Author Topic: Crashing Silence - Bayshore Hobbies, Hamilton, Ontario December 8  (Read 1407 times)


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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  • Catalyst Field Agent #455
As the Jihad burned into its third year, the border between the
Ly ran Alliance and the Jade Falcon Clan was afire with battles.
Despite the loss of Harked, the Ly ran Alliance Armed Forces were
concentrating and holding the line wherever they could as both
the Falcons and the Word of Blake hammered at their borders.

Vicar’s Altar
Great X
Lyran Alliance
1 August 3071

By the time the calendar rolled to August, Hauptmann Guillaume
knew he couldn't put the final battle with the Jade Falcon Binary
off any longer. He'd managed to wring almost three months
out of them, giving him time to school his company in working
together. He'd kept them from damaging the still-populated
areas of Bastion by letting them trash all the abandoned depots
and storage areas they’d liked. And he’d bled them, spending the
Great X militia like semi-precious stones to keep them away from
his ’Mechs until he was ready. Gathering the company together
for the first time since they’d landed on Bastion, he prepared his
forces at Vicar’s Altar.

For the Falcons the engagement was the culmination of three
months of disappointment and distractions. Finally the Lyrans
were coming out to fight like warriors. Of all the Jade Falcons, only
Star Captain Ingried was disquieted by the apparent change in
strategy. He feared a trap or some other tactical surprise, but knew
he couldn't restrain his hotheaded Falcons any longer. The Binary
assembled and marched on Vicar’s Altar. One way or another,
it would end.

Bayshore Hobbies
789 King Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S 1K2

10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

All materials will be provided.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

Member of: Southern Ontario Battletech Society Facebook Group


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  • Catalyst Field Agent #500
Re: Crashing Silence - Bayshore Hobbies, Hamilton, Ontario December 8
« Reply #1 on: 15 November 2012, 13:05:15 »
Sounds like an exciting scenario... It's gonna be a blood bath... I predict the Lyrans shall be victorious... (especially if I end up on the Falcon side lol)
Catalyst Field Agent #500
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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  • Posts: 487
  • Catalyst Field Agent #455
Re: Crashing Silence - Bayshore Hobbies, Hamilton, Ontario December 8
« Reply #2 on: 06 December 2012, 08:18:48 »
Bumping back up top.

Come on out and curb stomp some Falcons or show up the Lyrans and their 100 ton scout mechs!
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

Member of: Southern Ontario Battletech Society Facebook Group

