Author Topic: 'Mech Anchoring System (MAS)  (Read 1112 times)


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'Mech Anchoring System (MAS)
« on: 23 February 2023, 00:02:46 »
The 'Mech Anchoring System, simply put, is a piece of equipment which enables a mech to anchor itself in place. Because sometimes, you really don't want to be moved one millimeter. It occupies one critical space in each leg (compatible with Environmental Sealing), and weighs a different amount depending on weight class: 0.25 tons for light 'mechs, 0.5 for medium mechs, 1 ton for heavy mechs, 2 tons for assault mechs and 4 tons for Superheavies.

Gameplay rules are a work in progress: BattleTech doesn't seem to have anything remotely like this. But here is a thread I made over on the Sarna forums, if you wish to pick up the discussion from there.

I'm going to post the gameplay rules once I have them better figured out.

idea weenie

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Re: 'Mech Anchoring System (MAS)
« Reply #1 on: 23 February 2023, 08:05:52 »
I am seeing the Rifts gaming system's Glitter Boy anchoring spikes as the model for this.

So rough guide for rules:
1) Must be deployed, retracted, or left alone during the movement phase
2) While deployed you get a nice bonus to Piloting Skill Rolls to avoid being knocked over
3) While deployed the mounting unit is considered immobile (so anyone shooting at you gets that 4-pt bonus to hit you)
4) Requires solid land to work (i.e. not a swamp)

With the solid bracing, I could also see it being used to get longer ranges for ballistic weapons instead of the Piloting roll to avoid being knocked over.  So a standard Gauss Riffle might get a 25% range boost.  A Heavy Gauss Rifle might get the 25% range boost, or it would use its standard range with the bonus to avoid being knocked over.

The fun part is that you might then have people wanting to put this sort of anchoring system in place for buildings, so they always have the range boost at the expense of tonnage.  Or vehicles wanting to get better range for their guns or artillery pieces.


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Re: 'Mech Anchoring System (MAS)
« Reply #2 on: 23 February 2023, 12:28:17 »
So for ease of access, this is what was on the Sarna forum:

" gain a bonus to PSRs for resisting movement caused by receiving physical attacks or massive damage). It also provides a more stable firing platform (no PSR from firing a heavy gauss rifle, and a slight bonus to hit when using heavy ballistic weapons).
The downside, of course, is that whilst anchored, you are practically immobile. You can still wiggle and flinch, and you can still twist your torso, but you can't use any MPs and attacks against you gain a bonus.
• You can activate/deactivate the system during the End Phase of your turn. You can also activate at the end of your movement phase if you haven't exceeded your Walk MP, but you can't deactivate until the next turn.
• The system weighs 0.25 tons for Light 'mechs, 0.5 tons for Medium 'mechs, 1 ton for Heavy 'mechs, 2 tons for Assault 'mechs, and 4 tons for Superheavies.
• On Heavy and Assault BattleMechs, it occupies two critical slots in each leg. Superheavies, two superheavy slots. But on Light and Medium 'mechs, and on IndustrialMechs, it only occupies one critical space in each leg. This is especially important for IndustrialMechs, because it enables compatibility with Environmental Sealing.
• The 'Mech Anchoring System will be most effective on 'mechs with more than two legs!
• Anchoring directly to another unit is explicitly forbidden. No tank-surfing."

For my thoughts:

Activation on End Phase coincides with many similar rules.  I can see the advantage of activating it in the Movement Phase, though it should be consistent, either way.

The unit should count as Immobilized, but maybe with a smaller penalty of a "TMM" for it, like a -2 or -3 instead of the default -4.  If Anchoring in the Movement Phase is the method used, this would be combined with their achieved TMM, so if a Goliath Walks Forward 3, and the TMM negative is -3, they then have a combined "TMM" of -2.

The best AMM it should provide is a culmulative -1.  That means if you Walked before engaging it, it would be a net zero AMM, if you stand still, it's a -1.  Of course, combining this with Pulse and Targeting Computer, AES, or with Flakk makes for a VERY dangerous opponent.

It should not eliminate any PSR.  That being said, providing a -2 to PSRs for being Anchored would be about right.  It's already crazy strong with Quads, and is a good landmark to start testing it out.

It should prevent any Kicking Physical Attack with any Anchored Legs.  The phrasing here is deliberate when considering Quads having it mounted.  Quads should be able to Anchor half their legs (Front or Rear) or all of them.  Either it should only provide a -1 to PSR for Anchoring with Half or -3 for Anchoring with all 4 legs.  While my Goliath and Sarath would prefer the latter, I think maybe the former might be a bit more balanced as Quads have a default -2 to begin with.

One last thought, is this system poddable?  While it won't matter for customized and raw-built Battlemechs, being able to apply it to a Sunder or Tenshi could be quite useful.
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Re: 'Mech Anchoring System (MAS)
« Reply #3 on: 23 February 2023, 15:30:40 »
One last thought, is this system poddable?  While it won't matter for customized and raw-built Battlemechs, being able to apply it to a Sunder or Tenshi could be quite useful.
You know what, why not? It can be pod-mounted!

Oh, and pro tip? Don't try to kick an anchored unit.
« Last Edit: 26 February 2023, 10:18:16 by Lycanphoenix »


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: 'Mech Anchoring System (MAS)
« Reply #4 on: 14 April 2024, 12:08:24 »
A bit of a thread necro, sorry, but I decided to change the wording of the construction rules:
- On Heavy and Assault mechs, the Mech Anchoring System takes up two critical slots in each leg, and two Superheavy slots in the case of Superheavies... Yes, even for IndustrialMechs.

BUT... On IndustrialMechs, the Mech Anchoring System has built-in environmental sealing, so you do not need to expend critical spaces in the legs for the environmental sealing on top of the MAS.

Previously, I intended to just make the MAS smaller on IndustrialMechs, but I changed my mind after some back and forth with RifleMech.


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Re: 'Mech Anchoring System (MAS)
« Reply #5 on: 20 April 2024, 01:36:34 »
I think it'd be better to just have two systems, military and industrial. Then give the military version have more benefits as it's intentionally more heavily built. So the military would get bonuses to bracing for weapons fire and physical actions while industrial is just good for physical actions.


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Re: 'Mech Anchoring System (MAS)
« Reply #6 on: 20 April 2024, 15:40:01 »
Other than a bonus on PSR's for avoiding getting knocked down, i don't really see any bonus to this..  A few penalties (loss of kicking, poss of being seen as immobile for enemy fire, costs tonnage AND crit slots)..
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  • Master Sergeant
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Re: 'Mech Anchoring System (MAS)
« Reply #7 on: 20 April 2024, 21:04:04 »
Alright. iMAS, and cMAS, with c being "combat".

As for rules, I've been trying to get gameplay rules figured out for a very long time, but with no progress. Maybe I'll ask ChatGPT or something...


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Re: 'Mech Anchoring System (MAS)
« Reply #8 on: 21 April 2024, 02:17:22 »
Alright. iMAS, and cMAS, with c being "combat".

As for rules, I've been trying to get gameplay rules figured out for a very long time, but with no progress. Maybe I'll ask ChatGPT or something...

I can see it acting like the Braced Weapon rule, maybe even adding to that rule's bonus/penalties. For physical activities where the unit doesn't move but still has a PSR such as lifting equipment off a roof or using a wrecking ball the PSR would be reduced instead of the gunnery roll.


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Re: 'Mech Anchoring System (MAS)
« Reply #9 on: 21 April 2024, 23:10:10 »
I think the big issue is that stability isnt really much of an issue, but loss of mobility is.

Dropships have a -4 penalty to shoot them for being immobile, but gain a -2 bonus on weapon attacks.  So treating an anchored mech in that way would give a reason to lose your mobility... you anchor down to make those really long/extreme range shots, with a massive tradeoff.  It fits the bill as something a sniper uses, as it carries weapons intended to outrange the opposition, but its not efficient at all if the enemy can shoot you back as you lose more then you gain.  Which feels about right for battletech.

The other way to treat MAS is to allow mechs with MAS to go prone like quads, and stand up (unbolt) without a PSR.  AKA, you can shoot while prone for no +2 'firing while prone' penalty, as you are bolted down into the ground.  You also cant fall over while MAS is activated (mechanically, because you are treated as prone already).  Finally, enemies only have a bonus to hit you if adjacent, so like a prone quad you should 'bolt in' any chance you get if the enemy isnt next to you or out of your firing arc.

