech from the FedCom, not 100% decided on that yet though.

The St. Ives Compact uses several Davion staples in the Battle Lance, like the Enforcer, and a Davion-upgraded Cataphract felt appropriate as well.

All Omnis are manufactured in the St. Ives Compact... or at least they're at some point, but whatever, i'm bending time to my will here.

Code: [Select]
Recon Lance:
Cossack Light m C-SK1
Commando Light p CMD-2D
Centurion Medium p CN9-D
Vindicator Medium p VND-1SIC

Assault Lance:
Pillager Assault m PLG-3Z
Cyclops Assault p CP-11-A
Victor Assault p VTR-9D
Victor Assault m VTR-9D

Fire Lance:
Catapult Heavy p CPLT-C1
Catapult Heavy p CPLT-C1
Zeus Assault p ZEU-6S/9S?
JagerMech Heavy p JM6-S/DD?

Battle Lance:
Cataphract Heavy p CTF-3D
Enforcer Medium p ENF-4R
Blackjack Medium p BJ-2
Helios Heavy m HEL-3D

Omni Lance:
Black Hawk-KU Heavy m BHKU-O
Avatar Heavy m AV1-O
Blackjack Omni Medium m BJ2-O
Sunder Assault m SD1-O

Battle Armor:
4x IS Standard

FedCom force:

Lighter and faster than the St. Ives unit. Perhaps a good complement?

I'm not entirely satisfied with this initial lance distribution.

Not sure the Hollander works in a Recon lance.

The Battle/Close Combat Lance could also be called Urban Combat Lance. Deadly, but limited mobility and range. The Thanatos variant is a bit too late actually but whatever, call it a prototype or something.

The Bushwacker could perhaps be exchanged with a faster, jumping unit to keep the Striker Lances movement capabilities equal. The Chimera is too early but i'll call it a prototype or a "low-rate initial production" model.

Code: [Select]
Omni Lance:
Raptor Light m RTX1-O
Owens Light m OW-1
Strider Medium m SR1-O
Firestarter Omni Medium m FS9-O

Striker Lance:
Chimera Medium m CMA-1S
Hellspawn Medium m HSN-7D
Uziel Medium m UZL-2S
Bushwacker Medium m BSW-X1/S2

Battle/Close Combat Lance:
Hatchetman Medium p HCT-5S
Axman Heavy m AXM-1N
Thanatos Heavy m TNS-4T
Templar Assault m TLR1-OA/OC

Assault Lance:
Argus Heavy m AGS-4D
Caesar Heavy m CES-3R
Atlas Assault m AS7-S3
Mauler Assault m MAL-2R

Pursuit Lance:
Osiris Light m OSR-3D
Wolfhound Light p WLF-2
Commando Light m CMD-7S
Hollander Light m BZK-F3

Battle Armor:
4x IS Standard

m signifies it is metal, p is plastic, mostly as a reminded for myself.

I'll be updating this thing later...
« Last Edit: 01 August 2019, 15:43:53 by Empyrus »


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: St. Ives and FedCom units (WIP)
« Reply #1 on: 01 August 2019, 14:31:57 »
Scrapping current roster mostly, reworking this thing into a St. Ives unit consisting of maybe 5 lances and a platoon of battle armor, with equally sized FedCom ally.

Basically i'm back to what i was planning so long ago when i ordered my minis, forces for St. Ives-CapCon war.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 9127
Re: St. Ives and FedCom units (WIP)
« Reply #2 on: 01 August 2019, 14:55:05 »
Initial St. Ives unit and lances updated to main post.

Now to work on the FedCom allies.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 9127
Re: St. Ives and FedCom units (WIP)
« Reply #3 on: 01 August 2019, 15:30:58 »
Added initial FedCom force. Not entirely satisfied with it, does anyone have suggestions for it? I mean, the 'Mechs are are basically locked in, though some variants can be changed still. Primarily concerned about how the 'Mechs are distributed into lances.

I'm keeping Omnis together for organizational reasons, and because they'll be doing battle taxi duty. But perhaps they could be split to other lances?
Applies for both St. Ives and FedCom.

EDIT Swapped Awesome with a Cyclops, my CapCon unit doesn't need the Cyclops but the St. Ives can do with a command 'Mech.
« Last Edit: 01 August 2019, 15:44:25 by Empyrus »

