Author Topic: Filtering worlds to find what changed hands when  (Read 519 times)


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Filtering worlds to find what changed hands when
« on: 28 December 2023, 20:14:38 »
There are a few different more-or-less interactive maps of the Inner Sphere and the larger BT universe to be found scattered across the interwubbs. However, I've never found one that has any way of seeing changes in borders (worlds that were conquered from one faction to another) aside from pulling up versions of the map at different time junctures and eyeballing them side by side. You'd have to spend a substantial amount of time switching between browser tabs or combing through multiple sources to find a complete list of, say, all the worlds the Capellans lost to the FedSuns in as major a canon event as the 4th SW.

Are there any resources that make it easier to find worlds matching certain criteria on change of control? Like for example, if I wanted to find a Lyran world that gets taken by the Combine by 3025 but ISN'T one of the 50-some the LC takes back in the 4th SW?
« Last Edit: 28 December 2023, 20:29:09 by Middcore »
I write BattleTech fanfics. You can find them all on ScribbleHub, and I welcome your comments.


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Re: Filtering worlds to find what changed hands when
« Reply #1 on: 13 January 2024, 05:20:04 »
We are working on a couple of things for Sarna that whilst not being exactly this, will make doing the legwork involved a fair bit easier. No idea when they might be ready though. Late 2024 is most likely.