Author Topic: New Equipment: Small Talons and Claws  (Read 1879 times)


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  • Ghost Bear Maniac
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New Equipment: Small Talons and Claws
« on: 08 January 2012, 22:59:36 »
I've seen some designs that mount Mech Talons on only one leg because mounting 2 of them is basically a waste of tonnage.  While its within the rules, I find these lopsided designs aesthetically unappealing, so I came up with "Small Talons" so that you can put them on both Legs if you want in order to make things more symetrical, while still giving you more or less the same benefits of the Mech Talon.

Small Talons
When kicking, a unit equipped with Small Talons multiplies the damage by 1.25, rounded to the nearest whole number (.5 tons and below rounds down and above .5 rounds up). If a 'Mech equipped with Small Talons is also equipped with Triple Strength Myomer, the TSM bonus applies to kick attacks but not Death from Above attacks.  The Small Talons weigh 1 ton for every 30 tons of the 'Mech mounting them (rounding up to the nearest 0.5 ton increment). They must be placed in a 'Mech's legs, and consume 1 critical slot.  When performing a Death from Above attack, if only 1 leg has a Small Talon then multiply the damage by 1.25 (.5 tons and below rounds down and above .5 rounds up), but if both legs have a Small Talon then multiply the damage by 1.5 (.5 rounds up).

Since I was doing "Small Talons", I decided to make "Small Claws" as well while I was at it.

Small Claws
A Small Claw can only be mounted in an arm and takes the place of a hand actuator. The Small Claw inflicts 1 point of damage for every 8.5 tons of weight, rounded to the nearest whole number (.5 tons and below rounds down and above .5 rounds up). It uses up one critical slot for every 30 tons of 'Mech weight (rounding up), and weighs 1 ton for each critical slot it uses up.  Because the Small Claws are bulkier and less agile than the standard hand actuator, they inflict a +1 to hit penalty.
« Last Edit: 09 January 2012, 01:33:50 by WeaponX »
"Do you not understand the nature of the Bear?  For months he sleeps in hibernation, but do not dare disturb him.  The Bear's anger is unforgiving once provoked."

-Mechwarrior Zane
  Clan Nova Cat

