Author Topic: Luthien Jihad Campaign  (Read 5738 times)


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Luthien Jihad Campaign
« on: 21 August 2011, 02:55:19 »
This was our first foray into a campaign in BT, baby steps, and thanks to Alex Keller for his tips,

The setting is an industrial complex south of Sakura on Luthien, during the Wob invasion, which is being looted by Ronin forces

a green unit training for the draconis combine with aspirations of joining Otomo or Izanagi forces is on patrol is called in to scout a city area, thick in radiation and electronic interference from recent bombings,
the unit is charged with initially scouting the area, then cleaning the area up of any enemies, and escorting civilians and engineers back in to breathe life back into the area.

we started with 2 map squares which will expand in time, I took photo's of the initial map, and any buildings shot at will be recorded, for continuity,

a warchest of 100 WP to start with, and one standard mechwarrior 4/5 and 3 green pilots, 5/6 on the end of their training, if they survived my first scenario they would become fully fledged warriors,
I veered away from tracks for the first two scenarios just to get a feel for running things,

starting mechs were a pool that the players could choose from,

they chose,

Jenner for the lead mechwarrior - this mechwarrior has the multi tasker skill
urban mech custom which drops one heat sink for a machine gun 100 rounds of ammo

the opponents were
striker wheeled vehicle,
2 pegasus hover tanks
4 savanah masters with electronic warfare emitters
srm turret and mine field
maxim hover transport and one lrm infantry base
two purifier battle armour squads with support ppc's
commando mech

Mission 1: Recon - 4 hexes in the city need to be scouted and for a successful mission, these are spread through the city on either ends, exit mission the same board edge you started.
WP Cost 50
Reward 150 WP
I used my own custom scenario for this mission, Dirty Bomb,
+100 WP
Mechs cannot see beyond a 7 hex radius due to radiation and advanced electronic warfare caused by 4 custom Savannah masters positioned around the map, and radiation
enemy vehicles and mechs who have been sighted simply become blips as they move out of this radius - destruction of these Savannah masters will open areas up to normal sight

As the jenner zips around the low lying plateau, it quickly becomes apparent that rushing around the map may open up nasty ambushes, two vehicles are revealed and Begin firing, resulting in the striker losing it's engine to the jenners volleys

the pegasus fires off shots and begins to retreat to the city edge, leaving the striker, it's turret now jammed in place to fire off at the struggling urban mech, the mongoose and raven quickly run out of line of site and reach the city line, the jenner moved behind the pegasus for an easy kill

as the mongoose approaches the city and caps an objective tile, it detects the srm turret mine field and several damaged buildings in a corridor, around the corner from the srm turret is an annoying impassible obstacle, unless you have jumpjets, the raven scouts its first tile and scares aware one ewar Savannah and a hover transport

The Raven runs down the road chasing after the hover transport, only to be caught in the purifiers ambush in the city square, and is peppered for 10 damage by ppc's, before it becomes torn asunder, it manages to pull off a skidding test and flee's down the road capping the 3rd objective tile and escaping behind a large building, a powered down commando comes to life and joins the purifiers

the mongoose on the opposite end of the city runs after the pegasus and caps the 4th another objective tile, the jenner having destroyed his striker has entered the city edge, and the urban mech, which the players have labelled liability has also entered the city edge

at this point all four objective tiles have been revealed and the ecm warfare savannah's have become scattered around the city, the commando's and maxim transport have begin a firefight with the urban mech on the city edge while ferrying battle armour to the other side of the city in an attempt to ambush the mongoose

the mongoose zips around the city roads avoiding the enemy, and the players force retreat, having completed their objective

Mission 2

Now that the city has been scouted, and  the player had the task of re entering the city and flushing out any enemy forces, Ronin who were once a part of the 2nd sword of light
the objective is to destroy either by headshot or CT destruction any enemy mech forces in the city
The player chose a custom heavy rains scenario, where long range shots are an additional +2 difficulty, and skidding tests are more difficult by a +1 modifier,
the pilots have now become 4/5 pilots and a few minor skills have been picked up,
the mechwarrior who was designated as lance leader has swapped his jenner for the raven

enemy forces are
urban mech
srm turret and mines
2 pegasus

the player rushes forward to meet the enemy head on, two Ronin pegasus hover tanks move forward, and a hostile exchange occurs, the medium pulse lasers from the hover tanks manage to split the jenners cockpit open like a ripe melon, the mechwarrior inside is knocked unconscious, the auto eject triggers, and a shower of meat and bone fires upwards out of the head of the jenner as if a watermelon was hit by a katana

the jenner managed to knock out one hovertanks engines, stranding it,

the other hover tanks zips around the edge of a plateau to fire it's MML's at the straggling player urban mech, only to have a mongoose appear behind it and blow out it's rear section

while the players forces are scattered around the plateau outside the city, the Ronin mechs burst forth from the city's edge and pepper the raven with damage, however the Ronin commando has ventured too far forward..

the raven and the mongoose mech catch the ronin commando in a pincer move, the mongoose using it's ppc, blows the commando's left arm and left torso the raven then cored the remaining structure of the centre torso, the mech drops to the ground in a shattered heap.

the remaining assassin and urban mech also attempt to catch the slow moving player urban mech in a pincer, however the mongoose has now wheeled around and the players forces have consolidated in the middle,

fire is exchanged, and the assassin jets backwards to the edge of the city hoping to gain fire support from the nearby srm turret, the ronin urban mech is too slow, the raven and mongoose outflank it, and shred it's engine's and gyro's, dropping it like a 2 legged dustbin,

the players urban mech slowly advances over the plateau, and engages the immobile pegasus

the remaining assassin now begins to retreat, but is easily caught by the players forces, the srm turret fires and misses the mongoose as it rounds the corner,
the raven fires down the street at the assassin and the mongoose dashes point blank up to the assassin firing it's ppc into it and destroying it,

the players avoid the srm turret, deciding it is too much trouble and leave the battlefield having completed their main objective
the jenner is repaired, warchest points banked, and mechs on the market perused

Meanwhile, the Ronin lance leader sits in a far off bunker, disgusted at his goons failures,

« Last Edit: 21 August 2011, 04:43:44 by kharnifex »
"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.


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Re: Luthien Jihad Campaign
« Reply #1 on: 21 August 2011, 03:12:02 »
Thanks so much for organising, and awesome report - these campiagn style games are turning out to be far more enjoyable and satisfying than the standard equal BV matches

This could have been so much worse, in the first game this was the key piloting roll :

The Raven runs down the road chasing after the hover transport, only to be caught in the purifiers ambush in the city square, and is peppered for 10 damage by ppc's, before it becomes torn asunder, it manages to pull off a skidding test and flee's down the road capping the 3rd objective tile and escaping behind a large building, a powered down commando comes to life and joins the purifiers

had it failed the skidding test and fallen, it would have been swamped by all those nasty purifiers and infantry nearby... and we would have lost one of our best mechs in just the first mission, im so glad the green pilot pulled through!

the two medium pulse laser hits to the head of the pristine jenner was astonishing, the poor mechwarrior had no chance, but thats what he gets for getting cocky (in a light mech) against well armed vehicles  ;D

Not the vastness of space, nor the Wolf's obstinate howl, will stay us from our righteous goal.
We are Crusaders and will trample all who stand in our way!

Alex Keller

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Re: Luthien Jihad Campaign
« Reply #2 on: 22 August 2011, 20:12:19 »
Awesome battle report! 

Is this part of the JTP: Luthien campaign?  Or are you designing everything yourself?  Either way, love the use of vehicles, battle armor and light mechs.  Oh, and one of your players is a real joker for choosing that Urbanmech for a recon mission!


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Re: Luthien Jihad Campaign
« Reply #3 on: 22 August 2011, 20:17:45 »
I recognize that Pegasus!
Fighter of the Nightman (ah-ah-ah)
Champion of the Sun (ah-ah-ah)


  • Sergeant
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Re: Luthien Jihad Campaign
« Reply #4 on: 23 August 2011, 05:19:47 »
Awesome battle report! 

Is this part of the JTP: Luthien campaign?  Or are you designing everything yourself?  Either way, love the use of vehicles, battle armor and light mechs.  Oh, and one of your players is a real joker for choosing that Urbanmech for a recon mission!

Part stealing things from other campaign books and making some things myself, and the players will have to blame me for the Urban mech, I included it with a custom machine gun added drop the extra 11th heat sink thinking it may help them kill some infantry,

3rdCrucisLancers, you should haha! I have hordes of your old Vehicles, and I love em, so much fun

"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.


  • Sergeant
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  • Unseen Mazinga
Re: Luthien Jihad Campaign
« Reply #5 on: 03 September 2011, 07:56:40 »
Ugh, J edgar hovertanks are insane.

Scenario 3 Part escort convoy and defend the city

Buy in is 150 WP, reward 250 

5 Turns Length

Optional conditions were fallout, no direct visibility unless within 7 hexes, and night raid, +2 modifier for long range -2 heat due to the cold, players did not choose them and did not get any bonus WP for them,

Mission Brief,

Meet up and escort the convoy into the city square, The Mobile HQ must survive
+15 WP reward for each additional vehicle that survives
Mobile HQ grants a +1 initiative bonus, and a -1 if destroyed

One mech can be held in reserve to enter any board edge on turn 5, Player commands the convoy

The players repaired the Jenner from last match after it's cockpit was blown out, and upgraded to a black hawk ku and catapult, the warchest was now in debt and if the mission was failed would result in the end of the campaign,

The Mobile HQ was part based on the normal mobile HQ rules and the Daimyo for a bit of flavour, we used 3 maps in an L shape, for continuity the city remains the same, the SRM turret in the city now being controlled by the player,

The convoy starts in the New map, centre, the player on the opposite board edge, the enemy Ronin force comprised of traitors arrives nearer to the convoy, Vehicles move damn fast, I learnt this the hard way.

The convoy consisting of Maxim transports with military engineers, pegasus, drillson, rommel, striker and mobile hq

Enemy forces, Ronin lead in a Catapult, strider, J edgars, Schiltron, Vedettes, Vindicator

Turn 1

Players defenders down the other end

The enemy hovertanks zip up quickly behind the mobile HQ, even with it's bonus the players lost initiative, the J edgars prove to be a pain all game,

The enemy forces move into position to mass fire at the HQ, the players convoy tries to get away to the city as quickly as possible, while their mechs move forward towards the enemy

The HQ is rocked by a total of 15 damage from several different units it's turret stabiliser destroyed by the catapult, the J edgars only took light damage from machine gun fire everything else moved too quickly to be hit,

Turn 2

The HQ pushes forward, the players position their hovertanks to stop any goatse action via the J edgars,

The enemy Ronin mechs watch as the convoy starts gaining momentum, The HQ going the long way around to avoid any Terminator 2 style truck drifting scenes, and the blockades in the city,

The players forces concentrate fire on the Jedgars, peppering one with shots, The enemy ronin ignites the rommels ammo destroying it with a lucky SRM hit,

Turn 3

The HQ has reached the far end of the city entrance with its convoy, a remaining J edgar stalks it, while the damaged one peels off down into the city earlier on, in an attempt to flank, the players pegasus hovertank chases the J edgar,

The Ronin mechs engage the players mechs, and the Ronin vedettes attempt to kill the players striker

The Ronin lead catapult takes aim at the players catapult, while the strider and vindicator attempt to take out the Black hawk ku

The vindicator takes moderate damage from the players catapult, half the armour on it's centre torso disappears, the Strider's armour melts from mass laser fire from the black hawk and jenner, almost every point of armour vaporizing except on one leg

The SRM battery in the city hits with 1/10 shots only grazing the damaged J edgar

The vindicator managed to hit the black hawk ku's rear and damage the Gyro with it's snub nose ppc sending it crashing to the ground, the strider fails it's piloting check and also eats dirt.

Turn 4

The convoy has almost reached the city square, the J edgar stalking it uses its speed to attempt to block the mobile HQ from moving further down the road, the convoy moves around the mobile HQ in an attempt to stave off further rear shenanigans

The ronin and player forces attempt to wheel around each other, the Black hawk ku stands up as does the strider, the Black hawk enters the heavy woods for refuge,

The Vindicator fires up it's jump jets and lands behind the black hawk ku, but does not land a single hit against it

The strider is cored by an alpha strike from the black hawk ku, with no armour left it is not surprising,
long range missle exchange occurs between catapults, with the players catapult dealing 20 damage to the Ronin leader's.

The vedettes manage some minimal damage to the players striker, the J edgar stalking the HQ stops dead in it's tracks, a hit from a light ppc from the Drillson destroying it's engine.
the damaged J edgar performing a flanking maneuver moves into position and hits the hq with it's medium lasers.

Turn 5

The player has almost won, the HQ is in position,

The Ronin leaders Catapult suffers severe damage at the hands of the players catapult and jenner, the black hawk lands a head shot into the ****** pit rattling the pilot,

The schiltron and vedettes all miss their targets, the J edgars in the city are destroyed but not before stripping the player HQ to one internal structure point to the rear and one armour point to the front, The SRM battery and the maxim transports make light work of the j edgars,

The remaining Ronin forces limp off the battlefield, WP is awarded, and will be spent repairing damage, the player will now be able to install two more turrets for a follow up scenario,

"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.


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Re: Luthien Jihad Campaign
« Reply #6 on: 17 September 2011, 05:38:16 »
part 3, eliminating the 2nd sword of light Ronin aka comedy of errors

this went embarrassingly for the GM forces, running on pavement/roads is suicide.

The players main objective was to eliminate the ronin leader piloting the catapult from last scenario, in their base far off map.

the scenario would be a night raid, allowing them one turn to get the jump on a powered down facility, but making long range shots harder to hit with

a patrol would leave the base and spot mechs within a 7 hex radius, as well as spotlights from the base itself,

the base was surrounded with turrets, and inside heavily defended, I was deliberately vague to try and coax the players into doing actions such as shooting at static objects and asking questions

The players start their initial turns creeping forward into position in an attempt to silence the turrets before they come online,

first ronin patrol begins, with the front gate opening, powered down mechs inside the compound and a few static gun positions guarding the hpg

The players start eliminating the base defences extremely quickly, while skirting around the base patrol, winning the initiative almost every round with the help of a bonus from their Mobile HQ

The front gauss rifle turret was taken out by the mongoose and catapult, the raven silencing the LRM battery and the black hawk ku destroying a guass rifle turret and an lrm turret to itself,

the destruction means the base is now on high alert, with vehicles and remaining turrets powering on, and infantry manning their weapons batteries

the more agile mechs like the jenner and black hawk hop into the base over the large fortified walls, and begin systematically eliminating gun batteries and tanks alike, the black hawk ignites a large fuel tank destroying two srm turrets nearby, the jenner mopping up infantry gun emplacements

an offlined vindicator is knocked to the ground by the black hawk, with the players anticipating a mech warrior to be piloting it, the mongoose runs down the right side of the base and see's the ronin leaders catapult offlined inside the base,

none of the damage from the last scenario on the enemy mechs has been repaired, and the mechs seem abandoned, the players start to panic anticipating an ambush,

The raven and catapult combine fire to silence the schiltron on the hill of the entrance to the base, and the mongoose immobilizes the tokugawa

with the bases defences crumbling, the Ronin leader, and his remaining goon, walk on from the board edge, the ronin leader piloting an O-bakemono with MRM 40's and the 2nd in command piloting a Trophy Thresher and a Typhoon assault vehicle hidden within the base comes to life,

I expected to be at least destroying 1-2 of the players mechs, but things went awry.

the players quickly scatter their mechs and begin to regroup, with the mongoose eliminating the immobile tokugawa

the players black hawk and mongoose race down the left side of the base, hoping to jump the walls and destroy the O-bakemono,

they didn't realise there was a gate within the wall, and the O-bakemono chose to run on the pavement to quickly cut them off, I figured with his 3/4 stats he would be able to pull this off no issue, I was wrong,

The O-bakemono skid down the road towards the gate, hitting the side wall, and the Ronin leader blacks out, The thresher pilot moves towards his fallen leader to scare off the would be assassins,

the black hawk ku fires on the skidding mech managing to hit the mechs head, causing more injury on the pilot,

the Typhoon assault vehicle fires up it's engines and attempts to drive full speed towards the front of the base, loses control and immobilises itself by crashing into a wall

The Black hawk then eliminates the Ronin leader with aimed shots to the Mechs head, with help from the mongooses PPC with shredded the last bits of armour,

The thresher responds by doing 35 damage to the Black hawk in one Volley, The black hawk and mongoose retreat, the black hawk jetting over the hill and the mongoose running off

The thresher then advances as far forward as possible, looking very much the shark amongst scattered fish, torso twsiting to the left and firing on the black hawk, missing with every shot

The thresher pilot loses initiative and Jump jets to the tank emplacement, the players leave the battlefield, having eliminated the Ronin leader and deciding the thresher is far too maneuverable to even consider killing/losing mechs to.

A lone Ronin in a Thresher Mech, with no supply base or support to speak of, slinks off.

"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.


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Re: Luthien Jihad Campaign
« Reply #7 on: 18 September 2011, 03:41:48 »
Nice reports.

It's great to see the games growing in scope as you go along.

Nice use of your terrain pieces.
The Turrets are wonderful.


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Re: Luthien Jihad Campaign
« Reply #8 on: 18 September 2011, 07:14:45 »
This is absolutely awesome. I think I need to start taking pictures for my AA Reports. These are very well written and wonderful story pieces.

Thank you for sharing.
Physical attacks for Griffin GRF-1DS (Bot1)
Punch (Right Arm) at Summoner Prime #2 (Jade_Falcon); needs 6, rolls 10 : hits (using Punch table) HD
Summoner Prime #2 (Jade_Falcon) takes 6 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, <<<SECTION DESTROYED>>>,
*** Summoner Prime #2 (Jade_Falcon) DESTROYED by damage! ***
Critical hit on HD. Roll is 9; 1 location.
<<<CRITICAL HIT>>> on Standard Cockpit.

Alex Keller

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Re: Luthien Jihad Campaign
« Reply #9 on: 18 September 2011, 19:13:34 »
Oh, man!  That Typhoon pilot! 

Diggin' the new terrain!


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  • Unseen Mazinga
Re: Luthien Jihad Campaign
« Reply #10 on: 20 September 2011, 03:03:44 »
Oh, man!  That Typhoon pilot! 

Diggin' the new terrain!

thanks for putting me onto the terrain maker!
"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.