Author Topic: battletech: Elements of treason: duty  (Read 3978 times)


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battletech: Elements of treason: duty
« on: 11 April 2022, 17:17:23 »
Well this one was one of the better book to come out in my opinion.  It set things up well for the tamer pact while at the same time explaining why it was form and who are the players within the pact to keep an eye on.  I am surprise that Pandora still had two cluster worth of mech warriors to defend but i guess it was one of the few worlds that Malvin didn't want to lose if she won terra.  Not sure why that isn't true for Acturas giving that it also has mech production factories.  Overall i found the story enjoyable and a quick read


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: battletech: Elements of treason: duty
« Reply #1 on: 29 May 2022, 08:14:33 »
Currently re-reading it for Sarna and I agree that it is one of the best novels we have had recently. Something I am enjoying a lot is how a lot of the characters are all related, even rival factions, it comes across as very much how I imagine the real life halls of power work.


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Re: battletech: Elements of treason: duty
« Reply #2 on: 29 May 2022, 09:10:34 »
I suppose I'm in the minority in that I thought it was mediocre. The prose was a bit dry, and occasionally awkward, and too much happens "off-screen" or reads like an encyclopedia entry. The characters felt a bit shallow as well, perhaps as a consequence of fitting too many perspectives into a relatively short story, so a lot of the dramatic events just didn't land for me. And the god, the call-signs! At one point, an opening paragraph for one chapter is just a rapid fire reeling off of troopers and their nicknames. It was clunky as hell and really killed the flow.

Not to say that it was all bad. The action scenes feel very authentic and there was some passable intrigue. I just prefer a bit more nuance and character work.
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Re: battletech: Elements of treason: duty
« Reply #3 on: 05 June 2022, 11:22:52 »
I suppose I'm in the minority in that I thought it was mediocre.

Hate to say it, I was there with you. I couldn't finish it. Really felt like a let-down. Guess you can't like everything you read.

