Author Topic: The Missing Prince - an alternative civil war one-off  (Read 356 times)


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 The Missing Prince

The 3050’s had been a trying decade for the Federated Commonwealth: The Clan Invasion threatened to devour the Lyran side of the realm and the full might of the AFFC seemed unable to stem the tide. After ComStar of all people had stopped the Clan juggernaut for the moment, the Commonwealth lost both First Prince and Archon in short succession: Hanse’s heart attack filled the hearts of billions with dread, only for the assassination of Archon Melissa to shock the nation to the core. Speculations as to the perpetrators ran rampant and fingers were pointed into every direction. Only the measured response of Victor Steiner-Davion, freshly crowned Archon-Prince of the Federated Commonwealth, prevented the realm from tearing itself apart.
As the decade drew to a close, new hope lifted the spirits of the nation: The grand wedding of Kathrine Steiner-Davion to Kai Allard-Liao in 3058 was seen a much needed signal of hope: The first generation of ‘native’ Federated Commonwealth citizens was coming of age and stood ready to lead the super state into a bright future. When Victor embarked to lead the AFFC contingent of the newly recreated Star League against the savage Clan Smoke Jaguar, many hoped that a new bright and glorious epoch had begun for the Commonwealth.
Storming from victory to victory, those hopes seemed well-placed. With the Jaguars defeated and driven from the Inner Sphere within a year’s time the Archon-Prince decided to pursue his enemies even further – all the way to the Clan home worlds, where Task Force Serpent under Micheal Hasek-Davion was expected to fight a valiant campaign in the very heart of the enemy.
Weeks turned to months as the Federated Commonwealth waited with bated breath for word from the Prince and his army. But as the calendar turned from 3060 to 3061 and finally to 3062, it became more and more apparent, that something must have gone wrong. Neither the Combine nor ComStar had heard from their forces, either. And the Invading Clans refused any communication on the matter. Within the Commonwealth, the question of succession was raised: should the Archon-Prince be assumed dead? And if so, who among his relatives should be called upon to lead this great nation? As the year 3064 dawns, the powers within and without the Commonwealth quietly make their deals, rally their supporters and try to decide who would be ally and enemy, should the specter of civil war take form…

The Archonate of Tharkad

Archon Peter Steiner-Davion
Growing up, Peter Steiner-Davion never expected to rule as his parents did. Being born the third child during a period of peace, he aspired to a military career. Serving to further the glory of the Federated Commonwealth – in the name of his parents and his older brother, Victor. When the Clan Invasion shook the Inner Sphere, he had found his purpose: Free the lost Lyran worlds, avenge the fallen and become the champion of his family he dreamed to be. With fervor he throw himself into studying and training, but only graduated Nagelring years after Tukkayyid had brought a hold to the Clan’s advancements.
As the planning for Operations Bulldog and Serpent began, he bemoaned the fact that it was not the hated Jade Falcon that would become the target of the Inner Sphere’s counter offensive. Still, he tried his best to earn a spot among the forces committed by the Commonwealth, but no no avail. Victor forbade him from participation. When his brother failed to return from the Clan homeworlds, he set aside his grief and chose to do his duty: He traveled to Tharkad and claimed the throne of the Federated Commonwealth.
Peter is convinced that Victor is dead, killed on some far-away battlefield against the might of the Clans. With Katherine never having completed her military service, he sees it as his duty to rule. If only his siblings would see reason!

Morgan Kell, Duke of Arc-Royal
The former mercenary commander has repeatedly voiced his displeasure with the quarreling Steiner-Davion children. In his eyes, it distracts from any attempt at regaining the lost worlds form the clutches of the Jade Falcons. And could also threaten the very existence of the Federated Commonwealth at a time, when their new and former enemies regain lost strength. To him, Victor his not yet dead and any talks of his successor should be approached carefully. Kell has collected a select circle of „federal“-minded Lyrans that oppose the more nationalistic factions that push for Lyran „independence“. He has made it clear that he will continue to guard the border against Falcon adventurism but has no desire to be dragged into a potential internal conflict.
Nondi Steiner and Adam Steiner
The experienced strategist Nondi Steiner and the brash Adam Steiner have become allies of sorts and the most outspoken advocates of Lyran nationalism. They are not totally opposed to the Federated Commonwealth, but they think it only prudent that the richer Lyran half of the realm should be the center of power. For the moment, they support the young Archon and try to convince him that he must enforce his claim to the realm. By force, if necessary.
The Regency of the Federated Commonwealth

Regent Lady Yvonne Steiner-Davion
As the youngest of the Steiner-Davion siblings it came as a surprise to many when Victor picked Yvonne as his regent prior to his departure. But, as political analysts were quick to point out, it was a very logical choice: By becoming his regent, the bright Yvonne permanently forfeited her right to the throne. As the last in the direct line of succession, this was not an overly large sacrifice to make. She was expected to fulfill her role for little more than a year, perhaps two, during which she would have the council of her elder siblings and the trusted courtiers.
But then the unthinkable happened: Victor failed to return. For more than three years Yvonne has managed to stave off any official discussion about declaring Victor dead, but the pressure on the young woman increases by the week. In her hands rests the power to declare her missing brother dead and set in motion the machinery that would determine his successor. As the months bled into years, she has grown ever more distant from her siblings. Perhaps out of disdain for their ambition, perhaps out of grief for losing half of her family in less than a decade.
What ever the cause, Yvonne has withdrawn more and more from public life. But rumor has it, that in these trying times the regent has found true friendship (maybe even love?) with the dashing Tancred Sandoval.

James Sandoval, Duke of Robinson
James Sandoval, senior among the marcher lords of the Federated Commonwealth, is chaffing at the reigns. To him, it is of secondary importance if Victor is dead or merely missing – the culprit is clear and must be punished! If it weren’t for the machinations of Theodore Kurita and his daughter Omi, the witch of black Luthien, Victor had never embarked on this foolhardy offensive. And all to restore the ancestial enemy of his people to strength! With the Smoke Jaguars driven from the Inner Sphere it is only a matter of years before the Dragon will turn his hungry eyes towards the Suns once more. For now, it would still be possible to cripple the hated enemy for good. And only the young regent on New Avalon has the power to direct the might of the AFFC against the Draconis Combine.

Sarna March

Katherine Steiner-Davion (Duchess of Sarna)
Likely the oldest surviving child of Melissa Steiner and Hanse Davion, Katherine would be an obvious and popular choice to ascend to the double throne of the Commonwealth. Unfortunately, she had never completed her mandatory tour of duty that would qualify her for the title. Only after her mother’s death had Katherine begun to consider it necessary to follow tradition and serve in the AFFC. She enrolled into Armstrong Flight Academy in 3057 in of the new capital ship officer’s courses. Her first pregnancy in 3059 cut short her training and have so far prevented Kathrine from returning to duty.
Nonetheless, she would be a popular Archon Prince. Her relationship with former Solaris champion and Duke of St. Ives Kai Allard-Liao has made her a media darling. In mediating the Skye crisis in 3062 and her tireless efforts to negotiate between her siblings Peter and Yvonne, she has created for herself a reputation as a skilled and level-headed politician. Many who fear an internal conflict see her as the person best placed to avoid bloodshed and preserve the unity of the Commonwealth. As Duchess of the Sarna March, she is presides over the all-important connection between the Davion and Lyran parts of the realm.

Prince-Consort Kai Allard-Liao (Duke of St. Ives)
Two-time Solaris champion, personal friend of Archon Prince Victor Steiner-Davion, veteran of the Clan Invasion, prince-consort of Kathrine Steiner-Davion and Duke of St. Ives. Few people have so many personal claims to fame and power as Kai Allard-Liao. Still, he often appears as a reserved, almost shy person, often more than willing to surrender the spotlight of public interest to his lovely wife. He must surely grief his friend’s disappearance, even amidst rising tensions between his mother’s realm and the Capellan Confederation. A foreigner by birth and title, his realm’s close ties to the Federated Commonwealth and his close personal ties to Victor and Kathrine has brought Kai into the center of the brewing succession crisis. His voice carries weight among several soldier and officers of the AFFC, even though he has so far refrained from doing more than quietly supporting his wife’s diplomatic efforts.

Federation of Skye

Robert Kelswa-Steiner, Duke of Tamar, and Hermione Aten, Duchess of Skye
 There are, perhaps, no two persons in the Commonwealth, who possess more ambition than Robert Kelswa-Steiner, duke-in-exile of Tamar and son of the notorious Ryan Steiner, and Hermione Aten, Duchess of Skye after the tragic and sudden death of not only her mother but also her two older sisters. Still, besides what ever ugly and unfounded rumors may make the rounds at the courts of the Commonwealth, the power couple of Skye enjoys public support and a new degree of freedom, thanks to the current turmoils plaguing the nation.
Sitting at the border between the Davion and Lyran halves of the realm, the Isle of Skye is of utmost strategic importance. So much so, that the Free Skye uprising of 3057 had to provoke a strong response from the AFFC. Yet the sheer brutality enacted on riotous civilians caught on camera shocked not only Skye, but the whole nation. It marred the reputation of the AFFC and Archon Prince Victor and could have become a serious threat to national unity, were it not for the joint efforts of the Robert, the Exile Duke, and Lady Katherine Steiner-Davion. Together, they managed to formulate an official response in the aftermath of the uprising, that saw the ring leaders punished and the victims compensated. Donating their own private funds to the reconstruction efforts, Kathrine Steiner-Davion, Robert Kelswa-Steiner and Hermione Aten showed the nation that justice and compassion were at the heart of the Commonwealth.
When separatist once more began to stir in 3061, it was Katherine Steiner-Davion’s intervention with her siblings which allowed the Skye-compromise: for the next decade, the Federation of Skye would be granted greater autonomy within the Commonwealth, a measure that seemed to placate the vast majority of Skye nationalists. 

The Prince on New Syrtis

First Prince Arthur (Steiner-)Davion
The youngest of the Steiner-Davion brothers, Arthur only just graduated from the Warrior Hall of New Syrtis. Yet he already suffers from some might call the Davion Curse -  an able MechWarrior and full of the confidence of youth, Arthur is ready to take on all the world to prove his prowess. Spending much of his past four years on New Syrtis, he has been steeped in heroic tales of the Fourth Succession War and the great victory of Hanse Davion over the devil Max Liao. All too eager to emulate the father he lost too soon, Arthur has become obsessed with everything Davion. The collection of lackey and sycophants he calls friends have already begun to omit the Steiner part of his name and MIIO reports of people adressing him as First Prince with increasing openness.
So far, he appears to be lacking in a power base that would allow him to act on his boisterous claim to greatness. His close friendship with Cyrus and Angela Hasek, however, has several analysts on New Avalon worried: Regent Yvonne Steiner-Davion seems unwilling or unable to reign her brother in. But if left unchecked, Arthur Davion may just try to become the conquering prince and plunge the nation into chaos.

George Michael Hasek-Davion, Duke of New Syrtis
George Michael is not a man to be envied. His father left five years ago to bring war to the Clans and left his oldest child in charge of the Capellan March. With not a word since, George Michael is all but convinced of his father’s death and he is not holding out hope for Victor, either. He knows the nation stands as a crossroads, yet he thinks himself unable to prevent the bloodshed he is sure will come. When his father Morgan invited Prince Arthur to study on New Syrtis, it was done so in hope of building the same friendship and loyalty between his children and Hanse’s son, that Morgan had felt for the late Prince.
But now, it seemed, this seed of friendship would bear rotten fruits. Rowdy Prince Arthur was quickly winning the friendship of George Michael’s siblings – Angela and Cyrus. But the Duke of New Syrtis feared that Arthur would drag the nation towards war. And if it came time for George Michael to choose between the love for his family and the loyalty to his nation, he is uncertain whether he would choose the same side his father once did.
Jude Melancon lives!


  • Lieutenant
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Re: The Missing Prince - an alternative civil war one-off
« Reply #1 on: 12 May 2024, 17:15:58 »
The Federated Commonwealth - New Year 3064

Loyalties and major worlds at the eve of the Civil War

This idea came to me today and would not leave me until I had typed it up. I first thought to post it to the tribble emporium, but as I had hit page three in my word document and had finished up the map, I decided to give it its own thread. I don't plan to make anything more with this idea, but who knows. Comments, critique and random musings welcome!

Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: The Missing Prince - an alternative civil war one-off
« Reply #2 on: 27 May 2024, 21:45:49 »
Interesting setup..  will there be more?

I'm interested in what going on in the homeworlds, if neither the Clans nor Inner Sphere are getting info.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 830
  • The little duchy that could
Re: The Missing Prince - an alternative civil war one-off
« Reply #3 on: 28 May 2024, 16:49:53 »
Possibly. This was a quick thing, borne out of creative procrastination. There's little sketched between what's already posted.
As for the Home Worlds, TF Serpent and the rest: I have a couple of ideas about what is going on there, but have not decided on which of them it will be. Also, just because the IS Clans are unwilling to discuss the matter it does not necessarily mean they don't know what's going on.
Jude Melancon lives!

