Author Topic: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD  (Read 4540 times)


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Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« on: 11 January 2023, 02:07:11 »
I am an aspiring BT/MW GM and am looking for a GM or two that would be willing to walk me through how to use/run a game through the systems. I have some experience in DMing D&D 5e and GMing Star Trek Adventures.
Mecr KS back #244


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #1 on: 14 January 2023, 11:42:55 »
I can only help on the AToW side.  Do you have any specific questions?


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #2 on: 14 January 2023, 20:09:41 »
I am only a step up from being clueless on Character Creation. That's the big one. As well as skill check/combat.

What do you think the biggest points for someone to the system would be?
Mecr KS back #244


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #3 on: 14 January 2023, 20:13:40 »
Character creation seems to be the biggest hurdle.  I've built a spreadsheet to help with that.  Please take a look.  I'm more than open to making v4.8 if you spot any errors.


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #4 on: 01 February 2023, 04:06:39 »
For ATOW, even if using the Points Buy system to build the character use the life paths as a guideline to give some idea toward skills especially necessary skills for the professional fields.

One of the games I was involved in many years ago, more than half the PCs who were MWs showed up at the table with no skill in Sensor Operations.

You also may want to sit down and run a few practice combat rounds just to become familiar with and work through it. If the players are involved, it will help showcase how lethal it can get especially if you don't use cover or wear armor.

Character generation gets easier with familiarity and skill resolution may feel clunky but it does smooth out with experience. I love the system and plan to get back to it soon now that things are returning to normal.

What are your questions with Destiny as well?


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #5 on: 01 February 2023, 23:56:00 »
For ATOW, even if using the Points Buy system to build the character use the life paths as a guideline to give some idea toward skills especially necessary skills for the professional fields.

One of the games I was involved in many years ago, more than half the PCs who were MWs showed up at the table with no skill in Sensor Operations.

You also may want to sit down and run a few practice combat rounds just to become familiar with and work through it. If the players are involved, it will help showcase how lethal it can get especially if you don't use cover or wear armor.

Character generation gets easier with familiarity and skill resolution may feel clunky but it does smooth out with experience. I love the system and plan to get back to it soon now that things are returning to normal.

What are your questions with Destiny as well?

Thanks! I have run an one shot already and am about to run another. Nearing needing a degree in Math to do the life path, I like the idea and think we will stick to that. Or going with the archetypes and modifying those.

As for *Destiny*, I am going to hold off on that for now until I have a better understanding of *ATOW*. The reason for the question is I tend to learn better by doing that reading.

BTW, how did you come about being a Demo Team Recruit?
Mecr KS back #244


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #6 on: 02 February 2023, 01:46:06 »
I've been a member of the Demo Team for over seventeen years. I applied back when it was the FanPro Commandos and there is a process to apply to become an agent if you are interested.

The rank is merely because I have only done a few posts here after the boards were reset. Between that and the pandemic I've only recently returned here and started posting so I am still at a recruit rank just as you are a corporal given the number of your posts.


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #7 on: 02 February 2023, 04:18:48 »
I updated my spreadsheet to v4.8 over in the linked thread.  Hopefully it helps with the math.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #8 on: 03 February 2023, 10:35:50 »
I've been a member of the Demo Team for over seventeen years. I applied back when it was the FanPro Commandos and there is a process to apply to become an agent if you are interested.

The rank is merely because I have only done a few posts here after the boards were reset. Between that and the pandemic I've only recently returned here and started posting so I am still at a recruit rank just as you are a corporal given the number of your posts.

Thanks. I am interested, but if IRC, you must have written or and/or run a scenario. While I am the BT coordinator at the local store, our first get together tomorrow. So, I haven't ran any scenarios yet. Now that I think of it, I should find out what they mean by "scenario".
Mecr KS back #244


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #9 on: 07 February 2023, 01:38:39 »
The need to write a scenario I believe has changed since I joined. How is the character generation going?


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #10 on: 07 February 2023, 11:23:45 »
So, what I ended up doing is using on of the spreadsheets and following along with the example in the book. I think I have a better handle on it. I feel like I’m doing my Taxes. It really needs a worksheet. 
Mecr KS back #244


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #11 on: 07 February 2023, 19:23:12 »
Mine at least does the optimization math for you.


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #12 on: 08 February 2023, 01:09:09 »
Mine at least does the optimization math for you.

I really do need to sit down and make a character with yours.

I might do that this weekend.
Mecr KS back #244


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #13 on: 08 February 2023, 04:23:07 »
Let me know if you need any help!  :)


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Re: Looking for GM(s) to guide through ATOW/MWD
« Reply #14 on: 24 September 2023, 20:53:40 »
Don't get too hung up on the Life Path system. Point-Buy is the default method now and it is easier to use.

