Author Topic: When replying to posts my typing causes jumping in reply window  (Read 1541 times)


  • Sergeant
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This is really, really annoying.

I am using Win7 X64 w/IE8

Is this common or am I just (un)lucky?



  • Sergeant
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Re: When replying to posts my typing causes jumping in reply window
« Reply #1 on: 27 February 2011, 14:39:24 »
I have upgraded to IE9 and am currently just typing t see if I can replicate the issue.
I will cut ad paste sme text to make the scroll bar on the right appear and see if it will replicate it.

Cut/paste below.

The man who stands at a strange threshold,
Should be cautious before he cross it,
Glance this way and that:
Who knows beforehand what foes may sit
Awaiting him in the hall?

Greetings to the host,
The guest has arrived,
In which seat shall he sit?
Rash is he who at unknown doors
Relies on his good luck.

Fire is needed by the newcomer
Whose knees are frozen numb;
Meat and clean linen a man needs
Who has fared across the fells.

Water, too, that he may wash before eating,
Handcloth's and a hearty welcome,
Courteous words, then courteous silence
That he may tell his tale.

Who travels widely needs his wits about him,
The stupid should stay at home:
The ignorant man is often laughed at
When he sits at meat with the sage.
Of his knowledge a man should never boast,
Rather be sparing of speech
When to his house a wiser comes:
Seldom do those who are silent
Make mistakes; mother wit
Is ever a faithful friend.

A guest should be courteous
When he comes to the table
And sit in wary silence,
His ears attentive, his eyes alert:
So he protects himself.

Fortunate is he who is favoured in his lifetime
With praise and words of wisdom:
Evil counsel is often given
By those of evil heart.

Blessed is he who in his own lifetime
Is awarded praise and wit,
For ill counsel is often given
By mortal men to each other.

End Cut/Paste

I am jsut typing now to see if it will jump.
Will it work?
It doesnt seem to be jumping now.. Hmm..



  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 199
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Re: When replying to posts my typing causes jumping in reply window
« Reply #2 on: 27 February 2011, 14:40:44 »
It would appear the update to IE9 has solved the issue.

I guess I will keep an eye out.

Thanks for the help.   :D
