Author Topic: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire  (Read 13107 times)


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'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« on: 06 November 2011, 20:20:50 »
The DGR-** Dragon Fire

The Ugly Long-Lost Cousin
The funny thing about the Dragon Fire is that it’s never explicitly stated to be a derived from the Marauder.  Like many others, I was once under the impression that it was, but careful reading of the fluff indicates that it was a follow up design, and not an outright relation of the famed Marauder. This is supported by the manufacturer data which lists the Dragon Fire’s chassis as the Royalstar ATE with Endo Steel as opposed to the GM Marauder or Norse chassis used by the Marauder, Marauder II, Maelstrom, and Nightstar.

Like the Maelstrom, the Dragon Fire never saw use with the SLDF; an early victim of the First Succession War. Although why exactly two designs ‘still on the drawing boards’ at privately held companies were included in the Grey Death memory core and technical archives on Terra is open to speculation.  Personally, the Grey Death memory core must have been the Library of Congress, Wikipedia and the Star League Patent Office archives combined if it actually enabled the things that it did.  But I digress.

When GM regained possession of this mech design, they presumably looked at their already diverse line-up of 64.8 km/h 75 tonners and decided they would sell it instead.  Of course, the decision to outright sell an advanced competitor (and possibly intended successor at its time of conception) to their evergreen Marauder instead of licensing the design for a cut of the profits or sitting on the blueprints speaks volumes about a myopic management team that is apparently still at the top of its short-sighted game in the mid-31st Century.  One presumes they owe New Avalon some non-trivially large low-interest loans as well.

Initially marketed at units operating on the Clan front, Combine and Lyran units as well as their retained mercenaries acted as the initial sales vector for J.B. BattleMechs Inc (JBBMI).  In the mid 3060’s, a contract with the WoB incorporating C3i into the Dragon Fire helped JBBMI hit its profit targets. Circumstantial evidence, however, points to a deal with the proverbial devil, as in 3068 JBBMI found itself in a sudden financial crisis in conjunction with a reordering of its shareholders resulting in three stockholders sitting on a controlling stake in the company.  Shortly after, all of its Successor State-located plants closed down and moved to worlds inside the WOB Protectorate. We report, you decide: Does the J.B. in JBBMI now stand for Jihad & Blake? Our magic 8-ball clearly thinks so.

Guns. Armour. Horror.
BattleMechs are designed for only two things. Killing things, and looking like they’re good at killing things.  The Dragon Fire unquestionably succeeds at the former, but the latter is up for debate.  What is unquestionable, however, is the effectiveness of the Dragon Fire’s fire control system, as the bizarre geometry of its ‘arms’ apparently doesn’t impede the accuracy of its pilots at all. An odd disconnect is the fact that both its manufacturer’s specifications and marketing materials clearly indicate the Dragon Fire has fully articulated arms, with functional hands.  The only reasonable explanation for published photos of the machine must be that the arms have not yet been installed, as evidenced by the gaping socket seen on the left flank of the mech.

Moving at a completely unremarkable 4/6, the expensive 300 XL engine frees up tonnage for two of the best weapons in the Inner Sphere. The designers who polished up this design for release claim they tried to create a machine that reduced the advantage Clan machines provide. Two tons of ammunition give average staying power to both weapons, and let’s be honest here. You really don’t want too much ammo for that autocannon for reasons that will be expanded on later. The gauss rifle and LB-10x type autocannon are unique among Inner Sphere weapons for being identical in performance to their Clan counterparts, despite being somewhat heavier and bulkier – with Spheroid gauss rifles being 25% heavier, and the LB-10x being a mere 10% heavier than equivalent Clan weapons.

With only enough space to use either an Endo-Steel structure or Ferro-Fibrous armour, the designers wisely opted to work with the lightweight frame and just layer on thicker sheets of standard composite, making the Dragon Fire one of the most thickly skinned machines in its weight class.

Frankly, it needs that armour. With its vulnerable XL engine and the right torso being made up entirely of engine shielding and ammunition bins, the right torso brings back the good ol’ days of the MAD-3R’s infamous torso bomb, but now with twice the ammo.  Thanks to the CASE system, after bioelectric feedback has turned the pilot into a catatonic vegetable, your techs will be able to slap on another right side of the mech and bring it back into service.  Clearly, in terms of replacement parts, right torso/right arm assemblies outsell the left side by a wide margin.  Makes you wonder how much of a kickback Mydron paid the design team, doesn’t it?

Rounding out that ballistic brilliance is a cluster of lackluster flashlights.  Or in the case of the center torso large laser, the appellation of fleshlight might be more fitting, seeing as how it appears to be hung solidly between the digitigrade legs. The paired medium pulse lasers mounted in the head and left torso (complete with some of the largest cooling jackets known to BattleTech-kind) are present and ready to provide a point-blank lightshow for interested parties.

In an odd move, the designers have included a Guardian ECM system in the final 3058 release edition.  I say odd because as far as fighting Clan machines go, the only system typically affected will be Artemis IV.  Now, as a machine ostensibly meant for use against the Clans, but might actually see use against neighbouring  C3 and C3i-using parties, it makes a whole lot of sense, allowing heavy mech units to pack their own integral ECM support.  And we wonder why the WoB bought the whole outfit? Anyone care to guess the odds that Blakist units hitting C3-equipped DCMS formations fielded disproportionately large numbers of Dragon Fires?  As a note, for those of you using the Ghost Targets rule in Tac Ops, then the ECM will be a welcome bonus, especially when fighting those blasted clankin.

Finally, the Dragon Fire is actually slightly overcooled in the 3F iteration.  While not actually able to run and alpha strike for 0 heat as the original 3058 fluff claims, it’s pretty damn close.  The 4F trades up to an ERLL, so your fleshlight now reaches farther than ever, and it still doesn’t compromise heat handling too much.  At point blank, trading out a medium pulse laser will bring you right back to the 3F’s heat curve.

For the original WoB contract, the Blakist-exclusive 6FC design was created (although, the astute among you will note that thanks to their exclusive contract, *all* models of the Dragon Fire are now WoB exclusive, as far as new units go.  Black and grey market imports are exempt as always).  The pulse lasers are dumped for ER mediums, and the tonnage saved goes to replacing the ECM suite with a C3i module.  Assuming a 1-to-1 swap, this increases the heat noticeably and leaves a free ton.  Presumably, the ton went to another DHS or ERML, but it could just as well go towards a TAG system.  Personally, the WoB would have been better off dropping the lasers entirely and keeping the Guardian for ECCM duties, as you just *know* that forces fighting against the Blakists will do their damndest to disrupt those C3i nets.

The most fearsome weapon in the Dragon Fire’s arsenal, however, is neither the cockpit-squishing gauss rifle, nor the versatile and innards-mangling cluster-buster autocannon.  Oh no.  It’s the horrifying, sanity-eviscerating non-Euclidean geometry of this repudiation of all that is aesthetically right with the universe.  Few BattleMechs are better suited for Cthulutech, and few would benefit so much from a set of fifteen-meter long, slimy, armour-rending vibra-tentacles.  You can almost hear the few remaining Erinyes pilots screaming themselves hoarse with horror.

Oh where, oh where has my little monster gone?
Well, the Dragon Fire has been in production and on the open market for nearly ten years, and only recently became a WoB-only job.  The Lyrans, Dracs, and mercs are listed by name as running them, but nothing indicates that after the initial 3058 production runs, JBBMI didn’t start selling to all comers, so you’re pretty well covered for the 3F and 4F models.  One other likely large user? Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Ghost Bear probably have more than a few Dragon Fires in the storage shed, thanks to the CASE and ammo bin that is present on ALL stock Dragon Fire models.  CASE – The better salvage protector!

We also see some custom designs in the a novel and the new Jihad Turning Points books, and we can rest easy knowing that the JTP custom is likely a case of a Blakist pilot wantonly partaking in all the new TW tech.  Whether it actually works well?  Well, that’s clearly secondary to signing sponsorship deals for demoing intriguing new weaponry against their original designers.

So what have we learned?
Well, the LB-10x and gauss rifle pairing is absolutely classic.  Alas, so is the combination of exposed ammunition, CASE, and an XL engine. There’s a place for the Dragon Fire, and that place is for a powerful heavy mech that is ultimately expendable at any time because of that crippling vulnerability.  Keep that right flank shielded though, and it should give decent service with its ballistic goodies and ECM protection.
« Last Edit: 08 November 2011, 00:35:32 by chanman »


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #1 on: 07 November 2011, 03:06:16 »
Nice writeup. The extra ton on the 6FC goes to a DHS.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #2 on: 07 November 2011, 06:31:36 »
IMHO a very good design.
... and a nice article.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #3 on: 07 November 2011, 09:21:00 »
The funny thing about the Dragon Fire is that it’s never explicitly stated to be a derived from the Marauder.  Like many others, I was once under the impression that it was, but careful reading of the fluff indicates that it was a follow up design, and not an outright relation of the famed Marauder.

While I agree with your conclusions regarding the chassis, I think the original TR3058 fluff for the Maelstrom and Nightstar indicate that the Dragon Fire is intended to be part of the family.  The Dragon Fire fluff references the Marauder and "three other revolutionary 'Mech designs" that failed to reach full-scale production.  The Maelstrom is described as "The third 'Mech in the Marauder series" and the Nightstar as "The last of the Marauder series BattleMechs", implying that there must be a second 'Mech in the series, i.e. the Dragon Fire.  (The Marauder II, not being designed until 3010 by the Dragoons rather than by GM designers during the Star League era, cannot fill this role; AFAIK, there is no fluff indicating it was actually designed earlier.)

Interestingly, TR3058U maintains a reference to the Maelstrom being the "third 'Mech in the Marauder series" but eliminates any reference to the Dragon Fire being part of the Marauder family at all.  Meanwhile, the Nightstar goes from being impliedly unproduced (or only produced for a few months) to being moved to the Star League section of that book along with everything else that actually saw production before the fall of the Star League.  Thus, 3058 implies Marauder -> Dragon Fire -> Maelstrom -> Nightstar while 3058U implies Marauder -> Nightstar -> Maelstrom with the Dragon Fire being unrelated.  Hard to square the two versions up with one another.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #4 on: 07 November 2011, 09:39:12 »
Good article.

The DF should have been seen and mentioned more often in stories IMNSHO, because of it's looks even more than because of it's performance  ;)


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #5 on: 07 November 2011, 09:59:02 »
Yeah, but most Battletech stories are not set in the Lovecraft universe...  ;)
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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #6 on: 07 November 2011, 17:58:29 »
A great unit to hold the line. The 6FC is a great addition to a WoB unit, able to handle whatever comes its way, while delivering a goodly amount of accurate firepower.

The Right torso doesn't bother me too much. Sure, its got 2 tons of ammo and an XL engine, but the only other option is really the RA with the weapon, and that can't be CASE'd under IS tech. You're sort of damned if you do, damned if you don't.

The other variant of course is the Dragon Fire "Kishi" now known as the "Gregory." It swaps the XL Engine for a Light engine, replaces the LB10-X for a Plasma Rifle, the ERLL for a Light PPC and the Gauss Rifle for an Heavy Gauss Rifle. A small cockpit (sigh) and TSM round out the changes. Its weaponry is decent at fighting at any range it seems, and its TSM lets it move a bit quicker than it normally would when the heat is up. The flaws are the small cockpit of course, the inability to easily control your TSM, and the lack of ammo for the HGR. I suppose once you're out of HGR ammo you're supposed to be running in and delivering TSM enhanced kicks, since with your ammo THAT limited, there's no way you want to risk missing due to the massive minimum range penalties if you try to kick and use the HGR at the same time (or alternate I suppose. Shoot at range, build up the heat, then run in and kick, then withdrawal, but that runs the risk of getting caught in. You're not that fast).

Of course, all this assumes that you want your Division commander getting in that close :)


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #7 on: 07 November 2011, 18:20:02 »
it's worth noting that the main character in illusions of victory used a modified dragon fire at one point. he pulled the guass rifle and replaced it with a light guass..and used the extra mass savings to upgrade the LB10X to an AC20.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #8 on: 07 November 2011, 18:36:35 »
An odd disconnect is the fact that both its manufacturer’s specifications and marketing materials clearly indicate the Dragon Fire has fully articulated arms, with functional hands.  The only reasonable explanation for published photos of the machine must be that the arms have not yet been installed, as evidenced by the gaping socket seen on the left flank of the mech.

IIRC, were not the presence of lower arm and hand actuators errata'd away?

The Dragon Fire has long been one of my fav designs personally...just love the combination of two of my fav ballistic weapons with full armor for a 75 tonner, plus enough energy weapons to make some damage...of course, I usually use the 9 tons of energy weapons for another large energy gun with 2 smaller lasers myself...

And I fall into the camp of "love the look" of this 'Mech...

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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #9 on: 07 November 2011, 19:01:34 »
IIRC, were not the presence of lower arm and hand actuators errata'd away?

Eventually yeah. They were caught after a couple of iterations in the Record Sheet books I believe.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #10 on: 07 November 2011, 20:52:40 »
This is one of the mechs I point to when people try and speak about XL engines not being worth it.  Its got a lot of guns, and good ones, so that its not easy to win that race to get into its side torsos before it quite simply cuts your heart out and eats it.  This is made all the easier by quite heavy armor, and by a suite of weapons that grows in power as it closes very nicely, leaving opponents the choice to face just the GR and LB10 at range, or to close in and face thouse same weapons and some lasers.  The choice to use an ER laser is one I normaly make, but the old model is nice in tight spots where infighting is expected, or for very agressive pilots...

I can't speak to the newest veriant, though it looks very usable.  But as for the old one, I'd recomend it to anyone.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #11 on: 08 November 2011, 13:04:21 »
it's worth noting that the main character in illusions of victory used a modified dragon fire at one point. he pulled the guass rifle and replaced it with a light guass..and used the extra mass savings to upgrade the LB10X to an AC20.

Since he said it was a Defiance Disintegrater, my assumption was that he'd upgraded to an LB-20X.

A Dragon Fire also showed up in Prince of Havoc, as part of Hihiro's force.

I love this mech, it's one of my favorite heavies.  Heck, I've even used it in Clan second-line forces when I was looking for a relatively cheap ECM mech.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #12 on: 08 November 2011, 14:51:56 »
one of my favorite mechs, hands down.  she's a beastly mid-range slugger, and can cut down just about anything in a couple turns.  some people complain about the XL engine, but the fact is she'll take a ton of punishment before going down, reguardless of the ammo.  personally, i think it looks cool too. 

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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #13 on: 08 November 2011, 17:41:35 »
This is one of the mechs I point to when people try and speak about XL engines not being worth it.  Its got a lot of guns, and good ones, so that its not easy to win that race to get into its side torsos before it quite simply cuts your heart out and eats it.  This is made all the easier by quite heavy armor, and by a suite of weapons that grows in power as it closes very nicely, leaving opponents the choice to face just the GR and LB10 at range, or to close in and face thouse same weapons and some lasers.  The choice to use an ER laser is one I normaly make, but the old model is nice in tight spots where infighting is expected, or for very agressive pilots...

I can't speak to the newest veriant, though it looks very usable.  But as for the old one, I'd recomend it to anyone.

I fully agree with you, the Dragon Fire is an excellent example of a properly used XLE.  There are admittedly some ways it could be improved, but they are generally fairly minor tweaks unlike some designs which need major renovation.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #14 on: 08 November 2011, 19:41:55 »
I've loved this 'Mech since I first opened up TRO: 3058. I think the reaction was something along the lines of "Now that's different. Looks freaking ugly in that 'I'm so ugly I'm cool' way... and it's carrying a Gauss and an LB 10-X? Oh, that's just rude."

It's an unholy terror against pretty much anything on the battlefield, though I'd want to steer clear of PBIs. Still, plenty of solid punch to put holes in 'Mechs backed by cluster shot to critseek, swat down ASFs and VTOLs, and make life miserable for the vees. Better yet, it looks cool while doing it.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #15 on: 09 November 2011, 10:51:22 »
The Dragon Fire is such a nice, well-rounded, heavy mech - I'm in the ERLL camp myself. Most everything needs to fear the GR/LB10-X combo, and even PBIs need to respect the paired MPLs, especially if they get caught in the open (I also like MPLs in the anti-BA role as well). 

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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #16 on: 09 November 2011, 11:15:17 »
Thanks for the excellent article!

The stats for the Dragon Fire speak for themselves. As for the appearance ... I'm looking at the mini that's standing next to my computer monitor as I type this. It's one of the few Inner Sphere mechs for which I have a soft spot.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #17 on: 09 November 2011, 14:26:35 »
Good article.  I have always liked the design, but have not had a chance to use it.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #18 on: 10 November 2011, 18:03:40 »
A great unit to hold the line. The 6FC is a great addition to a WoB unit, able to handle whatever comes its way, while delivering a goodly amount of accurate firepower.

And never question the use of one as a jammer.  I used one that way against a C3i Level II as the mobile beater for a few Challengers one time.  It worked very, very well because unlike a lot of lighter units, you can't get rid of a Dragon Fire that casually.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #19 on: 13 November 2011, 18:00:42 »
The Dragon Fire is a mech that is just plain good. The Gauss/LBX combo is quite devastatingly effective, allowing it to start pouring on the damage from range, and its thick armour means that it's not going down in a hurry. The WoB variant is probably the scariest, simply for the C3i module that allows it to get even more mileage out of those weapons (though I have to wonder how many DCMS DFs were modified with C3 slaves over the years).

If not for it's... awkward looks, I suspect that this mech would be in many people's favourte mech lists. As it stands, I personally rate the Dragon Fire as one of the best IS Heavies full stop.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #20 on: 15 November 2011, 00:12:54 »
IIRC, were not the presence of lower arm and hand actuators errata'd away?

The Dragon Fire has long been one of my fav designs personally...just love the combination of two of my fav ballistic weapons with full armor for a 75 tonner, plus enough energy weapons to make some damage...of course, I usually use the 9 tons of energy weapons for another large energy gun with 2 smaller lasers myself...

And I fall into the camp of "love the look" of this 'Mech...


Quite possibly, but I'm having fun at the expense of the original 3058 fluff...

Two hand actuators give the 'Mech an edge in hand-to-hand combat and also allow it to retrieve salvage from the battlefield.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #21 on: 01 April 2012, 14:48:41 »
IIRC, were not the presence of lower arm and hand actuators errata'd away?

Eventually yeah. They were caught after a couple of iterations in the Record Sheet books I believe.

Is that an official ruling somewhere?
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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #22 on: 02 April 2012, 04:02:45 »
BC203B RS 3058IS should have the newest Record Sheet which doesn't have actuators in the arms. These are the Total Warfare-style record sheets, unlike BC203 RS3058U which was the old style RS which had the actuators.

So its not really errata per se, they just reprinted the record sheets and resold them.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #23 on: 02 April 2012, 12:43:27 »
And the newest printing always trumps older versions, doesn't it?
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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #24 on: 02 April 2012, 16:27:14 »
Unsure if the Dragon Fire should be considered part of the Marauder Brotherhood or not. However, one could see the three offspring of the Marauder being the Maelstrom, Nightstar and Marauder IIC. And frankly, the Marauder II could be conceived as an attempt to recreate the Marauder IIC with Inner Sphere Tech, making that machine the grandchild of the original.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week Repost: DGR-** Dragon Fire
« Reply #25 on: 04 April 2012, 01:43:49 »
From reading the original TRO 3058 fluff for the Dragon Fire, Maelstrom, and Nightstar it sounds like GM got all three from the Gray Death memory core and then sold them to other companies. There is nothing in there that makes me question that the Dragon Fire was one of the three from the Marauder family.

