Author Topic: Phase one character creation.  (Read 1844 times)


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Phase one character creation.
« on: 22 March 2020, 18:59:05 »
A young noble obsessed with the ancient Star League! a work in progress.

Universal 850 XP
STR (+100 XP)
BOD (+100 XP)
REF (+100 XP)
DEX (+100 XP)
INT (+100 XP)
WIL (+100 XP)
CHA (+100 XP)
EDG (+100 XP)

Language/Affiliation Primary or Secondary Language Skill (+20 XP)
Language/English Skill (+20 XP)
Perception Skill (+10 XP)

Primary Language Any
Secondary Language Any
Fixed XPs
INT (+100 XP)
EDG (–150 XP)
+50 XP each to any two other Attributes
Compulsion/Distrust of Non-Terrans (–75 XP)
Reputation (+100 XP)
Language/English (+25 XP)
+15 XP to any two other Language Skills
Terran Citizen
EDG (–100 XP)
Compulsion/Distrust of Non-Terrans (–75 XP)
Connections (+100 XP)
Equipped (+100 XP)
Impatient (–50 XP)
Wealth (+110 XP)
Interest/Terran History (+10 XP)
Perception (–5 XP)
+5 XP to any four other Skills

Early childhood age 10
Module Cost: 215 XP
Prerequisites: Any non-Clan affiliation; 5+ TP (total) in Title, Wealth or Property Traits Fixed XPs:
STR (–75 XP)
BOD (–75 XP)
RFL (–50 XP)
INT (+100 XP)
CHA (+100 XP)
Equipped (+125 XP)
Enemy (–200 XP)
Glass Jaw (–100 XP)
Reputation (+175 XP)
Wealth (+150 XP)
Appraisal (+5 XP)
Art/Any (+10 XP)
Interest/Any (+10 XP)
Language/Affiliation (+10 XP)
Protocol/Affiliation (+10 XP)
Flexible XPs: +5 XP each to any four Attributes, Traits or Skills

Late childhood age 16
Module Cost: 500 XP
May not have used Back Woods or Fugitive Stage 1 modules.
May not possess the Illiterate Trait.
Fixed XPs:
CHA (+60 XP)
Connections (+40 XP)
Extra Income (+20 XP)
Gregarious (+20 XP)
Archery (+20 XP)
Computers (+25 XP)
Interest/Any (+30 XP)
Interest/Any (+20XP)
Interest/Any (+20 XP)
Language/Any (+20 XP)
MedTech (+10 XP)
Melee Weapons (+15 XP)
Protocol/Affiliation (+40 XP)
Flexible XPs: +160 XP (up to 80 XP may be applied to Traits)

Higher education age 21
University (710 XP + Field Costs)
Prerequisites: Minimum INT 4+.
INT (+150 XP)
WIL (+75 XP)
CHA (+25 XP)
EDG (+25 XP)
Connections (+200 XP)
Equipped (+50 XP)
Reputation (+75 XP)
Wealth (–200 XP)
Computers (+25 XP)
Interest/Any (+20 XP)
Perception (+25 XP)
Protocol/Affiliation (+20 XP)
[Flexible XP]
(+220 XP)
Basic (+1 year):
General Studies
Requires: INT 3, at least one other
 Skill related to those shown below
Career/Any (+30 XP)
Computers (+30 XP)
Interest/Any (+30 XP)
Perception (+30 XP)
Protocol/Affiliation (+30 XP)
Advanced (+2 years):
Requires: General Studies Field, INT 4
Career/Archaeologist (+30 XP)
Appraisal (+30 XP)
Interest/Geology (+30 XP)
Interest/History (any) (+30 XP)
Navigation/Ground (+30 XP)
Perception (+30 XP)
Requires: INT 4, WIL 4
Career/Detective (+30 XP)
Computers (+30 XP)
Interrogation (+30 XP)
Investigation (+30 XP)
Perception (+30 XP)
Security Systems/Any (+30 XP)
Streetwise/Affiliation (+30 XP)

Real life age 27
Module Cost: 900 XP
Prerequisites: Inner Sphere affiliations must have at least 150 XP in Connections before finalizing character. Periphery affiliations have no Connections restriction. Clan affiliations must be of the scientist caste only.
May not have TDS Trait.
Time: +6 years
Fixed XPs:
BOD (+20 XP)
RFL (+30 XP)
INT (+30 XP)
WIL (+30 XP)
G-Tolerance (+50 XP)
Good Hearing (+35 XP)
Vehicle (+35 XP)
Introvert (–40 XP)
Wealth (–50 XP)
Appraisal (+35 XP)
Climbing (+25 XP)
Communications/Any (+35 XP)
Computers (+20 XP)
Investigation (+35 XP)
Language/Affiliation (+25 XP)
Language/Any (+40 XP)
Martial Arts (+25 XP)
Melee Weapons (+30 XP)
Medtech (+15 XP)
Navigation/Any (+50 XP)
Piloting/Any (+50 XP)
Sensor Operations (+55 XP)
Survival/Any (+75 XP)
Streetwise/Any (+35 XP)
Tracking/Any (+25 XP)
Zero-G Training (+15 XP)
Flexible XPs: +170 XP

5000 XP
Total USED XP 3,955
Rebate XP 108

XP available 1153

Also need to optimize!

Aging 25 years
STR +100
BOD +100
REF +100
INT +100
WIL +100
CHA +50


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Phase one character creation.
« Reply #1 on: 23 March 2020, 18:37:06 »
Could I interest you in a spreadsheet that helps with optimization (in my sig block)?  ^-^


  • Corporal
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Re: Phase one character creation.
« Reply #2 on: 26 March 2020, 11:34:48 »
I highly suggest making sure you get the +100 XP per year past 21, and if able try for life rolls. You've got all the advantages there to help with the roll.

Even then, hitting those Pre-Reqs are going to be hard. Age bonus helps, but it's the Wealth/Title/Property Trait that's going to suck up a lot.


  • Major
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Re: Phase one character creation.
« Reply #3 on: 26 March 2020, 15:10:43 »
Fortunately its Wealth Title OR property, and not all at once. But yeah.

Optimizing is always fun to see where the points actually wind up.

Mohammed As`Zaman Bey

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Re: Phase one character creation.
« Reply #4 on: 28 March 2020, 06:04:10 »
You may want to look at the character from a GM's perspective:

  The character is smart, educated and has a good selection of skills.

  He's a noble, but is there a Terran nobility?
  Titles are usually granted by a ruling sovereign in exchange for fealty and service. What gives that title value to merit an Enemy? He isn't landed, with property generating income, so how does he live and who does he want to work for (he has no job until the GM hires him)?
  As a GM I ask any player looking to play a noble if they know what "Noblesse Oblige" means. From those who are granted much, much is expected.

  Where does he explore? Does he leave Terra? Is exploration a job or a hobby?

  He has a selection of combat skills, is he expecting to use them? (With Glass Jaw I strongly recommend avoiding melee)

  Before you play any character, look at how a GM would sink his teeth into it. I've had players take on severe mental and emotional problems just for more points to spend, and I give them time to think it over...but having a Trinary Commander with a plant fetish who cried like a little girl when he was upset, made for a fun campaign...for the other players.



