Author Topic: Burst Jets: A New Tool for Lights.  (Read 1577 times)


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Burst Jets: A New Tool for Lights.
« on: 23 October 2020, 15:28:31 »
With the advent of improved jump jets, the engineers looked to how one might apply them to light mechs to give them an edge on an increasingly deadly battlefield. The results were disappointing. The new jets were simply too heavy and too bulky to be able to extract any benefit compared to those enjoyed by larger machines. However, the clear feasibility of further jump jet types was useful inspiration to create an alternative.

By utilizing the IJJ's high-throughput compressor, and using more powerful exchangers to transfer engine heat to the jet, engineers hoped to get similar performance gains without as much mass. But this too proved not to provide what the team had hoped for. The new jump jets could produce a great deal of thrust while being the same size as standard jump jets, but this put far too much strain on the compressor, allowing for only short bursts. Worse, while the new heat exchangers could transfer more heat, fewer could be mounted, and they faced similar problems with sustained thrust. Only half as many jump jets could be mounted, and they each produced similar net thrust to their earlier counterparts.

During testing, the results were at similarly disheartening, at first. The test pilot could find no noticeable improvement to jump distance or heat efficiency over standard jets. However, they did note that the immediate, strong bursts of thrust significantly improved stability, as the jets could quickly correct any imbalances. One of the observers noticed that the mech almost appeared to be bounding through the air. This inspired the pilot to experiment on the next jump. Rather than jump in a ballistic arc, they broke into a sprint, and then attempted a short burst sideways at a shallow arc. And with preternatural agility, the modified Spider testbed slipped 30 meters to the side, feet barely even leaving the ground. The engineering team seized on this development, modifying the control systems to better accommodate this new technique, and seeing how it could be applied to other classes of battlemech. The technology did not have as much luck in that regard, as it was found that larger machines had too much inertia to effectively take advantage of this property. However, the team still had a worthwhile product to present, and production was quickly approved.


-Burst Jets can only be mounted to light and ultra-light mechs (10-35 tons)
-A mech may mount a number of burst jets equal to half its Walking MP (rounded down). They are identical to standard jump jets in terms of mass, size, and heat produced.
-Burst Jets provide jumping MP like standard jump jets.
-In addition to jumping MP, Burst Jets can be used in conjunction with Walking or Running MP, but cannot be used at the same time as MASC or Superchargers. Each Burst Jet mounted allows for a mech to move one hex in any direction, regardless of facing, producing 1 heat per hex entered in this fashion. Moving in this manner imposes a +1 Attacker Movement Modifier (regardless of the number of hexes moved), on top of the normal modifiers for running/walking. A hex cannot be entered in this manner if it is greater than 1 level above the hex the mech is currently in. Hexes moved in this fashion contribute to effects such as Target Movement Modifier and Charges.

Basically, a combination jump jet/movement booster. Heavier than MASC or Superchargers on most designs and produce heat, but have no failure risk and allow for lateral shifts. Cannot be mounted in as great a number as standard jump jets, but have additional functions. Intended to give lights more viability in a world of pulse lasers, tarcomps, and great pilots.

Would love to hear people's opinions and suggestions.

Orin J.

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Re: Burst Jets: A New Tool for Lights.
« Reply #1 on: 24 October 2020, 12:41:09 »
given that they're designed to be used while running, i'd restrict them to being torso-mounted only as you aren't paying any extra mass/weight for a system to keep them facing the right direction as the leg rotates to move.

really my biggest concern is they steal the only thing quadmechs really have to call their own....
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