Author Topic: Brand new and I need some direction  (Read 1780 times)


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Brand new and I need some direction
« on: 30 April 2012, 13:38:20 »
I have convinced my gaming group to try CBT.  I have AToW, Tech Manual, and TW

We are going to be playing through Operation Klondike and I was just wondering how as the GM I should be approaching running that campaign?

The campaign guide offers some great additional rules and flavor, but as for the actual campaign I'm still a little fuzzy.

I see "Tracks" referred to quite often.  What are Tracks?  The example they used in one of the books was a player and GM running through a track and there was a process for determining the objectives and all of that great stuff.  I'd like to set that up for my campaign in the Klondike setting, but I don't find Tracks described in any of the books I have.  Is it in a different book?

Also, I'm noticing that not all of the mechs in the Tech Readouts have Battle Values?  Is there a resource somewhere I can go to find battlevalues for theses machines?


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Re: Brand new and I need some direction
« Reply #1 on: 30 April 2012, 13:42:10 »
I think what they mean by track is what D&D calls a quest.  A series of encounters that tie into each other.


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Re: Brand new and I need some direction
« Reply #2 on: 30 April 2012, 14:20:40 »
as I understood it "quest" or mission may be a reasonable explanation

example planetary take over attempt

1st space "system insertion"
2nd planetary landing
3rd meeting
4th push the line or hold your ground


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Re: Brand new and I need some direction
« Reply #3 on: 30 April 2012, 14:50:33 »
A Track is part of the chaos campaign system.  The idea is that you can run a unit with minimal paperwork following these rules.  The players have a pool of Warchest points, which are used to repair damage, upgrade and purchase equipment, and to go on missions - the tracks that have been mentioned.

A track will have a warchest point cost to go on, one or more objectives that net the players points if they fulfill them, and optional extras which make the mission harder, but give them more points if they attain any objective.

Generally, the players will go on a number of generic tracks such as recon runs, objective raids and so on, building up points on low risk/low return missions until they choose to undertake a touchpoint mission, which will be a pivotal operation.

The following products contain full (or near full) chaos campaigns:

Starterbook: Sword and Dragon (2 interlinked campaigns, pitting a Davion and a Kurita unit against each other shortly before the Clan Invasion)
Starterbook: Wolf and Blake (2 interlinked campaigns, pitting Wolf's Dragoons against Word of Blake in the Jihad)

Era Report: 3052 (touchpoint tracks for all Clan fronts, so you probably won't be able to use them all in a single campaign)
Era Report: 3062 (touchpoint tracks for various conflicts, including Operation Guerro and Operation Bulldog, so you probably won't be able to use them all in a single campaign)

Operational Turning Points: Red Corsair (Covering the pirate raids detailed in the novel Natural Selection)
Operational Turning Points: Falcon Incursion (Covering the Jade Falcon Invasion of the Lyran Alliance circa 3058, detailed in the novel Malicious Intent)
Operational Turning Points: Death to Mercenaries! (covers the conflict between Wolf's Dragoons and the Draconis Combine in the 4th Succession War, as detailed in the Wolf's Dragoons sourcebook and the NAIS Military Atlas of the 4th succession War)

The Jihad plot books (Blake Ascending, Hot Spots 3072, 3076, Terra, Jihad: Final Reckoning) - this is a roughly contigious campaign.

Beyond all this, the Jihad, Historical and Dark Age turning points books all have individual tracks to add into your own campaigns.

Also, War of Reaving contains a system for creating your own tracks in some detail, and there's a small campaign using tracks in War of Reaving Supplemental.

You can download a free Chaos Campaign sourcebook here.

OK, now that the crazy infodump is out of the way, and before you buy a ton of books - you need to ask what kind of game you're planning to play?   Are you going to do more tabletop BattleTech fights, or have the players out of the cockpit roleplaying?  If you're leaning towards RPG play, are your characters all going to be warriors, or will there be techs and other non-combatants? 

If you're going to go for tabletop fights then a track system might be a good way to keep things going, and to generate games nice and easily.  That said, there are no Klondike era tracks, so you'd have to generate the touchpoints yourself.

I'd recommend picking up Historical; Operation Klondike to get some inspiration for games (it has no tracks, but lots of background material to inspire your games), and then talk to your group bout what kind of game you want to play.  If you're going more for RPG play, then write up adventures and a campaign like you would for any RPG.

If you're going for BattleTech play instead, maybe pick up an operationsl Turning points PDF to get a selection of basic tracks and an idea on what  touchpoint tracks should look like.  War of Reaving would be a good choice as well to get track rules specific to the Pentagon worlds, but not essential.
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Re: Brand new and I need some direction
« Reply #4 on: 30 April 2012, 15:38:58 »
Dread Moores has posted a bunch of fan created tracks in this thread.,13529.0.html

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.
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Re: Brand new and I need some direction
« Reply #5 on: 30 April 2012, 17:24:48 »
The Master Unit List has a large listing of `Mechs and vehicles that you can sort through, including by product, or by era, that will allow you to see what designs are available when. Most of them have Battle Values associated with them.


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Re: Brand new and I need some direction
« Reply #6 on: 02 May 2012, 15:14:47 »
Thank you everyone for the great suggestions and tips!