So it always kinda bothered me that post-Helm refits of the Chameleon didn't really bear any resemblance to the way the Chameleon was traditionally outfitted; it seemed to me only natural to ape that payload a bit to benefit from the familiarity MechWarriors would have with it from their training. Enter the CLN-7Y, which prioritized aping the capabilities of the old training 'mech while improving upon them at the same time. The end result is...not especially remarkable, basically a "Wraith for hipsters" in the same way the Chameleon was always a bit of a "Phoenix Hawk for hipsters," but I ended up feeling it felt believable enough to exist and likeable enough to share. Let me know what you think.
Chameleon CLN-7Y
Mass: 50 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Advanced Rules
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-D
Production Year: 3058
Dry Cost: 9,613,500 C-Bills
Total Cost: 9,613,500 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,186
Chassis: Enran TXS2A Standard
Power Plant: Pitban 300 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: McCloud Specials
Jump Capacity: 180 meters
Armor: ArcShield Maxi X Ferro-Fibrous
1 Thunderbolt-12 Large Pulse Laser
3 Defiance P5M Medium Pulse Lasers
2 Defiance P5S Small Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: J.B. BattleMechs Inc.
Primary Factory: Storfors III
Communications System: Jolex Systems
Targeting and Tracking System: Optisight-12
A further attempt at converting the Chameleon training 'mech for a
full-time combat role, the CLN-7Y would make the most aggressive use of new
technology yet on the chassis, while simultaneously hewing more closely to the
'mech's original layout than J.B. BattleMechs' previous offering, the CLN-7W.
The design would meet with moderate success, but would have little influence on
the even later -7Z, beyond proving the validity of an extralight fusion engine
for a power plant.
With the CLN-7W met largely with indifference, engineers at J.B.
BattleMechs Inc. were tasked with designing a machine to excite the market.
End-user analyses found that while customers were impressed with the improved
range and durability of the -7W, the mediocre firepower was a point of
considerable displeasure. From the start, the -7Y's engineers sought to make
their new 'mech as heavily-armed as possible.
To this end, the -7Y was fitted with an extralight fusion engine.
Executives balked at the cost, which nearly doubled the unit price of the 'mech
on its own, but with sales of the classic Chameleon trainer still solid, it was
a risk they were eventually willing to take. The weapons payload of the -7Y
deliberately imitates the -7V, making use of pulse laser technology to liberate
the 'mech from supply lines and increase accuracy of firepower. A large pulse
laser, three medium-class pulse lasers, and two light pulse lasers give the -7Y
a withering alpha strike, one it can make free use of at a dead run without
stressing the design's heat sinks, which have been reinforced with this energy
weapon payload in mind.
A major selling point of the -7Y during the marketing phase of the variant
was to deem it "graduate ready." By imitating the original weapons layout of
the CLN-7V, it was easy for a new MechWarrior to feel at home in the cockpit of
a -7Y. The maneuvering and heat management skills they had learned could be
exploited to the fullest, and their muscle memory of the cockpit did not need
to be unlearned. Combined with the -7Y's precision weapons and superior heat
sinking capability, this made green pilots surprisingly deadly behind the
sticks of a -7Y. Mercenaries would also find the design attractive for this
Mobile, well-armed, and cool-running, the -7Y's advantages did come at a
cost - and that is protection. The design does mount superior protection to
the classic -7V, making good use of ferro-fibrous armor, but compared to many
other similar 'mechs - such as the TR-1 Wraith or even the CLN-7W - it was
subpar. Performance against Clan MechWarriors was often dismal, as their
longer ranged weapons, superior mobility, and greater average skill allowed
them to master many overconfident CLN-7Y pilots before they even came into
weapons range. Tactics would adjust to use the -7Y as a raider and cavalry
mech, but not before its reputation suffered considerably. Ultimately the
design would come to be regarded as a "poor man's Wraith," being slower and
more fragile than that design, though heavier in firepower and more flexible.
Later Chameleons would return to more experimental weapons payloads and heavier
Battle History:
Though the CLN-7Y would general perform poorly in skirmishes against Clan
'mechs and MechWarriors, it saw considerable success as a 'toad hunter' during
Operation BULLDOG and its opening phase, Operation BIRD DOG. A green lance fighting
from the cockpits of -7Ys attached to the 1st Davion Guards would earn their proving
on the planet of Port Arthur, largely fighting against Smoke Jaguar Elementals, solahma
infantry, second-line MechWarriors in Inner Sphere 'mechs, and Bondsmen operating combat vehicles.
Developing an aggressive "grab them by the belt buckle" way of fighting, all four Chameleons
would survive the liberation of Port Arthur from Clan Smoke Jaguar, and both
the 'mechs and their MechWarriors would later participate in the vicious
fighting on New Avalon during the FedCom Civil War. Only the lance's
commander, Leftenant Mercer MacDonald, would survive to see the world
liberated, having participated in the grueling guerllia conflict that followed
the fall of the world.
The CLN-7Y can be found across the Inner Sphere, particularly in the
borders of the former Federated Commonwealth. It was offered at reasonable
prices with generous warranty and service plans to mercenaries, who would go on
to put the design to considerable and lethal use in the Periphery and the Chaos
March leading up to the dissolution of the Second Star League and the Word of
Blake Jihad. During the Federated Commonwealth Civil War, the design's
'graduate ready' status took a somewhat grisly turn, as scarcely-competent new
MechWarriors found themselves behind the yoke of new-production -7Ys and thrust
into the most destructive conflict the Inner Sphere had seen since the
not-long-distant Clan Invasion.
The CLN-7Y is occasionally subject to field modification, a fairly simple
and painless process that can be performed by even modestly skilled astechs.
The most frequent modification sees its large pulse laser exchanged for a
standard PPC, though ER-PPCs have been spotted. The latter requires much more
conservative use of the 'mech's pulse lasers, but does give the design superior
long-range punch. It is not uncommon to see the CLN-7Y rearmed with flamers
instead of small pulse lasers, where incendiary capacity is desirable and
lighter infantry is expected to be operating.
Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Leftenant Mercer MacDonald, known as "Mad Lad MacDonald," was a lance
leader of a green unit of MechWarriors assigned directly from CLN-7Vs to
CLN-7Ys during Operation: BULLDOG. During the disorganized early days of the
liberation of Port Arthur, he led his subordinates on a series of extremely
aggressive raids, and became known by his superior officers for his vulgarity,
insubordination, and almost psychotic willingness to bring the Smoke Jaguar to
battle. He and his lance became go-to problem solvers for Elementals in
particular, and showed no mercy whatosever to locals serving as Smoke Jaguar
bondsmen. MacDonald's unpredictable behavior would see him passed over for
promotion time and time again, but his bravery in battle and the loyalty he
inspired in his subordinates would keep him in a command position and see him
through to the end of the FedCom Civil War, down half a hand and one eye, but
Quirks: Easy to Pilot
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 83 points 5.00
Engine: XL Fusion Engine 300 9.50
Walking MP: 6
Running MP: 9
Jumping MP: 6 Standard
Jump Jet Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL 3.00
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 14(28) 4.00
Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT
Gyro: Standard 3.00
Cockpit: Standard 3.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA+H R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous AV - 134 7.50
Armor Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT, 4 LA, 4 RA
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 16 20
Center Torso (rear) 5
L/R Torso 12 17
L/R Torso (rear) 5
L/R Arm 8 12
L/R Leg 12 16
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
2 Small Pulse Lasers CT 4 2 2.00
Medium Pulse Laser LT 4 1 2.00
Medium Pulse Laser RA 4 1 2.00
Large Pulse Laser RA 10 2 7.00
Medium Pulse Laser LA 4 1 2.00
Free Critical Slots: 8
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 4 Points: 12
6j 4 3 0 0 2 0 Structure: 2
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA