Author Topic: Wheeled Battlearmor: Trailer 'Mules'  (Read 3126 times)

Red Pins

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Wheeled Battlearmor: Trailer 'Mules'
« on: 26 February 2022, 21:32:08 »
So, I've designed Wheeled battlearmor, based on the image of the Tortoise II.  But, being able to pull a trailer and staying alive while pulling a trailer are different issues.

In order to keep up their speed, I knew I needed another motor, something big enough to keep them at their top speeds, and hopefully alive long enough to accomplish something.  So I designed a 10- and 20-ton trailer with an engine, able to be controlled by, and travel behind, the WBA (unfortunate acronym, there).

Also, since the Blakists use a great deal of drones in the project, I included a Drone version, equipped with a booby trap to keep the drone technology safe from capture.  Using an ICE and FC to power the 'Mules', the FC version saved enough tonnage for the Booby trap.

A. 10 ton Mule, Standard and Drone version

1.   Wheeled
10 tons
Space – 5+2
IS – 1 ton
Trailer Hitch – F+R

2.   Engine – 10 tons x 10 – 20 Suspension Factor=80 ICE -5 tons <- 6 tons

3.   HS

4.   Armor – 4 x 16 AP=64 AP (Max 75) <- 4 tons <- 10 tons

1.   Wheeled
10 tons
Space – 5+2
IS – 1 ton
Trailer Hitch – F+R
2.   Engine – 10 tons x 10 MP – 20 Suspension Factor=80 FC - 3 tons <- 4 tons
Control (Drone) – 10% - 1 ton <- 5 tons
Sensor (Drone) - .5 tons <- 5.5 tons

3.   HS

4.   Armor – 3.5 x 16 = 56 AP (Max 75) <- 3.5 <- 9 tons

5.   Booby Trap – 1 ton <- 10 tons

B. 20 ton Mule, Standard and Drone version

1.   Wheeled
20 tons
Space – 5+4
IS – 2 ton
Trailer Hitch – F+R

2.   Engine – 20 tons x 9 MP – 20 Suspension Factor=160 ICE - 12 tons <- 14 tons

3.   HS

4.   Armor – 6 tons x 16 AP x 1.12 = 107 AP (Max 110) – 6 tons <- 20 tons

1.   Wheeled
20 tons
Space – 5+4
IS – 2 ton
Trailer Hitch – F+R

2.   Engine – 20 tons x 9 MP – 20 Suspension Factor=160 FC – 7.5 tons <- 9.5 tons
Control (Drone) – 10 % - 2 tons <- 11.5 tons
Sensor (Drone) - .5 tons <- 12 tons

3.   HS

4.   Armor – 6 tons x 16 AP x 1.12 = 107 AP – 6 tons <- 18 tons

5.   Booby Trap – 2 tons <- 20 tons

Does anybody have any comments?  i
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Re: Wheeled Battlearmor: Trailer 'Mules'
« Reply #1 on: 27 February 2022, 10:56:29 »
So are these Mules supposed to be between the Wheeled BA and the BA Trailer so that the composite unit will be able to maintain high speed?
« Last Edit: 27 February 2022, 10:58:04 by namar13766 »

Red Pins

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Re: Wheeled Battlearmor: Trailer 'Mules'
« Reply #2 on: 27 February 2022, 11:57:28 »

And since both the 10- and 20- ton variants use drone control technology, they can independently station powered drone trailers allowing the Wobbies to pre-position trailers by remote with little risk.  Minefields, ambushes, Arrow IV launchers for assassination attempts (and FASCAM minefields, AA missiles), etc.  I think its cool; do you have an opinion?   :popcorn:
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Re: Wheeled Battlearmor: Trailer 'Mules'
« Reply #3 on: 27 February 2022, 12:14:13 »
Very nice for their intended purpose.

Though I kind of expected a few Fusion powered versions to show up, even as just a theoretical thought-exercise.

Would they have the Improved Autocannons that you showed off in the New Clans Technology? Or perhaps use the Cassette Missile Systems and Remote Turrets?
« Last Edit: 27 February 2022, 12:22:25 by namar13766 »

Red Pins

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Re: Wheeled Battlearmor: Trailer 'Mules'
« Reply #4 on: 27 February 2022, 12:25:48 »
Well, maybe?  A rough calculation shows the 10 ton Mule and a 2K kg WBA can tow a 5 ton trailer at 5 MP (the WBA has 4MP), while the speed of the Wob version doesn't matter.

The iACs might be too heavy, and I haven't designed trailers over 5 tons, there are just too many questions yet.  Right now, the most lethal trailer is a pair of turreted MRR.
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Re: Wheeled Battlearmor: Trailer 'Mules'
« Reply #5 on: 27 February 2022, 12:37:21 »
This sounds like it could make a guerilla force very difficult to dislodge, and the fact that it's a relatively low-tech solution means that it could be very dangerous against even Dark Age forces.

Red Pins

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Re: Wheeled Battlearmor: Trailer 'Mules'
« Reply #6 on: 27 February 2022, 19:26:44 »
The biggest problem is the lack of crits. I can pack a lot of RLs in, but the 5 ton trailer only has 6 crits, and needs a trailer hitch...
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Re: Wheeled Battlearmor: Trailer 'Mules'
« Reply #7 on: 27 February 2022, 20:50:48 »
The biggest problem is the lack of crits. I can pack a lot of RLs in, but the 5 ton trailer only has 6 crits, and needs a trailer hitch...

True, but if it's supposed to be disposable anyway, who cares?

Red Pins

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Re: Wheeled Battlearmor: Trailer 'Mules'
« Reply #8 on: 27 February 2022, 22:47:11 »
Yeah, but...  In my AU, the Blakists, Clan Python, and the Civil Government of the Cluster are allies.  Problem is, the Pythons and CG start out poorer than the Wobbles and even though they have 2-3 decades of collusion, the theft of military hardware and other equipment by the Wobbies can't happen in the Cluster because they're so paranoid of being found and facing the original Clans again in a repeat of their Annihilation.

Which leaves the Pythons and CG in a bind; they need equipment, can't justify the numbers they can produce but don't have enough industry to make enough to have a chance of winning, and can't show their growing wealth by buying the equipment they need because so much of it is from illegal/secret channels that will focus attention on them.

So, I can't be TOO free with equipment.  For example, a vehicle with Arrow IV missile in single use tubes would look like one of those North Korean or Russian trucks with iCBMs or the S-400 trucks.  Leave the payload, truck comes home to place another one.  Instant remote artillery drone. 
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