Ok, by exploiting the "don't track fuel" rule and the Internal Bomb Bay quirk, you can cram SEVEN Alamos onto a 100-ton ASF carrying enough armor to avoid thresholds from 10-point weapons (5 internally, 2 externally). With the 4 remaining tons, I threw on quad AMS and two tons of ammo. No DHS required, so it comes in under 5.5M C-Bills... ;)
Nuke Dump Truck Tons Cost
Tonnage 100 1.5
Cockpit 3 200,000
Life Support 0 50,000
Sensors 0 200,000
10 SI 0 500,000
Attitude Thrusters 0 25,000
Landing Gear 0 1,000
300 19 2,000,000 Fusion
Fuel Tanks 1 200
Armor 23 230,000 368
Single Heat Sinks 0 20,000 95 Nose
Internal Bomb Bay 50 0 91 Wings
AMS Ammo 2 4,000 91 Aft
4 AMS 2 400,000 (Nose/Aft)
Subtotal 100 3,630,200
Total 5,445,300