Fan Articles
Fan Articles is a special board for fan-generated analysis and discussion of canon material. This board is only for canon material - if you want to discuss your own homebrew campaign rules, that goes to Fan Designs. So do any specific non-canon designs. This allows the developers and freelancers to take part in various threads, without worrying about seeing fan designs and thus preventing any concerns over unintentional use of fan designs or rules.
Six week bans on covering specific new material out of new releases of PDFs are referred to as "Moratoriums" are in place at the request of the Powers That Be. These moratoriums apply to all series that tend to dwell heavily on the specifics of a given unit. Please note that the moratorium policy applies to all releases, not just those listed for authorial convenience. Product-level exceptions to this policy will be noted until the point at which they would normally fall out of moratorium is reached.
From time to time, very specific exceptions on individual units may be made at the discretion of Catalyst Game Labs. These exceptions will be handled by selected authors contacted by other channels. Once the moratorium period on a given product is up, you're welcome to grab anything and don't worry, we're not going to snag all the fun stuff for ourselves. These spoiler articles will deliberately be leaving some of the more interesting, juicier units until after the moratorium expires.
Moratorium Exceptions: None
Best regards,
Moonsword, Moderator