Author Topic: Tips for starting a Capellan Alpha Strike force?  (Read 486 times)


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Tips for starting a Capellan Alpha Strike force?
« on: 02 July 2024, 18:53:00 »
I'm new to Alpha Strike and finding some surprises translating from Classic. A few general things I've noticed that affect the CCAF:

-stealth has a high PV cost and eats up firepower
-TSM is way easier to manage, but mechs can't do weapons and physical attacks in the same turn so it's less of a multiplier
-mines are easier to use but less effective at making choke points
-Arrow IV vehicles can't fire both AIV and regular weapons
-TAG is still useful; but NARC effects are now optional rules
-TSEMP is easier to use
-anything with an LB20X suffers in the damage conversion

A few personal observations:
-my beloved Men Shen is very expensive
-Regulators and Pixiu aren't quite as scary
-The Shun is easier to use (all IT are, really)
-Fa Shih are a fun as ever
-Urbanmechs are easier to use with simple range bands

Still I'm finding the change jarring regarding unit choice and tactics. Does anyone with experience have advice for a Capellan Alpha Strike player?

"I checked the [MUL] log, and it says that you--specifically--broke it." -Greekfire

Check out my tribute to the CCAF at

MWO handle: Grizlie
Mercenaries Kickstarter backer #268


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Re: Tips for starting a Capellan Alpha Strike force?
« Reply #1 on: 02 July 2024, 23:07:58 »
I was wondering the same for Late Succession. Still a newb trying to figure this out.

My line of thought is more Light and Medium with cheap Combined Arms. *Mandatory* Vindicator if fitting the Objective and PV cap. STL isnt invented yet so, IF and cheap zerg tactics. LRM specials with Smoke or Minefield ammo?


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Re: Tips for starting a Capellan Alpha Strike force?
« Reply #2 on: 03 July 2024, 01:20:53 »
"-Arrow IV vehicles can't fire both AIV and regular weapons"

Artillery attacks are in addition to the standard weapon or physical attack a unit can make.  It can do both (artillery attack and weapon attack) in the same turn.
Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets


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Re: Tips for starting a Capellan Alpha Strike force?
« Reply #3 on: 03 July 2024, 08:06:49 »
"-Arrow IV vehicles can't fire both AIV and regular weapons"

Artillery attacks are in addition to the standard weapon or physical attack a unit can make.  It can do both (artillery attack and weapon attack) in the same turn.

Oh good I'm very happy I misunderstood that.

"I checked the [MUL] log, and it says that you--specifically--broke it." -Greekfire

Check out my tribute to the CCAF at

MWO handle: Grizlie
Mercenaries Kickstarter backer #268


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Re: Tips for starting a Capellan Alpha Strike force?
« Reply #4 on: 03 July 2024, 09:44:42 »

A few personal observations:
-my beloved Men Shen is very expensive

I haven't played as Capellan yet, as I'm still in the planning and painting phase for my forces.  On the Men Shen--it benefits from the MASC rules in Alpha Strike where the MASC gets baked into your base movement.  That means it goes from TMM 2 (reasonable price) to TMM 3 (getting spendy).  On top of that, you have nice damage bands (4/4/1 is good stuff) and 6/3 armor/internals is pretty good for a fast 55 tonner.  16" of move is nothing to sneeze at:  It is going to be faster than all of the heavies and most of the mediums and lights in any given game. 

Long story short, the conversion process giveth, and sometimes it taketh away.  In the case of the Men Shen, it really gives.  And I've found in Alpha Strike, the PV system is really on the money.  If something seems expensive, it is almost always for a really good reason.   

Hope you enjoy the game, it is really a fun way to play BattleTech and lets you use lots of fun models!


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Re: Tips for starting a Capellan Alpha Strike force?
« Reply #5 on: 03 July 2024, 16:30:22 »
Physical attacks are highly dependent on the mech. Sometimes you can't get over your base short range damage and it's a wash, but I had great fun running a Ti Ts'ang behind folks and smacking them with the hatchet for 5 damage.
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